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Title AuthorsReferenceYearKeywords
The contribution of magnetized galactic outflows to extragalactic Faraday rotation. A Arámburo-García, K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, A Neronov, A Scaife, A Sokolenko, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 519, 4030-4035 2023 2023 None
Cosmology with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. P Auclair, D Bacon, T Baker, T Barreiro, N Bartolo, E Belgacem, N Bellomo, I Ben-Dayan, D Bertacca, M Besancon, JJ Bla… Living Reviews in Relativity 26, 5 2023 2023 None
Prospects of testing late-time cosmology with weak lensing of gravitational waves and galaxy surveys. A Balaudo, A Garoffolo, M Martinelli, S Mukherjee, A Silvestri, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 06, 050 2023 2023 None
The present and future status of heavy neutral leptons. AM Abdullahi, PB Alzás, B Batell, J Beacham, A Boyarsky, S Carbajal, A Chatterjee, JI Crespo-Anadon, FF Deppisch, A De… Journal of Physics G 50, 020501 2023 2023 None
Eagle-like simulation models do not solve the entropy core problem in groups and clusters of galaxies. E Altamura, ST Kay, RG Bower, M Schaller, YM Bahé, J Schaye, J Borrow, I Towler, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520, 3164-3186 2023 2023 None
T-linear resistivity, optical conductivity and Planckian transport for a holographic local quantum critical metal in a periodic potential. F Balm, N Chagnet, S Arend, J Aretz, K Grosvenor, M Janse, O Moors, J Post, V Ohanesjan, D Rodriguez-Fernandez, K Scha… Physical Review B 108, 125145 2023 2023 None
Local phase transitions in a model of multiplex networks with heterogeneous degrees and inter-layer coupling. N Bayrakdar, V Gemmetto, D Garlaschelli, Entropy 25, 828 2023 2023 None
Comparing individual-based models of collective cell motion in a benchmark flow geometry. C Beatrici, C Kirch, S Henkes, F Graner, L Brunnet, Soft Matter 19, 5583 2023 2023 None
Pair correlation function of the one-dimensional Riesz gas. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Research 5, 013152 2023 2023 None
Phase-shifted Andreev levels in an altermagnet Josephson junction. CWJ Beenakker, T Vakhtel, Physical Review B 108, 075425 2023 2023 None
The contribution of magnetized galactic outflows to extragalactic Faraday rotation. A Arámburo-García, K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, A Neronov, A Scaife, A Sokolenko, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 519, 4030-4035 2023 2023 None
Cosmology with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. P Auclair, D Bacon, T Baker, T Barreiro, N Bartolo, E Belgacem, N Bellomo, I Ben-Dayan, D Bertacca, M Besancon, JJ Bla… Living Reviews in Relativity 26, 5 2023 2023 None
Prospects of testing late-time cosmology with weak lensing of gravitational waves and galaxy surveys. A Balaudo, A Garoffolo, M Martinelli, S Mukherjee, A Silvestri, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 06, 050 2023 2023 None
The present and future status of heavy neutral leptons. AM Abdullahi, PB Alzás, B Batell, J Beacham, A Boyarsky, S Carbajal, A Chatterjee, JI Crespo-Anadon, FF Deppisch, A De… Journal of Physics G 50, 020501 2023 2023 None
Eagle-like simulation models do not solve the entropy core problem in groups and clusters of galaxies. E Altamura, ST Kay, RG Bower, M Schaller, YM Bahé, J Schaye, J Borrow, I Towler, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520, 3164-3186 2023 2023 None
T-linear resistivity, optical conductivity and Planckian transport for a holographic local quantum critical metal in a periodic potential. F Balm, N Chagnet, S Arend, J Aretz, K Grosvenor, M Janse, O Moors, J Post, V Ohanesjan, D Rodriguez-Fernandez, K Scha… Physical Review B 108, 125145 2023 2023 None
Local phase transitions in a model of multiplex networks with heterogeneous degrees and inter-layer coupling. N Bayrakdar, V Gemmetto, D Garlaschelli, Entropy 25, 828 2023 2023 None
Comparing individual-based models of collective cell motion in a benchmark flow geometry. C Beatrici, C Kirch, S Henkes, F Graner, L Brunnet, Soft Matter 19, 5583 2023 2023 None
Pair correlation function of the one-dimensional Riesz gas. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Research 5, 013152 2023 2023 None
Phase-shifted Andreev levels in an altermagnet Josephson junction. CWJ Beenakker, T Vakhtel, Physical Review B 108, 075425 2023 2023 None
Tangent fermions: Dirac or Majorana fermions on a lattice without fermion doubling. CWJ Beenakker, A Donis Vela, G Lemut, MJ Pacholski, J Tworzydlo, Annalen der Physik 535 2300081 2023 2023
Casimir-Josephson force on a point contact between two superconductors. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 108, 195422 2023 2023 None
Non-Lorentzian IIB supergravity from a polynomial realization of SL(2,R). EA Bergshoeff, KT Grosvenor, J Lahnsteiner, ZQ Yan, U Zorba, Journal of High Energy Physics 12 022 2023 2023
Neutron stars as photon double-lenses: Constraining resonant conversion into ALPs. K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, J Pradler, A Sokolenko, Physics Letters B 846, 138238 2023 2023 None
Towards the optimal beam dump experiment to search for feebly interacting particles. K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, R Jacobsson, O Mikulenko, M Ovchynnikov, European Physical Journal C 83, 1126 2023 2023 None
Best-case scenarios for neutrino capture experiments. K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, J Pradler, A Sokolenko, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10, 026 2023 2023 None
Performance comparison of optimization methods on variational quantum algorithms. X Bonet-Monroig, H Wang, D Vermetten, B Senjean, C Moussa, T Bäck, V Dunjko, TE O'Brien, Physical Review A 107, 032407 2023 2023 None
The impact of stochastic modelling on the predictive power of galaxy formation simulations. J Borrow, M Schaller, YM Bahé, J Schaye, AD Ludlow, S Ploeckinger, FSJ Nobels, E Altamura, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526, 2441-2457 2023 2023 None
Exploring the potential of FCC-hh to search for particles from B mesons. A Boyarsky, O Mikulenko, M Ovchynnikov, L Shchutska, Journal of High Energy Physics 01, 042 2023 2023 None
Sensitivity of non-radiative cloud-wind interactions to the hydrodynamic solver. J Braspenning, J Schaye, J Borrow, M Schaller, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523, 1280-1295 2023 2023 None
Quantization and variational problem of the Gubser-Rocha Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton model, conformal and non-conformal deformations, and its proper thermodynamics. N Chagnet, F Balm, K Schalm, Journal of High Energy Physics 03, 81 2023 2023 None
A thermal-kinetic subgrid model for supernova feedback in simulations of galaxy formation. E Chaikin, J Schaye, M Schaller, A Benitez-Llambay, FSJ Nobels, S Ploeckinger, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523, 3709-3731 2023 2023 None
Lower bounds for adiabatic quantum algorithms by quantum speed limits. JH Chen, Physical Review Research 5, 033175 2023 2023 None
Primordial black holes from single-field inflation: a fine-tuning audit. PS Cole, AD Gow, CT Byrnes, SP Patil, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 08, 031 2023 2023 None
ManQala: Game-inspired strategies for quantum state engineering. O Danaci, WL Zhang, R Coleman, W Djakam, M Amoo, RT Glasser, BT Kirby, M N'Gom, TA Searles, AVS Quantum Science 5, 032002 2023 2023 None
A common origin for the fundamental plane of quiescent and star-forming galaxies in the eagle simulations. A de Graaff, M Franx, EF Bell, R Bezanson, M Schaller, J Schaye, A van der Wel, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518, 5376-5402 2023 2023 None
Novel model-marginalized cosmological bound on the QCD axion mass. E Di Valentino, S Gariazzo, W Giare, A Melchiorri, O Mena, F Renzi, Physical Review D 107, 103528 2023 2023 None
Reconciling econometrics with continuous maximum-entropy network models. M Di Vece, D Garlaschelli, T Squartini, Chaos Solitons & Fractals 166, 112958 2023 2023 None
Deterministic, quenched, and annealed parameter estimation for heterogeneous network models. M Di Vece, D Garlaschelli, T Squartini, Physical Review E 108, 054301 2023 2023 None
Central limit theorem for the principal eigenvalue and eigenvector of Chung-Lu random graphs. P Dionigi, D Garlaschelli, RS Hazra, F den Hollander, M Mandjes, Journal of Physics - Complexity 4, 015008 2023 2023 None
Method to preserve the chiral-symmetry protection of the zeroth Landau level on a two-dimensional lattice. A Donis Vela, G Lemut, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Annals of Physics 456, 169208 2023 2023 None
Fermionic Gaussian projected entangled pair states in 3+1D: Rotations and relativistic limits. P Emonts, E Zohar, Physical Review D 108, 014514 2023 2023 None
Finding the ground state of a lattice gauge theory with fermionic tensor networks: A 2+1D Z2 demonstration. P Emonts, A Kelman, U Borla, S Moroz, S Gazit, E Zohar, Physical Review D 107, 014505 2023 2023 None
The forward physics facility at the high-luminosity LHC. JL Feng, F Kling, MH Reno, J Rojo, D Soldin, LA Anchordoqui, J Boyd, A Ismail, L Harland-Lang, KJ Kelly, V Pandey, S T… Journal of Physics G 50, 030501 2023 2023 None
Polymorphism in tubulin assemblies: A mechanical model. I García-Aguilar, S Zwaan, L Giomi, Physical Review Research 5, 023093 2023 2023 None
Multiscale network renormalization: Scale-invariance without geometry. E Garuccio, M Lalli, D Garlaschelli, Physical Review Research 5, 043101 2023 2023 None
Is the Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum coming back? ACT preference for ns~1 and its discordance with Planck. W Giaré, F Renzi, O Mena, E Di Valentino, A Melchiorri, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521, 2911-2918 2023 2023 None
Ultrafast dynamics of cold Fermi gas after a local quench. NV Gnezdilov, AI Pavlov, V Ohanesjan, Y Cheipesh, K Schalm, Physical Review A 107, L031301 2023 2023 None
Fractonic Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition from a renormalization group perspective. KT Grosvenor, R Lier, P Surowka, Physical Review B 107, 045139 2023 2023 None
Detecting Bell correlations in multipartite non-Gaussian spin states. JJ Guo, J Tura, QY He, M Fadel, Physical Review Letters 131, 070201 2023 2023 None
Measurement-driven navigation in many-body Hilbert space: Active-decision steering. Y Herasymenko, I Gornyi, Y Gefen, Physical Review X Quantum 4, 020347 2023 2023 None
Tuneable defect-curvature coupling and topological transitions in active shells. LA Hoffmann, LN Carenza, L Giomi, Soft Matter 19, 3423-3435 2023 2023 None
Winds versus jets: A comparison between black hole feedback modes in simulations of idealized galaxy groups and clusters. F Husko, CG Lacey, J Schaye, FSJ Nobels, M Schaller, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527, 5988-6020 2023 2023 None
A sparse regression approach for populating dark matter haloes and subhaloes with galaxies. M Icaza-Lizaola, RG Bower, P Norberg, S Cole, M Schaller, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518, 2903-2920 2023 2023 None
Mechanochemical active feedback generates convergence extension in epithelial tissue. A Ioratim-Uba, TB Liverpool, S Henkes, Physical Review Letters 131, 238301 2023 2023 None
Correlations of spin splitting and orbital fluctuations due to 1/f charge noise in the Si/SiGe quantum dot. M Kepa, L Cywinski, JA Krzywda, Applied Physics Letters 123, 034003 2023 2023 None
Simulation of 1/f charge noise affecting a quantum dot in a Si/SiGe structure. M Kepa, N Focke, L Cywinski, JA Krzywda, Applied Physics Letters 123, 034005 2023 2023 None
Hydrodynamic enhancement of p-atic defect dynamics. D Krommydas, LN Carenza, L Giomi, Physical Review Letters 130, 098101 2023 2023 None
FLAMINGO: Calibrating large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations with machine learning. R Kugel, J Schaye, M Schaller, JC Helly, J Braspenning, W Elbers, CS Frenk, IG Mccarthy, J Kwan, J Salcido, MP van Daa… Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526, 6103-6127 2023 2023 None
Magnus effect on a Majorana zero mode. G Lemut, MJ Pacholski, S Plugge, CWJ Beenakker, I Adagideli, Physical Review B 107, 205420 2023 2023 None
Primordial non-Gaussianity from the effects of the standard model Higgs during reheating after inflation. A Litsa, K Freese, EI Sfakianakis, P Stengela, L Visinellij, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03, 033 2023 2023 None
Hermitian and unitary almost-companion matrices of polynomials on demand. LA Markovich, A Migliore, A Messina, Entropy 25, 309 2023 2023 None
Prospects for annihilating dark matter from M31 and M33 observations with the Cherenkov Telescope Array. M Michailidis, L Marafatto, D Malyshev, F Iocco, G Zaharijas, O Sergijenko, MI Bernardos, C Eckner, A Boyarsky, A Soko… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 08, 073 2023 2023 None
Can we use heavy nuclei to detect relic neutrinos?. O Mikulenko, Y Cheipesh, V Cheianov, A Boyarsky, European Physical Journal A 59, 216 2023 2023 None
Topological phases and curvature-driven pattern formation in cholesteric shells. G Negro, LN Carenza, G Gonnella, D Marenduzzo, E Orlandini, Soft Matter 19, 1987-2000 2023 2023 None
Yield-stress transition in suspensions of deformable droplets. G Negro, LN Carenza, G Gonnella, F Mackay, A Morozov, D Marenduzzo, Science Advances 9, eadf8106 2023 2023 None
Beyond the ultradeep frontier fields and legacy observations (BUFFALO): A high-resolution strong+weak-lensing view of Abell370. A Niemiec, M Jauzac, D Eckert, D Lagattuta, K Sharon, AM Koekemoer, K Umetsu, A Acebron, JM Diego, D Harvey, E Jullo, … Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524, 2883-2910 2023 2023 None
Purification-based quantum error mitigation of pair-correlated electron simulations. TE O'Brien, G Anselmetti, F Gkritsis, VE Elfving, S Polla, WJ Huggins, O Oumarou, K Kechedzhi, D Abanin, R Acharya, I … Nature Physics 19, 17878-1792 2023 2023 None
Energy dynamics, information and heat flow in quenched cooling and the crossover from quantum to classical thermodynamics. V Ohanesjan, Y Cheipesh, NV Gnezdilov, AI Pavlov, K Schalm, Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 237 2023 2023 None
Dipole portal and neutrinophilic scalars at DUNE revisited: The importance of the high-energy neutrino tail. M Ovchynnikov, T Schwetz, JY Zhu, Physical Review D 107, 055029 2023 2023 None
Search for the dipole portal of heavy neutral leptons at future colliders. M Ovchynnikov, JY Zhu, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 39 2023 2023 None
Sensitivity of the FACET experiment to Heavy Neutral Leptons and Dark Scalars. M Ovchynnikov, V Kryshtal, K Bondarenko, Journal of High Energy Physics 02, 56 2023 2023 None
Three-dimensional charge density wave in the dual heavy fermion system UPt2Si2. V Petkov, R Baumbach, AMM Abeykoon, JA Mydosh, Physical Review B 107, 245101 2023 2023 None
Optimizing the information extracted by a single qubit measurement. S Polla, GLR Anselmetti, TE O'Brien, Physical Review A 108, 012403 2023 2023 None
KURVS: The outer rotation curve shapes and dark matter fractions of z~1.5 star-forming galaxies. A Puglisi, U Dudzeviciute, M Swinbank, S Gillman, AL Tiley, RG Bower, M Cirasuolo, L Cortese, K Glazebrook, C Harrison… Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524, 2814-2835 2023 2023 None
Principal reconstructed modes of dark energy and gravity. M Raveri, L Pogosian, M Martinelli, K Koyama, A Silvestri, GB Zhao, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02, 061 2023 2023 None
Hubble speed from first principles. F Renzi, A Silvestri, Physical Review D 107, 023520 2023 2023 None
Certificates of quantum many-body properties assisted by machine learning. B Requena, G Muñoz-Gil, M Lewenstein, V Dunjko, J Tura, Physical Review Research 5, 013097 2023 2023 None
The Milky Way's plane of satellites is consistent with ΛCDM. T Sawala, M Cautun, C Frenk, J Helly, J Jasche, A Jenkins, PH Johansson, G Lavaux, S McAlpine, M Schaller, Nature Astronomy 7, 481-481 2023 2023 None
Testing gravity with gravitational waves x electromagnetic probes cross-correlations. G Scelfo, M Berti, A Silvestri, M Viel, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02, 010 2023 2023 None
The FLAMINGO project: Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations for large-scale structure and galaxy cluster surveys. J Schaye, R Kugel, M Schaller, JC Helly, J Braspenning, W Elbers, IG Mccarthy, MP van Daalen, B Vandenbroucke, CS Fren… Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526, 4978-5020 2023 2023 None
Defect-mediated dynamics of coherent structures in active nematics. M Serra, L Lemma, L Giomi, Z Dogic, L Mahadevan, Nature Physics 19, 1355-1355 2023 2023 None
Kondo effect in twisted bilayer graphene. AS Shankar, DO Oriekhov, AK Mitchell, L Fritz, Physical Review B 107, 245102 2023 2023 None
cgNA+web : A visual interface to the cgNA+ sequence-dependent statistical mechanics model of double-stranded nucleic acids. R Sharma, AS Patelli, L de Bruin, JH Maddocks, Journal of Molecular Biology 435, 167978 2023 2023 None
Generating active T1 transitions through mechanochemical feedback. R Sknepnek, I Djafer-Cherif, M Chuai, C Weijer, S Henkes, eLife 12, e79862 2023 2023 None
Proof of a conjectured 0-Renyi entropy inequality with applications to multipartite entanglement. ZW Song, L Chen, YZ Sun, MY Hu, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 69, 2385-2399 2023 2023 None
Prospects for detecting the circum- and intergalactic medium in X-ray absorption using the extended intracluster medium as a backlight. L Stofanová, A Simionescu, NA Wijers, J Schaye, JS Kaastra, YM Bahé, A Arámburo-Garíca, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527, 5776-5791 2023 2023 None
Puddle formation and persistent gaps across the non-mean-field breakdown of superconductivity in overdoped (Pb,Bi)2Sr2CuO6+δ. WO Tromp, T Benschop, JF Ge, I Battisti, KM Bastiaans, D Chatzopoulos, AHM Vervloet, S Smit, E van Heumen, MS Golden, … Nature Materials 22, 703-703 2023 2023 None
Quantum phase slips in a resonant Josephson junction. T Vakhtel, B van Heck, Physical Review B 107, 195405 2023 2023 None
Curvature dynamics in general relativity. JW van Holten, Universe 9, 110 2023 2023 None
Primordial black hole isocurvature modes from non-Gaussianity. R van Laak, S Young, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05, 058 2023 2023 None
Extension of the Uhlenbeck-Ford model with an attraction. JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica A 612, 128475 2023 2023 None
Bootstrapping multi-field inflation: Non-Gaussianities from light scalars revisited. DG Wang, GL Pimentel, A Achúcarro, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05, 043 2023 2023 None
New MGCAMB tests of gravity with CosmoMC and Cobaya. ZF Wang, SH Mirpoorian, L Pogosian, A Silvestri, GB Zhao, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 08, 038 2023 2023 None
Hall viscosity and hydrodynamic inverse Nernst effect in graphene. ZY Xian, S Danz, DR Fernández, I Matthaiakakis, C Tutschku, RL Klees, J Erdmenger, R Meyer, EM Hankiewicz, Physical Review B 107, L201403 2023 2023 None
The role of transcript regions and amino acid choice in nucleosome positioning. M Yadav, M Zuiddam, H Schiessel, NAR Genomics and BioinformaticH 5, lqad080 2023 2023 None
Motion of a superfluid vortex according to holographic quantum dissipation. WC Yang, CY Xia, HB Zeng, M Tsubota, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 107, 144511 2023 2023 None
Alleviating both H0 and S8 tensions: Early dark energy lifts the CMB-lockdown on ultralight axion. G Ye, J Zhang, YS Piao, Physics Letters B 839, 137770 2023 2023 None
High Tc superconductivity in copper oxides: The condensing bosons as stripy plaquettes. J Zaanen, NPJ Quantum Materials 8, 26 2023 2023 None
Ensemble nonequivalence and Bose–Einstein condensation in weighted networks. Q Zhang, D Garlaschelli, Chaos, Soliton & Fractals 172, 113546 2023 2023 None
Pulsar timing array observations as possible hints for nonsingular cosmology. M Zhu, G Ye, Y Cai, European Physical Journal C 83, 816 2023 2023
Can we really detect relic neutrinos? Y Cheipesh , I Ridkokasha, V Cheianov, A Boyarsky SciPost Physics Proceedings 12 042 2023 2023
Cosmology intertwined: A review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies. E Abdalla, GF Abellan, A Aboubrahim, A Agnello, O Akarsu, Y Akrami, G Alestas, D Aloni, L Amendola, LA Anchordoqui, RI… Journal of High Energy Astrophysics 34, 49-211 2022 2022 None
The hand-made tail: Non-perturbative tails from multifield inflation. A Achucarro, S Cespedes, AC Davis, GA Palma, Journal of High Energy Physics 05 052 2022 2022
Revision of Faraday rotation measure constraints on the primordial magnetic field using the IllustrisTNG simulation. A Aramburo-Garcia, K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, A Neronov, A Scaife, A Sokolenko, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 5673-5681 2022 2022 None
The importance of black hole repositioning for galaxy formation simulations. YM Bahe, J Schaye, M Schaller, RG Bower, J Borrow, E Chaikin, R Kugel, F Nobels, S Ploeckinger, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 167-184 2022 2022 None
Hydrodynamic correlation functions of chiral active fluids. D Banerjee, A Souslov, V Vitelli, Physical Review Fluids 7, 043301 2022 2022 None
Linking the singularities of cosmological correlators. D Baumann, WM Chen, CD Pueyo, A Joyce, H Lee, GL Pimentel, Journal of High Energy Physics 09 010 2022 2022
Branched SL(2,Z) duality. EA Bergshoeff, KT Grosvenor, J Lahnsteiner, ZQ Yan, U Zorba, Journal of High Energy Physics 10 131 2022 2022
Constraining beyond ΛCDM models with 21cm intensity mapping forecasted observations combined with latest CMB data. M Berti, M Spinelli, BS Haridasu, M Viel, A Silvestri, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 01, 018 2022 2022 None
Account of the baryonic feedback effect in γ-ray measurements of intergalactic magnetic fields. K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, A Korochkin, A Neronov, D Semikoz, A Sokolenko, Astronomy & Astrophysics 660, A80 2022 2022 None
SPHENIX: smoothed particle hydrodynamics for the next generation of galaxy formation simulations. J Borrow, M Schaller, RG Bower, J Schaye, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 2367-2389 2022 2022 None
Unleashing the full power of LHCb to probe stealth new physics. M Borsato, XC Vidal, Y Tsai, CV Sierra, J Zurita, G Alonso-Alvarez, A Boyarsky, AB Rodriguez, DB Franzosi, G Cacciapag… Reports on Progress in Physics 85, 024201 2022 2022 None
Massively parallel particle hydrodynamics at exascale. R Bower, BD Rogers, M Schaller, Computing in Science & Engineering 24, 14-25 2022 2022 None
Searches for new physics at SND@LHC. A Boyarsky, O Mikulenko, M Ovchynnikov, L Shchutska, Journal of High Energy Physics 03 006 2022 2022
Bekenstein bound and uncertainty relations. L Buoninfante, GG Luciano, L Petruzziello, F Scardigli, Physics Letters B 824, 136818 2022 2022 None
Cholesteric shells: Two-dimensional blue fog and finite quasicrystals. LN Carenza, G Gonnella, D Marenduzzo, G Negro, E Orlandini, Physical Review Letters 128, 027801 2022 2022 None
Fluctuating ecological networks: A synthesis of maximum-entropy approaches for pattern detection and process inference. T Caruso, GV Clemente, MC Rillig, D Garlaschelli, Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13, 2306-2317 2022 2022 None
Complexity for conformal field theories in general dimensions. N Chagnet, S Chapman, J de Boer, C Zukowski, Physical Review Letters 128, 051601 2022 2022 None
Emerging Fermi liquids from regulated quantum electron stars. N Chagnet, V Dukic, M Cubrovic, K Schalm, Journal of High Energy Physics 08 122 2022 2022
The importance of the way in which supernova energy is distributed around young stellar populations in simulations of galaxies. E Chaikin, J Schaye, M Schaller, YM Bahe, FSJ Nobels, S Ploeckinger, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514, 249-264 2022 2022 None
Self-assembly dynamics of reconfigurable colloidal molecules. I Chakraborty, DJG Pearce, RW Verweij, SC Matysik, L Giomi, DJ Kraft, ACS NANO 16, 2471-2480 2022 2022 None
Bounds on quantum adiabaticity in driven many-body systems from generalized orthogonality catastrophe and quantum speed limit. JH Chen, V Cheianov, Physical Review Research 4, 043055 2022 2022 None
Spin texture in doped Mott insulators with spin-orbit coupling. SA Chen, ZY Weng, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 105, 075136 2022 2022 None
Unconventional spectral signature of Tc in a pure d-wave superconductor. SD Chen, M Hashimoto, Y He, D Song, JF He, YF Li, S Ishida, H Eisaki, J Zaanen, TP Devereaux, DH Lee, DH Lu, ZX Shen, Nature 601, 562-562 2022 2022 None
TangoSIDM: Tantalizing models of self-interacting dark matter. CA Correa, M Schaller, S Ploeckinger, NA Montel, C Weniger, S Ando, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 3045-3063 2022 2022 None
Preparation and verification of tensor network states. E Cruz, F Baccari, J Tura, N Schuch, JI Cirac, Physical Review Research 4, 023161 2022 2022 None
Cosmological bound on the QCD axion mass, redux. F D'Eramo, E Di Valentino, W Giare, F Hajkarim, A Melchiorri, O Mena, F Renzi, S Yun, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 09, 022 2022 2022 None
Observed structural parameters of EAGLE galaxies: Reconciling the mass-size relation in simulations with local observations. A de Graaff, J Trayford, M Franx, M Schaller, J Schaye, A van der Wel, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 2544-2564 2022 2022 None
Self-regulation of phenotypic noise synchronizes emergent organization and active transport in confluent microbial environments. J Dhar, ALP Thai, A Ghoshal, L Giomi, A Sengupta, Nature Physics 18, 945-945 2022 2022 None
Mapping the cosmic expansion history from LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA in synergy with DESI and SPHEREx. CC Diaz, S Mukherjee, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 2782-2795 2022 2022 None
Gravity models of networks: Integrating maximum-entropy and econometric approaches, M Di Vece, D Garlaschelli, T Squartini, Physical Review Research 4, 033105 2022 2022 None
Reflectionless Klein tunneling of Dirac fermions: Comparison of split-operator and staggered-lattice discretization of the Dirac equation. A Donis Vela, G Lemut, MJ Pacholski, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 34, 364003 2022 2022 None
Quantum learning unravels quantum system. V Dunjko, Science 376, 1154-1155 2022 2022 None
Heisenberg-limited quantum phase estimation of multiple eigenvalues with few control qubits. A Dutkiewicz, BM Terhal, T O'Brien, Quantum 6, 830 2022 2022 None
Constraints on dark matter self-interaction from the internal density profiles of X-COP galaxy clusters. D Eckert, S Ettori, A Robertson, R Massey, E Pointecouteau, D Harvey, IG McCarthy, Astronomy & Astrophysics 666, A41 2022 2022 None
The return of the singularities: Applications of the smeared null energy condition. B Freivogel, EA Kontou, D Krommydas, SciPost Physics 13, 001 2022 2022 None
Inflation with two-form field: The production of primordial black holes and gravitational waves. T Fujita, H Nakatsuka, I Obata, S Young, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 09, 017 2022 2022 None
Cosmological forecasts on thermal axions, relic neutrinos, and light elements. W Giare, F Renzi, A Melchiorri, O Mena, E Di Valentino, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511, 1373-1382 2022 2022 None
Hydrodynamic theory of p-atic liquid crystals. L Giomi, J Toner, N Sarkar, Physical Review E 106, 024701 2022 2022 None
Long-ranged order and flow alignment in sheared p-atic liquid crystals. L Giomi, J Toner, N Sarkar, Physical Review Letters 129, 067801 2022 2022 None
Space-dependent symmetries and fractons. KT Grosvenor, C Hoyos, F Pena-Benitez, P Surowka, Frontiers in Physics 9, 792621 2022 2022 None
The edge of chaos: Quantum field theory and deep neural networks. KT Grosvenor, R Jefferson, SciPost Physics 12, 081 2022 2022 None
Continuous Simulation Data Stream: A dynamical timescale-dependent output scheme for simulations. L Hausammann, P Gonnet, M Schaller, Astronomy and Computing 41, 100659 2022 2022 None
Theory of defect-mediated morphogenesis. LA Hoffmann, LN Carenza, J Eckert, L Giomi, Science Advances 8, eabk2712 2022 2022 None
Unextendible product operator basis. M Hu, L Chen, F Shi, X Zhang, J Tura, Journal of Mathematical Physics 63, 122202 2022 2022 None
Spin-driven jet feedback in idealized simulations of galaxy groups and clusters. F Husko, CG Lacey, J Schaye, M Schaller, FSJ Nobels, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516, 3750-3772 2022 2022 None
Reconstructing firm-level interactions in the dutch input-output network from production constraints. LN Ialongo, C de Valk, E Marchese, F Jansen, H Zmarrou, T Squartini, D Garlaschelli, Scientific Reports 12, 11847 2022 2022 None
Quantum critical Eliashberg theory, the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev superconductor and their holographic duals. GA Inkof, K Schalm, J Schmalian, NPJ Quantum Materials 7, 56 2022 2022 None
The nonlinear motion of cells subject to external forces. A Ioratim-Uba, A Loisy, S Henkes, TB Liverpool, Soft Matter 18, 9008 2022 2022 None
Phases of small worlds: A mean field formulation. AD Jackson, SP Patil, Journal of Statistical Physics 189, 40 2022 2022 None
Clarifying transfer function approximations for the large-scale gravitational wave background in ΛCDM. T Kite, J Chluba, A Ravenni, SP Patil, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 1366-1376 2022 2022 None
Differential entropy per particle as a probe of Van Hove singularities and flat bands. Y Kulynych, DO Oriekhov, Physical Review B 106, 045115 2022 2022 None
Quasiconserved quantities in the perturbed spin-1/2 XXX model. DV Kurlov, S Malikis, V Gritsev, Physical Review B 105, 104302 2022 2022 None
Supercell symmetry modified spectral statistics of Kramers-Weyl fermions. G Lemut, MJ Pacholski, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Journal of Physics A 55, 234003 2022 2022 None
A machine learning approach to mapping baryons on to dark matter haloes using the EAGLE and C-EAGLE simulations. CC Lovell, SM Wilkins, PA Thomas, M Schaller, CM Baugh, G Fabbian, Y Bahe, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 5046-5046 2022 2022 None
Identification of a characteristic doping for charge order phenomena in Bi-2212 cuprates via RIXS. H Lu, M Hashimoto, SD Chen, S Ishida, D Song, H Eisaki, A Nag, M Garcia-Fernandez, R Arpaia, G Ghiringhelli, L Braicov… Physical Review B 106, 155109 2022 2022 None
An ideal rapid-cycle Thouless pump. S Malikis, V Cheianov, SciPost Physics 12, 203 2022 2022 None
SIBELIUS-DARK: A galaxy catalogue of the local volume from a constrained realization simulation. S McAlpine, JC Helly, M Schaller, T Sawala, G Lavaux, J Jasche, CS Frenk, A Jenkins, JR Lucey, PH Johansson, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 5823-5847 2022 2022 None
Prospects of discovering subsolar primordial black holes using the stochastic gravitational wave background from third-generation detectors. S Mukherjee, MSP Meinema, J Silk, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 6218-6224 2022 2022 None
SEAGLE III: Towards resolving the mismatch in the dark-matter fraction in early-type galaxies between simulations and observations. S Mukherjee, LVE Koopmans, C Tortora, M Schaller, RB Metcalf, J Schaye, G Vernardos, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 1245-1251 2022 2022 None
The interplay between AGN feedback and precipitation of the intracluster medium in simulations of galaxy groups and clusters. FSJ Nobels, J Schaye, M Schaller, YM Bahe, E Chaikin, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 4838-4859 2022 2022 None
Optical conductivity of semi-Dirac and pseudospin-1 models: Zitterbewegung approach. DO Oriekhov, VP Gusynin, Physical Review B 106, 115143 2022 2022 None
Primordial tensor bispectra in μ-CMB cross-correlations. G Orlando, PD Meerburg, SP Patil, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02, 004 2022 2022 None
Boostless cosmological collider bootstrap. GL Pimentel, DG Wang, Journal of High Energy Physics 10 177 2022 2022
Imprints of cosmological tensions in reconstructed gravity. L Pogosian, M Raveri, K Koyama, M Martinelli, A Silvestri, GB Zhao, J Li, S Peirone, A Zucca, Nature Astronomy 6 1484-1490 2022 2022
Climbing out of the shadows: Building the distance ladder with black hole images. F Renzi, M Martinelli, Physics of the Dark Universe 37, 101104 2022 2022 None
The resilience of the Etherington-Hubble relation. F Renzi, NB Hogg, W Giare, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513, 4004-4014 2022 2022 None
Adiabatic spectroscopy and a variational quantum adiabatic algorithm. BF Schiffer, J Tura, JI Cirac, Physical Review X Quantum 3, 020347 2022 2022 None
Topological string amplitudes and Seiberg-Witten prepotentials from the counting of dimers in transverse flux. M Semenyakin, Journal of High Energy Physics 10 198 2022 2022
Nested closed paths in two-dimensional percolation. YF Song, XJ Tan, XH Zhang, JL Jacobsen, B Nienhuis, YJ Deng, Journal of Physics A 55, 204002 2022 2022 None
Resonance production of keV sterile neutrinos in core-collapse supernovae and lepton number diffusion. V Syvolap, O Ruchayskiy, A Boyarsky, Physical Review D 106, 015017 2022 2022 None
Constraints on extended Bekenstein models from cosmological, astrophysical, and local data. L Vacher, JDF Dias, N Schoneberg, CJAP Martins, S Vinzl, S Nesseris, G Canas-Herrera, M Martinelli, Physical Review D 106, 083522 2022 2022 None
Bloch oscillations in the magnetoconductance of twisted bilayer graphene. T Vakhtel, DO Oriekhov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 105, L241408 2022 2022 None
Strange metal electrodynamics across the phase diagram of BiPbSrLaCuO cuprates. E van Heumen, XB Feng, S Cassanelli, L Neubrand, L de Jager, M Berben, YK Huang, T Kondo, T Takeuchi, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 106, 054515 2022 2022 None
Reusability report: Comparing gradient descent and Monte Carlo tree search optimization of quantum annealing schedules. MM Wauters, E van Nieuwenburg, Nature Machine Intelligence 4, 810-813 2022 2022 None
Holographic Abrikosov lattice: Vortex matter from black hole. CY Xia, HB Zeng, Y Tian, CM Chen, J Zaanen, Physical Review D 105, L021901 2022 2022 None
Analytical nonadiabatic couplings and gradients within the state-averaged orbital-optimized variational quantum eigensolver. S Yalouz, E Koridon, B Senjean, B Lasorne, F Buda, L Visscher, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18, 776-794 2022 2022 None
Chiral edge current in nematic cell monolayers. V Yashunsky, DJG Pearce, C Blanch-Mercader, F Ascione, P Silberzan, L Giomi, Physical Review X 12, 041017 2022 2022 None
Peaks and primordial black holes: The effect of non-Gaussianity. S Young, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05, 037 2022 2022 None
Crystal gravity. J Zaanen, F Balm, AJ Beekman, SciPost Physics 13, 039 2022 2022 None
DNA compaction and dynamic observation in a nanopore gated sub-attoliter silicon nanocavity. SS Zeng, M Chinappi, F Cecconi, T Odijk, Z Zhang, Nanoscale 14, 12038-12047 2022 2022 None
A betweenness structural entropy of complex networks. Q Zhang, MZ Li, Chaos Solitons & Fractals 161, 112264 2022 2022 None
Strong ensemble nonequivalence in systems with local constraints. Q Zhang, D Garlaschelli, New Journal of Physics 24, 043011 2022 2022 None
Multiplexing mechanical and translational cues on genes. M Zuiddam, B Shakiba, H Schiessel, Biophysical Journal 121 4311 2022 2022
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in the PTOLEMY project: a theory update A. Apponi, M. G. Betti, M. Borghesi, A. Boyarsky, N. Canci, G. Cavoto, C. Chang, V. Cheianov, Y. Cheipesh, W. Chung, A.… Physical Review D 106 053002 2022 2022
Massless Dirac fermions on a space-time lattice with a topologically protected Dirac cone A. Donís Vela, M.J. Pacholski, G. Lemut, J. Tworzydło, C.W.J. Beenakker Annalen der Physik 534 2200206 2022 2022
Breathing mode in open-orbit magnetotransport: a magnetic lens with a quantum mechanical focal length, DO Oriekhov, TT Osterhold, T Vakhtel, AR Akhmerov, CWJ Beenakker Physical Review B 106 23541 2022 2022
Galaxy number-count dipole and superhorizon fluctuations G Domenech, R Mohayaee, SP Patil, S Sarkar Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10 019 2022 2022
Symmetric multifield oscillons F van Dissel, EI Sfakianakis Physical Review D 106 096018 2022 2022
Spectroscopic fingerprint of charge order melting driven by quantum fluctuations in a cuprate. WS Lee, KJJ Zhou, M Hepting, J Li, A Nag, AC Walters, M Garcia-Fernandez, HC Robarts, M Hashimoto, H Lu, B Nosarzewski,… Nature Physics 17 53-57 2021 2021
Liquid-crystal-based topological photonics. H Abbaszadeh, M Fruchart, W van Saarloos, V Vitelli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118, e2020525118 2021 2021 None
GWTC-2: Compact binary coalescences observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first half of the third observing run. R Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration) Physical Review X 11, 021053 2021 2021 None
Open data from the first and second observing runs of advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo. R Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration), SoftwareX 13, 100658 2021 2021 None
Search for gravitational waves associated with gamma-ray bursts detected by Fermi and Swift during the LIGO-Virgo run O3a. R Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration), Astrophysical Journal 915, 86 2021 2021 None
Tests of general relativity with binary black holes from the second LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave transient catalog. R Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration), Physical Review D 103, 122002 2021 2021 None
The quantum marginal problem for symmetric states: Applications to variational optimization, nonlocality and self-testing. A Aloy, M Fadel, J Tura, New Journal of Physics 23, 033026 2021 2021 None
New constraints on the mass of fermionic dark matter from dwarf spheroidal galaxies. J Alvey, N Sabti, V Tiki, D Blas, K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, M Escudero, M Fairbairn, M Orkney, JI Read, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 1188-1201 2021 2021 None
Uncovering the mesoscale structure of the credit default swap market to improve portfolio risk modelling. I Anagnostou, T Squartini, D Kandhai, D Garlaschelli, Quantitative Finance 21, 1501-1518 2021 2021 None
Magnetization of the intergalactic medium in the IllustrisTNG simulations: The importance of extended, outflow-driven bubbles. A Aramburo-Garcia, K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, D Nelson, A Pillepich, A Sokolenko, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 5038-5057 2021 2021 None
Ultrahigh energy cosmic ray deflection by the intergalactic magnetic field. A Aramburo-Garcia, K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, D Nelson, A Pillepich, A Sokolenko, Physical Review D 104, 083017 2021 2021 None
Thermodynamically stable asymptotically flat hairy black holes with a dilaton potential: The general case. D Astefanesei, JL Blazquez-Salcedo, F Gomez, R Rojas, Journal of High Energy Physics 02, 233 2021 2021 None
Incoherent transport across the strange-metal regime of overdoped cuprates. J Ayres, M Berben, M Culo, YT Hsu, E van Heumen, Y Huang, J Zaanen, T Kondo, T Takeuchi, JR Cooper, C Putzke, S Friede… Nature 595, 661-661 2021 2021 None
A random matrix perspective of cultural structure: Groups or redundancies. AI Babeanu, Journal of Physics Complexity 2, 025008 2021 2021 None
Evidence of a population of dark subhaloes from Gaia and Pan-STARRS observations of the GD-1 stream. N Banik, J Bovy, G Bertone, D Erkal, TJL de Boer, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 2364-2380 2021 2021 None
Novel constraints on the particle nature of dark matter from stellar streams. N Banik, J Bovy, G Bertone, D Erkale, TJL de Boer, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10, 043 2021 2021 None
The physics of financial networks. M Bardoscia, P Barucca, S Battiston, F Caccioli, G Cimini, D Garlaschelli, F Saracco, T Squartini, G Caldarelli, Nature Reviews Physics 3, 490-507 2021 2021 None
The cosmological bootstrap: Spinning correlators from symmetries and factorization. D Baumann, CD Pueyo, A Joyce, H Lee, GL Pimentel, SciPost Physics 11, 071 2021 2021 None
Electronic structure trends across the rare-earth series in superconducting infinite-layer nickelates. E Been, WS Lee, HY Hwang, Y Cui, J Zaanen, T Devereaux, B Moritz, CJ Jia, Physical Review X 11, 011050 2021 2021 None
Constraints from the CHARM experiment on heavy neutral leptons with tau mixing. I Boiarska, A Boyarsky, O Mikulenko, M Ovchynnikov, Physical Review D 104, 095019 2021 2021 None
An allowed window for heavy neutral leptons below the kaon mass. K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, J Klaric, O Mikulenko, O Ruchayskiy, V Syvolap, I Timiryasov, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 193 2021 2021 None
From dwarf galaxies to galaxy clusters: Self-interacting dark matter over 7 orders of magnitude in halo mass. K Bondarenko, A Sokolenko, A Boyarsky, A Robertson, D Harvey, Y Revaz, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 01, 043 2021 2021 None
Probing sub-eV dark matter decays with PTOLEMY. K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, M Nikolic, J Pradler, A Sokolenko, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03, 089 2021 2021 None
Inconsistencies arising from the coupling of galaxy formation sub-grid models to pressure-smoothed particle hydrodynamics. J Borrow, M Schaller, RG Bower, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 2316-2327 2021 2021 None
Equilibration of the chiral asymmetry due to finite electron mass in electron-positron plasma. A Boyarsky, V Cheianov, O Ruchayskiy, O Sobol, Physical Review D 103, 013003 2021 2021 None
Evolution of the primordial axial charge across cosmic times. A Boyarsky, V Cheianov, O Ruchayskiy, O Sobol, Physical Review Letters 126, 021801 2021 2021 None
Improved big bang nucleosynthesis constraints on heavy neutral leptons. A Boyarsky, M Ovchynnikov, O Ruchayskiy, V Syvolap, Physical Review D 104, 023517 2021 2021 None
When feebly interacting massive particles decay into neutrinos: The Neff story. A Boyarsky, M Ovchynnikov, N Sabti, V Syvolap, Physical Review D 104, 035006 2021 2021 None
Bayesian reconstruction of the inflaton's speed of sound using CMB data. G Canas-Herrera, J Torrado, A Achucarro, Physical Review D 103, 123531 2021 2021 None
Current and future constraints on single-field α-attractor models. G Canas-Herrera, F Renzi, Physical Review D 104, 103512 2021 2021 None
Learning how to surf: Reconstructing the propagation and origin of gravitational waves with gaussian processes. G Canas-Herrera, O Contigiani, V Vardanyan, Astrophysical Journal 918, 20 2021 2021 None
Topology-driven ordering of flocking matter. A Chardac, LA Hoffmann, Y Poupart, L Giomi, D Bartolo, Physical Review X 11, 031069 2021 2021 None
Quantum tunneling dynamics in a complex-valued Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model quench-coupled to a cool bath. Y Cheipesh, AI Pavlov, V Ohanesjan, K Schalm, NV Gnezdilov, Physical Review B 104, 115134 2021 2021 None
The mass-size relation of galaxy clusters. O Contigiani, YM Bahe, H Hoekstra, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 2932-2940 2021 2021 None
Local stability properties of complex, species-rich soil food webs with functional block structure. F de Castro, SM Adl, S Allesina, RD Bardgett, T Bolger, JJ Dalzell, M Emmerson, T Fleming, D Garlaschelli, J Grilli, S… Ecology and Evolution 11, 16070-16081 2021 2021 None
QNEC2 in deformed holographic CFTs. C Ecker, D Grumiller, H Soltanpanahi, P Stanzer, Journal of High Energy Physics 03, 213 2021 2021 None
Rheology of active emulsions with negative effective viscosity. I Favuzzi, L Carenza, F Corberi, G Gonnella, A Lamura, G Negro, Soft Materials 19, 334-345 2021 2021 None
Comment on "Faceting and flattening of emulsion droplets: A mechanical model" reply. I Garcia-Aguilar, A Atkins, P Fonda, E Sloutskin, L Giomi, Physical Review Letters 126, 259802 2021 2021 None
Faceting and flattening of emulsion droplets: A mechanical model. I Garcia-Aguilar, P Fonda, E Sloutskin, L Giomi, Physical Review Letters 126, 038001 2021 2021 None
Comment on "Chaotic-integrable transition in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model" reply. AM Garcia-Garcia, B Loureiro, A Romero-Bermudez, M Tezuka, Physical Review Letters 126, 109102 2021 2021 None
Detecting dark energy fluctuations with gravitational waves. A Garoffolo, M Raveri, A Silvestri, G Tasinato, C Carbone, D Bertacca, S Matarrese, Physical Review D 103, 083506 2021 2021 None
How to constrain warm dark matter with the Lyman-α forest. A Garzilli, A Magalich, O Ruchayskiy, A Boyarsky, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 2356-2363 2021 2021 None
Higher-curvature corrections and tensor modes. W Giare, F Renzi, A Melchiorri, Physical Review D 103, 043515 2021 2021 None
Backreaction of Schwinger pair creation in massive QED2. G Gold, DA McGady, SP Patil, V Vardanyan, Journal of High Energy Physics 10, 072 2021 2021 None
Gap generation and flat band catalysis in dice model with local interaction. EV Gorbar, VP Gusynin, DO Oriekhov, Physical Review B 103, 155155 2021 2021 None
Predicting malaria epidemics in Burkina Faso with machine learning. D Harvey, W Valkenburg, A Amara, PLOS One 16, e0253302 2021 2021 None
Reconciling galaxy cluster shapes, measured by theorists versus observers. D Harvey, A Robertson, SI Tam, M Jauzac, R Massey, J Rhodes, IG McCarthy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500, 2627-2644 2021 2021 None
The impact of self-interacting dark matter on the intrinsic alignments of galaxies. D Harvey, NE Chisari, A Robertson, IG McCarthy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 441-451 2021 2021 None
Gravitational wave spectra from oscillon formation after inflation. T Hiramatsu, EI Sfakianakis, M Yamaguchi, Journal of High Energy Physics 03, 021 2021 2021 None
Virtual distillation for quantum error mitigation. WJ Huggins, S McArdle, TE O'Brien, J Lee, NC Rubin, S Boixo, KB Whaley, R Babbush, JR McClean, Physical Review X 11, 041036 2021 2021 None
A sparse regression approach to modelling the relation between galaxy stellar masses and their host haloes. M Icaza-Lizaola, RG Bower, P Norberg, S Cole, M Schaller, S Egan, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507, 4584-4602 2021 2021 None
Fundamental limits on constraining primordial non-gaussianity. A Kalaja, PD Meerburg, GL Pimentel, WR Coulton, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 050 2021 2021 None
Bridging the gap: Spectral distortions meet gravitational waves. T Kite, A Ravenni, SP Patil, J Chluba, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505, 4396-4405 2021 2021 None
Orbital transformations to reduce the 1-norm of the electronic structure Hamiltonian for quantum computing applications. E Koridon, S Yalouz, B Senjean, F Buda, TE O'Brien, L Visscher, Physical Review Research 3, 033127 2021 2021 None
Chiral charge transfer along magnetic field lines in a Weyl superconductor. G Lemut, MJ Pacholski, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 104, 125444 2021 2021 None
Magnetic excitations in infinite-layer nickelates. H Lu, M Rossi, A Nag, M Osada, DF Li, K Lee, BY Wang, M Garcia-Fernandez, S Agrestini, ZX Shen, EM Been, B Moritz, TP … Science 373, 213-213 2021 2021 None
Entangled symmetric states and copositive matrices. C Marconi, A Aloy, J Tura, A Sanpera, Quantum 5, 561 2021 2021 None
On the importance of source population models for gravitational-wave cosmology. S Mastrogiovanni, K Leyde, C Karathanasis, E Chassande-Mottin, DA Steer, J Gair, A Ghosh, R Gray, S Mukherjee, S Rinal… Physical Review D 104, 062009 2021 2021 None
Accurate precision cosmology with redshift unknown gravitational wave sources. S Mukherjee, BD Wandelt, SM Nissanke, A Silvestri, Physical Review D 103, 043520 2021 2021 None
Can we distinguish astrophysical from primordial black holes via the stochastic gravitational wave background. S Mukherjee, J Silk, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 3977-3985 2021 2021 None
Discovering axion-like particles using cosmic microwave background as the backlight. S Mukherjee, Astronomy Reports 65, 995-1001 2021 2021 None
Fundamental physics using the temporal gravitational wave background. S Mukherjee, J Silk, Physical Review D 104, 063518 2021 2021 None
Impact of astrophysical binary coalescence time-scales on the rate of lensed gravitational wave events. S Mukherjee, T Broadhurst, JM Diego, J Silk, GF Smoot, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506, 3751-3759 2021 2021 None
Testing the general theory of relativity using gravitational wave propagation from dark standard sirens. S Mukherjee, BD Wandelt, J Silk, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502, 1136-1144 2021 2021 None
The local conserved quantities of the closed XXZ chain. B Nienhuis, OE Huijgen, Journal of Physics A 54, 304001 2021 2021 None
Error mitigation via verified phase estimation. TE O'Brien, S Polla, NC Rubin, WJ Huggins, S McArdle, S Boixo, JR McClean, R Babbush, Physical Review X Quantum 2, 020317 2021 2021 None
Mean-field theory of the interaction of the magnesium ion with biopolymers: The case of lysozyme. T Odijk, Journal of Biological Physics 47, 521-528 2021 2021 None
Current distribution and group velocities for electronic states on α-T3 lattice ribbons in a magnetic field. DO Oriekhov, S Voronov, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 33, 285503 2021 2021 None
Orbital susceptibility of T-graphene: Interplay of high-order Van Hove singularities and Dirac cones. DO Oriekhov, VP Gusynin, VM Loktev, Physical Review B 103, 195104 2021 2021 None
Voltage staircase in a current-biased quantum-dot Josephson junction. DO Oriekhov, Y Cheipesh, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 103, 094518 2021 2021 None
Deconfinement of Majorana vortex modes produces a superconducting Landau level. MJ Pacholski, G Lemut, O Ovdat, I Adagideli, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 126, 226801 2021 2021 None
Diagnosing the interstellar medium of galaxies with far-infrared emission lines: I. AFR Padilla, L Wang, S Ploeckinger, FFS van der Tak, SC Trager, Astronomy & Astrophysics 645, A133 2021 2021 None
Orientational correlations in active and passive nematic defects. DJG Pearce, J Nambisan, PW Ellis, A Fernandez-Nieves, L Giomi, Physical Review Letters 127, 197801 2021 2021 None
Chiral anomaly trapped in Weyl metals: Nonequilibrium valley polarization at zero magnetic field. PM Perez-Piskunow, N Bovenzi, AR Akhmerov, M Breitkreiz, SciPost Physics 11, 046 2021 2021 None
Quantum digital cooling. S Polla, Y Herasymenko, TE O'Brien, Physical Review A 104, 012414 2021 2021 None
Strongly lensed supernovae as a self-sufficient probe of the distance duality relation. F Renzi, NB Hogg, M Martinelli, S Nesseris, Physics of the Dark Universe 32, 100824 2021 2021 None
Bayesian estimation of our local motion from the Planck-2018 CMB temperature map. S Saha, S Shaikh, S Mukherjee, T Souradeep, BD Wandelt, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10, 072 2021 2021 None
Generalization of intrinsic orbitals to Kramers-paired quaternion spinors, molecular fragments, and valence virtual spinors. B Senjean, S Sen, M Repisky, G Knizia, L Visscher, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 17, 1337-1354 2021 2021 None
Gravitational-wave cosmological distances in scalar-tensor theories of gravity. G Tasinato, A Garoffolo, D Bertacca, S Matarrese, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 06, 050 2021 2021 None
Propagation of shear stress in strongly interacting metallic fermi liquids enhances transmission of terahertz radiation. D Valentinis, J Zaanen, D van der Marel, Scientific Reports 11, 7105 2021 2021 None
Crowded trades, market clustering, and price instability. M van Kralingen, D Garlaschelli, K Scholtus, I van Lelyveld, Entropy 23, 336 2021 2021 None
Chirality inversion of Majorana edge modes in a Fu-Kane heterostructure. A Donis Vela, G Lemut, MJ Pacholski, CWJ Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 23, 103006 2021 2021
A state-averaged orbital-optimized hybrid quantum-classical algorithm for a democratic description of ground and excited states. S Yalouz, B Senjean, J Gunther, F Buda, TE O'Brien, L Visscher, Quantum Science and Technology 6, 024004 2021 2021 None
Encoding strongly-correlated many-boson wavefunctions on a photonic quantum computer: Application to the attractive Bose-Hubbard model. S Yalouz, B Senjean, F Miatto, V Dunjko, Quantum 5, 572 2021 2021 None
Confinement-induced self-organization in growing bacterial colonies. ZH You, DJG Pearce, L Giomi, Science Advances 7, abc8685 2021 2021 None
A spectral signature of breaking of ensemble equivalence for constrained random graphs. Dionigi P, Garlaschelli D, den Hollander F, Manjes M, Electronic Communications in Probability 26 1-15 2021 2021
Navigating the pitfalls of relic neutrino detection. Y Cheipesh, V Cheianov, A Boyarsky, Physical Review D 104 116004 2021 2021
Feebly-interacting particles: FIPs 2020 workshop report. P Agrawal, M Bauer, J Beacham, A Berlin, A Boyarsky, S Cebrian, X Cid-Vidal, D D'Enterria, A De Roeck, M Drewes, B Ech… European Physical Journal C 81, 1015 2021 2021 None
Current and future constraints on single-field alpha-attractor models. G Canas-Herrera, F Renzi, Physical Review D 104, 103512 2021 2021 None
A diagrammatic approach to variational quantum ansatz construction. Y Herasymenko, TE O'Brien, Quantum 5, 596 2021 2021 None
Large density perturbations from reheating to standard model particles due to the dynamics of the Higgs boson during inflation. A Litsa, K Freese, EI Sfakianakis, P Stengel, L Visinelli, Physical Review D 104, 123546 2021 2021 None
Vanishing of the atomic form factor derivatives in non-spherical structural refinement - a key approximation scrutinized in the case of Hirshfeld atom refinement. L Midgley, LJ Bourhis, OV Dolomanov, S Grabowsky, F Kleemiss, H Puschmann, N Peyerimhoff, Acta Crystallographica A-Foundation and Advances 77, S1- 2021 2021 None
Generalized eigenproblem without fermion doubling for Dirac fermions on a lattice. MJ Pacholski, G Lemut, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, SciPost Physics 11, 105 2021 2021 None
Hydrodynamic theory of flocking at a solid-liquid interface: Long-range order and giant number fluctuations. N Sarkar, A Basu, J Toner, Physical Review E 104, 064611 2021 2021 None
Swarming bottom feeders: Flocking at solid-liquid interfaces. N Sarkar, A Basu, J Toner, Physical Review Letters 127, 268004 2021 2021 None
Rapid-cycle Thouless pumping in a one-dimensional optical lattice. KJM Schouten, V Cheianov, Physical Review A 104, 063315 2021 2021 None
Gravitational-wave constraints on the equatorial ellipticity of millisecond pulsars. R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, A Adams, C Adams, RX Adhikari, VB Adya, C Affeldt, M Agathos, K … Astrophysical Journal Letters 902, L21 2020 2020 None
GW190412: Observation of a binary-black-hole coalescence with asymmetric masses. R Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration), Physical Review D 102, 043015 2020 2020 None
GW190814: Gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 23 solar mass black hole with a 2.6 solar mass compact object. R Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration), Astrophysical Journal Letters 896, L44 2020 2020 None
Quantum backaction on kg-scale mirrors: Observation of radiation pressure noise in the advanced Virgo detector. F Acernese, M Agathos, L Aiello, A Ain, A Allocca, A Amato, S Ansoldi, S Antier, M Arene, N Arnaud, S Ascenzi, P Aston… Physical Review Letters 125, 131101 2020 2020 None
Shift-symmetric orbital inflation: Single field or multifield. A Achucarro, EJ Copeland, O Iarygina, GA Palma, DG Wang, Y Welling, Physical Review D 102, 021302 2020 2020 None
Time-resolved electrical detection of chiral edge vortex braiding. I Adagideli, F Hassler, A Grabsch, M Pacholski, CWJ Beenakker, Scipost Physics 8, 013 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: I. Overview and the cosmological legacy of Planck. N Aghanim, Y Akrami, F Arroja, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, M Ballardini, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, N Bartolo, S … Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A1 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: III. High frequency instrument data processing and frequency maps. N Aghanim, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A3 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: V. CMB power spectra and likelihoods. N Aghanim, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A5 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: VI. Cosmological parameters. N Aghanim, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A6 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: VIII. Gravitational lensing. N Aghanim, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A8 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: XII. Galactic astrophysics using polarized dust emission. N Aghanim, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A12 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: II. Low frequency instrument data processing. Y Akrami, F Argueso, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, M Ballardini, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, N Bartolo, S Basak, K B… Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A2 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: IV. Diffuse component separation. Y Akrami, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A4 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: VII. Isotropy and statistics of the CMB. Y Akrami, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A7 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: IX. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity. Y Akrami, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A9 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: X. Constraints on inflation. Y Akrami, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A10 2020 2020 None
Planck 2018 results: XI. Polarized dust foregrounds. Y Akrami, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 641, A11 2020 2020 None
Cosmology with phase 1 of the square kilometre array red book 2018: Technical specifications and performance forecasts. DJ Bacon, RA Battye, P Bull, S Camera, PG Ferreira, I Harrison, D Parkinson, A Pourtsidou, MG Santos, L Wolz, F Abdall… Publications of the Astronomical Society Of Australia 37, e007 2020 2020 None
Isolated zeros destroy Fermi surface in holographic models with a lattice. F Balm, A Krikun, A Romero-Bermudez, K Schalm, J Zaanen, Journal of High Energy Physics 01, 151 2020 2020 None
Fermionic vacuum currents in topologically nontrivial braneworlds: Two-brane geometry. S Bellucci, AA Saharian, HG Sargsyan, VV Vardanyan, Physical Review D 101, 045020 2020 2020 None
Direct numerical simulations of spiral Taylor-Couette turbulence. P Berghout, RJ Dingemans, XJ Zhu, R Verzicco, RJAM Stevens, W van Saarloos, D Lohse, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 887, A18 2020 2020 None
Euclid preparation: VII. Forecast validation for Euclid cosmological probes. A Blanchard, S Camera, C Carbone, VF Cardone, S Casas, S Clesse, S Ilic, M Kilbinger, T Kitching, M Kunz, F Lacasa, E … Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A191 2020 2020 None
Heuristic derivation of Casimir effect in minimal length theories. M Blasone, G Lambiase, GG Luciano, L Petruzziello, F Scardigli, International Journal of Modern Physics D 29, 2050011 2020 2020 None
Light scalar production from Higgs bosons and FASER 2. I Boiarska, K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, M Ovchynnikov, O Ruchayskiy, A Sokolenko, Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 049 2020 2020 None
Direct detection and complementary constraints for sub-GeV dark matter. K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, T Bringmann, M Hufnagel, K Schmidt-Hoberg, A Sokolenko, Journal of High Energy Physics 03, 118 2020 2020 None
Nearly optimal measurement scheduling for partial tomography of quantum states. X Bonet-Monroig, R Babbush, TE O'Brien, Physical Review X 10, 031064 2020 2020 None
A tip for landscape riders: Multi-field inflation can fulfill the swampland distance conjecture. R Bravo, GA Palma, S Riquelme, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02, 004 2020 2020 None
The ambiguity of nestedness under soft and hard constraints. M Bruno, F Saracco, D Garlaschelli, CJ Tessone, G Caldarelli, Scientific Reports 10, 19903 2020 2020 None
Aging affects the capacity of photoperiodic adaptation downstream from the central molecular clock. MR Buijink, AHOO Engberink, CB Wit, A Almog, JH Meijer, JHT Rohling, S Michel, Journal of Biological Rhythms 35, 167-179 2020 2020 None
Sensitivity of the spectral form factor to short-range level statistics. W Buijsman, V Cheianov, V Gritsev, Physical Review E 102, 042216 2020 2020 None
Protecting quantum entanglement from leakage and qubit errors via repetitive parity measurements. CC Bultink, TE O'Brien, R Vollmer, N Muthusubramanian, MW Beekman, MA Rol, X Fu, B Tarasinski, V Ostroukh, B Varbanov,… Science Advances 6, eaay3050 2020 2020 None
Cross-correlation of the astrophysical gravitational-wave background with galaxy clustering. G Canas-Herrera, O Contigiani, V Vardanyan, Physical Review D 102, 043513 2020 2020 None
Generalized uncertainty principle, classical mechanics, and general relativity. R Casadio, F Scardigli, Physics Letters B 807, 135558 2020 2020 None
Gravitational Wilson lines in 3D de Sitter. A Castro, P Sabella-Garnier, C Zukowski, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 202 2020 2020 None
Attractors, bifurcations and curvature in multi-field inflation. P Christodoulidis, D Roest, EI Sfakianakis, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 08, 006 2020 2020 None
Lensing efficiency for gravitational wave mergers. O Contigiani, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492, 3359-3363 2020 2020 None
Topological structure and dynamics of three-dimensional active nematics. G Duclos, R Adkins, D Banerjee, MSE Peterson, M Varghese, I Kolvin, A Baskaran, RA Pelcovits, TR Powers, A Baskaran, F… Science 367, 1120-1120 2020 2020 None
Gravitational waves from holographic neutron star mergers. C Ecker, M Jarvinen, G Nijs, W van der Schee, Physical Review D 101, 103006 2020 2020 None
Classical symmetron force in Casimir experiments. B Elder, V Vardanyan, Y Akrami, P Brax, AC Davis, RS Decca, Physical Review D 101, 064065 2020 2020 None
Measuring Gaussian rigidity using curved substrates. P Fonda, SC Al-Izzi, L Giomi, MS Turner, Physical Review Letters 125, 188002 2020 2020 None
Dualities and non-Abelian mechanics. M Fruchart, YJ Zhou, V Vitelli, Nature 577, 636-636 2020 2020 None
Phenomenology of the generalized cubic covariant Galileon model and cosmological bounds. N Frusciante, S Peirone, L Atayde, A De Felice, Physical Review D 101, 064001 2020 2020 None
Three-state Potts model on the centered triangular lattice. Z Fu, WN Guo, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 101, 012118 2020 2020 None
Dislocation screening in crystals with spherical topology. I Garcia-Aguilar, P Fonda, L Giomi, Physical Review E 101, 063005 2020 2020 None
One-component order parameter in URu2Si2 uncovered by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy and machine learning. S Ghosh, M Matty, R Baumbach, ED Bauer, KA Modic, A Shekhter, JA Mydosh, EA Kim, BJ Ramshaw, Science Advances 6, eaaz4074 2020 2020 None
Setting the scene for BUFFALO: A study of the matter distribution in the HFF galaxy cluster MACS J0416.1-2403 and its parallel field. EJ Gonzalez, M Chalela, M Jauzac, D Eckert, M Schaller, D Harvey, A Niemiec, AM Koekemoer, D Barnes, D Clowe, T Connor… Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494, 349-362 2020 2020 None
Distribution of the Wigner-Smith time-delay matrix for chaotic cavities with absorption and coupled coulomb gases. A Grabsch, Journal of Physics A 53, 025202 2020 2020 None
Dynamical signatures of ground-state degeneracy to discriminate against Andreev levels in a Majorana fusion experiment. A Grabsch, Y Cheipesh, CWJ Beenakker, Advanced Quantum Technologies 3, 1900110 2020 2020 None
Wigner-Smith matrix, exponential functional of the matrix Brownian motion and matrix Dufresne identity. A Grabsch, C Texier, Journal of Physics A 53, 425003 2020 2020 None
Cosmological inference using gravitational wave standard sirens: A mock data analysis. R Gray, IM Hernandez, H Qi, A Sur, PR Brady, HY Chen, WM Farr, M Fishbach, JR Gair, A Ghosh, DE Holz, S Mastrogiovanni… Physical Review D 101, 122001 2020 2020 None
A joint Fermi-GBM and LIGO/Virgo analysis of compact binary mergers from the first and second gravitational-wave observing runs. R Hamburg, C Fletcher, E Burns, A Goldstein, E Bissaldi, MS Briggs, WH Cleveland, MM Giles, CM Hui, D Kocevski, S Lesa… Astrophysical Journal 893, 100 2020 2020 None
Exploiting flux ratio anomalies to probe warm dark matter in future large-scale surveys. D Harvey, W Valkenburg, A Tamone, A Boyarsky, F Courbin, M Lovell, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491, 4247-4253 2020 2020 None
Half-integer charge injection by a Josephson junction without excess noise. F Hassler, A Grabsch, MJ Pacholski, DO Oriekhov, O Ovdat, I Adagideli, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 102, 045431 2020 2020 None
Circuit topology analysis of polymer folding reactions. M Heidari, H Schiessel, A Mashaghi, ACS Central Science 6, 839-847 2020 2020 None
Electronic structure of the parent compound of superconducting infinite-layer nickelates. M Hepting, D Li, CJ Jia, H Lu, E Paris, Y Tseng, X Feng, M Osada, E Been, Y Hikita, YD Chuang, Z Hussain, KJ Zhou, A N… Nature Materials 19, 381-381 2020 2020 None
Chiral stresses in nematic cell monolayers. LA Hoffmann, K Schakenraad, RMH Merks, L Giomi, Soft Matter 16, 764-774 2020 2020 None
Latest evidence for a late time vacuum-geodesic CDM interaction. NB Hogg, M Bruni, R Crittenden, M Martinelli, S Peirone, Physics of the Dark Universe 29, 100583 2020 2020 None
Anisotropic destruction of the Fermi surface in inhomogeneous holographic lattices. A Iliasov, AA Bagrov, MI Katsnelson, A Krikun, Journal of High Energy Physics 01 065 2020 2020 None
Generalized uncertainty principle in three-dimensional gravity and the BTZ black hole. A Iorio, G Lambiase, P Pais, F Scardigli, Physical Review D 101, 105002 2020 2020 None
Relaxation regimes of the holographic electrons at charge neutrality after a local quench of chemical potential. A Krikun, Journal of High Energy Physics 06, 051 2020 2020 None
Charge density wave with anomalous temperature dependence in UPt2Si2. J Lee, K Prokes, S Park, I Zaliznyak, S Dissanayake, M Matsuda, M Frontzek, S Stoupin, GL Chappell, RE Baumbach, C Par… Physical Review B 102, 041112 2020 2020 None
Localization landscape for Dirac fermions. G Lemut, MJ Pacholski, O Ovdat, A Grabsch, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 101, 081405 2020 2020 None
Magnetic breakdown spectrum of a Kramers-Weyl semimetal. G Lemut, AD Vela, MJ Pacholski, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 22, 093022 2020 2020 None
OpenFermion: The electronic structure package for quantum computers. JR McClean, NC Rubin, KJ Sung, ID Kivlichan, X Bonet-Monroie, YD Cao, CY Dai, ES Fried, C Gidney, B Gimby, P Gokhale, … Quantum Science and Technology 5, 034014 2020 2020 None
Hidden order and beyond: An experimental-theoretical overview of the multifaceted behavior of URu2Si2. JA Mydosh, PM Oppeneer, PS Riseborough, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 32, 143002 2020 2020 None
Translational nucleosome positioning: A computational study. J Neipel, G Brandani, H Schiessel, Physical Review E 101, 022405 2020 2020 None
Universal chiral magnetic effect in the vortex lattice of a Weyl superconductor. MJ Pacholski, CWJ Beenakker, I Adagideli, Annals of Physics 417, 168103 2020 2020 None
A faster horse on a safer trail: Generalized inference for the efficient reconstruction of weighted networks. F Parisi, T Squartini, D Garlaschelli, New Journal of Physics 22, 053053 2020 2020 None
High temperature tetragonal crystal structure of UPt2Si2. K Prokes, O Fabelo, S Sullow, J Lee, JA Mydosh, Zeitschrift fü Kristallographie 235, 175-181 2020 2020 None
What is the amplitude of the gravitational waves background expected in the Starobinsky model. F Renzi, M Shokri, A Melchiorri, Physics of the Dark Universe 27, 100450 2020 2020 None
Geometric pinning and antimixing in scaffolded lipid vesicles. M Rinaldin, P Fonda, L Giomi, DJ Kraft, Nature Communications 11, 4314 2020 2020 None
Lipid exchange enhances geometric pinning in multicomponent membranes on patterned substrates. M Rinaldin, P Fonda, L Giomi, DJ Kraft, Soft Matter 16, 4932-4940 2020 2020 None
The Dirac code for relativistic molecular calculations. T Saue, R Bast, ASP Gomes, HJA Jensen, L Visscher, IA Aucar, R Di Remigio, KG Dyall, E Eliav, E Fasshauer, T Fleig, L … Journal of Chemical Physics 152 2020 2020 None
Hawking temperature for various kinds of black holes from Heisenberg uncertainty principle. F Scardigli, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 17, 2040004 2020 2020 None
Mechanical interplay between cell shape and actin cytoskeleton organization. K Schakenraad, J Ernst, W Pomp, EHJ Danen, RMH Merks, T Schmidt, L Giomi, Soft Matter 16, 6328-6343 2020 2020 None
Topotaxis of active Brownian particles. K Schakenraad, L Ravazzano, N Sarkar, JAJ Wondergem, RMH Merks, L Giomi, Physical Review E 101, 032602 2020 2020 None
Odd elasticity. C Scheibner, A Souslov, D Banerjee, P Surowka, WTM Irvine, V Vitelli, Nature Physics 16, 475-475 2020 2020 None
Pioneer transcription factors in chromatin remodeling: The kinetic proofreading view. H Schiessel, R Blossey, Physical Review E 101, 040401 2020 2020 None
N-centered ensemble density-functional theory for open systems. B Senjean, E Fromager, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry e26190 2020 2020 None
Strong lensing time delay constraints on dark energy: A forecast. B Shiralilou, M Martinelli, G Papadomanolakis, S Peirone, F Renzi, A Silvestri, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04 057 2020 2020 None
The BUFFALO HST survey. CL Steinhardt, M Jauzac, A Acebron, H Atek, P Capak, I Davidzon, D Eckert, D Harvey, AM Koekemoer, CDP Lagos, G Mahler… Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 247, 64 2020 2020 None
Estimating exact energies in quantum simulation without Toffoli gates. M Steudtner, S Wehner, Physical Review A 101, 052329 2020 2020 None
The distribution of dark matter and gas spanning 6 Mpc around the post-merger galaxy cluster MS 0451-03. SI Tam, M Jauzac, R Massey, D Harvey, D Eckert, H Ebeling, RS Ellis, V Ghirardini, B Klein, JP Kneib, D Lagattuta, P N… Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496, 4032-4050 2020 2020 None
A morphology-independent search for gravitational wave echoes in data from the first and second observing runs of advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo. KW Tsang, A Ghosh, A Samajdar, K Chatziioannou, S Mastrogiovanni, M Agathos, C Van Den Broeck, Physical Review D 101, 064012 2020 2020 None
The HiSPARC experiment. K van Dam, B van Eijk, DBRA Fokkema, JW van Holten, APLS de Laat, NG Schultheiss, JJM Steijger, JC Verkooijen, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A 959, 163577 2020 2020 None
Time scales for nonlinear processes in preheating after multifield inflation with nonminimal couplings. J van de Vis, R Nguyen, EI Sfakianakis, JT Giblin, DI Kaiser, Physical Review D 102, 043528 2020 2020 None
Ensembles of breathing nucleosomes: A computational study. K van Deelen, H Schiessel, L de Bruin, Biophysical Journal 118, 2297-2308 2020 2020 None
Conformal symmetry and supersymmetry in Rindler space. JW Van Holten, Universe 6, 144 2020 2020 None
The friction of tilted skates on ice. JMJ van Leeuwen, Scipost Physics 8, 059 2020 2020 None
On the inflationary massive field with a curved field manifold. DG Wang, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 01, 046 2020 2020 None
Carriers that count. J Zaanen, Nature Physics 2020 2020 None
Generalized Brans-Dicke theories in light of evolving dark energy. A Zucca, L Pogosian, A Silvestri, YT Wang, GB Zhao, Physical Review D 101 043518 2020 2020 None
Origin of ultra-light fields during inflation and their suppressed non-gaussianity. A Achucarro, GA Palma, DG Wang, Y Welling, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10, 018 2020 2020 None
Effective photon mass and (dark) photon conversion in the inhomogeneous universe. AA Garcia, K Bondarenko, S Ploeckinger, J Pradler, A Sokolenko, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10, 011 2020 2020 None
A 4 per cent measurement of H0 using the cumulative distribution of strong lensing time delays in doubly imaged quasars. D Harvey, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 2871-2886 2020 2020 None
Radiative cooling rates, ion fractions, molecule abundances, and line emissivities including self-shielding and both local and metagalactic radiation fields. S Ploeckinger, J Schaye, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, 4857-4883 2020 2020 None
HoLiCOW-XI. A weak lensing measurement of the external convergence in the field of the lensed quasar B1608+656 using HST and Subaru deep imaging. O Tihhonova, F Courbin, D Harvey, S Hilbert, A Peel, CE Rusu, CD Fassnacht, V Bonvin, PJ Marshall, G Meylan, D Sluse, … Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, 1406-1419 2020 2020 None
Planck intermediate results: LV. Reliability and thermal properties of high-frequency sources in the second Planck catalogue of compact sources. Y Akrami, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 644, A99 2020 2020 None
Planck intermediate results: LVI. Detection of the cmb dipole through modulation of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect: Eppur si muove II. Y Akrami, et al. (PLanck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 644, A100 2020 2020 None
Planck intermediate results: LVII. Joint planck LFI and HFI data processing. Y Akrami, et al. (Planck Collaboration), Astronomy & Astrophysics 643, A42 2020 2020 None
Propagating speed of primordial gravitational waves. W Giare, F Renzi, Physical Review D 102, 083530 2020 2020 None
A polymer model of the whole genome. H Schiessel, Biophysical Journal 119, 1699-1700 2020 2020 None
An extended analysis of heavy neutral leptons during big bang nucleosynthesis. N Sabti, A Magalich, A Filimonova, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 11, 056 2020 2020 None
Gravitational waves and geometrical optics in scalar-tensor theories. A Garoffolo, G Tasinato, C Carbone, D Bertacca, S Matarrese, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 11, 040 2020 2020 None
Leakage detection for a transmon-based surface code. BM Varbanov, F Battistel, BM Tarasinski, VP Ostroukh, TE O'Brien, L DiCarlo, BM Terhal, NPJ Quantum Information 6, 102 2020 2020 None
Nuts and bolts of supersymmetry. N Upadhyaya, BG Chen, V Vitelli, Physical Review Research 2, 043098 2020 2020 None
Shot noise distinguishes majorana fermions from vortices injected in the edge mode of a chiral p-wave superconductor. CWJ Beenakker, DO Oriekhov, SciPost Physics 9, 080 2020 2020 None
The cosmological bootstrap: Weight-shifting operators and scalar seeds. D Baumann, CD Pueyo, A Joyce, H Lee, GL Pimentel, Journal of High Energy Physics 12, 204 2020 2020 None
Weight dependence of local exchange-correlation functionals in ensemble density-functional theory: Double excitations in two-electron systems. C Marut, B Senjean, E Fromager, PF Loos, Faraday Discussions 224, 402-423 2020 2020 None
Dark energy survey year 1 results: Measurement of the baryon acoustic oscillation scale in the distribution of galaxies to redshift 1. TMC Abbott, FB Abdalla, A Alarcon, S Allam, F Andrade-Oliveira, J Annis, S Avila, M Banerji, N Banik, K Bechtol, A Ber… Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 4866-4883 2019 2019 None
Constraints on holographic multifield inflation and models based on the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism. A Achúcarro, S Cespedes, AC Davis, GA Palma, Physical Review Letters 122, 191301 2019 2019 None
The string swampland constraints require multi-field inflation. A Achúcarro, GA Palma, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02, 041 2019 2019 None
The landscape, the swampland and the era of precision cosmology. Y Akrami, R Kallosh, A Linde, V Vardanyan, Fortschritte der Physik-Progress of Physics 67, 1800075 2019 2019 None
Enhanced gravity model of trade: Reconciling macroeconomic and network models. A Almog, R Bird, D Garlaschelli, Frontiers in Physics 7, 55 2019 2019 None
Uncovering functional signature in neural systems via random matrix theory. A Almog, MR Buijink, O Roethler, S Michel, JH Meijer, JHT Rohling, D Garlaschelli, PLOS Computational Biology 15, e1006934 2019 2019 None
Coherent vs incoherent transport in holographic strange insulators. T Andrade, A Krikun, Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 119 2019 2019 None
Neural network decoder for topological color codes with circuit level noise. P Baireuther, MD Caio, B Criger, CWJ Beenakker, TE O'Brien, New Journal of Physics 21, 013003 2019 2019 None
Effects of baryonic and dark matter substructure on the Pal 5 stream. N Banik, J Bovy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 2009-2020 2019 2019 None
The formation of supermassive black holes from population III.1 seeds. I. Cosmic formation histories and clustering properties. N Banik, JC Tan, P Monaco, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 3592-3606 2019 2019 None
Deterministic creation and braiding of chiral edge vortices. CWJ Beenakker, P Baireuther, Y Herasymenko, I Adagideli, L Wang, AR Akhmerov, Physical Review Letters 122, 146803 2019 2019 None
Electrical detection of the Majorana fusion rule for chiral edge vortices in a topological superconductor. CWJ Beenakker, A Grabsch, Y Herasymenko, Scipost Physics 6, 022 2019 2019 None
K-mouflage imprints on cosmological observables and data constraints. G Benevento, M Raveri, A Lazanu, N Bartolo, M Liguori, P Brax, P Valageas, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05, 027 2019 2019 None
Histone mark recognition controls nucleosome translocation via a kinetic proofreading mechanism: Confronting theory and high-throughput experiments. R Blossey, H Schiessel, Physical Review E 99, 060401 2019 2019 None
Chromatin remodelers as active Brownian dimers. R Blossey, H Schiessel, Journal of Physics A 52, 085601 2019 2019 None
Revisiting the field-driven edge transition of the tricritical two-dimensional Blume-Capel model. HWJ Blöte, YJ Deng, Physical Review E 99, 062133 2019 2019 None
Sensitivity of the intensity frontier experiments for neutrino and scalar portals: Analytic estimates. K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, M Ovchynnikov, O Ruchayskiy, Journal of High Energy Physics 08, 061 2019 2019 None
Density inhomogeneities and Rasbha spin-orbit coupling interplay in oxide interfaces. N Bovenzi, S Caprara, M Grilli, R Raimondi, N Scopigno, G Seibold, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 128, 118-129 2019 2019 None
Sterile neutrino dark matter. A Boyarsky, M Drewes, T Lasserre, S Mertens, O Ruchayskiy, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 104, 1-45 2019 2019 None
Random matrix ensemble for the level statistics of many-body localization. W Buijsman, V Cheianov, V Gritsev, Physical Review Letters 122, 180601 2019 2019 None
When primordial black holes from sound speed resonance meet a stochastic background of gravitational waves. YF Cai, C Chen, X Tong, DG Wang, SF Yan, Physical Review D 100, 043518 2019 2019 None
Topological marker currents in Chern insulators. MD Caio, G Möller, NR Cooper, MJ Bhaseen, Nature Physics 15, 257-261 2019 2019 None
Does quartessence ease cosmic tensions. S Camera, M Martinelli, D Bertacca, Physics of the Dark Universe 23, 100247 2019 2019 None
Bounds on nonlocal correlations in the presence of signaling and their application to topological zero modes. A Carmi, Y Herasymenko, E Cohen, K Snizhko, New Journal of Physics 21, 073032 2019 2019 None
The statistical physics of real-world networks. G Cimini, T Squartini, F Saracco, D Garlaschelli, A Gabrielli, G Caldarelli, Nature Reviews Physics 1, 58-71 2019 2019 None
Weak lensing constraints on splashback around massive clusters. O Contigiani, H Hoekstra, YM Bahe, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 408-415 2019 2019 None
Splashback radius in symmetron gravity. O Contigiani, V Vardanyan, A Silvestri, Physical Review D 99, 064030 2019 2019 None
Medium-range percolation in two dimensions. Y Deng, Y Ouyang, HWJ Blöte, Journal of Physics Conference Series 1163, 012001 2019 2019 None
Parameter space of baryogenesis in the νMSM. S Eijima, M Shaposhnikov, I Timiryasov, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 077 2019 2019 None
Phenomenology of large scale structure in scalar-tensor theories: Joint prior covariance of wDE, Σ, and μ in Horndeski theories. J Espejo, S Peirone, M Raveri, K Koyama, L Pogosian, A Silvestri, Physical Review D 99, 023512 2019 2019 None
Entanglement, anomalies, and Mathisson's helices. P Fonda, D Liska, A Veliz-Osorio, Physical Review D 99, 046007 2019 2019 None
Thermodynamic equilibrium of binary mixtures on curved surfaces. P Fonda, M Rinaldin, DJ Kraft, L Giomi, Physical Review E 100, 032604 2019 2019 None
The role of the tachyonic instability in Horndeski gravity. N Frusciante, G Papadomanolakis, S Peirone, A Silvestri, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02, 029 2019 2019 None
Cosmology of surviving Horndeski theory: The road ahead. N Frusciante, S Peirone, S Casas, NA Lima, Physical Review D 99, 063538 2019 2019 None
Tensor spectra templates for axion-gauge fields dynamics during inflation. T Fujita, EI Sfakianakis, M Shiraishi, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05, 057 2019 2019 None
Synchronization of phase oscillators on the hierarchical lattice. D Garlaschelli, F den Hollander, JM Meylahn, B Zeegers, Journal of Statistical Physics 174, 188-218 2019 2019 None
Reconstruction of the dark energy equation of state from latest data: The impact of theoretical priors. F Gerardi, M Martinelli, A Silvestri, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07, 042 2019 2019 None
Isolated zeros in the spectral function as signature of a quantum continuum. N Gnezdilov, A Krikun, K Schalm, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 99, 165149 2019 2019 None
Gapless odd-frequency superconductivity induced by the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model. NV Gnezdilov, Physical Review B 99, 024506 2019 2019 None
Generalised global symmetries in holography: Magnetohydrodynamic waves in a strongly interacting plasma. S Grozdanov, N Poovuttikul, Journal of High Energy Physics 04, 141 2019 2019 None
Kinetic theory for classical and quantum many-body chaos. S Grozdanov, K Schalm, V Scopelliti, Physical Review E 99, 012206 2019 2019 None
Observable tests of self-interacting dark matter in galaxy clusters: BCG wobbles in a constant density core. D Harvey, A Robertson, R Massey, IG McCarthy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 1572-1579 2019 2019 None
Stabilizing spin systems via symmetrically tailored RKKY interactions. J Hermenau, S Brinker, M Marciani, M Steinbrecher, MD Dias, R Wiesendanger, S Lounis, J Wiebe, Nature Communications 10, 2565 2019 2019 None
Sonic velocity in holographic fluids and its applications. YP Hu, Y Tian, XN Wu, HF Li, HS Zhang, Chinese Physics C 43, 013107 2019 2019 None
Universality and scaling in multi-field α-attractor preheating. O Iarygina, EI Sfakianakis, DG Wang, A Achúcarro, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 06, 027 2019 2019 None
Statistical properties of autonomous flows in 2D active nematics. LM Lemma, SJ DeCamp, ZH You, L Giomi, Z Dogic, Soft Matter 15, 3264-3272 2019 2019 None
Effect of charge renormalization on the electric and thermoelectric transport along the vortex lattice of a Weyl superconductor. G Lemut, MJ Pacholski, I Adagideli, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 100, 035417 2019 2019 None
Constraints on the interacting vacuum-geodesic CDM scenario. M Martinelli, NB Hogg, S Peirone, M Bruni, D Wands, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 3423-3438 2019 2019 None
CMB tensions with low-redshift H0 and S8 measurements: Impact of a redshift-dependent type-Ia supernovae intrinsic luminosity. M Martinelli, I Tutusaus, Symmetry 11, 986 2019 2019 None
Hadronic decays of a light Higgs-like scalar. A Monin, A Boyarsky, O Ruchayskiy, Physical Review D 99, 015019 2019 2019 None
Subcritical instabilities in plane Poiseuille flow of an Oldroyd-B fluid. A Morozov, W van Saarloos, Journal of Statistical Physics 175, 554-577 2019 2019 None
Quantum phase estimation of multiple eigenvalues for small-scale (noisy) experiments. TE O'Brien, B Tarasinski, BM Terhal, New Journal of Physics 21, 023022 2019 2019 None
The nucleosome: From structure to function through physics. AV Onufriev, H Schiessel, Current Opinion in Structural Biology 56, 119-130 2019 2019 None
Geometrical control of active turbulence in curved topographies. DJG Pearce, PW Ellis, A Fernandez-Nieves, L Giomi, Physical Review Letters 122, 168002 2019 2019 None
Cosmological constraints and phenomenology of a beyond-Horndeski model. S Peirone, G Benevento, N Frusciante, S Tsujikawa, Physical Review D 100, 063509 2019 2019 None
Field-induced phases in a heavy-fermion U(Ru0.92Rh0.08)2Si2 single crystal. K Prokes, T Forster, YK Huang, JA Mydosh, Physical Review B 99, 045104 2019 2019 None
Colloid supported lipid bilayers for self-assembly. M Rinaldin, RW Verweij, I Chakraborty, DJ Kraft, Soft Matter 15, 1345-1360 2019 2019 None
Observable tests of self-interacting dark matter in galaxy clusters: Cosmological simulations with SIDM and baryons. A Robertson, D Harvey, R Massey, V Eke, IG McCarthy, M Jauzac, BJ Li, J Schaye, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 3646-3662 2019 2019 None
Is breaking of ensemble equivalence monotone in the number of constraints. A Roccaverde, Indagationes Mathematicae 30, 7-25 2019 2019 None
Density response of holographic metallic IR fixed points with translational pseudo-spontaneous symmetry breaking. A Romero-Bermúdez, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 153 2019 2019 None
Anomalous attenuation of plasmons in strange metals and holography. A Romero-Bermúdez, A Krikun, K Schalm, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 99, 235149 2019 2019 None
Regularization dependence of the OTOC. Which Lyapunov spectrum is the physical one. A Romero-Bermúdez, K Schalm, V Scopelliti, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 107 2019 2019 None
Experimental error mitigation via symmetry verification in a variational quantum eigensolver. R Sagastizabal, X Bonet-Monroig, M Singh, MA Rol, CC Bultink, X Fu, CH Price, VP Ostroukh, N Muthusubramanian, A Bruno… Physical Review A 100, 010302(R) 2019 2019 None
How to read and write mechanical information in DNA molecules. H Schiessel, Biophysical Journal 116, 171A 2019 2019 None
Projected site-occupation embedding theory. B Senjean, Physical Review B 100, 035136 2019 2019 None
Preheating after Higgs inflation: Self-resonance and gauge boson production. EI Sfakianakis, J van de Vis, Physical Review D 99, 083519 2019 2019 None
Massive mimetic cosmology. AR Solomon, V Vardanyan, Y Akrami, Physics Letters B 794, 135-142 2019 2019 None
Quantum codes for quantum simulation of fermions on a square lattice of qubits. M Steudtner, S Wehner, Physical Review A 99, 022308 2019 2019 None
Gravitational waves from generalized Newtonian sources. JW van Holten, Fortschritte der Physik 67, 1800083 2019 2019 None
Loop extrusion drives very different dynamics for Rouse chains in bulk solutions and at interfaces. T Yamamoto, T Sakaue, H Schiessel, EPL 127, 38002 2019 2019 None
Planckian dissipation, minimal viscosity and the transport in cuprate strange metals. J Zaanen, Scipost Physics 6, 061 2019 2019 None
MGCAMB with massive neutrinos and dynamical dark energy. A Zucca, L Pogosian, A Silvestri, GB Zhao, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05, 001 2019 2019 None
Shortest paths through synonymous genomes. M Zuiddam, H Schiessel, Physical Review E 99 012422 2019 2019 None
Increasing the astrophysical reach of the advanced Virgo detector via the application of squeezed vacuum states of light. F Acernese et al. (Virgo collaboration) Physical Review Letters 123, 231108 2019 2019 None
Towers of solutions of qKZ equations and their applications to loop models. K Al Qasimi, B Nienhuis, JV Stokman, Annales Henri Poincaré 20, 3743-3797 2019 2019
Probing new physics with displaced vertices: Muon tracker at CMS. K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, M Ovchynnikov, O Ruchayskiy, L Shchutska, Physical Review D 100, 075015 2019 2019 None
21-cm observations and warm dark matter models. A Boyarsky, D Iakubovskyi, O Ruchayskiy, A Rudakovskyi, W Valkenburg, Physical Review D 100, 123005 2019 2019 None
Gumbel statistics for entanglement spectra of many-body localized eigenstates. W Buijsman, V Gritsev, V Cheianov, Physical Review B 100, 205110 2019 2019 None
Incoherent strange metal sharply bounded by a critical doping in Bi2212. SD Chen, M Hashimoto, Y He, D Song, KJ Xu, JF He, TP Devereaux, H Eisaki, DH Lu, J Zaanen, ZX Shen, Science 366, 1099-1099 2019 2019 None
Impact of irrelevant deformations on thermodynamics and transport in holographic quantum critical states. RA Davison, SA Gentle, B Gouteraux, Physical Review D 100, 086020 2019 2019 None
Slow relaxation and diffusion in holographic quantum critical phases. RA Davison, SA Gentle, B Gouteraux, Physical Review Letters 123, 141601 2019 2019 None
Fluid pumping and active flexoelectricity can promote lumen nucleation in cell assemblies. C Duclut, N Sarkar, J Prost, F Jülicher, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116, 19264-19273 2019 2019 None
The Lyman-α forest as a diagnostic of the nature of the dark matter. A Garzilli, A Magalich, T Theuns, CS Frenk, C Weniger, O Ruchayskiy, A Boyarsky, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 3456-3471 2019 2019 None
Pfaffian formula for fermion parity fluctuations in a superconductor and application to Majorana fusion detection. A Grabsch, Y Cheipesh, CWJ Beenakker, Annalen der Physik 531, 1900129 2019 2019 None
Nonlinear dynamics of preheating after multifield inflation with nonminimal couplings. R Nguyen, J van de Vis, EI Sfakianakis, JT Giblin, DI Kaiser, Physical Review Letters 123, 171301 2019 2019 None
Calculating energy derivatives for quantum chemistry on a quantum computer. TE O'Brien, B Senjean, R Sagastizabal, X Bonet-Monroig, A Dutkiewicz, F Buda, L DiCarlo, L Visscher, NPJ Quantum Information 5, 113 2019 2019 None
Cosmological data favor Galileon ghost condensate over Λ CDM. S Peirone, G Benevento, N Frusciante, S Tsujikawa, Physical Review D 100, 063540 2019 2019 None
Dilution of contact frequency between superenhancers by loop extrusion at interfaces. T Yamamoto, H Schiessel, Soft Matter 15, 7635-7643 2019 2019 None
Mono- to multilayer transition in growing bacterial colonies. ZH You, DJG Pearce, A Sengupta, L Giomi, Physical Review Letters 123 178001 2019 2019 None
Cosmological evolution of semilocal string networks A Achúcarro A Avgoustidis, A Láopez-Eiguren, CJAP Martins, J Urrestilla Philosophical Transactions Royal Society London A 377 0004 2019 2019
Distribution of the Wigner-Smith time-delay matrix for chaotic cavities with absorption and coupled Coulomb gases. A Grabsch, Journal of Physics A 53, 025202 2019 2019 None
Reentrant superconductivity in a quantum dot coupled to a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev metal. Y Cheipesh, AI Pavlov, V Scopelliti, J Tworzydlo, NV Gnezdilov, Physical Review B 100, 220506(R) 2019 2019 None
Scaling attractors in multi-field inflation. P Christodoulidis, D Roest, EI Sfakianakis, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 12, 059 2019 2019 None
Angular inflation in multi-field alpha-attractors. P Christodoulidis, D Roest, EI Sfakianakis, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 11 002 2019 2019 None
Charge density response and fake plasmons in holographic models with strong translation symmetry breaking. T Andrade, A Krikun, A Romero-Bermudez, Journal of High Energy Physics 12 159 2019 2019
Universality of multi-field α-attractors. A Achúcarro, R Kallosh, A Linde, DG Wang, Y Welling, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 028 2018 2018 None
Gravitational leptogenesis, reheating, and models of neutrino mass. P Adshead, AJ Long, EI Sfakianakis, Physical Review D 97, 043511 2018 2018 None
Planck intermediate results LIII. Detection of velocity dispersion from the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. N Aghanim, Y Akrami, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, M Ballardini, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, N Bartolo, S Basak, R B… Astronomy & Astrophysics 617, A48 2018 2018 None
Dark energy, α-attractors, and large-scale structure surveys. Y Akrami, R Kallosh, A Linde, V Vardanyan, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 06, 041 2018 2018 None
Neutron star merger GW170817 strongly constrains doubly coupled bigravity. Y Akrami, P Brax, AC Davis, V Vardanyan, Physical Review D 97, 124010 2018 2018 None
Planck intermediate results LIV. The Planck multi-frequency catalogue of non-thermal sources. Y Akrami, F Argueso, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, M Ballardini, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, N Bartolo, S Basak, K B… Astronomy & Astrophysics 619, A94 2018 2018 None
Uncertainties in primordial black-hole constraints on the primordial power spectrum. Y Akrami, F Kuhnel, M Sandstad, Physics of the Dark Universe 19, 124-128 2018 2018 None
Doping the holographic Mott insulator. T Andrade, A Krikun, K Schalm, J Zaanen, Nature Physics 14, 1049-1049 2018 2018 None
Pinning of longitudinal phonons in holographic spontaneous helices. T Andrade, M Baggioli, A Krikun, N Poovuttikul, Journal of High Energy Physics 02, 085 2018 2018 None
Dark energy survey year-1 results: Galaxy mock catalogues for BAO. S Avila, M Crocce, AJ Ross, J Garcia-Bellido, WJ Percival, N Banik, H Camacho, N Kokron, KC Chan, F Andrade-Oliveira, … Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 94-110 2018 2018 None
Localizing softness and stress along loops in 3D topological metamaterials. G Baardink, A Souslov, J Paulose, V Vitelli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115, 489-494 2018 2018 None
Evidence for mixed rationalities in preference formation. AI Babeanu, D Garlaschelli, Complexity 3615476 2018 2018 None
Holographic pump probe spectroscopy. A Bagrov, B Craps, F Galli, V Keranen, E Keski-Vakkuri, J Zaanen, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 065 2018 2018 None
Holography and thermalization in optical pump-probe spectroscopy. A Bagrov, B Craps, F Galli, V Keranen, E Keski-Vakkuri, J Zaanen, Physical Review D 97, 086005 2018 2018 None
Machine-learning-assisted correction of correlated qubit errors in a topological code. P Baireuther, TE O'Brien, B Tarasinski, CWJ Beenakker, Quantum 2, 48 2018 2018 None
Probing the nature of dark matter particles with stellar streams. N Banik, G Bertone, J Bovy, N Bozorgnia, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07, 061 2018 2018 None
Charge trapping and super-Poissonian noise centres in a cuprate superconductor KM Bastiaans, D Cho, T Benschop, I Battisti, Y Huang, MS Golden, Q Dong, Y Jin, J Zaanen, MP Allen, Nature Physics 14, 1183-1187 2018 2018 None
Valley switch in a graphene superlattice due to pseudo-Andreev reflection. CWJ Beenakker, NV Gnezdilov, E Dresselhaus, VP Ostroukh, Y Herasymenko, I Adagideli, J Tworzydlo, Physical Review B 97, 241403 2018 2018 None
Comparison of Einstein-Boltzmann solvers for testing general relativity. E Bellini, A Barreira, N Frusciante, B Hu, S Peirone, M Raveri, M Zumalacarregui, A Avilez-Lopez, M Ballardini, RA Bat… Physical Review D 97, 023520 2018 2018 None
Fermionic currents in topologically nontrivial braneworlds. S Bellucci, AA Saharian, DH Simonyan, VV Vardanyan, Physical Review D 98, 085020 2018 2018 None
Turbulent dynamics of epithelial cell cultures. C Blanch-Mercader, V Yashunsky, S Garcia, G Duclos, L Giomi, P Silberzan, Physical Review Letters 120, 208101 2018 2018 None
The latest twists in chromatin remodeling. R Blossey, H Schiessel, Biophysical Journal 114, 2255-2261 2018 2018 None
Constraining self-interacting dark matter with scaling laws of observed halo surface densities. K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, T Bringmann, A Sokolenko, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 049 2018 2018 None
Phenomenology of GeV-scale heavy neutral leptons. K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, D Gorbunov, O Ruchayskiy, Journal of High Energy Physics 11, 032 2018 2018 None
Twisted Fermi surface of a thin-film Weyl semimetal. N Bovenzi, M Breitkreiz, TE O'Brien, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 20, 023023 2018 2018 None
Phase shift of cyclotron orbits at type-I and type-II multi-Weyl nodes. M Breitkreiz, N Bovenzi, J Tworzydlo, Physical Review B 98, 121403 2018 2018 None
Many-body localization in the Fock space of natural orbitals. W Buijsman, V Gritsev, V Cheianov, SciPost Physics 4, 038 2018 2018 None
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Effects of observer peculiar motion. C Burigana, CS Carvalho, T Trombetti, A Notari, M Quartin, GD Gasperis, A Buzzelli, N Vittorio, G De Zotti, P de Berna… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 021 2018 2018 None
Primordial black holes from sound speed resonance during inflation. YF Cai, X Tong, DG Wang, SF Yan, Physical Review Letters 121, 081306 2018 2018 None
Revisiting non-Gaussianity from non-attractor inflation models. YF Cai, XG Chen, MH Namjoo, M Sasaki, DG Wang, ZW Wang, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05, 012 2018 2018 None
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Gravitational lensing of the CMB. A Challinor, R Allison, J Carron, J Errard, S Feeney, T Kitching, J Lesgourgues, A Lewis, I Zubeldia, A Achúcarro, P A… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 018 2018 2018 None
Extreme thermodynamics with polymer gel tori: Harnessing thermodynamic instabilities to induce large-scale deformations. YW Chang, MS Dimitriyev, A Souslov, SV Nikolov, SM Marquez, A Alexeev, PM Goldbart, A Fernandez-Nieves, Physical Review E 98, 020501 2018 2018 None
Superconductor spintronics: Modeling spin and charge accumulation in out-of-equilibrium nis junctions subjected to Zeeman magnetic fields. D Chevallier, M Trif, C Dutreix, M Guigou, CHL Quay, M Aprili, C Bena, New Journal of Physics 20, 013014 2018 2018 None
Symmetry-restoring quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional spinor condensate. AL Chudnovskiy, V Cheianov, Scientific Reports 8, 12468 2018 2018 None
The three phases of galaxy formation. B Clauwens, J Schaye, M Franx, RG Bower, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 3994-4009 2018 2018 None
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: The instrument. P de Bernardis, PAR Ade, JJA Baselmans, ES Battistelli, A Benoit, M Bersanelli, A Bideaud, M Calvo, FJ Casas, MG Caste… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 015 2018 2018 None
cgDNAweb: A web interface to the cgDNA sequence-dependent coarse-grain model of double-stranded DNA. L De Bruin, JH Maddocks, Nucleic Acids Research 46, W5-W10 2018 2018 None
h/e superconducting quantum interference through trivial edge states in InAs. FK de Vries, T Timmerman, VP Ostroukh, J van Veen, AJA Beukman, FM Qu, M Wimmer, BM Nguyen, AA Kiselev, W Yi, M Sokoli… Physical Review Letters 120, 047702 2018 2018 None
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Extragalactic sources in cosmic microwave background maps. G De Zotti, J Gonzalez-Nuevo, M Lopez-Caniego, M Negrello, J Greenslade, C Hernandez-Monteagudo, J Delabrouille, ZY Ca… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 020 2018 2018 None
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Survey requirements and mission design. J Delabrouille, P de Bernardis, FR Bouchet, A Achúcarro, PAR Ade, R Allison, F Arroja, E Artal, M Ashdown, C Baccigalu… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 014 2018 2018 None
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Cosmological parameters. E Di Valentino, T Brinckmann, M Gerbino, V Poulin, FR Bouchet, J Lesgourgues, A Melchiorri, J Chluba, S Clesse, J Dela… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 017 2018 2018 None
Curvature-induced defect unbinding and dynamics in active nematic toroids. PW Ellis, DJG Pearce, YW Chang, G Goldsztein, L Giomi, A Fernandez-Nieves, Nature Physics 14, 85-85 2018 2018 None
Identifying influential nodes in complex networks based on the inverse-square law. LG Fei, Q Zhang, Y Deng, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 512, 1044-1059 2018 2018 None
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Inflation. F Finelli, M Bucher, A Achúcarro, M Ballardini, N Bartolo, D Baumann, S Clesse, J Errard, W Handley, M Hindmarsh, K Ki… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 016 2018 2018 None
Interface geometry of binary mixtures on curved substrates. P Fonda, M Rinaldin, DJ Kraft, L Giomi, Physical Review E 98, 032801 2018 2018 None
Spinning probes and helices in AdS3. P Fonda, D Liska, A Veliz-Osorio, Classical and Quantum Gravity 35, 185002 2018 2018 None
The Higgs boson can delay reheating after inflation. K Freese, EI Sfakianakis, P Stengel, L Visinelli, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05, 067 2018 2018 None
Soft self-assembly of Weyl materials for light and sound. M Fruchart, SY Jeon, K Hur, V Cheianov, U Wiesner, V Vitelli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115, E3655-E3664 2018 2018 None
The effective way. M Fruchart, V Vitelli, Nature Materials 17, 292-293 2018 2018 None
Waves cornered. M Fruchart, V Vitelli, Nature 555, 318-319 2018 2018 None
Impact of the injection protocol on an impurity's stationary state. O Gamayun, O Lychkovskiy, E Burovski, M Malcomson, VV Cheianov, MB Zvonarev, Physical Review Letters 120, 220605 2018 2018 None
Valley-momentum locking in a graphene superlattice with Y-shaped Kekulé bond texture. OV Gamayun, VP Ostroukh, NV Gnezdilov, I Adagideli, CWJ Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 20, 023016 2018 2018 None
Chaotic-integrable transition in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model. AM Garcia-Garcia, B Loureiro, A Romero-Bermudez, M Tezuka, Physical Review Letters 120, 241603 2018 2018 None
Covariance structure behind breaking of ensemble equivalence in random graphs. D Garlaschelli, F den Hollander, A Roccaverde, Journal of Statistical Physics 173, 644-662 2018 2018 None
Complex Networks. D Garlaschelli, R van der Hofstad, F den Hollander, M Mandjes, Journal of Statistical Physics 173, 439-447 2018 2018 None
Lifshitz entanglement entropy from holographic cMERA. SA Gentle, S Vandoren, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 013 2018 2018 None
Low-high voltage duality in tunneling spectroscopy of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model. NV Gnezdilov, JA Hutasoit, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 98, 081413 2018 2018 None
Black hole scrambling from hydrodynamics. S Grozdanov, K Schalm, V Scopelliti, Physical Review Letters 120, 231601 2018 2018 None
Modification of the Lifshitz-Kosevich formula for anomalous De Haas-Van Alphen oscillations in inverted insulators. S Grubinskas, L Fritz, Physical Review B 97, 115202 2018 2018 None
Rapid change of superconductivity and electron-phonon coupling through critical doping in Bi-2212. Y He, M Hashimoto, D Song, SD Chen, J He, IM Vishik, B Moritz, DH Lee, N Nagaosa, J Zaanen, TP Devereaux, Y Yoshida, H… Science 362, 62-62 2018 2018 None
Quantum error correction in crossbar architectures. J Helsen, M Steudtner, M Veldhorst, S Wehner, Quantum Science and Technology 3 035005 2018 2018
Universal quantum noise in adiabatic pumping. Y Herasymenko, K Snizhko, Y Gefen, Physical Review Letters 120, 226802 2018 2018 None
Fibre inflation and α-attractors. R Kallosh, A Linde, D Roest, A Westphal, Y Yamada, Journal of High Energy Physics 02, 117 2018 2018 None
Maximum-entropy tools for economic fitness and complexity. R Krantz, V Gemmetto, D Garlaschelli, ENTROPY 20, 743 2018 2018 None
Dual nature of magnetism in a uranium heavy-fermion system. J Lee, M Matsuda, JA Mydosh, I Zaliznyak, AI Kolesnikov, S Sullow, JPC Ruff, GE Granroth, Physical Review Letters 121, 057201 2018 2018 None
Evidential identification of influential nodes in network of networks. MZ Li, Q Zhang, Y Deng, Chaos Solitons & Fractals 117, 283-296 2018 2018 None
A crossbar network for silicon quantum dot qubits. RY Li, L Petit, DP Franke, JP Dehollain, J Helsen, M Steudtner, NK Thomas, ZR Yoscovits, KJ Singh, S Wehner, LMK Vande… Science Advances 4, eaar3960 2018 2018 None
Hypernatural inflation. A Linde, DG Wang, Y Welling, Y Yamada, A Achúcarro, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07, 035 2018 2018 None
Flocking from a quantum analogy: Spin-orbit coupling in an active fluid. B Loewe, A Souslov, PM Goldbart, New Journal of Physics 20, 013020 2018 2018 None
Neutrino mass priors for cosmology from random matrices. AJ Long, M Raveri, W Hu, S Dodelson, Physical Review D 97, 043510 2018 2018 None
Necessary and sufficient condition for quantum adiabaticity in a driven one-dimensional impurity-fluid system. O Lychkovskiy, O Gamayun, V Cheianov, Physical Review B 98, 024307 2018 2018 None
p-wave superfluidity in mixtures of ultracold Fermi and spinor Bose gases. OI Matsyshyn, AI Yakimenko, EV Gorbar, SI Vilchinskii, VV Cheianov, Physical Review A 98, 043620 2018 2018 None
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Cluster science. JB Melin, A Bonaldi, M Remazeilles, S Hagstotz, JM Diego, C Hernandez-Monteagudo, RT Genova-Santos, G Luzzi, CJAP Mart… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 019 2018 2018 None
First-order dipolar phase transition in the Dicke model with infinitely coordinated frustrating interaction. SI Mukhin, NV Gnezdilov, Physical Review A 97, 053809 2018 2018 None
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Mitigation of systematic effects. P Natoli, M Ashdown, R Banerji, J Borrill, A Buzzelli, G de Gasperis, J Delabrouille, E Hivon, D Molinari, G Patanchon… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 022 2018 2018 None
Majorana-based fermionic quantum computation. TE O'Brien, P Rozek, AR Akhmerov, Physical Review Letters 120, 220504 2018 2018 None
Equivalent-neighbor percolation models in two dimensions: Crossover between mean-field and short-range behavior. YQ Ouyang, YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 98, 062101 2018 2018 None
Topologically protected Landau level in the vortex lattice of a Weyl superconductor. MJ Pacholski, CWJ Beenakker, I Adagideli, Physical Review Letters 121, 037701 2018 2018 None
Do current cosmological observations rule out all covariant Galileons? S Peirone, N Frusciante, B Hu, M Raveri, A Silvestri, Physical Review D 97, 063518 2018 2018 None
Large-scale structure phenomenology of viable Horndeski theories. S Peirone, K Koyama, L Pogosian, M Raveri, A Silvestri, Physical Review D 97, 043519 2018 2018 None
Cellular geometry controls the efficiency of motile sperm aggregates. DJG Pearce, LA Hoogerbrugge, KA Hook, HS Fisher, L Giomi, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15, 20180702 2018 2018 None
Cytoskeletal anisotropy controls geometry and forces of adherent cells. W Pomp, K Schakenraad, HE Balcioglu, H van Hoorn, EHJ Danen, RMH Merks, T Schmidt, L Giomi, Physical Review Letters 121, 178101 2018 2018 None
Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: B-mode component separation. M Remazeilles, AJ Banday, C Baccigalupi, S Basak, A Bonaldi, G De Zotti, J Delabrouille, C Dickinson, HK Eriksen, J Er… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04, 023 2018 2018 None
A Cardy formula for off-diagonal three-point coefficients; or, how the geometry behind the horizon gets disentangled. A Romero-Bermudez, P Sabella-Garnier, K Schalm, Journal of High Energy Physics 09, 005 2018 2018 None
A framework for studying a quantum critical metal in the limit Nf → 0. P Säterskog, SciPost Physics 4, 015 2018 2018 None
The biology and polymer physics underlying large-scale chromosome organization. S Sazer, H Schiessel, Traffic 19, 87-104 2018 2018 None
Modified Unruh effect from generalized uncertainty principle. F Scardigli, M Blasone, G Luciano, R Casadio, European Physical Journal C 78, 728 2018 2018 None
Telling left from right in breathing nucleosomes. H Schiessel, Biophysical Journal 115, 749-750 2018 2018 None
Laminar and turbulent dynamos in chiral magnetohydrodynamics. II. Simulations. J Schober, I Rogachevskii, A Brandenburg, A Boyarsky, J Frohlich, O Ruchayskiy, N Kleeorin, Astrophysical Journal 858, 124 2018 2018 None
Connection between diphoton and triboson channels in new physics searches. A Sokolenko, K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, L Shchutska, Physics Letters B 787, 23-29 2018 2018 None
Complexity in neural and financial systems: From time-series to networks. T Squartini, A Gabrielli, D Garlaschelli, T Gili, A Bifone, F Caccioli, Complexity 3132940 2018 2018 None
Reconstruction methods for networks: The case of economic and financial systems. T Squartini, G Caldarelli, G Cimini, A Gabrielli, D Garlaschelli, Physics Reports 757, 1-47 2018 2018 None
Fermion-to-qubit mappings with varying resource requirements for quantum simulation. M Steudtner, S Wehner, New Journal of Physics 20, 063010 2018 2018 None
Quasiparticle density of states, localization, and distributed disorder in the cuprate superconductors. MA Sulangi, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 97, 144512 2018 2018 None
Self-energies and quasiparticle scattering interference. MA Sulangi, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 98, 094518 2018 2018 None
Phonon-kink scattering effect on the low-temperature thermal transport in solids. JAM van Ostaay, SI Mukhin, Low Temperature Physics 44, 584-592 2018 2018 None
On nonlocally interacting metrics, and a simple proposal for cosmic acceleration. V Vardanyan, Y Akrami, L Amendola, A Silvestri, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03, 048 2018 2018 None
Geometry and mechanics of microdomains in growing bacterial colonies. ZH You, DJG Pearce, A Sengupta, L Giomi, Physical Review X 8, 031065 2018 2018 None
Measure the structure similarity of nodes in complex networks based on relative entropy. Q Zhang, MZ Li, Y Deng, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 491 749-763 2018 2018 None
Ultrametricity increases the predictability of cultural dynamics. AI Babeanu, J van de Vis, D Garlaschelli, New Journal of Physics 20 103026 2018 2018
Low-cost error mitigation by symmetry verification X Bonet-Monroig, R Sagastizabal, M Singh, TE O'Brien Physical Review A 98 062339 2018 2018
Holographic discommensurations. A Krikun, Journal of High Energy Physics 12, 030 2018 2018 None
Hyperstretching DNA. K Schakenraad, AS Biebricher, M Sebregts, B ten Bensel, EJG Peterman, GJL Wuite, C Storm, P van der Schoot, I Heller, Biophysical Journal 114, 90A 2018 2018 None
Towards an improved model of self-interacting dark matter haloes. A Sokolenko, K Bondarenko, T Brinckmann, J Zavala, M Vogelsberger, T Bringmann, A Boyarsky, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 12, 038 2018 2018 None
Electron-hole tunneling revealed by quantum oscillations in the nodal-line semimetal HfSiS. MR van Delft, S Pezzini, T Khouri, CSA Müller, M Breitkreiz, LM Schoop, A Carrington, NE Hussey, S Wiedmann, Physical Review Letters 121, 256602 2018 2018 None
D=1 supergravity and quantum cosmology. JW van Holten, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 81 858-862 2018 2018 None
Sonic Landau levels and synthetic gauge fields in mechanical metamaterials. H Abbaszadeh, A Souslov, J Paulose, H Schomerus, V Vitelli, Physical Review Letters 119, 195502 2017 2017 None
Cumulative effects in inflation with ultra-light entropy modes. A Achúcarro, V Atal, C Germani, GA Palma, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02 013 2017 2017
A white paper on keV sterile neutrino dark matter. R Adhikari, M Agostini, NA Ky, T Araki, M Archidiacono, M Bahr, J Baur, J Behrens, F Bezrukov, PSB Dev, D Borah, A Boya… Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 01 025 2017 2017
Planck intermediate results LI. Features in the cosmic microwave background temperature power spectrum and shifts in cosmological parameters. N Aghanim, Y Akrami, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, M Ballardini, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, N Bartolo, S Basak, K B… Astronomy & Astrophysics 607, A95 2017 2017 None
The double role of GDP in shaping the structure of the international trade network. A Almog, T Squartini, D Garlaschelli, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 7, 381-398 2017 2017 None
Commensurate lock-in in holographic non-homogeneous lattices. T Andrade, A Krikun, Journal of High Energy Physics 03 168 2017 2017
Signs of universality in the structure of culture. AI Babeanu, L Talman, D Garlaschelli, European Physical Journal B 90, 237 2017 2017 None
Weyl-Majorana solenoid. P Baireuther, J Tworzydlo, M Breitkreiz, I Adagideli, CWJ Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 19, 025006 2017 2017 None
Odd viscosity in chiral active fluids. D Banerjee, A Souslov, AG Abanov, V Vitelli, Nature Communications 8, 1573 2017 2017 None
Efficient simulation of semiflexible polymers with stiff bonds. GT Barkema, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review E 95, 012502 2017 2017 None
Universality of pseudogap and emergent order in lightly doped Mott insulators. I Battisti, KM Bastiaans, V Fedoseev, A de la Torre, N Iliopoulos, A Tamai, EC Hunter, RS Perry, J Zaanen, F Baumberge… Nature Physics 13, 21-25 2017 2017 None
Constraints from forests Ly-α on non-thermal dark matter including resonantly-produced sterile neutrinos. J Baur, N Palanque-Delabrouille, C Yeche, A Boyarsky, O Ruchayskiy, E Armengaud, J Lesgourgues, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 12 013 2017 2017
Dual gauge field theory of quantum liquid crystals in two dimensions. AJ Beekman, J Nissinen, K Wu, K Liu, RJ Slager, Z Nussinov, V Cvetkovic, J Zaanen, Physics Reports 683, 1-110 2017 2017 None
Dual gauge field theory of quantum liquid crystals in three dimensions. AJ Beekman, J Nissinen, K Wu, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 96, 165115 2017 2017 None
Fermionic currents in AdS spacetime with compact dimensions. S Bellucci, AA Saharian, V Vardanyan, Physical Review D 96, 065025 2017 2017 None
Flexible mechanical metamaterials. K Bertoldi, V Vitelli, J Christensen, M van Hecke, Nature Reviews Materials 2, 17066 2017 2017 None
Scaling in the vicinity of the four-state Potts fixed point. HWJ Blöte, WA Guo, MP Nightingale, Journal of Physics A 50, 324001 2017 2017 None
Substructure and galaxy formation in the Copernicus Complexio warm dark matter simulations. S Bose, WA Hellwing, CS Frenk, A Jenkins, MR Lovell, JC Helly, BJ Li, V Gonzalez-Perez, L Gao, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464, 4520-4533 2017 2017 None
Chirality blockade of Andreev reflection in a magnetic Weyl semimetal. N Bovenzi, M Breitkreiz, P Baireuther, TE O'Brien, J Tworzydlo, I Adagideli, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 96, 035437 2017 2017 None
Semiclassical theory of anisotropic transport at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces under an in-plane magnetic field. N Bovenzi, M Diez, Physical Review B 95, 205430 2017 2017 None
Probing the nature of dark matter with deep XMM-Newton observations of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies. A Boyarsky, O Ruchayskiy, Astronomische Nachrichten 338, 287-292 2017 2017 None
The turbulent chiral magnetic cascade in the early universe. A Brandenburg, J Schober, I Rogachevskii, T Kahniashvili, A Boyarsky, J Fröhlich, O Ruchayskiy, N Kleeorin, Astrophysical Journal Letters 845, L21 2017 2017 None
Linear response of zero-resistance states. M Breitkreiz, New Journal of Physics 19, 083006 2017 2017 None
Intertwined order and holography: The case of parity breaking pair density waves. RG Cai, L Li, YQ Wang, J Zaanen, Physical Review Letters 119, 181601 2017 2017 None
Bouncing cosmologies with dark matter and dark energy. YF Cai, A Marciano, DG Wang, E Wilson-Ewing, Universe 3, 1 2017 2017 None
Linear and non-linear modified gravity forecasts with future surveys. S Casas, M Kunz, M Martinelli, V Pettorino, Physics of the Dark Universe 18, 73-104 2017 2017 None
The average structural evolution of massive galaxies can be reliably estimated using cumulative galaxy number densities. B Clauwens, A Hill, M Franx, J Schaye, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469, L58-L62 2017 2017 None
The role of DNA sequence in nucleosome breathing. J Culkin, L de Bruin, M Tompitak, R Phillips, H Schiessel, European Physical Journal E 40, 106 2017 2017 None
Field theoretical approach to gravitational waves. M de Cesare, R Oliveri, JW van Holten, Fortschritte der Physik 65, 1700012 2017 2017 None
De Sitter limit analysis for dark energy and modified gravity models. A De Felice, N Frusciante, G Papadomanolakis, Physical Review D 96, 024060 2017 2017 None
On the stability conditions for theories of modified gravity in the presence of matter fields. A De Felice, N Frusciante, G Papadomanolakis, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03 027 2017 2017
Phase rotation symmetry and the topology of oriented scattering networks. P Delplace, M Fruchart, C Tauber, Physical Review B 95, 205413 2017 2017 None
Holographic constraints on Bjorken hydrodynamics at finite coupling. BS DiNunno, S Grozdanov, JF Pedraza, S Young, Journal of High Energy Physics 10 110 2017 2017
On the shape of things: From holography to elastica. P Fonda, V Jejjala, A Veliz-Osorio, Annals of Physics 385, 358-398 2017 2017 None
Tackling non-linearities with the effective field theory of dark energy and modified gravity. N Frusciante, G Papadomanolakis, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 12 014 2017 2017
Two-terminal transport along a proximity-induced superconducting quantum Hall edge. O Gamayun, JA Hutasoit, V Cheianov, Physical Review B 96, 241104(R) 2017 2017 None
Ensemble nonequivalence in random graphs with modular structure. D Garlaschelli, F den Hollander, A Roccaverde, Journal of Physics A 50, 015001 2017 2017 None
Cutoff in the Lyman-α forest power spectrum: Warm IGM or warm dark matter? A Garzilli, A Boyarsky, O Ruchayskiy, Physics Letters B 773, 258-264 2017 2017 None
Cross-talk between topological defects in different fields revealed by nematic microfluidics. L Giomi, Z Kos, M Ravnik, A Sengupta, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114, E5771-E5777 2017 2017 None
Magnetic phase diagram and electronic structure of UPt2Si2 at high magnetic fields: A possible field-induced Lifshitz transition. DS Grachtrup, N Steinki, S Sullow, Z Cakir, G Zwicknagl, Y Krupko, I Sheikin, M Jaime, JA Mydosh, Physical Review B 95, 134422 2017 2017 None
Geometry of thresholdless active flow in nematic microfluidics. R Green, J Toner, V Vitelli, Physical Review Fluids 2, 104201 2017 2017 None
Generalized global symmetries and dissipative magnetohydrodynamics. S Grozdanov, DM Hofman, N Iqbal, Physical Review D 95, 096003 2017 2017 None
Second-order transport, quasi normal modes and zero-viscosity limit in the Gauss-Bonnet holographic fluid. S Grozdanov, AO Starinets, Journal of High Energy Physics 03 166 2017 2017
Coupling constant corrections in a holographic model of heavy ion collisions. S Grozdanov, W van der Schee, Physical Review Letters 119, 011601 2017 2017 None
Solitons and propagating domain walls in topological resonator arrays. Y Hadad, V Vitelli, A Alu, ACS Photonics 4, 1974-1979 2017 2017 None
A gateway towards non-collinear spin processing using three-atom magnets with strong substrate coupling. J Hermenau, J Ibanez-Azpiroz, C Hübner, A Sonntag, B Baxevanis, KT Ton, M Steinbrecher, AA Khajetoorians, M dos Santos… Nature Communications 8, 642 2017 2017 None
The effects of massive graviton on the equilibrium between the black hole and radiation gas in an isolated box. YP Hu, F Pan, XM Wu, Physics Letters B 772, 553-558 2017 2017 None
Generalized Vaidya solutions and Misner-Sharp mass for n-dimensional massive gravity. YP Hu, XM Wu, HS Zhang, Physical Review D 95, 084002 2017 2017 None
Holographic thermalization and generalized Vaidya-AdS solutions in massive gravity. YP Hu, XX Zeng, HQ Zhang, Physics Letters B 765, 120-126 2017 2017 None
The enigma of the ν=2+3/8 fractional quantum Hall effect. JA Hutasoit, AC Balram, S Mukherjee, YH Wu, SS Mandal, A Wojs, V Cheianov, JK Jain, Physical Review B 95, 125302 2017 2017 None
Entanglement entropies and fermion signs of critical metals. N Kaplis, F Krüger, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 95, 155102 2017 2017 None
Numerical study of the F model with domain-wall boundaries. R Keesman, J Lamers, Physical Review E 95, 052117 2017 2017 None
Conformal field theories and deep inelastic scattering. Z Komargodski, M Kulaxizi, A Parnachev, A Zhiboedov, Physical Review D 95, 065011 2017 2017 None
Electrostatic confinement and manipulation of DNA molecules for genome analysis. KL Kounovsky-Shafer, JP Hernandez-Ortiz, K Potamousis, G Tsvid, M Place, P Ravindran, K Jo, S Zhou, T Odijk, JJ de Pab… Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114, 13400-13405 2017 2017 None
Weak quantum chaos. I Kukuljan, S Grozdanov, T Prosen, Physical Review B 96, 060301 2017 2017 None
Matter bounce cosmology with a generalized single field: Non-Gaussianity and an extended no-go theorem. YB Li, J Quintin, DG Wang, YF Cai, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03 031 2017 2017
Hierarchy of orientational phases and axial anisotropies in the gauge theoretical description of generalized nematic liquid crystals. K Liu, J Nissinen, J de Boer, RJ Slager, J Zaanen, Physical Review E 95, 022704 2017 2017 None
Erratum: Measuring global monopole velocities, one by one. A Lopez-Eiguren, J Urrestilla, A Achúcarro, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 06 E01 2017 2017
Measuring global monopole velocities, one by one. A Lopez-Eiguren, J Urrestilla, A Achúcarro, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 01 020 2017 2017
Evolution of semilocal string networks. II. Velocity estimators. A Lopez-Eiguren, J Urrestilla, A Achúcarro, A Avgoustidis, CJAP Martins, Physical Review D 96, 023526 2017 2017 None
Properties of local group galaxies in hydrodynamical simulations of sterile neutrino dark matter cosmologies. MR Lovell, S Bose, A Boyarsky, RA Crain, CS Frenk, WA Hellwing, AD Ludlow, JF Navarro, O Ruchayskiy, T Sawala, M Schal… Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468, 4285-4298 2017 2017 None
Addressing the too big to fail problem with baryon physics and sterile neutrino dark matter. MR Lovell, V Gonzalez-Perez, S Bose, A Boyarsky, S Cole, CS Frenk, O Ruchayskiy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468, 2836-2849 2017 2017 None
Time scale for adiabaticity breakdown in driven many-body systems and orthogonality catastrophe. O Lychkovskiy, O Gamayun, V Cheianov, Physical Review Letters 119, 200401 2017 2017 None
General scheme for stable single and multiatom nanomagnets according to symmetry selection rules. M Marciani, C Hubner, B Baxevanis, Physical Review B 95, 125433 2017 2017 None
Fracture in sheets draped on curved surfaces. NP Mitchell, V Koning, V Vitelli, WTM Irvine, Nature Materials 16, 89-93 2017 2017 None
Instabilities in tensorial nonlocal gravity. H Nersisyan, Y Akrami, L Amendola, TS Koivisto, J Rubio, AR Solomon, Physical Review D 95, 043539 2017 2017 None
Superconductivity provides access to the chiral magnetic effect of an unpaired Weyl cone. TE O'Brien, CWJ Beenakker, I Adagideli, Physical Review Letters 118, 207701 2017 2017 None
Density-matrix simulation of small surface codes under current and projected experimental noise. TE O'Brien, B Tarasinski, L DiCarlo, npj Quantum Information 3, 39 2017 2017 None
Unfolding kinetics of a wormlike chain under elongational flow. T Odijk, Polymers 9, 190 2017 2017 None
Material line fluctuations slaved to bulk correlations in two-dimensional turbulence. T Odijk, Physica A 467, 180-183 2017 2017 None
Impact of theoretical priors in cosmological analyses: The case of single field quintessence. S Peirone, M Martinelli, M Raveri, A Silvestri, Physical Review D 96, 063524 2017 2017 None
Constraining f(R) gravity with Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters detected by the Planck satellite. S Peirone, M Raveri, M Viel, S Borgani, S Ansoldi, Physical Review D 95, 023521 2017 2017 None
Constraining spatial variations of the fine-structure constant in symmetron models. AMM Pinho, M Martinelli, CJAP Martins, Physics Letters B 769, 491-497 2017 2017 None
Magnetic structure in a U(Ru0.92Rh0.08)2Si2 single crystal studied by neutron diffraction in static magnetic fields up to 24 T. K Prokes, M Bartkowiak, O Rivin, O Prokhnenko, T Förster, S Gerischer, R Wahle, YK Huang, JA Mydosh, Physical Review B 96, 121117 2017 2017 None
Electronic properties of a heavy-fermion U(Ru0.92Rh0.08)2Si2 single crystal. K Prokes, YK Huang, M Reehuis, B Klemke, JU Hoffmann, A Sokolowski, A de Visser, JA Mydosh, Physical Review B 95, 035138 2017 2017 None
Quantum thermalization and the expansion of atomic clouds. L Rademaker, J Zaanen, Scientific Reports 7, 6118 2017 2017 None
Priors on the effective dark energy equation of state in scalar-tensor theories. M Raveri, P Bull, A Silvestri, L Pogosian, Physical Review D 96, 083509 2017 2017 None
Partially acoustic dark matter cosmology and cosmological constraints. M Raveri, W Hu, T Hoffman, LT Wang, Physical Review D 96, 103501 2017 2017 None
Laminar and turbulent dynamos in chiral magnetohydrodynamics. I. Theory. I Rogachevskii, O Ruchayskiy, A Boyarsky, J Fröhlich, N Kleeorin, A Brandenburg, J Schober, Astrophysical Journal 846, 153 2017 2017 None
Restless tuneup of high-fidelity qubit gates. MA Rol, CC Bultink, TE O'Brien, SR de Jong, LS Theis, X Fu, F Luthi, RFL Vermeulen, JC de Sterke, A Bruno, D Deurloo, … Physical Review Applied 7, 041001 2017 2017 None
Aluminium-oxide wires for superconducting high kinetic inductance circuits. H Rotzinger, ST Skacel, M Pfirrmann, JN Voss, J Munzberg, S Probst, P Bushev, MP Weides, AV Ustinov, JE Mooij, Superconductor Science & Technology 30, 025002 2017 2017 None
Two-point function of a d=2 quantum critical metal in the limit kF → ∞, Nf → 0 with NfkF fixed. P Säterskog, B Meszena, K Schalm, Physical Review B 96, 155125 2017 2017 None
Hydrodynamic charge and heat transport on inhomogeneous curved spaces. V Scopelliti, K Schalm, A Lucas, Physical Review B 96, 075150 2017 2017 None
Time dependence of entanglement entropy on the fuzzy sphere. P Sebella-Garnier, Journal of High Energy Physics 08 121 2017 2017
Topological sound in active-liquid metamaterials. A Souslov, BC van Zuiden, D Bartolo, V Vitelli, Nature Physics 13, 1091-1091 2017 2017 None
Enhanced capital-asset pricing model for the reconstruction of bipartite financial networks. T Squartini, A Almog, G Caldarelli, I van Lelyveld, D Garlaschelli, G Cimini, Physical Review E 96, 032315 2017 2017 None
Revisiting quasiparticle scattering interference in high-temperature superconductors: The problem of narrow peaks. MA Sulangi, MP Allan, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 96, 134507 2017 2017 None
Benchmarking and refining probability-based models for nucleosome-DNA interaction. M Tompitak, GT Barkema, H Schiessel, BMC Bioinformatics 18, 157 2017 2017 None
Designing nucleosomal force sensors. M Tompitak, L de Bruin, B Eslami-Mossallam, H Schiessel, Physical Review E 95, 052402 2017 2017 None
Genomes of multicellular organisms have evolved to attract nucleosomes to promoter regions. M Tompitak, C Vaillant, H Schiessel, Biophysical Journal 112, 505-511 2017 2017 None
Robust predictions for an oscillatory bispectrum in Planck 2015 data from transient reductions in the speed of sound of the inflaton. J Torrado, B Hu, A Achúcarro, Physical Review D 96, 083515 2017 2017 None
Skating on slippery ice. JMJ van Leeuwen, SciPost Physics 3, 042 2017 2017 None
Coupling the Leidenfrost effect and elastic deformations to power sustained bouncing. SR Waitukaitis, A Zuiderwijk, A Souslov, C Coulais, M van Hecke, Nature Physics 13, 1095-1099 2017 2017 None
The galaxy population in cold and warm dark matter cosmologies. L Wang, V Gonzalez-Perez, LZ Xie, AP Cooper, CS Frenk, L Gao, WA Hellwing, J Helly, MR Lovell, LL Jiang, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468, 4579-4591 2017 2017 None
Performing SELEX experiments in silico. JAJ Wondergem, H Schiessel, M Tompitak, Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 174101 2017 2017 None
Osmotic mechanism of the loop extrusion process. T Yamamoto, H Schiessel, Physical Review E 96, 030402 2017 2017 None
Transcription dynamics stabilizes nucleus-like layer structure in chromatin brush. T Yamamoto, H Schiessel, Soft Matter 13, 5307-5316 2017 2017 None
Chromatin gels are auxetic due to cooperative nucleosome assembly and disassembly dynamics. T Yamamoto, H Schiessel, Europhysics Letters 118, 28003 2017 2017 None
Dynamical dark energy in light of the latest observations. GB Zhao, M Raveri, L Pogosian, YT Wang, RG Crittenden, WJ Handley, WJ Percival, F Beutler, J Brinkmann, CH Chuang, AJ … Nature Astronomy 1, 627-632 2017 2017 None
Kink-antikink asymmetry and impurity interactions in topological mechanical chains. YJ Zhou, BGG Chen, N Upadhyaya, V Vitelli, Physical Review E 95, 022202 2017 2017 None
Physics behind the mechanical nucleosome positioning code. M Zuiddam, R Everaers, H Schiessel, Physical Review E 96, 052412 2017 2017 None
Supercurrent interference in few-mode nanowire Josephson junctions. K Zuo, V Mourik, DB Szombati, B Nijholt, DJ van Woerkom, A Geresdi, J Chen, VP Ostroukh, AR Akhmerov, SR Plissard, D Ca… Physical Review Letters 119 187704 2017 2017
The relation between galaxy morphology and colour in the EAGLE simulation. CA Correa, J Schaye, B Clauwens, RG Bower, RA Crain, M Schaller, T Theuns, ACR Thob, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 472, L45-L49 2017 2017 None
High magnetic field behavior of strongly correlated uranium-based compounds. JA Mydosh, Advances in Physics 66, 263-314 2017 2017 None
Hyperstretching DNA. K Schakenraad, AS Biebricher, M Sebregts, B ten Bensel, EJG Peterman, GJL Wuite, I Heller, C Storm, P van der Schoot, Nature Communications 8, 2197 2017 2017 None
Self-organized pseudo-graphene on grain boundaries in topological band insulators. RJ Slager, V Juricic, V Lahtinen, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 93, 245406 2016 2016 None
">Can Markov chain models predict nucleosome positioning? M Tompitak, BE Mossalam, GT Barkema, H Schiessel, Biophysical Journal 110, 404A 2016 2016 None
">Force responses of strongly intrinsically curved DNA helices deviate from worm-like chain predictions. M Tompitak, H Schiessel, GT Barkema, Europhysics Letters 116, 68005 2016 2016 None
A generation-attraction model for renewable energy flows in Italy: A complex network approach. L Valori, GL Giannuzzi, A Facchini, T Squartini, D Garlaschelli, R Basosi, European Physical Journal-Special Topics 225, 1913-1927 2016 2016 None
Orientational properties of nematic disclinations. AJ Vromans, L Giomi, Soft Matter 12, 6490-6495 2016 2016 None
Probing the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time at the nanoscale. JJT Wagenaar, AMJ den Haan, JM de Voogd, L Bossoni, TA de Jong, M de Wit, KM Bastiaans, DJ Thoen, A Endo, TM Klapwijk,… Physical Review Applied 6, 014007 2016 2016 None
Mass assembly history and infall time of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy. MY Wang, LE Strigari, MR Lovell, CS Frenk, AR Zentner, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 457, 4248-4261 2016 2016 None
Compaction of isolated Escherichia coli nucleoids: Polymer and H-NS protein synergetics. AS Wegner, K Wintraecken, R Spurio, CL Woldringh, R de Vries, T Odijk, Journal of Structural Biology 194, 129-137 2016 2016 None
Transcription driven phase separation in chromatin brush. T Yamamoto, H Schiessel, Langmuir 32, 3036-3044 2016 2016 None
Superconducting electrons go missing. J Zaanen, Nature 536, 282-283 2016 2016 None
Electrons go with the flow in exotic material systems. J Zaanen, Science 351, 1026-1027 2016 2016 None
Topological nematic phase in Dirac semimetals. RX Zhang, JA Hutasoit, Y Sun, BH Yan, CK Xu, CX Liu, Physical Review B 93, 041108 2016 2016 None
Spatiotemporal order and emergent edge currents in active spinner materials. BC van Zuiden, J Paulose, WTM Irvine, D Bartolo, V Vitelli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 12919-12924 2016 2016 None
New class of de Sitter vacua in string theory compactifications. A Achúcarro, P Ortiz, K Sousa, Physical Review D 94, 086012 2016 2016 None
Testing deviations from lambda-CDM with growth rate measurements from six large-scale structure surveys at z=0.06-1. S Alam, S Ho, A Silvestri, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 456, 3743-3756 2016 2016 None
Waiting times of entangled electrons in normal-superconducting junctions. M Albert, D Chevallier, P Devillard, Physica E 76, 209-215 2016 2016 None
A facility to search for hidden particles at the CERN SPS: The SHiP physics case. S Alekhin, W Altmannshofer, T Asaka, B Batell, F Bezrukov, K Bondarenko, A Boyarsky, KY Choi, C Corral, N Craig, D Cur… Reports on Progress in Physics 79, 124201 2016 2016 None
Commensurability effects in holographic homogeneous lattices. T Andrade, A Krikun, Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 039 2016 2016 None
Holographic dual of a time machine. I Arefeva, A Bagrov, P Saterskog, K Schalm, Physical Review D 94, 044059 2016 2016 None
Analytic pseudo-Goldstone bosons. R Argurio, A Marzolla, A Mezzalira, D Musso, Journal of High Energy Physics 03, 012 2016 2016 None
Holographic fermions at strong translational symmetry breaking: A Bianchi-VII case study. A Bagrov, N Kaplis, A Krikun, K Schalm, J Zaanen, Journal of High Energy Physics 11, 057 2016 2016 None
Scattering theory of the chiral magnetic effect in a Weyl semimetal: Interplay of bulk Weyl cones and surface Fermi arcs. P Baireuther, JA Hutasoit, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 18, 045009 2016 2016 None
Financial complexity: Accounting for fraud response. S Battiston, D Farmer, A Flache, D Garlaschelli, A Haldane, H Heesterbeek, C Hommes, C Jaeger, R May, M Scheffer, Science 352, 302 2016 2016 None
Complex systems complexity theory and financial regulation. S Battiston, JD Farmer, A Flache, D Garlaschelli, AG Haldane, H Heesterbeek, C Hommes, C Jaeger, R May, M Scheffer, Science 351, 818-819 2016 2016 None
Bringing order to the expanding fermion zoo. C Beenakker, Science 353, 539-540 2016 2016 None
A road to reality with topological superconductors. C Beenakker, L Kouwenhoven, Nature Physics 12, 618-621 2016 2016 None
Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in modified gravity. F Bianchini, A Silvestri, Physical Review D 93, 064026 2016 2016 None
The Copernicus Complexio: Statistical properties of warm dark matter haloes. S Bose, WA Hellwing, CS Frenk, A Jenkins, MR Lovell, JC Helly, BJ Li, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455, 318-333 2016 2016 None
Reionization in sterile neutrino cosmologies. S Bose, CS Frenk, J Hou, CG Lacey, MR Lovell, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 463, 3848-3859 2016 2016 None
Simulated milky way analogues: Implications for dark matter direct searches. N Bozorgnia, F Calore, M Schaller, M Lovell, G Bertone, CS Frenk, RA Crain, JF Navarro, J Schaye, T Theuns, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05, 024 2016 2016 None
Interrupted orbital motion in density-wave systems. M Breitkreiz, PMR Brydon, C Timm, Physical Review B 94, 205103 2016 2016 None
Orientational order at finite temperature on curved surfaces. C Brito, V Vitelli, O Dauchot, Journal of Statistical Mechanics 033208 2016 2016 None
Beyond lambda-CDM: Problems, solutions, and the road ahead. P Bull, Y Akrami, J Adamek, T Baker, E Bellini, JB Jimenez, E Bentivegna, S Camera, S Clesse, JH Davis, E Di Dio, J En… Physics of the Dark Universe 12, 56-99 2016 2016 None
Evidence for weakened intercellular coupling in the mammalian circadian clock under long photoperiod. MR Buijink, A Almog, CB Wit, O Roethler, AHO Olde Engberink, JH Meijer, D Garlaschelli, JHT Rohling, S Michel, PLoS ONE 11, e0168954 2016 2016 None
Active resonator reset in the nonlinear dispersive regime of circuit QED. CC Bultink, MA Rol, TE O'Brien, X Fu, BCS Dikken, C Dickel, RFL Vermeulen, JC de Sterke, A Bruno, RN Schouten, L DiCar… Physical Review Applied 6, 034008 2016 2016 None
Shear viscosity in holography and effective theory of transport without translational symmetry. P Burikham, N Poovuttikul, Physical Review D 94, 106001 2016 2016 None
Vitrification machines learn to recognize glasses. M Ceriotti, V Vitelli, Nature Physics 12, 377-378 2016 2016 None
Topological mechanics of origami and kirigami. BGG Chen, B Liu, AA Evans, J Paulose, I Cohen, V Vitelli, CD Santangelo, Physical Review Letters 116, 135501 2016 2016 None
Spin connection as Lorentz gauge field in Fairchild's action. F Cianfrani, G Montani, V Scopelliti, Modern Physics Letters A 31, 1650124 2016 2016 None
A large difference in the progenitor masses of active and passive galaxies in the EAGLE simulation. B Clauwens, M Franx, J Schaye Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 463, L1-L5 2016 2016 None
Implications of a variable IMF for the interpretation of observations of galaxy populations. B Clauwens, J Schaye, M Franx, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 462, 2832-2846 2016 2016 None
Spinning bodies in curved spacetime. G d'Ambrosi, SS Kumar, J van de Vis, JW van Holten, Physical Review D 93, 044051 2016 2016 None
Why do nucleosomes unwrap asymmetrically? L de Bruin, M Tompitak, B Eslami-Mossallam, H Schiessel, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120, 5855-5863 2016 2016 None
Momentum and charge transport in non-relativistic holographic fluids from Horava gravity. RA Davison, S Grozdanov, S Janiszewski, M Kaminski, Journal of High Energy Physics 11, 170 2016 2016 None
Emergent O(n) symmetry in a series of three-dimensional Potts models. CX Ding, HWJ Blöte, YJ Deng, Physical Review B 94, 104402 2016 2016 None
The role of rigidity in controlling material failure. MM Driscoll, BGG Chen, TH Beuman, S Ulrich, SR Nagel, V Vitelli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, 10813-10817 2016 2016 None
Nucleosome dynamics: Sequence matters. B Eslami-Mossallam, H Schiessel, J van Noort, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 232, 101-113 2016 2016 None
Multiplexing genetic and nucleosome positioning codes: A computational approach. B Eslami-Mossallam, RD Schram, M Tompitak, J van Noort, H Schiessel, PLOS ONE 11, e0156905 2016 2016 None
Radial profile of the 3.5 keV line out to R_200 in the Perseus Cluster. J Franse, E Bulbul, A Foster, A Boyarsky, M Markevitch, M Bautz, D Iakubovskyi, M Loewenstein, M McDonald, E Miller, Astrophysical Journal 829, 124 2016 2016 None
An extended action for the effective field theory of dark energy: A stability analysis and a complete guide to the mapping at the basis of EFTCAMB. N Frusciante, G Papadomanolakis, A Silvestri, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07, 018 2016 2016 None
Horava gravity in the effective field theory formalism: From cosmology to observational constraints. N Frusciante, M Raveri, D Vernieri, B Hu, A Silvestri, Physics of the Dark Universe 13, 7-24 2016 2016 None
Special transitions in an O(n) loop model with an Ising-like constraint. Z Fu, WA Guo, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 93, 042108 2016 2016 None
Time and temperature-dependent correlation function of an impurity in one-dimensional Fermi and Tonks-Girardeau gases as a Fredholm determinant. O Gamayun, AG Pronko, MB Zvonarev, New Journal of Physics 18, 045005 2016 2016 None
Soliton splitting in quenched classical integrable systems. O Gamayun, M Semenyakin, Journal of Physics A 49, 335201 2016 2016 None
Multiplexity and multireciprocity in directed multiplexes. V Gemmetto, T Squartini, F Picciolo, F Ruzzenenti, D Garlaschelli, Physical Review E 94, 042316 2016 2016 None
Attractor-repeller pair of topological zero modes in a nonlinear quantum walk. Y Gerasimenko, B Tarasinski, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review A 93, 022329 2016 2016 None
One ring to rule them all: Tuning bacteria collective motion via geometric confinement. L Giomi, New Journal of Physics 18, 081001 2016 2016 None
Wiedemann-Franz-type relation between shot noise and thermal conduction of Majorana surface states in a three-dimensional topological superconductor. NV Gnezdilov, M Diez, MJ Pacholski, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 94, 115415 2016 2016 None
Anomalous Maxwell equations for inhomogeneous chiral plasma. EV Gorbar, IA Shovkovy, S Vilchinskii, I Rudenok, A Boyarsky, O Ruchayskiy, Physical Review D 93, 105028 2016 2016 None
Constructing higher-order hydrodynamics: The third order. S Grozdanov, N Kaplis, Physical Review D 93, 066012 2016 2016 None
From strong to weak coupling in holographic models of thermalization. S Grozdanov, N Kaplis, AO Starinets, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 151 2016 2016 None
Inflationary potentials from the exact renormalisation group. S Grozdanov, D Kraljic, EE Svanes, Nuclear Physics B 909, 657-676 2016 2016 None
Incoherent thermal transport from dirty black holes. S Grozdanov, A Lucas, K Schalm, Physical Review D 93, 061901 2016 2016 None
Universality of anomalous conductivities in theories with higher-derivative holographic duals. S Grozdanov, N Poovuttikul, Journal of High Energy Physics 046 2016 2016 None
Enhancing triplet superconductivity by the proximity to a singlet superconductor in oxide heterostructures. M Horsdal, G Khaliullin, T Hyart, B Rosenow, Physical Review B 93, 220502 2016 2016 None
Testing Hu-Sawicki f(R) gravity with the effective field theory approach. B Hu, M Raveri, M Rizzato, A Silvestri, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459, 3880-3889 2016 2016 None
Boundaries determine the formation energies of lattice defects in two-dimensional buckled materials. SK Jain, V Juricic, GT Barkema, Physical Review B 94, 020102 2016 2016 None
Finite-size scaling at infinite-order phase transitions. R Keesman, J Lamers, RA Duine, GT Barkema, Journal of Statistical Mechanics 093201 2016 2016 None
Skyrmions in square-lattice antiferromagnets. R Keesman, M Raaijmakers, AE Baerends, GT Barkema, RA Duine, Physical Review B 94, 054402 2016 2016 None
Hamilton-Jacobi approach to cosmology with nonlinear sigma model. R Kerner, JW Van Holten, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 13, 1640004 2016 2016 None
A direct measurement of tomographic lensing power spectra from CFHTLenS. F Kohlinger, M Viola, W Valkenburg, B Joachimi, H Hoekstra, K Kuijken, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 456, 1508-1527 2016 2016 None
Spherical nematic shells with a threefold valence. V Koning, T Lopez-Leon, A Darmon, A Fernandez-Nieves, V Vitelli, Physical Review E 94, 012703 2016 2016 None
Generalized liquid crystals: Giant fluctuations and the vestigial chiral order of I, O, and T matter. K Liu, J Nissinen, RJ Slager, K Wu, J Zaanen, Physical Review X 6, 041025 2016 2016 None
Satellite galaxies in semi-analytic models of galaxy formation with sterile neutrino dark matter. MR Lovell, S Bose, A Boyarsky, S Cole, CS Frenk, V Gonzalez-Perez, R Kennedy, O Ruchayskiy, A Smith, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 461, 60-72 2016 2016 None
Shock waves, rarefaction waves, and nonequilibrium steady states in quantum critical systems. A Lucas, K Schalm, B Doyon, MJ Bhaseen, Physical Review D 94, 025004 2016 2016 None
Effect of a tunnel barrier on the scattering from a Majorana bound state in an Andreev billiard. M Marciani, H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker, Physica E 77, 54-64 2016 2016 None
Real-time cosmography with redshift derivatives. CJAP Martins, M Martinelli, E Calabrese, MPLP Ramos, Physical Review D 94, 043001 2016 2016 None
Geared topological metamaterials with tunable mechanical stability. AS Meeussen, J Paulose, V Vitelli, Physical Review X 6, 041029 2016 2016 None
Nonperturbative emergence of non-Fermi-liquid behavior in d=2 quantum critical metals. B Meszena, P Saterskog, A Bagrov, K Schalm, Physical Review B 94, 115134 2016 2016 None
A holographic model of quantum Hall transition. A Mezzalira, A Parnachev, Nuclear Physics B 904, 448-469 2016 2016 None
Lensing-induced morphology changes in cmb temperature maps in modified gravity theories. D Munshi, B Hu, T Matsubara, P Coles, A Heavens, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 056 2016 2016 None
Classification of point-group-symmetric orientational ordering tensors. J Nissinen, K Liu, RJ Slager, K Wu, J Zaanen, Physical Review E 94, 022701 2016 2016 None
Explicit construction of local conserved operators in disordered many-body systems. TE O'Brien, DA Abanin, G Vidal, Z Papic, Physical Review B 94, 144208 2016 2016 None
Magnetic breakdown and Klein tunneling in a type-II Weyl semimetal. TE O'Brien, M Diez, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 116, 236401 2016 2016 None
Two-dimensional Josephson vortex lattice and anomalously slow decay of the Fraunhofer oscillations in a ballistic SNS junction with a warped Fermi surface. VP Ostroukh, B Baxevanis, AR Akhmerov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 94, 094514 2016 2016 None
Ground truth? Concept-based communities versus the external classification of physics manuscripts. V Palchykov, V Gemmetto, A Boyarsky, D Garlaschelli, EPJ Data Science 5, 28 2016 2016 None
Dynamics of a double-stranded DNA segment in a shear flow. D Panja, GT Barkema, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review E 93, 042501 2016 2016 None
Linear response to leadership, effective temperature, and decision making in flocks. DJG Pearce, L Giomi, Physical Review E 94, 022612 2016 2016 None
Additives for vaccine storage to improve thermal stability of adenoviruses from hours to months. M Pelliccia, P Andreozzi, J Paulose, M D'Alicarnasso, V Cagno, M Donalisio, A Civra, RM Broeckel, N Haese, PJ Silva, R… Nature Communications 7, 13520 2016 2016 None
Confinement-deconfinement transition due to spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum Hall bilayers. DI Pikulin, PG Silvestrov, T Hyart, Nature Communications 7, 10462 2016 2016 None
What can cosmology tell us about gravity? Constraining Horndeski gravity with sigma and mu. L Pogosian, A Silvestri, Physical Review D 94, 104014 2016 2016 None
Equivalent-neighbor Potts models in two dimensions. XF Qian, YJ Deng, YH Liu, WA Guo, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 94, 052103 2016 2016 None
Frequency-domain measurement of the spin-imbalance lifetime in superconductors. CHL Quay, C Dutreix, D Chevallier, C Bena, M Aprili, Physical Review B 93, 220501 2016 2016 None
Mechanical Weyl modes in topological Maxwell lattices. DZ Rocklin, BGG Chen, M Falk, V Vitelli, TC Lubensky, Physical Review Letters 116, 135503 2016 2016 None
Searching for decaying dark matter in deep XMM-Newton observation of the Draco dwarf spheroidal. O Ruchayskiy, A Boyarsky, D Iakubovskyi, E Bulbul, D Eckert, J Franse, D Malyshev, M Markevitch, A Neronov, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 460, 1390-1398 2016 2016 None
Proposal for a transmon-based quantum router. A Sala, M Blaauboer, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 28, 275701 2016 2016 None
Phonon effects on the double mass differences in magic nuclei. EE Saperstein, M Baldo, NV Gnezdilov, SV Tolokonnikov, Physical Review C 93, 034302 2016 2016 None
Phonon-particle coupling effects in odd-even double mass differences of magic nuclei. EE Saperstein, M Baldo, NV Gnezdilov, SV Tolokonnikov, JETP Letters 103, 1-7 2016 2016 None
Exact enumeration of hamiltonian walks on the 4 x 4 x 4 cube and applications to protein folding (Corrigendum for vol 46, 485001, 2013). RD Schram, H Schiessel, Journal of Physics A 49, 369501 2016 2016 None
On the viability of m2phi2 and natural inflation. A Achúcarro, V Atal, Y Welling, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 07, 008 2015 2015 None
The two-field regime of natural inflation. A Achúcarro, V Atal, M Kawasaki, F Takahashi, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 12, 044 2015 2015 None
A GDP-driven model for the binary and weighted structure of the International Trade Network. A Almog, T Squartini, D Garlaschelli, New Journal of Physics 17, 013009 2015 2015 None
Mesoscopic community structure of financial markets revealed by price and sign fluctuations. A Almog, F Besamusca, M MacMahon, D Garlaschelli, PLOS ONE 10, e0133679 2015 2015 None
Bounds on charge and heat diffusivities in momentum dissipating holography. A Amoretti, A Braggio, N Magnoli, D Musso, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 102 2015 2015 None
Magneto-transport from momentum dissipating holography. A Amoretti, D Musso, Journal of High Energy Physics 09, 094 2015 2015 None
Holographic dual of a conical defect. IY Arefeva, AA Bagrov, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 182, 1-22 2015 2015 None
Note on holographic nonrelativistic Goldstone bosons. R Argurio, A Marzolla, A Mezzalira, D Naegels, Physical Review D 92, 066009 2015 2015 None
Andreev-Bragg reflection from an Amperian superconductor. P Baireuther, T Hyart, B Tarasinski, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 115, 097001 2015 2015 None
Even-odd flux quanta effect in the Fraunhofer oscillations of an edge-channel Josephson junction. B Baxevanis, VP Ostroukh, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 91, 041409 2015 2015 None
Random-matrix theory of Majorana fermions and topological superconductors. CWJ Beenakker, Reviews of Modern Physics 87, 1037-1066 2015 2015 None
Lorentz, the Solvay councils and the physics institute. FA Berends, European Physical Journal-Special Topics 224, 2091-2111 2015 2015 None
Energy flow in quantum critical systems far from equilibrium. MJ Bhaseen, B Doyon, A Lucas, K Schalm, Nature Physics 11, 509-514 2015 2015 None
Canonical D=1 supergravity framework for FLRW cosmology. MP Bogers, JW van Holten, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05, 039 2015 2015 None
Checking the dark matter origin of a 3.53 keV line with the Milky Way center. A Boyarsky, J Franse, D Iakubovskyi, O Ruchayskiy, Physical Review Letters 115, 161301 2015 2015 None
Magnetohydrodynamics of chiral relativistic fluids. A Boyarsky, J Frohlich, O Ruchayskiy, Physical Review D 92, 043004 2015 2015 None
Searching for features of a string-inspired inflationary model with cosmological observations. YF Cai, EGM Ferreira, B Hu, J Quintin, Physical Review D 92, 121303 2015 2015 None
Ballistic Josephson junctions in edge-contacted graphene. VE Calado, S Goswami, G Nanda, M Diez, AR Akhmerov, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, TM Klapwijk, LMK Vandersypen, Nature Nanotechnology 10, 761-761 2015 2015 None
Simulated milky way analogues: Implications for dark matter indirect searches. F Calore, N Bozorgnia, M Lovell, G Bertone, M Schaller, CS Frenk, RA Crain, J Schaye, T Theuns, JW Trayford, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 053 2015 2015 None
Correlations of strain and plasticity in a flowing foam. V Chikkadi, E Woldhuis, M van Hecke, P Schall, Europhysics Letters 112, 36004 2015 2015 None
Estimating topological properties of weighted networks from limited information. G Cimini, T Squartini, A Gabrielli, D Garlaschelli, Physical Review E 92, 040802 2015 2015 None
Systemic risk analysis on reconstructed economic and financial networks. G Cimini, T Squartini, D Garlaschelli, A Gabrielli, Scientific Reports 5, 15758 2015 2015 None
Reconstructing topological properties of complex networks using the fitness model. G Cimini, T Squartini, N Musmeci, M Puliga, A Gabrielli, D Garlaschelli, S Battiston, G Caldarelli, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8852, 323-333 2015 2015 None
An assessment of the evidence from ATLAS3D for a variable initial mass function. B Clauwens, J Schaye, M Franx, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 449, 4091-4104 2015 2015 None
Covariant Hamiltonian spin dynamics in curved space-time. G d'Ambrosi, SS Kumar, JW van Holten, Physics Letters B 743, 478-483 2015 2015 None
Dissecting holographic conductivities. RA Davison, B Gouteraux, Journal of High Energy Physics 09, 090 2015 2015 None
Incoherent transport in clean quantum critical metals. RA Davison, B Gouteraux, SA Hartnoll, Journal of High Energy Physics 10, 112 2015 2015 None
Momentum dissipation and effective theories of coherent and incoherent transport. RA Davison, B Gouteraux, Journal of High Energy Physics 01, 039 2015 2015 None
Realization of microwave quantum circuits using hybrid superconducting-semiconducting nanowire Josephson elements. G de Lange, B van Heck, A Bruno, DJ van Woerkom, A Geresdi, SR Plissard, EPAM Bakkers, AR Akhmerov, L DiCarlo, Physical Review Letters 115, 127002 2015 2015 None
Extended topological group structure due to average reflection symmetry. M Diez, DI Pikulin, IC Fulga, J Tworzydlo, New Journal of Physics 17, 043014 2015 2015 None
Giant negative magnetoresistance driven by spin-orbit coupling at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. M Diez, AMRVL Monteiro, G Mattoni, E Cobanera, T Hyart, E Mulazimoglu, N Bovenzi, CWJ Beenakker, AD Caviglia, Physical Review Letters 115, 016803 2015 2015 None
Non-equilibrium steady states in the Klein-Gordon theory. B Doyon, A Lucas, K Schalm, MJ Bhaseen, Journal of Physics A 48, 095002 2015 2015 None
S-wave superconductivity in anisotropic holographic insulators. J Erdmenger, B Herwerth, S Klug, R Meyer, K Schalm, Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 094 2015 2015 None
The physics of chromatin. R Everaers, H Schiessel, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 27, 060301 2015 2015 None
Molecular dynamics simulation of supercoiled DNA rings. A Fathizadeh, H Schiessel, MR Ejtehadi, Macromolecules 48, 164-172 2015 2015 None
On shape dependence of holographic mutual information in AdS4. P Fonda, L Giomi, A Salvio, E Tonni, Journal of High Energy Physics 02, 005 2015 2015 None
Fate of a gray soliton in a quenched Bose-Einstein condensate. O Gamayun, YV Bezvershenko, V Cheianov, Physical Review A 91, 031605 2015 2015 None
Reply to "comment on 'Kinetic theory for a mobile impurity in a degenerate Tonks-Girardeau gas'". O Gamayun, O Lychkovskiy, V Cheianov, Physical Review E 92, 016102 2015 2015 None
The broadening of Lyman-alpha forest absorption lines. A Garzilli, T Theuns, J Schaye, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 450, 1465-1476 2015 2015 None
Multiplexity versus correlation: The role of local constraints in real multiplexes. V Gemmetto, D Garlaschelli, Scientific Reports 5, 9120 2015 2015 None
Geometry and topology of turbulence in active nematics. L Giomi, Physical Review X 5, 031003 2015 2015 None
Topologically protected charge transfer along the edge of a chiral p-wave superconductor. NV Gnezdilov, B van Heck, M Diez, JA Hutasoit, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 92, 121406 2015 2015 None
Phase nucleation in curved space. LR Gomez, NA Garcia, V Vitelli, J Lorenzana, DA Vega, Nature Communications 6, 6856 2015 2015 None
Absence of disorder-driven metal-insulator transitions in simple holographic models. S Grozdanov, A Lucas, S Sachdev, K. Schalm, Physical Review Letters 115, 221601 2015 2015 None
Dynamics of the electric current in an ideal electron gas: A sound mode inside the quasiparticles. S Grozdanov, J Polonyi, Physical Review D 92, 065009 2015 2015 None
On the universal identity in second order hydrodynamics. S Grozdanov, AO Starinets, Journal of High Energy Physics 03, 007 2015 2015 None
Exciton-driven quantum phase transitions in holography. E Gubankova, M Cubrovic, J Zaanen, Physical Review D 92, 086004 2015 2015 None
Minimal circuit for a flux-controlled Majorana qubit in a quantum spin-Hall insulator. B van Heck, T Hyart, CWJ Beenakker, Physica Scripta T 164, 014007 2015 2015 None
Gauge-covariant extensions of Killing tensors and conservation laws. JW van Holten, Journal of Physics Conference Series 597, 012072 2015 2015 None
Can modified gravity models reconcile the tension between the CMB anisotropy and lensing maps in Planck-like observations? B Hu, M Raveri, Physical Review D 91, 123515 2015 2015 None
Exploring massive neutrinos in dark cosmologies with EFTCAMB/EFTCosmoMC. B Hu, M Raveri, A Silvestri, N Frusciante, Physical Review D 91, 063524 2015 2015 None
Searching for primordial localized features with CMB and LSS spectra. B Hu, J Torrado, Physical Review D 91, 064039 2015 2015 None
Universality lost: Relation between quantizations of the Hall conductance and the edge exponents in fractional quantum Hall effect. JA Hutasoit, Physical Review B 91, 081113 2015 2015 None
Probing crystallinity of graphene samples via the vibrational density of states. SK Jain, V Juricic, GT Barkema, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6, 3897-3902 2015 2015 None
Strong long-range relaxations of structural defects in graphene simulated using a new semiempirical potential. SK Jain, GT Barkema, N Mousseau, CM Fang, MA van Huis, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 9646-9655 2015 2015 None
Degeneracies and fluctuations of Néel skyrmions in confined geometries. R Keesman, AO Leonov, P van Dieten, S Buhrandt, GT Barkema, L Fritz, RA Duine, Physical Review B 92, 134405 2015 2015 None
From quantum matter to high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides. B Keimer, SA Kivelson, MR Norman, S Uchida, J Zaanen, Nature 518, 179-186 2015 2015 None
Symmetry-protected topological invariant and Majorana impurity states in time-reversal-invariant superconductors. L Kimme, T Hyart, B Rosenow, Physical Review B 91, 220501 2015 2015 None
Statistical uncertainties and systematic errors in weak lensing mass estimates of galaxy clusters. F Kohlinger, H Hoekstra, M Eriksen, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453, 3107-3119 2015 2015 None
The early Solvay councils and the advent of the quantum era. F Lambert, F Berends, M Eckert, European Physical Journal-Special Topics 224, 2011-2021 2015 2015 None
The influence of DNA shape fluctuations on fluorescence resonance energy transfer efficiency measurements in nucleosomes. L Lenz, M Hoenderdos, P Prinsen, H Schiessel, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 27, 064104 2015 2015 None
Classification of nematic order in 2+1 dimensions: Dislocation melting and O(2)/Zn lattice gauge theory. K Liu, J Nissinen, Z Nussinov, RJ Slager, K Wu, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 91, 075103 2015 2015 None
Decaying dark matter: The case for a deep X-ray observation of Draco. MR Lovell, G Bertone, A Boyarsky, A Jenkins, O Ruchayskiy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451, 1573-1585 2015 2015 None
Community detection for correlation matrices. M MacMahon, D Garlaschelli, Physical Review X 5, 021006 2015 2015 None
Statistical translation invariance protects a topological insulator from interactions. A Milsted, L Seabra, IC Fulga, CWJ Beenakker, E Cobanera, Physical Review B 92, 085139 2015 2015 None
Spin glasses: Redux: An updated experimental/materials survey. JA Mydosh, Reports on Progress in Physics 78, 052501 2015 2015 None
Topological mechanics of gyroscopic metamaterials. LM Nash, D Kleckner, A Read, V Vitelli, AM Turner, WTM Irvine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, 14495-14500 2015 2015 None
A tree swaying in a turbulent wind: A scaling analysis. T Odijk, Journal of Biological Physics 41, 1-7 2015 2015 None
Complex interactions with the surroundings dictate a tagged chain's dynamics in unentangled polymer melts. D Panja, GT Barkema, RC Ball, Macromolecules 48, 1442-1453 2015 2015 None
Efficient simulation of semiflexible polymers. D Panja, GT Barkema, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review E 92, 032603 2015 2015 None
Topological entanglement entropy, ground state degeneracy and holography. A Parnachev, N Poovuttikul, Journal of High Energy Physics 10, 092 2015 2015 None
Selective buckling via states of self-stress in topological metamaterials. J Paulose, AS Meeussen, V Vitelli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, 7639-7644 2015 2015 None
Topological modes bound to dislocations in mechanical metamaterials. J Paulose, BGG Chen, V Vitelli, Nature Physics 11, 153-156 2015 2015 None
Measuring the speed of cosmological gravitational waves. M Raveri, C Baccigalupi, A Silvestri, SY Zhou, Physical Review D 91, 061501 2015 2015 None
On the accuracy of N-body simulations at very large scales. G Rigopoulos, W Valkenburg, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446, 677-682 2015 2015 None
Effect of chiral symmetry on chaotic scattering from Majorana zero modes. H Schomerus, M Marciani, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 114, 166803 2015 2015 None
Monte Carlo methods beyond detailed balance. RD Schram, GT Barkema, Physica A 418, 88-93 2015 2015 None
Computational study of remodeling in a nucleosomal array. RD Schram, H Klinker, PB Becker, H Schiessel, European Physical Journal E 38, 85 2015 2015 None
Impurity-bound states and Green's function zeros as local signatures of topology. RJ Slager, L Rademaker, J Zaanen, L Balents, Physical Review B 92, 085126 2015 2015 None
Perturbative stability along the supersymmetric directions of the landscape. K Sousa, P Ortiz, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02, 017 2015 2015 None
Information recovery in behavioral networks. T Squartini, E Ser-Giacomi, D Garlaschelli, G Judge, PLOS ONE 10, e0125077 2015 2015 None
Unbiased sampling of network ensembles. T Squartini, R Mastrandrea, D Garlaschelli, New Journal of Physics 17, 023052 2015 2015 None
Breaking of ensemble equivalence in networks. T Squartini, J de Mol, F den Hollander, D Garlaschelli, Physical Review Letters 115, 268701 2015 2015 None
Stationarity, non-stationarity and early warning signals in economic networks. T Squartini, D Garlaschelli, Journal of Complex Networks 3, 1-21 2015 2015 None
Quench dynamics of fermion-parity switches in a Josephson junction. B Tarasinski, D Chevallier, JA Hutasoit, B Baxevanis, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 92, 144306 2015 2015 None
Sequence dependent plectoneme dynamics. M Tompitak, BE Mossallam, G Barkema, H Schiessel, Biophysical Journal 108, 392A 2015 2015 None
Initial conditions for cosmological N-body simulations of the scalar sector of theories of Newtonian, Relativistic and Modified Gravity. W Valkenburg, B Hu, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 054 2015 2015 None
Spin-orbit interaction in InSb nanowires. I van Weperen, B Tarasinski, D Eeltink, VS Pribiag, SR Plissard, EPAM Bakkers, LP Kouwenhoven, M Wimmer, Physical Review B 91, 201413 2015 2015 None
Origami multistability: From single vertices to metasheets. S Waitukaitis, R Menaut, BGG Chen, M van Hecke, Physical Review Letters 114, 055503 2015 2015 None
An introduction to Monte Carlo methods. JC Walter, GT Barkema, Physica A 418, 78-87 2015 2015 None
Completely packed O(n) loop models and their relation with exactly solved coloring models. YG Wang, WA Guo, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 91, 032123 2015 2015 None
Solid friction between soft filaments. A Ward, F Hilitski, W Schwenger, D Welch, AWC Lau, V Vitelli, L Mahadevan, Z Dogic, Nature Materials 14, 583-588 2015 2015 None
Fluctuations in flows near jamming. E Woldhuis, V Chikkadi, MS van Deen, P Schall, M van Hecke, Soft Matter 11, 7024-7031 2015 2015 None
Rigidity percolation by next-nearest-neighbor bonds on generic and regular isostatic lattices. LY Zhang, DZ Rocklin, BGG Chen, XM Mao, Physical Review E 91, 032124 2015 2015 None
Charge modulation as fingerprints of phase-string triggered interference. Z Zhu, CS Tian, HC Jiang, Y Qi, ZY Weng, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 92 035113 2015 2015 None
Evolution of semilocal string networks: Large-scale properties. A Achúcarro, A Avgoustidis, AMM Leite, A Lopez-Eiguren, CJAP Martins, AS Nunes, J Urrestilla, Physical Review D 89, 063503 2014 2014 None
Inflation with moderately sharp features in the speed of sound: Generalized slow roll and in-in formalism for power spectrum and bispectrum. A Achúcarro, V Atal, B Hu, P Ortiz, J Torrado, Physical Review D 90, 023511 2014 2014 None
Localized correlated features in the CMB power spectrum and primordial bispectrum from a transient reduction in the speed of sound. A Achúcarro, V Atal, P Ortiz, J Torrado, Physical Review D 89, 103006 2014 2014 None
Effects of electron scattering on the topological properties of nanowires: Majorana fermions from disorder and superlattices. I Adagideli, M Wimmer, A Teker, Physical Review B 89, 144506 2014 2014 None
Binary versus non-binary information in real time series: Empirical results and maximum-entropy matrix models. A Almog, D Garlaschelli, New Journal of Physics 16, 093015 2014 2014 None
Chiral symmetry and bulk-boundary correspondence in periodically driven one-dimensional systems. JK Asboth, B Tarasinski, P Delplace, Physical Review B 90, 125143 2014 2014 None
Pairing induced superconductivity in holography. A Bagrov, B Meszena, K Schalm, Journal of High Energy Physics 09, 106 2014 2014 None
Manipulation of a two-photon pump in superconductor-semiconductor heterostructures. P Baireuther, PP Orth, I Vekhter, J Schmalian, Physical Review Letters 112, 077003 2014 2014 None
Quantum phase transitions of a disordered antiferromagnetic topological insulator. P Baireuther, JM Edge, IC Fulga, CWJ Beenakker, J Tworzydlo, Physical Review B 89, 035410 2014 2014 None
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class and the anchored Toom interface. GT Barkema, PL Ferrari, JL Lebowitz, H Spohn, Physical Review E 90, 042116 2014 2014 None
Semiflexible polymer dynamics with a bead-spring model. GT Barkema, D Panja, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P11008 2014 2014 None
Annihilation of colliding Bogoliubov quasiparticles reveals their Majorana nature. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 112, 070604 2014 2014 None
Geometrical detection of weak non-Gaussianity upon coarse-graining. TH Beuman, AM Turner, V Vitelli, Journal of Statistical Physics 157, 571-581 2014 2014 None
An unidentified line in X-ray spectra of the Andromeda galaxy and Perseus galaxy cluster. A Boyarsky, O Ruchayskiy, D Iakubovskyi, J Franse, Physical Review Letters 113, 251301 2014 2014 None
Holographic quenches and fermionic spectral functions. N Callebaut, B Craps, F Galli, DC Thompson, J Vanhoof, J Zaanen, HB Zhang, Journal of High Energy Physics 10, 172 2014 2014 None
Killing tensors and canonical geometry. M Cariglia, GW Gibbons, JW van Holten, PA Horvathy, P Kosinski, PM Zhang, Classical and Quantum Gravity 31, 125001 2014 2014 None
Conformal killing tensors and covariant Hamiltonian dynamics. M Cariglia, GW Gibbons, JW van Holten, PA Horvathy, PM Zhang, Journal of Mathematical Physics 55, 122702 2014 2014 None
Nonlinear conduction via solitons in a topological mechanical insulator. BGG Chen, N Upadhyaya, V Vitelli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111, 13004-13009 2014 2014 None
Fock parafermions and self-dual representations of the braid group. E Cobanera, G Ortiz, Physical Review A 89, 012328 2014 2014 None
Holographic duality and the resistivity of strange metals. RA Davison, K Schalm, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 89, 245116 2014 2014 None
AdS/CFT and Landau Fermi liquids. RA Davison, M Goykhman, A Parnachev, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 109 2014 2014 None
Detection of Chern numbers and entanglement in topological two-species systems through subsystem winding numbers. J de Lisle, S De, E Alba, A Bullivant, JJ Garcia-Ripoll, V Lahtinen, JK Pachos, New Journal of Physics 16, 083022 2014 2014 None
Bimodal conductance distribution of Kitaev edge modes in topological superconductors. M Diez, IC Fulga, DI Pikulin, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 16, 063049 2014 2014 None
Emergence of massless Dirac fermions in graphene’s Hofstadter butterfly at switches of the quantum Hall phase connectivity. M Diez, JP Dahlhaus, M Wimmer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 112, 196602 2014 2014 None
Constraining models of f(R) gravity with Planck and WiggleZ power spectrum data. J Dossett, B Hu, D Parkinson, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 3, 046 2014 2014 None
Electromagnetic properties of viscous charged fluids. D Forcella, J Zaanen, D Valentinis, D van der Marel, Physical Review B 90, 035143 2014 2014 None
Statistical topological insulators. IC Fulga, B van Heck, JM Edge, AR Akhmerov, Physical Review B 89, 155424 2014 2014 None
Defect dynamics in active nematics. L Giomi, MJ Bowick, P Mishra, R Sknepnek, MC Marchetti, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 372, 20130365 2014 2014 None
Correlating correlation functions of primordial perturbations. JO Gong, K Schalm, G Shiu, Physical Review D 89, 063540 2014 2014 None
Jamming in finite systems: Stability, anisotropy, fluctuations, and scaling. CP Goodrich, S Dagois-Bohy, BP Tighe, M van Hecke, AJ Liu, SR Nagel, Physical Review E 90, 022138 2014 2014 None
Kwant: A software package for quantum transport. CW Groth, M Wimmer, AR Akhmerov, X Waintal, New Journal of Physics 16, 063065 2014 2014 None
Effective field theory of cosmic acceleration: An implementation in CAMB. B Hu, M Raveri, N Frusciante, A Silvestri, Physical Review D 89, 103530 2014 2014 None
Reconstruction of the primordial power spectra with planck and BICEP2 data. B Hu, JW Hu, ZK Guo, RG Cai, Physical Review D 90, 023544 2014 2014 None
Short-range correlations in percolation at criticality. H Hu, HWJ Blöte, RM Ziff, YJ Deng, Physical Review E 90, 042106 2014 2014 None
Cosmological parameter estimation from CMB and X-ray cluster after Planck. JW Hu, RG Cai, ZK Guo, B Hu, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 05, 20 2014 2014 None
Symmetry effects on the spin switching of adatoms. C Hübner, B Baxevanis, AA Khajetoorians, D Pfannkuche, Physical Review B 90, 155134 2014 2014 None
Zeeman-field-induced topological phase transitions in triplet superconductors. T Hyart, AR Wright, B Rosenow, Physical Review B 90, 064507 2014 2014 None
Modeling of the atomic structure and electronic properties of amorphous GaN1-xAsx. EB Kandemir, B Gonul, GT Barkema, KM Yu, W Walukiewicz, LW Wang, Computational Materials Science 82, 100-106 2014 2014 None
Topology and dynamics of active nematic vesicles. FC Keber, E Loiseau, T Sanchez, SJ DeCamp, L Giomi, MJ Bowick, MC Marchetti, Z Dogic, AR Bausch, Science 345, 1135-1139 2014 2014 None
Saddle-splay screening and chiral symmetry breaking in toroidal nematics. V Koning, BC van Zuiden, RD Kamien, V Vitelli, Soft Matter 10, 4192-4198 2014 2014 None
Conformal blocks and negativity at large central charge. M Kulaxizi, A Parnachev, G Policastro, Journal of High Energy Physics 09, 010 2014 2014 None
Hierarchy of exactly solvable spin-1/2 chains with so(N)1 critical points. V Lahtinen, T Månsson, E Ardonne, Physical Review B 89, 014409 2014 2014 None
Perturbed vortex lattices and the stability of nucleated topological phases. V Lahtinen, AWW Ludwig, S Trebst, Physical Review B 89, 085121 2014 2014 None
Statistically validated mobile communication networks: The evolution of motifs in European and Chinese data. MX Li, V Palchykov, ZQ Jiang, K Kaski, J Kertesz, S Micciche, M Tumminello, WX Zhou, RN Mantegna, New Journal of Physics 16, 083038 2014 2014 None
BCS instabilities of electron stars to holographic superconductors. Y Liu, K Schalm, YW Sun, J Zaanen, Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 122 2014 2014 None
Scale-invariant hyperscaling-violating holographic theories and the resistivity of strange metals with random-field disorder. A Lucas, S Sachdev, K Schalm, Physical Review D 89, 066018 2014 2014 None
Time-delay matrix, midgap spectral peak, and thermopower of an Andreev billiard. M Marciani, PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 90, 045403 2014 2014 None
Enhanced reconstruction of weighted networks from strengths and degrees. R Mastrandrea, T Squartini, G Fagiolo, D Garlaschelli, New Journal of Physics 16, 043022 2014 2014 None
Reconstructing the world trade multiplex: The role of intensive and extensive biases. R Mastrandrea, T Squartini, G Fagiolo, D Garlaschelli, Physical Review E 90, 062804 2014 2014 None
X-shaped and Y-shaped andreev resonance profiles in a superconducting quantum dot. S Mi, DI Pikulin, M Marciani, CWJ Beenakker, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 119, 1018-1027 2014 2014 None
Commensurate and incommensurate states of topological quantum matter. A Milsted, E Cobanera, M Burrello, G Ortiz, Physical Review B 90, 195101 2014 2014 None
Probing modified gravity theories with ISW and CMB lensing. D Munshi, B Hu, A Renzi, A Heavens, P Coles, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 442, 821-837 2014 2014 None
AdS/BCFT correspondence, holographic g-theorem and Gauss Bonnet gravity. B Najian, International Journal of Modern Physics A 29, 1450139 2014 2014 None
Potential of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing telescope for the search for dark matter. A Neronov, A Boyarsky, D Iakubovskyi, O Ruchayskiy, Physical Review D 90, 123532 2014 2014 None
Many-body characterization of particle-conserving topological superfluids. G Ortiz, J Dukelsky, E Cobanera, C Esebbag, C Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 113, 267002 2014 2014 None
Inferring human mobility using communication patterns. V Palchykov, M Mitrovic, HH Jo, J Saramaki, RK Pan, Scientific Reports 4, 6174 2014 2014 None
Transmission of cultural traits in layered ego-centric networks. V Palchykov, K Kaski, J Kertesz, Condensed Matter Physics 17, 33802 2014 2014 None
Disorder and magnetic-field-induced breakdown of helical edge conduction in an inverted electron-hole bilayer. DI Pikulin, T Hyart, S Mi, J Tworzydlo, M Wimmer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 89, 161403 2014 2014 None
Interplay of exciton condensation and the quantum spin Hall effect in InAs/GaSb bilayers. DI Pikulin, T Hyart, Physical Review Letters 112, 176403 2014 2014 None
Electric control of tunneling energy in graphene double dots. M Raith, C Ertler, P Stano, M Wimmer, J Fabian, Physical Review B 89, 085414 2014 2014 None
A relativistic view on large scale N-body simulations. C Rampf, G. Rigopoulos, W Valkenburg, Classical and Quantum Gravity 31, 234004 2014 2014 None
Effective field theory of cosmic acceleration: Constraining dark energy with CMB data. M Raveri, B Hu, N Frusciante, A Silvestri, Physical Review D 90, 043513 2014 2014 None
Strain-induced time-reversal odd superconductivity in graphene. B Roy, V Juricic, Physical Review B 90, 041413 2014 2014 None
A new framework for numerical simulations of structure formation. M Schaller, C Becker, O Ruchayskiy, A Boyarsky, M Shaposhnikov, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 442, 3073-3095 2014 2014 None
Interplay between electronic topology and crystal symmetry: Dislocation-line modes in topological band insulators. RJ Slager, A Mesaros, V Juricic, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 90, 241403 2014 2014 None
Monte Carlo methods beyond detailed balance. RD Schram, GT Barkema, Physica A 418 88-93 2014 2014 None
Jan Tinbergen's legacy for economic networks: From the gravity model to quantum statistics. T Squartini, D Garlaschelli, Econophysics of Agent-Based Models 161-186 2014 2014 None
Scattering theory of topological phases in discrete-time quantum walks. B Tarasinski, JK Asboth, JP Dahlhaus, Physical Review A 89, 042327 2014 2014 None
Soliton attenuation and emergent hydrodynamics in fragile matter. N Upadhyaya, LR Gomez, V Vitelli, Physical Review X 4, 011045 2014 2014 None
Testing the Copernican principle by constraining spatial homogeneity. W Valkenburg, V Marra, C Clarkson, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 438, L6-L10 2014 2014 None
Single fermion manipulation via superconducting phase differences in multiterminal Josephson junctions. B van Heck, S Mi, AR Akhmerov, Physical Review B 90, 155450 2014 2014 None
Thermal conductance as a probe of the nonlocal order parameter for a topological superconductor with gauge fluctuations. B van Heck, E Cobanera, J Ulrich, F Hassler, Physical Review B 89, 165416 2014 2014 None
Time-reparametrization invariance and Hamilton-Jacobi approach to the cosmological sigma-model. JW van Holten, R Kerner, Fortschritte der Physik-Progress of Physics 62, 543-555 2014 2014 None
Tumbling of a rigid rod in a shear flow. JMJ van Leeuwen, HWJ Blöte, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P09007 2014 2014 None
Unwinding dynamics of a helically wrapped polymer. JC Water, M Baiesi, E Carlon, H Schiessel, Macromolecules 47, 4840-4846 2014 2014 None
Bilayer excitons in two-dimensional nanostructures for greatly enhanced thermoelectric efficiency. K Wu, L Rademaker, J Zaanen, Physical Review Applied 2, 054013 2014 2014 None
Electron mirages in an iron salt. J Zaanen, Nature 515 205-206 2014 2014 None
Correlating features in the primordial spectra. A Achúcarro, JO Gong, GA Palma, SP Patil, Physical Review D 87, 121301 2013 2013 None
Decoupling limits in multi-sector supergravities. A Achúcarro, S Hardeman, JM Oberreuter, K Schalm, T van der Aalst, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03, 038 2013 2013 None
Chiral symmetry breaking in the pseudo-quantum electrodynamics. VS Alves, WS Elias, LO Nascimento, V Juricic, F Pena, Physical Review D 87, 125002 2013 2013 None
How real-time cosmology can distinguish between different anisotropic models. L Amendola, OE Bjaelde, W Valkenburg, YYY Wong, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 12, 042 2013 2013 None
Emergent percolation length and localization in random elastic networks. A Amir, JJ Krich, V Vitelli, Y Oreg, Y Imry, Physical Review X 3, 021017 2013 2013 None
Holographic thermalization from Kerr-AdS. I Aref'eva, A Bagrov, AS Koshelev, Journal of High Energy Physics 7, 170 2013 2013 None
Deconfining the rotational Goldstone mode: The superconducting quantum liquid crystal in (2+1) dimensions. AJ Beekman, K Wu, V Cvetkovic, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 88, 024121 2013 2013 None
Fermion-parity anomaly of the critical supercurrent in the quantum spin-Hall effect. CWJ Beenakker, DI Pikulin, T Hyart, H Schomerus, JP Dahlhaus, Physical Review Letters 110, 017003 2013 2013 None
Search for Majorana fermions in superconductors. CWJ Beenakker, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 4, 113-136 2013 2013 None
Wigner-Poisson statistics of topological transitions in a Josephson junction. CWJ Beenakker, JM Edge, JP Dahlhaus, DI Pikulin, S Mi, M Wimmer, Physical Review Letters 111, 037001 2013 2013 None
Extrema statistics in the dynamics of a non-Gaussian random field. TH Beuman, AM Turner, V Vitelli, Physical Review E 87, 022142 2013 2013 None
Critical and umbilical points of a non-Gaussian random field. TH Beuman, AM Turner, V Vitelli, Physical Review E 88, 012115 2013 2013 None
ProCoCoA: A quantitative approach for analyzing protein core composition. S Bottini, A Bernini, M De Chiara, D Garlaschelli, O Spiga, M Dioguardi, E Vannuccini, A Tramontano, N Niccolai, Computational Biology and Chemistry 43, 29-34 2013 2013 None
Spectral and spatial variations of the diffuse gamma-ray background in the vicinity of the Galactic plane and possible nature of the feature at 130 GeV. A Boyarsky, D Malyshev, O Ruchayskiy, Physics of the Dark Universe 2, 90-96 2013 2013 None
Braiding of non-Abelian anyons using pairwise interactions. M Burrello, B van Heck, AR Akhmerov, Physical Review A 87, 022343 2013 2013 None
Topological phase transitions driven by non-Abelian gauge potentials in optical square lattices. M Burrello, IC Fulga, E Alba, L Lepori, A Trombettoni, Physical Review A 88, 053619 2013 2013 None
Topological phases in two-dimensional arrays of parafermionic zero modes. M Burrello, B van Heck, E Cobanera, Physical Review B 87, 195422 2013 2013 None
Generating the Hopf fibration experimentally in nematic liquid crystals. BGG Chen, PJ Ackerman, GP Alexander, RD Kamien, II Smalyukh, Physical Review Letters 110, 237801 2013 2013 None
Holographic symmetries and generalized order parameters for topological matter. E Cobanera, G Ortiz, Z Nussinov, Physical Review B 87, 041105 2013 2013 None
Hydrodynamics of cold holographic matter. RA Davison, A Parnachev, Journal of High Energy Physics 6, 100 2013 2013 None
Momentum relaxation in holographic massive gravity. RA Davison, Physical Review D 88, 086003 2013 2013 None
Phase-locked magnetoconductance oscillations as a probe of Majorana edge states. M Diez, IC Fulga, DI Pikulin, M Wimmer, AR Akhmerov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 87, 125406 2013 2013 None
Crenarchaeal chromatin proteins Cren7 and Sul7 compact DNA by inducing rigid bends. RPC Driessen, H Meng, G Suresh, R Shahapure, G Lanzani, UD Priyakumar, MF White, H Schiessel, J van Noort, RT Dame, Nucleic Acids Research 41, 196-205 2013 2013 None
Z2 peak of noise correlations in a quantum spin Hall insulator. JM Edge, J Li, P Delplace, M Büttiker, Physical Review Letters 110, 246601 2013 2013 None
Multiplectoneme phase of double-stranded DNA under torsion. M Emanuel, G Lanzani, H Schiessel, Physical Review E 88, 022706 2013 2013 None
Null models of economic networks: The case of the world trade web. G Fagiolo, T Squartini, D Garlaschelli, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 8, 75-107 2013 2013 None
Confinement dynamics of a semiflexible chain inside nano-spheres. A Fathizadeh, M Heidari, B Eslami-Mossallam, MR Ejtehadi, Journal of Chemical Physics 139, 044912 2013 2013 None
Rigid-body molecular dynamics of DNA inside a nucleosome. A Fathizadeh, AB Besya, MR Ejtehadi, H Schiessel, European Physical Journal E 36, 21 2013 2013 None
Ising-like transitions in the O(n) loop model on the square lattice. Z Fu, WA Guo, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 87, 052116 2013 2013 None
Adaptive tuning of Majorana fermions in a quantum dot chain. IC Fulga, A Haim, AR Akhmerov, Y Oreg, New Journal of Physics 15, 045020 2013 2013 None
Effects of disorder on Coulomb-assisted braiding of Majorana zero modes. IC Fulga, B van Heck, M Burrello, T Hyart, Physical Review B 88, 155435 2013 2013 None
Optimal scales in weighted networks. D Garlaschelli, SE Ahnert, TMA Fink, G Caldarelli, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8238, 346-359 2013 2013 None
Low-temperature behaviour of social and economic networks. D Garlaschelli, SE Ahnert, TMA Fink, G Caldarelli, Entropy 15, 3148-3169 2013 2013 None
S-parameter, technimesons, and phase transitions in holographic tachyon DBI models. M Goykhman, A Parnachev, Physical Review D 87, 026007 2013 2013 None
Stringy holography at finite density. M Goykhman, A Parnachev, Nuclear Physics B 874, 115-146 2013 2013 None
Super Landau models on odd cosets. M Goykhman, E Ivanov, S Sidorov, Physical Review D 87, 025026 2013 2013 None
Fractional quantum Hall states of a Bose gas with a spin-orbit coupling. T Grass, B Julia-Diaz, M Burrello, M Lewenstein, Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 46, 134006 2013 2013 None
Flux-controlled quantum computation with Majorana fermions. T Hyart, B van Heck, IC Fulga, M Burrello, AR Akhmerov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 88, 035121 2013 2013 None
Superfluid stiffness of a driven dissipative condensate with disorder. A Janot, T Hyart, PR Eastham, B Rosenow, Physical Review Letters 111, 230403 2013 2013 None
Dynamical eigenmodes of a polymerized membrane. R Keesman, GT Barkema, D Panja, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P04009 2013 2013 None
Dynamical eigenmodes of star and tadpole polymers. R Keesman, GT Barkema, D Panja, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P02021 2013 2013 None
Quantum collapses and revivals of matter wave in dynamics of symmetry breaking. F Kirtschig, J Rijnbeek, J van den Brink, C Ortix, Physical Review B 87, 014304 2013 2013 None
Bivalent defect configurations in inhomogeneous nematic shells. V Koning, T Lopez-Leon, A Fernandez-Nieves, V Vitelli, Soft Matter 9, 4993-5003 2013 2013 None
Presentation of large DNA molecules for analysis as nanoconfined dumbbells. KL Kounovsky-Shafer, JP Hernandez-Ortiz, K Jo, T Odijk, JJ de Pablo, DC Schwartz, Macromolecules 46, 8356-8368 2013 2013 None
Bose-Fermi competition in holographic metals. Y Liu, K Schalm, YW Sun, J Zaanen, Journal of High Energy Physics 10, 064 2013 2013 None
The inner structure of haloes in cold+warm dark matter models. AV Maccio, O Ruchayskiy, A Boyarsky, JC Munoz-Cuartas, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 428, 882-890 2013 2013 None
Cosmic variance and the measurement of the local Hubble parameter. V Marra, L Amendola, I Sawicki, W Valkenburg, Physical Review Letters 110 2013 2013 None
Uncertainty on w from large-scale structure. V Marra, M Paakkonen, W Valkenburg, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 431, 1891-1902 2013 2013 None
Eigenfrequencies of the randomly pinned drum and conductivity of graphene. MV Medvedyeva, YM Blanter, Physical Review B 88, 125423 2013 2013 None
Quantum corrected phase diagram of holographic fermions. MV Medvedyeva, E Gubankova, M Cubrovic, K Schalm, J Zaanen, Journal of High Energy Physics 12, 25 2013 2013 None
Zero-energy states bound to a magnetic pi-flux vortex in a two-dimensional topological insulator. A Mesaros, RJ Slager, J Zaanen, V Juricic, Nuclear Physics B 867, 977-991 2013 2013 None
Proposal for the detection and braiding of Majorana fermions in a quantum spin Hall insulator. S Mi, DI Pikulin, M Wimmer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 87, 241405 2013 2013 None
Stable nematic droplets with handles. E Pairam, J Vallamkondu, V Koning, BC van Zuiden, PW Ellis, MA Bates, V Vitelli, A Fernandez-Nieves, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110, 9295-9300 2013 2013 None
Through the eye of the needle: Recent advances in understanding biopolymer translocation. D Panja, GT Barkema, AB Kolomeisky, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 25, 413101 2013 2013 None
Two types of topological transitions in finite Majorana wires. DI Pikulin, YV Nazarov, Physical Review B 87, 235421 2013 2013 None
Ontology-based word sense disambiguation for scientific literature. R Prokofyev, G Demartini, A Boyarsky, O Ruchayskiy, P Cudré-Mauroux, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7814, 594-605 2013 2013 None
Enhancement of spin propagation due to interlayer exciton condensation. L Rademaker, J van den Brink, H Hilgenkamp, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 88, 121101 2013 2013 None
Influence of long-range interactions on charge ordering phenomena on a square lattice. L Rademaker, Y Pramudya, J Zaanen, V Dobrosavljevic, Physical Review E 88, 032121 2013 2013 None
Determinant quantum Monte Carlo study of exciton condensation in the bilayer Hubbard model, L Rademaker, S. Johnston, J. Zaanen, J. van den Brink, Physical Review B 88, 235115 2013 2013 None
Exciton condensation in strongly correlated electron bilayers. L Rademaker, J. van den Brink, J. Zaanen, H. Hilgenkamp, Physical Review B 88, 235115 2013 2013 None
Structure and coarsening at the surface of a dry three-dimensional aqueous foam. AE Roth, BG Chen, DJ Durian, Physical Review E 88, 062302 2013 2013 None
Quantum superconducting criticality in graphene and topological insulators. B Roy, V Juricic, IF Herbut, Physical Review B 87, 041401 2013 2013 None
Seeding supermassive black holes with a nonvortical dark-matter subcomponent. I Sawicki, V Marra, W Valkenburg, Physical Review D 88, 083520 2013 2013 None
Consistency condition for inflation from (broken) conformal symmetry. K Schalm, G Shiu, T van der Aalst, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03, 005 2013 2013 None
On the stability of fractal globules. RD Schram, GT Barkema, H Schiessel, Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 224901 2013 2013 None
Reaction-diffusion model Monte Carlo simulations on the GPU. RD Schram, Journal of Computational Physics 241, 95-103 2013 2013 None
Sawdoubler: A program for counting self-avoiding walks. RD Schram, GT Barkema, RH Bisseling, Computer Physics Communications 184, 891-898 2013 2013 None
Universality of the triplet contact process with diffusion. RD Schram, GT Barkema, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P04020 2013 2013 None
Exact enumeration of Hamiltonian walks on the 4 x 4 x 4 cube and applications to protein folding. RD Schram, H Schiessel, Journal of Physics A 46, 485001 2013 2013 None
Superconductivity and fermionic quantum criticality. JH She, J Zaanen, Physica C-Superconductivity and its Applications 493, 34-35 2013 2013 None
The space group classification of topological band-insulators. RJ Slager, A Mesaros, V Juricic, J Zaanen, Nature Physics 9, 98-102 2013 2013 None
Solid-state NMR spectroscopy to probe photoactivation in canonical phytochromes. C Song, T Rohmer, M Tiersch, J Zaanen, J Hughes, J Matysik, Photochemistry and Photobiology 89, 259-273 2013 2013 None
Early-warning signals of topological collapse in interbank networks. T Squartini, I van Lelyveld, D Garlaschelli, Scientific Reports 3, 3357 2013 2013 None
Reciprocity of weighted networks. T Squartini, F Picciolo, F Ruzzenenti, D Garlaschelli, Scientific Reports 3, 2729 2013 2013 None
Soft quantum vibrations of a PT-symmetric nonlinear ion chain. P Strack, V Vitelli, Physical Review A 88, 053408 2013 2013 None
Fluctuation conductivity of disordered superconductors in magnetic fields. B Tarasinski, G Schwiete, Physical Review B 88, 014518 2013 2013 None
Transmission and reflection of strongly nonlinear solitary waves at granular interfaces. AM Tichler, LR Gomez, N Upadhyaya, X Campman, VF Nesterenko, V Vitelli, Physical Review Letters 111, 048001 2013 2013 None
Solitons and thermal fluctuations in strongly nonlinear solids. N Upadhyaya, AM Turner, V Vitelli, Physical Review E 88, 052906 2013 2013 None
Shear shocks in fragile networks. S Ulrich, N Upadhyaya, B van Opheusden, V Vitelli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110, 20929-20934 2013 2013 None
Universal spatial correlations in random spinor fields. JD Urbina, M Wimmer, D Bauernfeind, D Espitia, I Adagideli, K Richter, Physical Review E 87 2013 2013 None
Intrinsic uncertainty on the nature of dark energy. W Valkenburg, M Kunz, V Marra, Physics of the Dark Universe 2, 219-223 2013 2013 None
Topological blockade and measurement of topological charge. B van Heck, M Burrello, A Yacoby, AR Akhmerov, Physical Review Letters 110, 086803 2013 2013 None
Single scalar cosmology. JW van Holten, International Journal of Modern Physics A 28, 1350132 2013 2013 None
A Markov model for the dynamics of the nucleosome. B van Opheusden, F Redig, H Schiessel, Journal of Physics A 46, 095005 2013 2013 None
Dynamic jamming fronts. SR Waitukaitis, LK Roth, V Vitelli, HM Jaeger, Europhysics Letters 102, 44001 2013 2013 None
Unwinding relaxation dynamics of polymers. JC Walter, M Baiesi, GT Barkema, E Carlon, Physical Review Letters 110, 068301 2013 2013 None
High-temperature superconductivity: The sound of a hidden order. J Zaanen, Nature 498, 41-42 2013 2013 None
Holographic duality stealing dimensions from metals. J Zaanen, Nature Physics 9 609-610 2013 2013 None
Heavy fields, reduced speeds of sound, and decoupling during inflation. A Achúcarro, V Atal, S Cespedes, JO Gong, GA Palma, SP Patil, Physical Review D 86, 121301 2012 2012 None
Effective theories of single field inflation when heavy fields matter. A Achúcarro, JO Gong, S Hardeman, GA Palma, SP Patil, Journal of High Energy Physics 5, 066 2012 2012 None
Sgoldstino inflation. A Achúcarro, S Mooij, P Ortiz, M Postma, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 8, 013 2012 2012 None
Holographic phase diagram of quark-gluon plasma formed in heavy-ion collisions. IY Aref'eva, AA Bagrov, EO Pozdeeva, Journal of High Energy Physics 5, 117 2012 2012 None
A model for the dynamics of extensible semiflexible polymers. GT Barkema, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P12019 2012 2012 None
Type-II Bose-Mott insulators. AJ Beekman, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 86, 125129 2012 2012 None
Force-extension relation of cross-linked anisotropic polymer networks. P Benetatos, S Ulrich, A Zippelius, New Journal of Physics 14, 115011 2012 2012 None
Hyperscaling above the upper critical dimension. B Berche, R Kenna, JC Walter, Nuclear Physics B 865, 115-132 2012 2012 None
Stochastic geometry and topology of non-Gaussian fields. TH Beuman, AM Turner, V Vitelli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 19943–19948 2012 2012 None
The completely packed O(n) loop model on the square lattice. HWJ Blöte, YG Wang, WN Guo, Journal of Physics A 45, 494016 2012 2012 None
Sign-problem-free quantum Monte Carlo of the onset of antiferromagnetism in metals. E Berg, MA Metlitski, S Sachdev, Science 338, 1606-1609 2012 2012 None
Two-loop QED operator matrix elements with massive external fermion lines. J Blümlein, A De Freitas, W van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 855, 508-569 2012 2012 None
Self-consistent evolution of magnetic fields and chiral asymmetry in the early universe. A Boyarsky, J Fröhlich, O Ruchayskiy, Physical Review Letters 108, 031301 2012 2012 None
Long-range magnetic fields in the ground state of the standard model plasma. A Boyarsky, O Ruchayskiy, M Shaposhnikov, Physical Review Letters 109, 111602 2012 2012 None
Next decade of sterile neutrino studies. A Boyarsky, D Iakubovskyi, O Ruchayskiy, Physics of the Dark Universe 1, 136-154 2012 2012 None
On the application of network theory to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-plant interactions: The importance of basic assumptions. T Caruso, MC Rillig, D Garlaschelli, New Phytologist 194, 891-894 2012 2012 None
On the importance of heavy fields during inflation. S Cespedes, V Atal, GA Palma, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 5, 008 2012 2012 None
Masses and Majorana fermions in graphene. C Chamon, CY Hou, C Mudry, S Ryu, L Santos, Physica Scripta T146 014013 2012 2012 None
Soft-sphere packings at finite pressure but unstable to shear. S Dagois-Bohy, BP Tighe, J Simon, S Henkes, M van Hecke, Physical Review Letters 109, 095703 2012 2012 None
Scattering theory of topological invariants in nodal superconductors. JP Dahlhaus, M Gibertini, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 86, 174520 2012 2012 None
Andreev reflection from a topological superconductor with chiral symmetry. M Diez, JP Dahlhaus, M Wimmer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 86, 094501 2012 2012 None
Metallic phase of the quantum Hall effect in four-dimensional space. JM Edge, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 109, 135701 2012 2012 None
Null models of economic networks: The case of the world trade web. G Fagiolo, T Squartini, D Garlaschelli, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 8, 75-107 2012 2012 None
Definition of the persistence length in the coarse-grained models of DNA elasticity. A Fathizadeh, B Eslami-Mossallam, MR Ejtehadi, Physical Review E 86, 051907 2012 2012 None
Kinetic control of nucleosome displacement by ISWI/ACF chromatin remodelers. AM Florescu, H Schiessel, R Blossey, Physical Review Letters 109, 118103 2012 2012 None
Spectroscopic imaging STM studies of broken electronic symmetries in underdoped cuprates. K Fujita, A Mesaros, MJ Lawler, S Sachdev, J Zaanen, H Eisaki, S Uchida, EA Kim, JC Davis, Physica B-Condensed Matter 407, 1859-1863 2012 2012 None
Thermal metal-insulator transition in a helical topological superconductor. IC Fulga, AR Akhmerov, J Tworzydlo, B Beri, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 86, 054505 2012 2012 None
Scattering theory of topological insulators and superconductors. IC Fulga, F Hassler, AR Akhmerov, Physical Review B 85, 165409 2012 2012 None
Shocks near jamming. LR Gomez, AM Turner, M van Hecke, V Vitelli, Physical Review Letters 108, 058001 2012 2012 None
Uniform shock waves in disordered granular matter. LR Gomez, AM Turner, V Vitelli, Physical Review E 86, 041302 2012 2012 None
Strange metals in one spatial dimension. R Gopakumar, A Hashimoto, IR Klebanov, S Sachdev, K Schoutens, Physical Review D 86, 066003 2012 2012 None
Fluctuations in finite density holographic quantum liquids. M Goykhman, A Parnachev, J Zaanen, Journal of High Energy Physics 10, 045 2012 2012 None
Transmission probability through a Lévy glass and comparison with a Lévy walk. CW Groth, AR Akhmerov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review E 85, 021138 2012 2012 None
Constraining extended gamma-ray emission from galaxy clusters. JX Han, CS Frenk, VR Eke, L Gao, SDM White, A Boyarsky, D Malyshev, O Ruchayskiy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 427, 1651-1665 2012 2012 None
Percolation in the canonical ensemble. H Hu, HWJ Blöte, YJ Deng, Journal of Physics A 45, 494006 2012 2012 None
Geometric background charge: Dislocations on capillary bridges. WTM Irvine, V Vitelli, Soft Matter 8, 10123-10129 2012 2012 None
Model independent signatures of new physics in the inflationary power spectrum. MG Jackson, K Schalm, Physical Review Letters 108, 111301 2012 2012 None
Universal probes of two-dimensional topological insulators: Dislocation and pi flux. V Juricic, A Mesaros, RJ Slager, J Zaanen, Physical Review Letters 108, 106403 2012 2012 None
Adjacent spin operator dynamical structure factor of the s=1/2 Heisenberg chain. A Klauser, J Mossel, JS Caux, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P03012 2012 2012 None
On holographic entanglement entropy of charged matter. M Kulaxizi, A Parnachev, K Schalm, Journal of High Energy Physics 10, 098 2012 2012 None
Holographic walking from tachyon DBI. D Kutasov, J Lin, A Parnachev, Nuclear Physics B 863, 361-397 2012 2012 None
Conformal phase transitions at weak and strong coupling. D Kutasov, J Lin, A Parnachev, Nuclear Physics B 858, 155-195 2012 2012 None
Out of register: How DNA determines the chromatin fiber geometry. G Lanzani, H Schiessel, Europhysics Letters 97, 38002 2012 2012 None
Nucleosome response to tension and torque. G Lanzani, H Schiessel, Europhysics Letters 100, 48001 2012 2012 None
The O(n) loop model on a three-dimensional lattice. QQ Liu, YJ Deng, TM Garoni, HWJ Blöte, Nuclear Physics B 859, 107-128 2012 2012 None
Spatially homogeneous Lifshitz black holes in five dimensional higher derivative gravity. Y Liu, Journal of High Energy Physics 06, 024 2012 2012 None
Lattice potentials and fermions in holographic non Fermi-liquids: Hybridizing local quantum criticality. Y Liu, K Schalm, YW Sun, J Zaanen, Journal of High Energy Physics 10, 036 2012 2012 None
Nucleosome dynamics between tension-induced states. L Mollazadeh-Beidokhti, F Mohammad-Rafiee, H Schiessel, Biophysical Journal 102, 2235-2240 2012 2012 None
Quantum charge glasses of itinerant fermions with cavity-mediated long-range interactions. M Müller, P Strack, S Sachdev, Physical Review A 86, 023604 2012 2012 None
A zero-voltage conductance peak from weak antilocalization in a Majorana nanowire. DI Pikulin, JP Dahlhaus, M Wimmer, H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 14, 125011 2012 2012 None
Phenomenology and dynamics of a Majorana Josephson junction. DI Pikulin, YV Nazarov, Physical Review B 86, 140504 2012 2012 None
Topological properties of superconducting junctions. DI Pikulin, YV Nazarov, JETP Letters 94, 693-697 2012 2012 None
Spectral functions of the higgs mode near two-dimensional quantum critical points. D Podolsky, S Sachdev, Physical Review B 86, 054508 2012 2012 None
Zero-bias conductance peak and Josephson effect in graphene-NbTiN junctions. M Popinciuc, VE Calado, XL Liu, AR Akhmerov, TM Klapwijk, LMK Vandersypen, Physical Review B 85, 205404 2012 2012 None
The dynamical frustration of interlayer excitons delocalizing in bilayer quantum antiferromagnets. L Rademaker, K Wu, H Hilgenkamp, J Zaanen, Europhysics Letters 97, 27004 2012 2012 None
Dynamics of a single exciton in strongly correlated bilayers. L Rademaker, K Wu, J Zaanen, New Journal of Physics 14, 083040 2012 2012 None
Spatial effects in real networks: Measures, null models, and applications. F Ruzzenenti, F Picciolo, R Basosi, D Garlaschelli , Physical Review E 86, 066110 2012 2012 None
General method for calculating the universal conductance of strongly correlated junctions of multiple quantum wires. A Rahmani, CY Hou, A Feiguin, M Oshikawa, C Chamon, I Affleck, Physical Review B 85, 045120 2012 2012 None
Restrictions on the lifetime of sterile neutrinos from primordial nucleosynthesis. O Ruchayskiy, A Ivashko, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10, 014 2012 2012 None
Experimental bounds on sterile neutrino mixing angles. O Ruchayskiy, A Ivashko, Journal of High Energy Physics 6, 100 2012 2012 None
Theory of DNA-cationic micelle complexation. H Schiessel, MD Correa-Rodriguez, S Rudiuk, D Baigl, K Yoshikawa, Soft Matter 8, 9406-9411 2012 2012 None
Critical exponents of the pair contact process with diffusion. RD Schram, GT Barkema, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P03009 2012 2012 None
Triadic motifs and dyadic self-organization in the world trade network. T Squartini, D Garlaschelli, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7166, 24-35 2012 2012 None
Stability of freely falling granular streams. S Ulrich, A Zippelius, Physical Review Letters 109, 166001 2012 2012 None
Complete solutions to the metric of spherically collapsing dust in an expanding spacetime with a cosmological constant. W Valkenburg, General Relativity and Gravitation 44, 2449-2476 2012 2012 None
Cosmology when living near the great attractor. W Valkenburg, OE Bjælde, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 424, 495-501 2012 2012 None
Reconciling long-term cultural diversity and short-term collective social behavior. L Valori, F Picciolo, A Allansdottir, D Garlaschelli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 1068-1073 2012 2012 None
Measuring tr rho(n) on single copies of rho using random measurements. SJ van Enk, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 108, 110503 2012 2012 None
Coulomb-assisted braiding of Majorana fermions in a Josephson junction array. B van Heck, AR Akhmerov, F Hassler, M Burrello, CWJ Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 14, 035019 2012 2012 None
Magnetar oscillations - II. Spectral method. M van Hoven, Y Levin, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 420, 3035-3046 2012 2012 None
Metal-topological insulator transition in the quantum kicked rotator with Z(2) symmetry. EPL van Nieuwenburg, JM Edge, JP Dahlhaus, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 85, 165131 2012 2012 None
Low-temperature anomalies in the thermal conductivity of plastically deformed crystals caused by phonon-kink scattering. JAM van Ostaay, SI Mukhin, LP Mezhov-Deglin, Low Temperature Physics 38, 1055-1057 2012 2012 None
Topological soft matter: Kagome lattices with a twist. V Vitelli, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 12266-12267 2012 2012 None
Shocks in fragile matter. V Vitelli, M van Hecke Europhysics News 43, 36-39 2012 2012 None
Characterization of escherichia coli nucleoids released by osmotic shock. AS Wegner, S Alexeeva, T Odijk, CL Woldringh, Journal of Structural Biology 178, 260-269 2012 2012 None
Efficient numerical computation of the pfaffian for dense and banded skew-symmetric matrices. M Wimmer, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 38, 30 2012 2012 None
Symmetries and the conductance of graphene nanoribbons with long-range disorder. J Wurm, M Wimmer, K Richter, Physical Review B 85, 245418 2012 2012 None
The emergence of gauge invariance: The stay-at-home gauge versus local-global duality. J Zaanen, AJ Beekman, Annals of Physics 327, 1146-1161 2012 2012 None
Networks with arbitrary edge multiplicities. V Zlatic, D Garlaschelli, G Caldarelli, Europhysics Letters 97, 28005 2012 2012 None
Translocation of polymers in a lattice model. S Zurek, M Kosmider, A Drzewinski, JMJ van Leeuwen, European Physical Journal E 35 47 2012 2012 None
Features of heavy physics in the CMB power spectrum. A. Achúcarro, J. O. Gong, S. Hardeman, G. A. Palma, S. P. Patil, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1, 030 2011 2011 None
Mass hierarchies and nondecoupling in multi-scalar-field dynamics. A. Achúcarro, J. O. Gong, S. Hardeman, G. A. Palma, S. P. Patil, Physical Review D 84, 043502 2011 2011 None
Quantized conductance at the Majorana phase transition in a disordered superconducting wire. A. R. Akhmerov, J. P. Dahlhaus, F. Hassler, M. Wimmer, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 106, 057001 2011 2011 None
Theory of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in iridium oxide compounds: Probing spin-orbit-entangled ground states and excitations. L. J. P. Ament, G. Khaliullin, J. van den Brink, Physical Review B 84, 020403 2011 2011 None
Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering studies of elementary excitations. L. J. P. Ament, M. van Veenendaal, T. P. Devereaux, J. P. Hill, J. van den Brink, Reviews of Modern Physics 83, 705–767 2011 2011 None
Determining the electron-phonon coupling strength from Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering at transition metal L-edges. L. J. P. Ament, M. van Veenendaal, J. van den Brink, Europhysics Letters 95, 27008 2011 2011 None
Effects of disorder on the transmission of nodal fermions through a d-wave superconductor. J. K. Asboth, A. R. Akhmerov, M. V. Medvedyeva, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 83, 134519 2011 2011 None
Anisotropic drag force from 4D Kerr-AdS black hole. A. N. Atmaja, K. Schalm, Journal of High Energy Physics 4 070 2011 2011 None
Structural modes of a polymer in the repton model. G. T. Barkema, D. Panja, J. M. J. van Leeuwen, Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 15 2011 2011 None
Electrodynamics of Abrikosov vortices: the field theoretical formulation, A. J. Beekman, J. Zaanen, Frontiers of Physics 6, 257 2011 2011 None
Condensing Nielsen-Olesen strings and the vortex-boson duality in 3+1 and higher dimensions. A. J. Beekman, D. Sadri, J. Zaanen, New Journal of Physics 13, 033004 2011 2011 None
Nonlinear mesoscopic transport in a strongly cooperative electron system: The La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 microbridge. C. Beekman, J. Zaanen, J. Aarts Physical Review B 83, 235128 2011 2011 None
Random-matrix theory of Andreev reflection from a topological superconductor. C. W. J. Beenakker, J. P. Dahlhaus, M. Wimmer, A. R. Akhmerov, Physical Review B 83, 085413 2011 2011 None
Kinetic proofreading in chromatin remodeling: The case of ISWI/ACF. R. Blossey, H. Schiessel, Biophysical Journal 101, L30-L32 2011 2011 None
The dynamics of the nucleosome: thermal effects, external forces and ATP. R. Blossey, H. Schiessel, FEBS Journal 278, 3619-3632 2011 2011 None
Majorana fermions emerging from magnetic nanoparticles on a superconductor without spin-orbit coupling. T. P. Choy, J. M. Edge, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 84, 195442 2011 2011 None
Spectral probes of the holographic Fermi ground state: Dialing between the electron star and AdS Dirac hair. M. Cubrovic, Y. Liu, K. Schalm, Y. W. Sun, J. Zaanen, Physical Review D 84, 086002 2011 2011 None
Constructing the AdS dual of a Fermi liquid: AdS black holes with Dirac hair. M. Cubrovic, J. Zaanen, K. Schalm, Journal of High Energy Physics 10, 017 2011 2011 None
Quantum Hall effect in a one-dimensional dynamical system. J. P. Dahlhaus, J. M. Edge, J. Tworzydlo, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 84, 115133 2011 2011 None
A physical approach to segregation and folding of the Caulobacter crescentus genome. R. T. Dame, M. Tark-Dame, H. Schiessel, Molecular Microbiology 82 1311 2011 2011 None
Interplay between lattice distortion and spin-orbit coupling in double perovskites. T. Dodds, T. P. Choy, Y. B. Kim, Physical Review B 84, 104439 2011 2011 None
Probing ultracold Fermi gases with light-induced gauge potentials. J. M. Edge, N. R. Cooper, Physical Review A 83, 053619 2011 2011 None
Lattice gas with nearest- and next-to-nearest-neighbor exclusion. X. M. Feng, H. W. J. Blöte, B. Nienhuis, Physical Review E 83, 061153 2011 2011 None
Topological quantum number and critical exponent from conductance fluctuations at the quantum Hall plateau transition. I. C. Fulga, F. Hassler, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 84, 245447 2011 2011 None
Scattering formula for the topological quantum number of a disordered multimode wire. I. C. Fulga, F. Hassler, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 83, 155429 2011 2011 None
Proposal for an optical laser producing light at half the Josephson frequency. F. Godschalk, F. Hassler, Y. V. Nazarov, Physical Review Letters 107, 073901 2011 2011 None
Amorphous precursors of crystallization during spinodal decomposition. L. R. Gomez, D. A. Vega, Physical Review E 83, 021501 2011 2011 None
Non-linear corrections to inflationary power spectrum. J. O. Gong, H. Noh, J. C. Hwang, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 4, 004 2011 2011 None
Waterfall field in hybrid inflation and curvature perturbation. J. O. Gong, M. Sasaki, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 3, 028 2011 2011 None
Holographic fermions in external magnetic fields. E. Gubankova, J. Brill, M. Cubrovic, K. Schalm, P. Schijven, J. Zaanen, Physical Review D 84, 106003 2011 2011 None
Crossover phenomena involving the dense O(n) phase. W. A. Guo, H. W. J. Blöte, Physical Review E 83, 021115 2011 2011 None
The everpresent eta-problem: knowledge of all hidden sectors required. S. Hardeman, J. M. Oberreuter, G. A. Palma, K. Schalm, T. van der Aalst, Journal of High Energy Physics 4, 009 2011 2011 None
Global gravitational instabilities in discs with infall. D. Harsono, R. D. Alexander, Y. Levin, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 413, 423-433 2011 2011 None
The top-transmon: a hybrid superconducting qubit for parity-protected quantum computation. F. Hassler, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 13, 095004 2011 2011 None
Probing Majorana edge states with a flux qubit. C. Y. Hou, F. Hassler, A. R. Akhmerov, J. Nilsson, Physical Review B 84, 054538 2011 2011 None
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-like percolation transitions in the two-dimensional XY model. H. Hu, Y. J. Deng, H. W. J. Blöte, Physical Review E 83, 011124 2011 2011 None
Internal stresses, normal modes, and nonaffinity in three-dimensional biopolymer networks. E. M. Huisman, T. C. Lubensky, Physical Review Letters 106, 088301 2011 2011 None
Gelation of semiflexible polyelectrolytes by multivalent counterions. E. M. Huisman, Q. Wen, Y. H. Wang, K. Cruz, G. Kitenbergs, K. Erglis, A. Zeltins, A. Cebers, P. A. Janmey, Soft Matter 7, 7257-7261 2011 2011 None
General relativistic effects on nonlinear power spectra. D. Jeong, J. O. Gong, H. Noh, J. C. Hwang, Astrophysical Journal 727, 22 2011 2011 None
Majorana fermions in equilibrium and in driven cold-atom quantum wires. L. A. Jiang, T. Kitagawa, J. Alicea, A. R. Akhmerov, D. Pekker, G. Refael, J. I. Cirac, E. Demler, M. D. Lukin, P. Zol… Physical Review Letters 106, 220402 2011 2011 None
Ni(111)|graphene|h-BN junctions as ideal spin injectors. V. M. Karpan, P. A. Khomyakov, G. Giovannetti, A. A. Starikov, P. J. Kelly, Physical Review B 84 153406 2011 2011 None
Equilibrium thermodynamic properties of interacting two-component bosons in one dimension. A. Klauser, J. S. Caux, Physical Review A 84, 033604 2011 2011 None
Spin-exchange dynamical structure factor of the S=1/2 Heisenberg chain. A. Klauser, J. Mossel, J. S. Caux, J. van den Brink, Physical Review Letters 106, 157205 2011 2011 None
Weak localization in mesoscopic hole transport: Berry phases and classical correlations. V. Krückl, M. Wimmer, I. Adagideli, J. Kuipers, K. Richter, Physical Review Letters 106, 146801 2011 2011 None
On the excitation of f modes and torsional modes by magnetar giant flares. Y. Levin, M. van Hoven, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 418, 659-663 2011 2011 None
Frustrated nematic order in spherical geometries. T. Lopez-Leon, V. Koning, K. B. S. Devaiah, V. Vitelli, A. Fernandez-Nieves, Nature Physics 7, 391-394 2011 2011 None
Piezoconductivity of gated suspended graphene. M. V. Medvedyeva, Y. M. Blanter, Physical Review B 83, 045426 2011 2011 None
Topological defects coupling smectic modulations to intra-unit-cell nematicity in cuprates. A. Mesaros, K. Fujita, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, J. C. Davis, S. Sachdev, J. Zaanen, M. J. Lawler, E. A. Kim, Science 333, 426-430 2011 2011 None
Straining topological insulators as a way to detect Majorana fermions. A. Mesaros, S. Papanikolaou, J. Zaanen, Physical Review B 84, 041409 2011 2011 None
Defect formation preempts dynamical symmetry breaking in closed quantum systems. C. Ortix, J. Rijnbeek, J. van den Brink, Physical Review B 84, 144423 2011 2011 None
Nernst effect beyond the relaxation-time approximation. D. I. Pikulin, C. Y. Hou, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 84, 035133 2011 2011 None
Prediction of quantization of magnetic flux in double-layer exciton superfluids. L. Rademaker, J. Zaanen, H. Hilgenkamp, Physical Review B 83, 012504 2011 2011 None
Saturation of front propagation in a reaction diffusion process describing plasma damage in porous low-k materials. S. Safaverdi, G. T. Barkema, E. Kunnen, A. M. Urbanowicz, C. Maes, Physical Review B 83, 245320 2011 2011 None
Observing the origin of superconductivity in quantum critical metals. J. H. She, B. J. Overbosch, Y. W. Sun, Y. Liu, K. E. Schalm, J. A. Mydosh, J. Zaanen, Physical Review B 84, 144527 2011 2011 None
Control of structure formation in phase-separating systems. A. Singh, A. Mukherjee, H. M. Vermeulen, G. T. Barkema, S. Puri, Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 044910 2011 2011 None
On the collective nature of phytochrome photoactivation. C. Song, G. Psakis, C. Lang, J. Mailliet, J. Zaanen, W. Gärtner, J. Hughes, J. Matysik, Biochemistry 50, 10987-10989 2011 2011 None
Randomizing world trade. I. A binary network analysis. T. Squartini, G. Fagiolo, D. Garlaschelli, Physical Review E 84, 046117 2011 2011 None
Randomizing world trade. II. A weighted network analysis. T. Squartini, G. Fagiolo, D. Garlaschelli, Physical Review E 84, 046118 2011 2011 None
Analytical maximum-likelihood method to detect patterns in real networks. T. Squartini, D. Garlaschelli, New Journal of Physics 13, 083001 2011 2011 None
Relaxations and rheology near jamming. B. P. Tighe, Physical Review Letters 107, 158303 2011 2011 None
Stress fluctuations in granular force networks. B. P. Tighe, T. J. H. Vlugt, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P04002 2011 2011 None
Quantum buckling. N. Upadhyaya, V. Vitelli, Physical Review E 84, 040601 2011 2011 None
Barrier transmission of Dirac-like pseudospin-one particles. D. F. Urban, D. Bercioux, M. Wimmer, W. Häusler, Physical Review B 84, 115136 2011 2011 None
Coulomb stability of the π-periodic Josephson effect of Majorana fermions. B. van Heck, F. Hassler, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 84, 180502 2011 2011 None
Magnetar oscillations - I. Strongly coupled dynamics of the crust and the core. M. van Hoven, Y. Levin, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 410, 1036-1051 2011 2011 None
Spin-triplet supercurrent carried by quantum Hall edge states through a Josephson junction. J. A. M. van Ostaay, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 83, 195441 2011 2011 None
Dirac boundary condition at the reconstructed zigzag edge of graphene. J. A. M. van Ostaay, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker, M. Wimmer, Physical Review B 84, 195434 2011 2011 None
High speed collision and reconnection of Abelian Higgs strings in the deep type-II regime. G. J. Verbiest, A. Achúcarro, Physical Review D 84, 105036 2011 2011 None
Soft Materials: Marginal matters. V. Vitelli, M. van Hecke Nature 480, 325-326 2011 2011 None
The equilibrium winding angle of a polymer around a bar. J. C. Walter, G. T. Barkema, E. Carlon, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P10020 2011 2011 None
Quantum point contact as a probe of a topological superconductor. M. Wimmer, A. R. Akhmerov, J. P. Dahlhaus, C. W. J. Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 13, 053016 2011 2011 None
Statistical fluxes and the Curie-Weiss metal state. K. Wu, Z. Y. Weng, J. Zaanen, Physical Review B 84, 113113 2011 2011 None
Proximity of the superconducting dome and the quantum critical point in the two-dimensional Hubbard model. S. X. Yang, H. Fotso, S. Q. Su, D. Galanakis, E. Khatami, J. H. She, J. Moreno, J. Zaanen, M. Jarrell, Physical Review Letters 106, 047004 2011 2011 None
The ends of a large RNA molecule are necessarily close. A. M. Yoffe, P. Prinsen, W. M. Gelbart, A. Ben-Shaul, Nucleic Acids Research 39, 292-299 2011 2011 None
High-temperature superconductivity: The secret of the hourglass. J. Zaanen, Nature 471, 314-316 2011 2011 None
Mottness collapse and statistical quantum criticality. J. Zaanen, B. J. Overbosch, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 369, 1599-1625 2011 2011 None
Collective oscillations in bubble clouds. Z. Zeravcic, D. Lohse, W. Van Saarloos, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 680, 114-149 2011 2011 None
Translocation of reptating chains. S. Zurek, A. Drzewinski, J. M. J. van Leeuwen, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, P05006 2011 2011 None
Higher order intercommutations in cosmic string collisions. A. Achúcarro, G. J. Verbiest, Physical Review Letters 105, 021601 2010 2010 None
Topological quantum computation away from the ground state using Majorana fermions. A. R. Akhmerov, Physical Review B 82, 020509 2010 2010 None
Theory of Raman and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering from collective orbital excitations in YTiO3. L. J. P. Ament, G. Khaliullin, Physical Review B 81, 125118 2010 2010 None
Photon and dilepton production in soft wall AdS/QCD. A. N. Atmaja, K. Schalm, Journal of High Energy Physics 8, 124 2010 2010 None
Elastic lattice polymers. M. Baiesi, G. T. Barkema, E. Carlon, Physical Review E 81, 061801 2010 2010 None
Unwinding dynamics of double-stranded polymers. M. Baiesi, G. T. Barkema, E. Carlon, D. Panja, Journal of Chemical Physics 133, 061801 2010 2010 None
Absence of a metallic phase in charge-neutral graphene with a random gap. J. H. Bardarson, M. V. Medvedyeva, J. Tworzydlo, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 81, 121414 2010 2010 None
An extremely top-heavy initial mass function in the galactic center stellar disks. H. Bartko, F. Martins, S. Trippe, T. K. Fritz, R. Genzel, T. Ott1, F. Eisenhauer, S. Gillessen, T. Paumard, T. Alexand… Astrophysical Journal 708, 834 2010 2010 None
A reaction-diffusion model of the Cadherin-Catenin system: a possible mechanism for contact inhibition and implications for tumorigenesis. M. Basan, T. Idema, M. Lenz, J. F. Joanny, T. Risler, Biophysical Journal 98, 2770 2010 2010 None
Topologically stable gapless phases of time-reversal-invariant superconductors. B. Béri, Physical Review B 81, 134515 2010 2010 None
Momentum and polarization dependence of single-magnon spectral weight for Cu L-3-edge resonant inelastic X-ray scattering from layered cuprates. L. Braicovich, M. M. Sala, L. J. P. Ament, V. Bisogni, M. Minola, G. Balestrino, D. Di Castro, G. M. De Luca, M. Sallu… Physical Review B 81, 174533 2010 2010 None
Magnetic excitations and phase separation in the underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 superconductor measured by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering. L. Braicovich, J. van den Brink, V. Bisogni, M. M. Sala, L. J. P. Ament, N. B. Brookes, G. M. De Luca, M. Salluzzo, T.… Physical Review Letters 104, 077002 2010 2010 None
Elementary excitation modes in a granular glass above jamming. C. Brito, O. Dauchot, G. Biroli, J. P. Bouchaud, Soft Matter 6, 3013 2010 2010 None
Towards multi-field D-brane inflation in a warped throat. H. Y. Chen, J. O. Gong, K. Koyama, G. Tasinato, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 11 34 2010 2010 None
Low-frequency vibrations of soft colloidal glasses. K. Chen, W. G. Ellenbroek, Z. X. Zhang, D. T. N. Chen, P. J. Yunker, S. Henkes, C. Brito, O. Dauchot, W. van Saarloos,… Physical Review Letters 105, 025501 2010 2010 None
Random-matrix theory of thermal conduction in superconducting quantum dots. J. P. Dahlhaus, B. Béri, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 82 7 2010 2010 None
Geodesic scattering by surface deformations of a topological insulator. J. P. Dahlhaus, C. Y. Hou, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 82, 085312 2010 2010 None
Phase transitions in self-dual generalizations of the Baxter-Wu model. Y. J. Deng, W. N. Guo, J. R. Heringa, H. W. J. Blöte, B. Nienhuis, Nuclear Physics B 827 406 2010 2010 None
Specific heat of the simple-cubic Ising model. X. M. Feng, H. W. J. Blöte, Physical Review E 81, 031103 2010 2010 None
Nonzero temperature effects on antibunched photons emitted by a quantum point contact out of equilibrium. I. C. Fulga, F. Hassler, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 81, 115331 2010 2010 None
Complete analysis of linear cosmological perturbations in Horava-Lifshitz gravity. J. O. Gong, S. Koh, M. Sasaki, Physical Review D 81, 084053 2010 2010 None
Non-Gaussianity from false vacuum inflation: Old curvaton scenario. J. O. Gong, C. S. Lin, Y. Wang, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 3, 4 2010 2010 None
Measurement of magnetic excitations in the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic Sr2CuO2Cl2 insulator using resonant X-ray scattering: evidence for extended interactions. M. Guarise, B. Dalla Piazza, M. M. Sala, G. Ghiringhelli, L. Braicovich, H. Berger, J. N. Hancock, D. van der Marel, T… Physical Review Letters 105, 157006 2010 2010 None
Flat-lens focusing of electrons on the surface of a topological insulator. F. Hassler, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 82, 125423 2010 2010 None
Anyonic interferometry without anyons: how a flux qubit can read out a topological qubit. F. Hassler, A. R. Akhmerov, C. Y. Hou, C. W. J. Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 12, 125002 2010 2010 None
Quantum manipulation in a Josephson light-emitting diode. F. Hassler, Y. V. Nazarov, L. P. Kouwenhoven, Nanotechnology 21, 274004 2010 2010 None
Dynamical unbinding transition in a periodically driven Mott insulator. F. Hassler, A. Rüegg, M. Sigrist, G. Blatter, Physical Review Letters 104, 220402 2010 2010 None
Local Coulomb versus global failure criterion for granular packings. S. Henkes, C. Brito, O. Dauchot, W. van Saarloos, Soft Matter 6, 2939 2010 2010 None
Local contact numbers in two-dimensional packings of frictional disks. S. Henkes, K. Shundyak, W. van Saarloos, M. van Hecke, Soft Matter 6, 2935 2010 2010 None
Critical jamming of frictional grains in the generalized isostaticity picture. S. Henkes, M. van Hecke, W. van Saarloos, Europhysics Letters 90, 14003 2010 2010 None
Semiflexible filamentous composites. E. M. Huisman, C. Heussinger, C. Storm, G. T. Barkema, Physical Review Letters 105, 118101 2010 2010 None
Frequency-dependent stiffening of semiflexible networks: A dynamical nonaffine to affine transition. E. M. Huisman, C. Storm, G. T. Barkema, Physical Review E 82, 061902 2010 2010 None
Membrane mediated sorting. T. Idema, S. Semrau, C. Storm, T. Schmidt, Physical Review Letters 104, 198102 2010 2010 None
Pleats in crystals on curved surfaces. W. T. M. Irvine, V. Vitelli, P. M. Chaikin, Nature 468, 947 2010 2010 None
Above-room-temperature ferroelectricity in a single-component molecular crystal. S. Horiuchi, Y. Tokunaga, G. Giovannetti, S. Picozzi, H. Itoh, R. Shimano, R. Kumai, Y. Tokura, Nature 463 789 2010 2010
Conductivity of interacting massless Dirac particles in graphene: Collisionless regime. V. Juricic, O. Vafek, I. F. Herbut, Physical Review B 82, 235402 2010 2010 None
Couette flow of two-dimensional foams. G. Katgert, B. P. Tighe, M. E. Mobius, M. van Hecke, Europhysics Letters 90, 54002 2010 2010 None
Simulations of a non-Markovian description of nucleation. J. Kuipers, G. T. Barkema, Journal of Chemical Physics 132 184109 2010 2010 None
Theoretical prediction of multiferroicity in double perovskite Y2NiMnO6. S. Kumar, G. Giovannetti, J. van den Brink, S. Picozzi, Physical Review B 82, 134429 2010 2010 None
Spin-spiral states in undoped manganites: Role of finite Hund's rule coupling. S. Kumar, J. van den Brink, A. P. Kampf, Physical Review Letters 104, 017201 2010 2010 None
Measurement back-action in quantum point-contact charge sensing. B. Küng, S. Gustavsson, T. Choi, I. Shorubalko, O. Pfäffli, F. Hassler, G. Blatter, M. Reinwald, W. Wegscheider, S. Sc… Entropy 12, 1721 2010 2010 None
Effective mass and tricritical point for lattice fermions localized by a random mass. M. V. Medvedyeva, J. Tworzydlo, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 81, 214203 2010 2010 None
Bispectrum signatures of a modified vacuum in single field inflation with a small speed of sound. P. D. Meerburg, J. P. van der Schaar, M. G. Jackson, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2, 1 2010 2010 None
Strong energy-momentum dispersion of phonon-dressed carriers in the lightly doped band insulator SrTiO3. W. Meevasana, X. J. Zhou, B. Moritz, C. C. Chen, R. H. He, S. I. Fujimori, D. H. Lu, S. K. Mo, R. G. Moore, F. Baumber… New Journal of Physics 12, 023004 2010 2010 None
Electronic states of graphene grain boundaries. A. Mesaros, S. Papanikolaou, C. F. J. Flipse, D. Sadri, J. Zaanen, Physical Review B 82, 205119 2010 2010 None
Parallel transport of electrons in graphene parallels gravity. A. Mesaros, D. Sadri, J. Zaanen, Physical Review B 82, 073405 2010 2010 None
Theory of non-Abelian Fabry-Perot interferometry in topological insulators. J. Nilsson, A. R. Akhmerov, Physical Review B 81, 205110 2010 2010 None
Effect of curvature on the electronic structure and bound-state formation in rolled-up nanotubes. C. Ortix, J. van den Brink, Physical Review B 81, 165419 2010 2010 None
Simulations of two-dimensional unbiased polymer translocation using the bond fluctuation model. D. Panja, G. T. Barkema, Journal of Chemical Physics 132, 014902 2010 2010 None
Multishell structures of virus coat proteins. P. Prinsen, P. van der Schoot, W. M. Gelbart, C. M. Knobler, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114, 5522 2010 2010 None
Nucleosome stability and accessibility of its DNA to proteins. P. Prinsen, H. Schiessel, Biochimie 92, 1722-1728 2010 2010 None
How to find conductance tensors of quantum multiwire junctions through static calculations: Application to an interacting Y junction. A. Rahmani, C. Y. Hou, A. Feiguin, C. Chamon, I. Affleck, Physical Review Letters 105, 226803 2010 2010 None
Josephson light-emitting diode. P. Recher, Y. V. Nazarov, L. P. Kouwenhoven, Physical Review Letters 104, 156802 2010 2010 None
Domain wall in a chiral p-wave superconductor: A pathway for electrical current. I. Serban, B. Béri, A. R. Akhmerov, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 104, 147001 2010 2010 None
Relaxation of a qubit measured by a driven Duffing oscillator. I. Serban, M. I. Dykman, F. K. Wilhelm, Physical Review A 81, 022305 2010 2010 None
Kinesin recycling in stationary membrane tubes. P. M. Shaklee, T. Idema, L. Bourel-Bonnet, M. Dogterom, T. Schmidt, Biophysical Journal 99, 1835 2010 2010 None
Offset between dark matter and ordinary matter: evidence from a sample of 38 lensing clusters of galaxies. H. Y. Shan, B. Qin, B. Fort, C. Tao, X. P. Wu, H. Zhao, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 406, 1134 2010 2010 None
Stability of quantum critical points in the presence of competing orders. J. H. She, J. Zaanen, A. R. Bishop, A. V. Balatsky, Physical Review B 82, 165128 2010 2010 None
Simulations of color development in tinted paints. A. Stuiver, G. T. Barkema, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 344, 256 2010 2010 None
Polymer rheology simulations at the meso- and macroscopic scale. E. Sultan, J. W. V. de Meent, E. Somfai, A. N. Morozov, W. van Saarloos, Europhysics Letters 90, 64002 2010 2010 None
The force network ensemble for granular packings. B. P. Tighe, J. H. Snoeijer, T. J. H. Vlugt, M. van Hecke, Soft Matter 6, 2908 2010 2010 None
Force balance in canonical ensembles of static granular packings. B. P. Tighe, T. J. H. Vlugt, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P01015 2010 2010 None
Model for the scaling of stresses and fluctuations in flows near jamming. B. P. Tighe, E. Woldhuis, J. J. C. Remmers, W. van Saarloos, M. van Hecke, Physical Review Letters 105, 088303 2010 2010 None
Vortices on curved surfaces. A. M. Turner, V. Vitelli, D. R. Nelson, Reviews of Modern Physics 82, 1301 2010 2010 None
Measurement of cytoplasmic streaming in single plant cells by magnetic resonance velocimetry. J. W. van de Meent, A. J. Sederman, L. F. Gladden, R. E. Goldstein, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 642, 5 2010 2010 None
Gravitational-wave memory and pulsar timing arrays. R. van Haasteren, Y. Levin, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 401, 2372 2010 2010 None
The domino effect. J. M. J. van Leeuwen, American Journal of Physics 78, 721 2010 2010 None
Attenuation of shear sound waves in jammed solids. V. Vitelli, Soft Matter 6, 3007 2010 2010 None
Conducting-angle-based percolation in the XY model. Y. C. Wang, W. A. Guo, B. Nienhuis, H. W. J. Blöte, Physical Review E 81, 031117 2010 2010 None
Robustness of edge states in graphene quantum dots. M. Wimmer, A. R. Akhmerov, F. Guinea, Physical Review B 82, 045409 2010 2010 None
Majorana bound states without vortices in topological superconductors with electrostatic defects. M. Wimmer, A. R. Akhmerov, M. V. Medvedyeva, J. Tworzydlo, C. W. J. Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 105, 046803 2010 2010 None
Anharmonic and quasi-localized vibrations in jammed solids-Modes for mechanical failure. N. Xu, V. Vitelli, A. J. Liu, S. R. Nagel, Europhysics Letters 90, 56001 2010 2010 None
Observation of phonons with resonant inelastic X-ray scattering. H. Yavas, M. van Veenendaal, J. van den Brink, L. J. P. Ament, A. Alatas, B. M. Leu, M. O. Apostu, N. Wizent, G. Behr,… Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 22, 485601 2010 2010 None
High-temperature superconductivity: The benefit of fractal dirt. J. Zaanen, Nature 466 825 2010 2010 None
Electrical probing of the spin conductance of mesoscopic cavities Adagideli I, Bardarson JH, Jacquod P Condensed Matter 21 (15) 155503 2009 2009 None
Switching of electrical current by spin precession in the first Landau level of an inverted-gap semiconductor Akhmerov AR, Groth CW, Tworzydlo J, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 80 (19) 195320 2009 2009 None
Electrically detected interferometry of Majorana fermions in a topological insulator Akhmerov AR, Nilsson J, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review Letters 102 (21) 216404 2009 2009 None
Theoretical demonstration of how the dispersion of magnetic excitations in cuprate compounds can be determined using resonant inelastic X-ray scattering Ament LJP, Ghiringhelli G, Sala MM, Braicovich L, van den Brink J Physical Review Letters 103 (11) 117003 2009 2009 None
Pseudodiffusive transmission of nodal Dirac fermions through a clean d-wave superconductor Asboth JK, Akhmerov AR, Berceanu AC, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 80 (22) 224517 2009 2009 None
Evidence for warped disks of young stars in the galactic center Bartko H, Martins F, Fritz TK, Genzel R, Levin Y, Perets HB, Paumard T, Nayakshin S, Gerhard O, Alexander T, Dodds-Ede… Astrophysical Journal 697 (2) 1741-1763 2009 2009 None
Magnetic and superfluid transitions in the one-dimensional spin-1 boson Hubbard model Batrouni GG, Rousseau VG, Scalettar RT Physical Review Letters 102 (14) 140402 2009 2009 None
Pair formation and collapse in imbalanced fermion populations with unequal masses Batrouni GG, Wolak MJ, Hebert F, Rousseau VG Europhysics Letters 86 (4) 47006 2009 2009 None
Probing a subcritical instability with an amplitude expansion: An exploration of how far one can get Becherer P, Morozov AN, van Saarloos W Nonlinear Phenomena 238 (18) 1827-1840 2009 2009 None
Stress singularities and the formation of birefringent strands in stagnation flows of dilute polymer solutions Becherer P, van Saarloos W, Morozov AN Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 157 (1-2) 126-132 2009 2009 None
Nonalgebraic length dependence of transmission through a chain of barriers with a Lévy spacing distribution Beenakker CWJ, Groth CW, Akhmerov AR Physical Review B 79 (2) 024204 2009 2009 None
Quantum Goos-Hänchen effect in graphene Beenakker CWJ, Sepkhanov RA, Akhmerov AR, Tworzydlo J Physical Review Letters 102 (14) 146804 2009 2009 None
Two-photon speckle as a probe of multi-dimensional entanglement Beenakker CWJ, Venderbos JWF, van Exter MP Physical Review Letters 102 (19) 193601 2009 2009 None
Thermorefractive and thermochemical noise in the beamsplitter of the GEO600 gravitational-wave interferometer Benthem B, Levin Y Physical Review D 80 (6) 062004 2009 2009 None
Random scattering matrices for Andreev quantum dots with nonideal leads Béri B Physical Review B 79 (21) 214506 2009 2009 None
Dephasing-enabled triplet Andreev conductance Béri B Physical Review B 79 (24) 245315 2009 2009 None
Quantum limit of the triplet proximity effect in half-metal-superconductor junctions Béri B, Kupferschmidt JN, Beenakker CWJ, Brouwer PW Physical Review B 79 (2) 024517 2009 2009 None
Effect of the chemical pressure on bimagnons in antiferromagnetic insulators: CaCuO_2 and BaCuO_2 studied with Cu-L-3 resonant inelastic X-ray scattering Bisogni V, Ament LJP, Aruta C, Balestrino G, Brookes NB, Forte F, Ghiringhelli G, Medaglia PG, van den Brink J, Braico… Special Topics 169 141-145 2009 2009 None
Dispersion of magnetic excitations in the cuprate La_2CuO_4 and CaCuO_2 compounds measured using resonant X-ray scattering Braicovich L, Ament LJP, Bisogni V, Forte F, Aruta C, Balestrino G, Brookes NB, Luca GM, Medaglia PG, Granozio FM, Rad… Physical Review Letters 102 (16) 167401 2009 2009 None
Effective-medium approach for stiff polymer networks with flexible cross-links Broedersz CP, Storm C, MacKintosh FC Physical Review E 79 (6) 061914 2009 2009 None
Adatoms in graphene Castro Neto AH, Kotov VN, Nilsson J, Pereira VM, Peres NMR, Uchoa B Solid State Communications 149 (27-28) 1094-1100 2009 2009 None
Polarization suppression and nonmonotonic local two-body correlations in the two-component Bose gas in one dimension Caux JS, Klauser A, van den Brink J Physical Review A 80 (6) 061605 2009 2009 None
Finite-temperature spin dynamics and phase transitions in spin-orbital models Chen CC, Moritz B, van den Brink J, Devereaux TP, Singh RRP Physical Review B 80 (18) 180418 2009 2009 None
Towards a warped inflationary brane scanning Chen HY, Gong JO Physical Review D 80 (6) 063507 2009 2009 None
Evolution of the curvature perturbation during and after multi-field inflation Choi KY, Gong JO, Jeong DH Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2 032 2009 2009 None
Constructing de Sitter vacua in no-scale string models without uplifting Covi L, Gomez-Reino M, Gross C, Palma GA, Scrucca CA Journal of High Energy Physics 3 146 2009 2009 None
Evidence for the formation of a Mott state in potassium-intercalated pentacene Craciun MF, Giovannetti G, Rogge S, Brocks G, Morpurgo AF, van den Brink J Physical Review B 79 (12) 125116 2009 2009 None
String theory, quantum phase transitions, and the emergent Fermi liquid Cubrovic M, Zaanen J, Schalm K Science 325 (5939):439-444 2009 2009 None
Single-cluster dynamics for the random-cluster model Deng YJ, Qian XF, Blöte HWJ Physical Review E 80 (3) 036707 2009 2009 None
Nucleosome shape dictates chromatin fiber structure Depken M, Schiessel H Biophysical Journal 96 (3) 777-784 2009 2009 None
Percolation and critical O(n) loop configurations Ding CX, Deng YJ, Guo WN, Blöte HWJ Physical Review E 79 (6) 061118 2009 2009 None
Jammed frictionless disks: Connecting local and global response Ellenbroek WG, van Hecke M, van Saarloos W Physical Review E 80 (6) 061307 2009 2009 None
Non-affine response: Jammed packings vs. spring networks Ellenbroek WG, Zeravcic Z, van Saarloos W, van Hecke M Europhysics Letters 87 (3) 34004 2009 2009 None
The physics behind the larger scale organization of DNA in eukaryotes Emanuel M, Radja NH, Henriksson A, Schiessel H Physical Biology 6 (2) 025008 2009 2009 None
Absorption spectrum of the Green Fluorescent Protein chromophore: a difficult case for Ab Initio methods? Filippi C, Zaccheddu M, Buda F Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5 (8) 2074-2087 2009 2009 None
Universality of galactic surface densities within one dark halo scale-length Gentile G, Famaey B, Zhao HS, Salucci P Nature 461 (7264) 627-628 2009 2009 None
Multiferroicity in rare-earth nickelates RNiO_3 Giovannetti G, Kumar S, Khomskii D, Picozzi S, van den Brink J Physical Review Letters 103 (15) 156401 2009 2009 None
Multiferroicity in TTF-CA organic molecular crystals predicted through ab-initio calculations Giovannetti G, Kumar S, Stroppa A, van den Brink J, Picozzi S Physical Review Letters 103 (26) 266401 2009 2009 None
Magnetically induced electronic ferroelectricity in half-doped manganites Giovannetti G, Kumar S, van den Brink J, Picozzi S Physical Review Letters 103 (3) 037601 2009 2009 None
Theory of the Topological Anderson Insulator Groth CW, Wimmer M, Akhmerov AR, Tworzydlo J, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review Letters 103 (19) 196805 2009 2009 None
Crossing bonds in the random-cluster model Guo WN, Deng YJ, Blöte HWJ Physical Review E 79 (6) 061112 2009 2009 None
Quark matter influence on observational properties of compact stars Hardeman S Nuclear Physics A 820 211c-214c 2009 2009 None
Statistical mechanics framework for static granular matter Henkes S, Chakraborty B Physical Review E 79 (6) 061301 2009 2009 None
Holographic geometry and noise in matrix theory Hogan CJ, Jackson MG Physical Review D 79 (12) 124009 2009 2009 None
Phase coexistence and line tension in ternary lipid systems Idema T, van Leeuwen JMJ, Storm C Physical Review E 80 (4) 041924 2009 2009 None
Gravitational wave bursts from cosmic superstring reconnections Jackson MG, Siemens X Journal of High Energy Physics (6) 089 2009 2009 None
Phase diagram of the frustrated spatially-anisotropic S=1 antiferromagnet on a square lattice Jiang HC, Krüger F, Moore JE, Sheng DN, Zaanen J, Weng ZY Physical Review B 79 (17) 174409 2009 2009 None
Extrinsic curvature, geometric optics, and lamellar order on curved substrates Kamien RD, Nelson DR, Santangelo CD, Vitelli V Physical Review E 80 (5) 051703 2009 2009 None
First-principles study of the interaction and charge transfer between graphene and metals Khomyakov PA, Giovannetti G, Rusu PC, Brocks G, van den Brink J, Kelly PJ Physical Review B 79 (19) 195425 2009 2009 None
On the separation between baryonic and dark matter: evidence for phantom dark matter? Knebe A, Llinares C, Wu XF, Zhao HS Astrophysical Journal 703 (2) 2285-2290 2009 2009 None
Linear model for fast background subtraction in oligonucleotide microarrays Kroll KM, Barkema GT, Carlon E Algorithms for Molecular Biology 4 15 Nov 2009 2009 None
Spin-orbital frustrations and anomalous metallic state in iron-pnictide superconductors Krüger F, Kumar S, Zaanen J, van den Brink J Physical Review B 79 (5) 054504 2009 2009 None
Non-Markovian dynamics of clusters during nucleation Kuipers J, Barkema GT Physical Review E 79 (6) 062101 2009 2009 None
Erratum: Non-Abelian hydrodynamics and the flow of spin in spin-orbit coupled substances (vol 323, pg 907, 2008) Leurs BWA, Nazario Z, Santiago DI, Zaanen J Annals of Physics 324 (8) 1821-1821 2009 2009 None
Observation of the Kohn anomaly near the K point of bilayer graphene Mafra DL, Malard LM, Doorn SK, Htoon H, Nilsson J, Castro Neto AH, Pimenta MA Physical Review B 80 (24) 241414 2009 2009 None
Berry phase of dislocations in graphene and valley conserving decoherence Mesaros A, Sadri D, Zaanen J Physical Review B 79 (15) 155111 2009 2009 None
Stochastic model for nucleosome sliding under an external force Mollazadeh-Beidokhti L, Deseigne J, Lacoste D, Mohammad-Rafiee F, Schiessel H Physical Review E 79 (3) 031922 2009 2009 None
Active nucleosome displacement: a theoretical approach Mollazadeh-Beidokhti L, Mohammad-Rafiee F, Schiessel H Biophysical Journal 96 (11) 4387-4398 2009 2009 None
Universality classes for Coulomb frustrated phase separation Ortix C, Lorenzana J, Di Castro C Condensed Matter 404 (3-4): 499-502 2009 2009 None
UV/IR mode mixing and the CMB Palma GA, Patil SP Physical Review D 80 (8) 083010 2009 2009 None
Inflation with a stringy minimal length, reworked Palma GA, Patil SP Journal of High Energy Physics 4 005 2009 2009 None
Rouse modes of self-avoiding flexible polymers Panja D, Barkema GT Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (15) 154903 2009 2009 None
Reply to the comment on 'Anomalous dynamics of unbiased polymer translocation through a narrow pore' Panja D, Barkema GT, Ball RC Condensed Matter 21 (9) 098002 2009 2009 None
Non-equilibrium dynamics of single polymer adsorption to solid surfaces Panja D, Barkema GT, Kolomeisky AB Condensed Matter 21 (24) 242101 2009 2009 None
Bound states and magnetic field induced valley splitting in gate-tunable graphene quantum dots Recher P, Nilsson J, Burkard G, Trauzettel B Physical Review B 79 (8) 085407 2009 2009 None
State diagrams for harmonically trapped bosons in optical lattices Rigol M, Batrouni GG, Rousseau VG, Scalettar RT Physical Review A 79 (5) 053605 2009 2009 None
Feshbach-Einstein Condensates Rousseau VG, Denteneer PJH Physical Review Letters 102 (1) 015301 2009 2009 None
Heavy-anion solvation of polarity fluctuations in pnictides Sawatzky GA, Elfimov IS, van den Brink J, Zaanen J Europhysics Letters 86 (1) 17006 2009 2009 None
Constraining running non-gaussianity Sefusatti E, Liguori M, Yadav APS, Jackson MG, Pajer E Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 12 022 2009 2009 None
Membrane-mediated interactions measured using membrane domains Semrau S, Idema T, Schmidt T, Storm C Biophysical Journal 96 (12) 4906-4915 2009 2009 None
Hartman effect and spin precession in graphene Sepkhanov RA, Medvedyeva MV, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 80 (24) 245433 2009 2009 None
Extinction of coherent backscattering by a disordered photonic crystal with a Dirac spectrum Sepkhanov RA, Ossipov A, Beenakker CWJ Europhysics Letters 85 (1) 14005 2009 2009 None
BCS superconductivity in quantum critical metals She JH, Zaanen J Physical Review B 80 (18) 184518 2009 2009 None
Bistability in voltage-biased NISIN structures Snyman I, Nazarov YV Physical Review B 79 (1) 014510 2009 2009 None
Momentum dependence of orbital excitations in Mott-insulating titanates Ulrich C, Ament LJP, Ghiringhelli G, Braicovich L, Sala MM, Pezzotta N, Schmitt T, Khaliullin G, van den Brink J, Roth… Physical Review Letters 103 (10) 107205 2009 2009 None
Numerical study of the force network ensemble van Eerd ART, Tighe BP, Vlugt TJH Molecular Simulation 35 (14) 1168-1 2009 2009 None
On measuring the gravitational-wave background using Pulsar Timing Arrays van Haasteren R, Levin Y, McDonald P, Lu TT Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 395 (2) 1005-1014 2009 2009 None
Persistence in practice van Leeuwen JMJ, de Villeneuve VWA, Lekkerkerker HNW Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P09003 2009 2009 None
Stochastic lattice models for the dynamics of linear polymers Van Leeuwen JMJ, Drzewinski A Physics Reports 475 (5-6) 53-90 2009 2009 None
Topological defects in gravitational lensing shear fields Vitelli V, Jain B, Kamien RD Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 9 034 2009 2009 None
Amplitude and frequency spectra of thermal fluctuations of a translocating RNA molecule Vocks H, Panja D, Barkema GT Condensed Matter 21 (37) 375105 2009 2009 None
Wide shear zones and the spot model: Implications from the split-bottom geometry Woldhuis E, Tighe B, van Saarloos W European Physical Journal E 28 (1) 73-78 2009 2009 None
Evidence for weak electronic correlations in iron pnictides Yang WL, Sorini AP, Chen CC, Moritz B, Lee WS, Vernay F, Olalde-Velasco P, Denlinger JD, Delley B, Chu JH, Analytis JG… Physical Review B 80 (1) 014508 2009 2009 None
Fast electrons tie quantum knots Zaanen J Science 323 (5916) 888-890 2009 2009 None
The pnictide code Zaanen J Nature 457 (7229) 546-547 2009 2009 None
Specific-heat jump at the superconducting transition and the quantum critical nature of the normal state of pnictide superconductors Zaanen J Physical Review B 80 (21) 212502 2009 2009 None
Excitations of ellipsoid packings near jamming Zeravcic Z, Xu N, Liu AJ, Nagel SR, van Saarloos W Europhysics Letters 87 (2) 26001 2009 2009 None
Consistent decoupling of heavy scalars and moduli in N=1 supergravity Achúcarro A, Hardeman S, Sousa K Physical Review D 78 (10) 101901 2008 2008 None
F-term uplifting and the supersymmetric integration of heavy moduli Achúcarro A, Hardeman S, Sousa K Journal of High Energy Physics 11 003 2008 2008 None
F-term uplifting and moduli stabilization consistent with Kahler invariance Achúcarro A, Sousa K Journal of High Energy Physics 3 002 2008 2008 None
Theory of the valley-valve effect in graphene nanoribbons Akhmerov AR, Bardarson JH, Rycerz A, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 77 (20) 205416 2008 2008 None
Boundary conditions for Dirac fermions on a terminated honeycomb lattice Akhmerov AR, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 77 (8) 085423 2008 2008 None
Quantum Monte Carlo formulation of volume polarization in dielectric continuum theory Amovilli C, Filippi C, Floris FM Journal of Chemical Physics 129 (24) 244106 2008 2008 None
A proof of the Kramers degeneracy of transmission eigenvalues from antisymmetry of the scattering matrix Bardarson JH Journal of Physics A 41 (40) 405203 2008 2008 None
Exact numerical study of pair formation with imbalanced fermion populations Batrouni GG, Huntley MH, Rousseau VG, Scalettar RT Physical Review Letters 100 (11) 116405 2008 2008 None
Canonical trajectories and critical coupling of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian in a harmonic trap Batrouni GG, Krishnamurthy HR, Mahmud KW, Rousseau VG, Scalettar RT Physical Review A 78 (2) 023627 2008 2008 None
Scaling of singular structures in extensional flow of dilute polymer solutions Becherer P, Morozov AN, van Saarloos W Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 153 (2-3): 183-190 2008 2008 None
Andreev reflection and Klein tunneling in graphene Beenakker CWJ Reviews of Modern Physics 80 (4) 1337-1354 2008 2008 None
Correspondence between Andreev reflection and Klein tunneling in bipolar graphene Beenakker CWJ, Akhmerov AR, Recher P, Tworzydlo J Physical Review B 77 (7) 075409 2008 2008 None
Splitting of Andreev levels in a Josephson junction by spin-orbit coupling Beri B, Bardarson JH, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 77 (4) 045311 2008 2008 None
Evolution of the bursting-layer wave during a type I X-ray burst Berkhout RG, Levin Y Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 385 (2):1029-1035 2008 2008 None
Kinetic proofreading of gene activation by chromatin remodeling Blossey R, Schiessel H HFSP Journal 2 (3):167-170 2008 2008 None
D-term uplifted racetrack inflation Brax P, Davis AC, Davis SC, Jeannerot R, Postma M Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1 008 2008 2008 None
Racetrack inflation with matter fields and cosmic strings Brax P, van de Bruck C, Davis AC, Davis SC, Jeannerot R, Postma M Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (7) 018 2008 2008 None
Energy-consistent small-core pseudopotentials for 3d-transition metals adapted to quantum Monte Carlo calculations Burkatzki M, Filippi C, Dolg M Journal of Chemical Physics 129 (16) 164115 Oct 2008 2008 None
D-term inflation after spontaneous symmetry breaking Clauwens B, Jeannerot R Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 3 Jcap03(2008)016 2008 2008 None
Helical Magnetic Fields from Sphaleron Decay and Baryogenesis Copi CJ, Ferrer F, Vachaspati T, Achúcarro A Physical Review Letters 101 (17) 171302 2008 2008 None
Observing the fluctuating stripes in high-Tc superconductors Cvetkovic V, Nussinov Z, Mukhin S, Zaanen J Europhysics Letters 81 (2) 27 2008 2008 None
The role of conformal symmetry in the Jackiw-Pi model de Kok MO, van Holten JW Nuclear Physics B 805 (3) 545-558 2008 2008 None
The fate of conformal symmetry in the non-linear Schrödinger theory de Kok MO, van Holten JW Nuclear Physics B 803 (3) 363-380 2008 2008 None
Residence and waiting times of Brownian interface fluctuations de Villeneuve VWA, van Leeuwen JMJ, de Folter JWJ, 1, Aarts DGAL, van Saarloos W, Lekkerkerker HNW Europhysics Letters 81 (6) 60004 2008 2008 None
Statistics of fluctuating colloidal fluid-fluid interfaces de Villeneuve VWA, van Leeuwen JMJ, van Saarloos W, Lekkerkerker HNW Journal of Chemical Physics 129 (16) 164710 2008 2008 None
Crossover from reptation to Rouse dynamics in the extended Rubinstein-Duke model Drzewinski A, van Leeuwen JMJ Physical Review E 77 (3) 031802 2008 2008 None
Percolation transitions in two dimensions Feng XM, Deng YJ, Blöte HWJ Physical Review E 78 (3) 031136 2008 2008 None
Single and double orbital excitations probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering Forte F, Ament LJP, van den Brink J Physical Review Letters 101 (10) 106406 2008 2008 None
Magnetic excitations in La2CuO4 probed by indirect resonant inelastic x-ray scattering Forte F, Ament LJP, van den Brink J Physical Review B 77 (13) 134428 2008 2008 None
Ab initio electronic structure and correlations in and potassium-doped molecular crystals of copper phthalocyanine Giovannetti G, Brocks G, van den Brink J Physical Review B 77 (3) 035133 2008 2008 None
Doping graphene with metal contacts Giovannetti G, Khomyakov PA, Brocks G, Karpan VM, van den Brink J, Kelly PJ Physical Review Letters 101 (2) 026803 2008 2008 None
Mott state and quantum critical points in rare-earth oxypnictides RO_1-x F_x FeAs (R = La, Sm, Nd, Pr, Ce) Giovannetti G, Kumar S, van den Brink J Condensed Matter 403 (19-20) 3653-3657 2008 2008 None
KCrF_3: Electronic structure and magnetic and orbital ordering from first principles Giovannetti G, Margadonna S, van den Brink J Physical Review B 77 (7) 075113 2008 2008 None
Electronic correlations decimate the ferroelectric polarization of multiferroic HoMn_2O_5 Giovannetti G, van den Brink J Physical Review Letters 100 (22) 227603 2008 2008 None
Microfluidics of cytoplasmic streaming and its implications for intracellular transport Goldstein RE, Tuval I, van de Meent JW Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (10) 3663-3667 2008 2008 None
Electronic shot noise in fractal conductors Groth CW, Tworzydlo J, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review Letters 100 (17) 176804 2008 2008 None
Supersolids in one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures Hebert F, Batrouni GG, Roy X, Rousseau VG Physical Review B 78 (18) 184505 2008 2008 None
Oscillons and domain walls Hindmarsh M, Salmi P Physical Review D 77 (10) 105025 2008 2008 None
Monte Carlo study of multiply crosslinked semiflexible polymer networks Huisman EM, Storm C, Barkema GT Physical Review E 78 (5) 051801 2008 2008 None
Theoretical prediction of perfect spin filtering at interfaces between close-packed surfaces of Ni or Co and graphite or graphene Karpan VM, Khomyakov PA, Starikov AA, Giovannetti G, Zwierzycki M, Talanana M, Brocks G, van den Brink J, Kelly PJ Physical Review B 78 (19) 195419 2008 2008 None
Creating and verifying a quantum superposition in a micro-optomechanical system Kleckner D, Pikovski I, Jeffrey E, 2, Ament L, Eliel E, van den Brink J, Bouwmeester D New Journal of Physics 10 095020 2008 2008 None
Modeling background intensity in DNA microarrays Kroll KM, Barkema GT, Carlon E Physical Review E 77 (6) 061915 2008 2008 None
Fermionic quantum criticality and the fractal nodal surface Krüger F, Zaanen J Physical Review B 78 (3) 035104 2008 2008 None
Unbiased computation of transition times by pathway recombination Kuipers J, Barkema GT Journal of Chemical Physics 128 (17) 174108 2008 2008 None
Charge ordering and magnetism in quarter-filled Hubbard-Holstein model Kumar S, den Brink J Physical Review B 78 (15) 155123 2008 2008 None
Disorder-induced orbital ordering in doped manganites Kumar S, Kampf AP Physical Review B 77 (13) 134442 2008 2008 None
Quantum Monte Carlo study of the cooperative binding of NO_2 to fragment models of carbon nanotubes Lawson JW, Bauschlicher CW, Toulouse J, Filippi C, Umrigar CJ Chemical Physics Letters 466 (4-6): 170-175 2008 2008 None
Non-Abelian hydrodynamics and the flow of spin in spin-orbit coupled substances Leurs BWA, Nazario Z, Santiago DI, Zaanen J Annals of Physics 323 (4) 907-945 2008 2008 None
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem for thermo-refractive noise Levin Y Physics Letters A 372 (12) 1941-1944 2008 2008 None
Critical properties of a dilute O(n) model on the kagome lattice Li B, Guo WA, Blöte HWJ Physical Review E 78 (2) 021128 2008 2008 None
Competing Orders in FeAs Layers Lorenzana J, Seibold G, Ortix C, Grilli M Physical Review Letters 101 (18) 186402 2008 2008 None
Effect of gauge-field interaction on fermion transport in two dimensions: Hartree conductivity correction and dephasing Ludwig T, Gornyi IV, Mirlin AD, Wolfle P Physical Review B 77 (23) 235414 2008 2008 None
Evolution of local and global monopole networks Martins CJAP, Achúcarro A Physical Review D 78 (8) 083541 2008 2008 None
Helicity amplitudes for charmonium production in hadron-hadron and photon-hadron collisions Meijer MM, Smith J, van Neerven WL Physical Review D 77 (3) 034014 2008 2008 None
Charge dynamics of doped holes in high Tc cuprate superconductors: A clue from optical conductivity Mishchenko AS, Nagaosa N, Shen ZX, De Filippis G, Cataudella V, Devereaux TP, Bernhard C, Kim KW, Zaanen J Physical Review Letters 100 (16) 166401 2008 2008 None
Heavy fermion quantum criticality Nazario Z, Santiago DI Physical Review Letters 101 (13) 136408 2008 2008 None
Effective potential of longitudinal interactions between microtubule protofilaments Neek-Amal M, Radja NH, Ejtehadi MR Physical Review E 78 (1) 011912 2008 2008 None
Tricritical O(n) models in two dimensions Nienhuis B, Guo WA, Blöte HWJ Physical Review E 78 (6) 061104 2008 2008 None
Splitting of a Cooper pair by a pair of Majorana bound states Nilsson J, Akhmerov AR, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review Letters 101 (12) 120403 2008 2008 None
Electronic properties of bilayer and multilayer graphene Nilsson J, Castro Neto AH, Guinea F, Peres NMR Physical Review B 78 (4) 045405 2008 2008 None
Passage times for polymer translocation pulled through a narrow pore Panja D, Barkema GT Biophysical Journal 94 (5) 1630-1637 2008 2008 None
Polymer translocation out of planar confinements Panja D, Barkema GT, Ball RC Condensed Matter 20 (7) 075101 2008 2008 None
Directed update for the stochastic Green function algorithm Rousseau VG Physical Review E 78 (5) 056707 2008 2008 None
Stochastic Green function algorithm Rousseau VG Physical Review E 77 (5) 056705 2008 2008 None
Quantum phases of mixtures of atoms and molecules on optical lattices Rousseau VG, Denteneer PJH Physical Review A 77 (1) 013609 2008 2008 None
f-sum rule and unconventional spectral weight transfer in graphene Sabio J, Nilsson J, Castro Neto AH Physical Review B 78 (7) 075410 2008 2008 None
Kinematic constraints on formation of bound states of cosmic strings: Field theoretical approach Salmi P, Achúcarro A, Copeland EJ, Kibble TWB, de Putter R, Steer DA Physical Review D 77 (4) 041701 2008 2008 None
On the accuracy of density-functional theory exchange-correlation functionals for H bonds in small water clusters. II. The water hexamer and van der Waals interactions Santra B, Michaelides A, Fuchs M, Tkatchenko A, Filippi C, Scheffler M Journal of Chemical Physics 129 (19) 194111 2008 2008 None
Coupled-channels partial-wave analysis of kaon photoproduction Scholten O, Usov A Modern Physics Letters A 23 (27-30): 2305-2308 2008 2008 None
Accurate determination of elastic parameters for multicomponent membranes Semrau S, Idema T, Holtzer L, Schmidt T, Storm C Physical Review Letters 100 (8) 088101 2008 2008 None
Numerical test of the theory of pseudo-diffusive transmission at the Dirac point of a photonic band structure Sepkhanov RA, Beenakker CWJ Optics Communications 281 (20) 5267-5270 2008 2008 None
Proposed method for detection of the pseudospin-1/2 Berry phase in a photonic crystal with a Dirac spectrum Sepkhanov RA, Nilsson J, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 78 (4) 045122 2008 2008 None
Bidirectional membrane tube dynamics driven by nonprocessive motors Shaklee PM, Idema T, Koster G, 2, Storm C, Schmidt T, Dogterom M Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (23) 7993-7997 2008 2008 None
Statistics, condensation, and the Anderson-Higgs mechanism: Worldline path integral view She JH, Sadri D, Zaanen J Physical Review B 78 (14) 144504 2008 2008 None
Universality class of the pair contact process with diffusion Smallenburg F, Barkema GT Physical Review E 78 (3) 031129 2008 2008 None
Keldysh action of a multiterminal time-dependent scatterer Snyman I, Nazarov YV Physical Review B 77 (16) 165118 2008 2008 None
Calculation of the conductance of a graphene sheet using the Chalker-Coddington network model Snyman I, Tworzydlo J, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 78 (4) 045118 2008 2008 None
The buckling of a swollen thin gel layer bound to a compliant substrate Sultan E, Boudaoud A Transactions of the ASME 75 (5) 051002 2008 2008 None
Mixed time-dependent density-functional theory/classical trajectory surface hopping study of oxirane photochemistry Tapavicza E, Tavernelli I, Rothlisberger U, Filippi C, Casida ME Journal of Chemical Physics 129 (12) 124108 2008 2008 None
Nonlinear elastic stress response in granular packings Tighe BP, Socolar JES Physical Review E 77 (3) 031303 2008 2008 None
Entropy maximization in the force network ensemble for granular solids Tighe BP, van Eerd ART, Vlugt TJH Physical Review Letters 100 (23) 238001 2008 2008 None
Dynamics of domain walls in magnetic nanostrips Tretiakov OA, Clarke D, Chern GW, Bazaliy YB, Tchernyshyov O Physical Review Letters 100 (12) 127204 2008 2008 None
Helicon-phonon resonance in PbSe Tsymbal LT, Bazaliy YB, Cherkasov AN, Mishin VA Journal of Low Temperature Physics 152 (1-2): 56-62 2008 2008 None
Finite difference method for transport properties of massless Dirac fermions Tworzydlo J, Groth CW, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 78 (23) 235438 2008 2008 None
Coherent structures in dissipative particle dynamics of the transition to turbulence in compressible shear flows van de Meent JW, Morozov A, Somfai E, Sultan E, van Saarloos W Physical Review E 78 (1) 015701 2008 2008 None
Multiferroicity due to charge ordering van den Brink J, Khomskii DI Condensed Matter 20 (43) 434217 Oct 2008 2008 None
Hydromagnetic waves in a superfluid neutron star with strong vortex pinning van Hoven M, Levin Y Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 391 (1) 283-289 2008 2008 None
Towards an experimental test of gravity-induced quantum state reduction van Wezel J, Oosterkamp T, Zaanen J Philosophical Magazine 88 (7) 1005-1026 2008 2008 None
Thin spectrum states in bulk superconductors and superconducting grains van Wezel J, van den Brink J Condensed Matter 403 (18):3206-3210 2008 2008 None
The Schrödinger-Newton equation as a possible generator of quantum state reduction van Wezel J, van den Brink J Philosophical Magazine 88 (11) 1659-1 2008 2008 None
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and decoherence in superconductors van Wezel J, van den Brink J Physical Review B 77 (6) 064523 2008 2008 None
Quantum Monte Carlo study of the visibility of one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures Varney CN, Rousseau VG, Scalettar RT Physical Review A 77 (4) 041608 2008 2008 None
Pore-blockade times for field-driven polymer translocation Vocks H, Panja D, Barkema GT, Ball RC Condensed Matter 20 (9) 095224 2008 2008 None
Sign structure of the t-J model Wu K, Weng ZY, Zaanen J Physical Review B 77 (15) 155102 2008 2008 None
Quantum critical electron systems: The uncharted sign worlds Zaanen J Science 319 (5867) 1205-1207 2008 2008 None
Pacifying the Fermi-liquid: Battling the devious fermion signs Zaanen J, Krüger F, She JH, Sadri D, Mukhin SI Iranian Journal of Physics Research 8 (2) 39 2008 2008 None
Anion-pi and pi-pi cooperative interactions regulating the self-assembly of nitrate-triazine-triazine complexes Zaccheddu M, Filippi C, Buda F Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (7) 1627-1632 2008 2008 None
Localization behavior of vibrational modes in granular packings Zeravcic Z, van Saarloos W, Nelson DR Europhysics Letters 83 (4) 44 2008 2008 None
Soft glassy rheology of supercooled molecular liquids Zondervan R, Xia T, van der Meer H, Storm C, Kulzer F, van Saarloos W, Orrit M Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (13) 4993-4998 2008 2008 None
Superfluid and Mott-insulator phases of one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures Zujev A, Baldwin A, Scalettar RT, Rousseau VG, Denteneer PJH, Rigol M Physical Review A 78 (3) 033619 2008 2008 None
Semilocal cosmic string networks Achúcarro A, Salmi P, Urrestilla J Physical Review D 75 (12) 121703 2007 2007 None
Detection of valley polarization in graphene by a superconducting contact Akhmerov AR, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review Letters 98 (15) 157003 2007 2007 None
Pseudodiffusive conduction at the Dirac point of a normal-superconductor junction in graphene Akhmerov AR, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 75 (4) 045426 2007 2007 None
Solar system constraints on Gauss-Bonnet mediated dark energy Amendola L, Charmousis C, Davis SC Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (10) 004 2007 2007 None
Ultrashort lifetime expansion for indirect resonant inelastic x-ray scattering Ament LJP, Forte F, van den Brink J Physical Review B 75 (11) 115118 2007 2007 None
Mesoscopic spin Hall effect Bardarson JH, Adagideli I, Jacquod P Physical Review Letters 98 (19) 196601 2007 2007 None
One-parameter scaling at the Dirac point in graphene Bardarson JH, Tworzydlo J, Brouwer PW, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review Letters 99 (10) 106801 2007 2007 None
Magnetization dynamics in planar spin transfer devices and stabilization by repulsion in a spin-flip transistor Bazaliy YB Applied Physics Letters 91 (26) 262510 2007 2007 None
Effect of spin-orbit coupling on the excitation spectrum of Andreev billiards Beri B, Bardarson JH, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 75 (16) 165307 2007 2007 None
Multiferroicity induced by dislocated spin-density waves Betouras JJ, Giovannetti G, van den Brink J Physical Review Letters 98 (25) 257602 2007 2007 None
Warping and F-term uplifting Brax P, Davis AC, Davis SC, Jeannerot R, Postma M Journal of High Energy Physics (9) 125 2007 2007 None
Moduli corrections to D-term inflation Brax P, van de Bruck C, Davis AC, Davis SC, Jeannerot R, Postma M Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (1) 026 2007 2007 None
Critique of the link approach to exact lattice supersymmetry Bruckmann F, Catterall S, de Kok M Physical Review D 75 (4) 045016 2007 2007 None Burkatzki M, Filippi C, Dolg M Journal of Chemical Physics 126 (23) 234105 2007 2007 None
Determinant quantum Monte Carlo study of the screening of the one-body potential near a metal-insulator transition Chakraborty PB, Denteneer PJH, Scalettar RT Physical Review B 75 (12) 125117 2007 2007 None
Troubleshooting time-dependent density-functional theory for photochemical applications: Oxirane Cordova F, Doriol LJ, Ipatov A, Casidaa ME, Filippi C, Vela A Journal of Chemical Physics 127 (16) 164111 2007 2007 None
Brane world cosmic string interaction Davis SC Physics Letters B 645 (4) 323-325 2007 2007 None
Cluster simulations of loop models on two-dimensional lattices Deng YJ, Garoni TM, Guo WA, Blöte HWJ, Sokal AD Physical Review Letters 98 (12) 120601 2007 2007 None
Stresses in smooth flows of dense granular media Depken M, Lechman JB, Van Hecke M, Van Saarloos W, Grest GS Europhysics Letters 78 (5) 58 2007 2007 None
Geometric properties of two-dimensional O(n) loop configurations Ding CX, Deng YJ, Guo WA, Qian XF, Blöte HWJ Journal of Physics A 40 (13) 3305-3317 2007 2007 None
Negativity of the excess noise in a quantum wire capacitively coupled to a gate Dolcini F, Trauzettel B, Safi I, Grabert H Physical Review B 75 (4) 045332 2007 2007 None
Bounds on the shear load of cohesionless granular matter Ellenbroek WG, Snoeijer JH Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P01023 2007 2007 None
Buckling of stiff polymers: Influence of thermal fluctuations Emanuel M, Mohrbach H, Sayar M, Schiessel H, Kulic IM Physical Review E 76 (6) 061907 Part 1 2007 2007 None
Half-BPS cosmic string in N=2 supergravity in the presence of a dilaton Esole M, Sousa K Journal of High Energy Physics (3) 079 2007 2007 None
Substrate-induced band gap in graphene on hexagonal boron nitride: Ab initio density functional calculations Giovannetti G, Khomyakov PA, Brocks G, Kelly PJ, van den Brink J Physical Review B 76 (7) 073103 2007 2007 None
Graphite and graphene as perfect spin filters Karpan VM, Giovannetti G, Khomyakov PA, Talanana M, Starikov AA, Zwierzycki M, van den Brink J, Brocks G, Kelly PJ Physical Review Letters 99 (17) 176602 2007 2007 None
Is deconfined quantum criticality in frustrated antiferromagnets ruled out by generic fluctuation induced first order behavior? Krüger F Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 20 (7-8): 575-578 2007 2007 None
Magnetic fluctuations in n-type high-T-c superconductors reveal breakdown of fermiology: Experiments and Fermi-liquid/RPA calculations Krüger F, Wilson SD, Shan L, Li SL, Huang Y, Wen HH, Zhang SC, Dai PC, Zaanen J Physical Review B 76 (9) 094506 2007 2007 None
Equation of state of looped DNA Kulic IM, Mohrbach H, Thaokar R, Schiessel H Physical Review E 75 (1) 011913 Part 1 2007 2007 None
Starbursts near supermassive black holes: young stars in the Galactic Centre, and gravitational waves in LISA band Levin Y Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 374 (2) 515-524 2007 2007 None
Andreev reflection in bilayer graphene Ludwig T Physical Review B 75 (19) 195322 2007 2007 None
Polaron coherence condensation as the mechanism for colossal magnetoresistance in layered manganites Mannella N, Yang WL, Tanaka K, Zhou XJ, Zheng H, Mitchell JF, Zaanen J, Devereaux TP, Nagaosa N, Hussain Z, Shen ZX Physical Review B 76 (23) 233102 2007 2007 None
An introductory essay on subcritical instabilities and the transition to turbulence in visco-elastic parallel shear flows Morozov AN, van Saarloos W Review Section of Physics Letters 447 (3-6): 112-143 2007 2007 None
Enhanced electronic polarizability of metallic stripes and the universality of the bond-stretching phonon anomaly in high-temperature cuprate superconductors Mukhin SI, Mesaros A, Zaanen J, Kusmartsev FV Physical Review B 76 (17) 174521 2007 2007 None
Reentrance effect in a graphene n-p-n junction coupled to a superconductor Ossipov A, Titov M, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 75 (24) 241401 2007 2007 None
Anomalous dynamics of unbiased polymer translocation through a narrow pore Panja D, Barkema GT, Ball RC Condensed Matter 19 (43) 432202 2007 2007 None
QCD threshold corrections to di-lepton and Higgs rapidity distributions beyond (NLO)-L-2 Ravindran V, Smith J, van Neerven WL Nuclear Physics B 767 (1-2): 100-129 2007 2007 None
Aharonov-Bohm effect and broken valley degeneracy in graphene rings Recher P, Trauzettel B, Rycerz A, Blanter YM, Beenakker CWJ, Morpurgo AF Physical Review B 76 (23) 235404 2007 2007 None
Dipole formation at interfaces of alkanethiolate self-assembled monolayers and Ag(111) Rusu PC, Giovannetti G, Brocks G Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (39) 14448-14456 2007 2007 None
Valley filter and valley valve in graphene Rycerz A, Tworzydlo J, Beenakker CWJ Nature Physics 3 (3) 172-175 2007 2007 None
Anomalously large conductance fluctuations in weakly disordered graphene Rycerz A, Tworzydlo J, Beenakker CWJ Europhysics Letters 79 (5) 57 2007 2007 None
Extremal transmission at the Dirac point of a photonic band structure Sepkhanov RA, Bazaliy YB, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review A 75 (6) 063813 2007 2007 None
Force mobilization and generalized isostaticity in jammed packings of frictional grains Shundyak K, van Hecke M, van Saarloos W Physical Review E 75 (1) 010301 Part 1 2007 2007 None
Chaos beyond linearized stability analysis: Folding of the phase space and distribution of Lyapunov exponents Silvestrov PG, Ponomarev IV Physics Letters A 365 (4) 290-294 2007 2007 None
Ballistic transmission through a graphene bilayer Snyman I, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 75 (4) 045322 2007 2007 None
Polarization of a charge qubit strongly coupled to a voltage-driven quantum point contact Snyman I, Nazarov YV Physical Review Letters 99 (9) 096802 2007 2007 None
Critical and noncritical jamming of frictional grains Somfai E, van Hecke M, Ellenbroek WG, Shundyak K, van Saarloos W Physical Review E 75 (2) 020301 Part 1 2007 2007 None
Hydrodynamics of a rotating torus Thaokar RM, Schiessel H, Kulic IM European Physical Journal B 60 (3) 325-336 2007 2007 None
Excitation gap of a graphene channel with superconducting boundaries Titov M, Ossipov A, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 75 (4) 045417 2007 2007 None
Photon-assisted electron transport in graphene: Scattering theory analysis Trauzettel B, Blanter YM, Morpurgo AF Physical Review B 75 (3) 035305 2007 2007 None
Magnetic and structural properties of spin-reorientation transitions in orthoferrites Tsymbal LT, Bazaliy YB, Derkachenko VN, Kamenev VI, Kakazei GN, Palomares FJ, Wigen PE Journal of Applied Physics 101 (12) 123919 2007 2007 None
Valley-isospin dependence of the quantum Hall effect in a graphene p-n junction Tworzydlo J, Snyman I, Akhmerov AR, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 76 (3) 035411 2007 2007 None
Alleviation of the fermion-sign problem by optimization of many-body wave functions Umrigar CJ, Toulouse J, Filippi C, Sorella S, Hennig RG Physical Review Letters 98 (11) 110201 Mar 2007 2007 None
The theory of indirect resonant inelastic X-ray scattering on magnons van den Brink J Europhysics Letters 80 (4) 47 2007 2007 None
Graphene - From strength to strength van den Brink J Nature Nanotechnology 2 (4) 199-201 2007 2007 None
Materials science - Magnetic blue van den Brink J, Morpurgo AF Nature 450 (7167) 177-178 2007 2007 None
Advancing science in Africa Van den Brink J, Snyman I Nature Materials 6 (11) 792-793 2007 2007 None
Tail of the contact force distribution in static granular materials van Eerd ART, Ellenbroek WG, van Hecke M, Snoeijer JH, Vlugt TJH Physical Review E 75 (6) 060302 Part 1 2007 2007 None
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum mechanics van Wezel J, van den Brink J American Journal of Physics 75 (7) 635-638 2007 2007 None
Limit to manipulation of qubits due to spontaneous symmetry breaking van Wezel J, van den Brink J Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 (2) E503-E505 Part 2 2007 2007 None
A supersymmetry approach to almost diagonal random matrices Yevtushenko O, Ossipov A Journal of Physics A 40 (18) 4691-4716 2007 2007 None
Theoretical physics - A black hole full of answers Zaanen J, Nature 448 (7157) 1000-1001 2007 2007 None
Order alpha_s^2 corrections to the polarized structure function g_1(x,Q^2) (Nucl. Phys. B vol 417, 61, 1994) Zijlstra EB, van Neerven WL Nuclear Physics B 773 (1-2) 105-106 2007 2007 None
Hierarchy of multiple many-body interaction scales in high-temperature superconductors Meevasana W, Zhou XJ, Sahrakorpi S, Lee WS, Yang WL, Tanaka K, Mannella N, Yoshida T, Lu DH, Chen YL, He RH, Lin H, Kom… Physical Review B 75 (17) 174506 2007 2007 None
D-term cosmic strings and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms from N=2 supergravity Achúcarro A, Celi A, Esole M, den Bergh J, van Proeyen A Progress of Physics 54 (5-6) 257-265 2006 2006 None
D-term cosmic strings from N=2 supergravity Achúcarro A, Celi A, Esole M, van den Bergh J, van Proeyen A Journal of High Energy Physics (1) 102 2006 2006 None
de Sitter vacua from uplifting D-terms in effective supergravities from realistic strings Achúcarro A, de Carlos B, Casas JA, Doplicher L Journal of High Energy Physics (6) 014 2006 2006 None
Effective non-intercommutation of local cosmic strings at high collision speeds Achúcarro A, de Putter R Physical Review D 74 121 2006 2006 None
Note on the stability of axionic D-term s-strings Achúcarro A, Sousa K Physical Review D 74 (8) 081701(R) 2006 2006 None
Constraints on Gauss-Bonnet gravity in dark energy cosmologies Amendola L, Charmousis C, Davis SC Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 0612 020 2006 2006 None
Deterministic quantum state transfer from an electronic charge qubit to a photonic polarization qubit Ament LJP, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 73 (12) 121307 2006 2006 None
Coupling quantum Monte Carlo to a nonlinear polarizable continuum model for spherical solutes Amovilli C, Filippi C, Floris FM Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (51) 26225-26231 2006 2006 None
Geometric framework for phase synchronization in coupled noisy nonlinear systems Balakrishnan J Physical Review E 73 (3) 036206 Part 2 2006 2006 None
Degradation of electron-hole entanglement by spin-orbit coupling Bardarson JH, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 74 (23) 235307 2006 2006 None
Specular Andreev reflection in graphene Beenakker CWJ Physical Review Letters 97 (6) 067007 2006 2006 None
Excess conductance of a spin-filtering quantum dot Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 73 (20) 201304 2006 2006 None
Longitudinal heavy quark structure function F-L(QQ) in the region Q^2 >> m^2 at O(alpha^3(s)) Blumlein J, De Freitas A, van Neerven WL, Klein S Nuclear Physics B 755 272-285 2006 2006 None
Coupling hybrid inflation to moduli Brax P, van de Bruck C, Davis AC, Davis SC Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (9) 012 2006 2006 None
Fermionic zero modes of supergravity cosmic strings Brax P, van de Bruck C, Davis AC, Davis SC Journal of High Energy Physics (6) 030 2006 2006 None
Cosmic D-strings and vortons in supergravity Brax P, van de Bruck C, Davis AC, Davis SC Physics Letters B 640 (1-2) 7-12 2006 2006 None
Noncommutativity approach to supersymmetry on the lattice: Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and an inconsistency Bruckmann F, de Kok M Physical Review D 73 (7) 074511 2006 2006 None
Laplacian modes as a filter Bruckmann F, Ilgenfritz EM Proceedings Supplements 153 33-40 2006 2006 None
Topological kinematic constraints: dislocations and the glide principle Cvetkovic V, Nussinov Z, Zaanen J Philosophical Magazine 86 (20) 2995-3020 2006 2006 None
Vortex duality: Observing the dual nature using order propagators Cvetkovic V, Zaanen J Physical Review B 74 (13) 134504 2006 2006 None
Quantum smectic as a dislocation Higgs phase Cvetkovic V, Zaanen J Physical Review Letters 97 (4) 045701 2006 2006 None
Continuum approach to wide shear zones in quasistatic granular matter Depken M, van Saarloos W, van Hecke M Physical Review E 73 (3) 031302 Part 1 2006 2006 None
Crossover from reptation to Rouse dynamics in the cage model Drzewinski A, van Leeuwen JMJ Physical Review E 74 (6) 061801 Part 1 2006 2006 None
Crossover from reptation to Rouse dynamics in a one-dimensional model Drzewinski A, van Leeuwen JMJ Physical Review E 73 (6) 061802 Part 1 2006 2006 None
Exact solution for a one-dimensional model for reptation Drzewinski A, van Leeuwen JMJ Physical Review E 73 (5) 051801 Part 1 2006 2006 None
Critical scaling in linear response of frictionless granular packings near jamming Ellenbroek WG, Somfai E, van Hecke M, van Saarloos W Physical Review Letters 97 (25) 258001 Dec 2006 2006 None
Counting statistics of coherent population trapping in quantum dots Groth CW, Michaelis B, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 74 (12) 125315 2006 2006 None
Critical line of an n-component cubic model Guo WA, Qian XF, Blöte HWJ, Wu FY Physical Review E 73 (2) 026104 2006 2006 None
Exact characterization of O(n) tricriticality in two dimensions Guo WN, Nienhuis B, Blöte HWJ Physical Review Letters 96 (4) 045704 2006 2006 None
Bifurcations in resonance widths of an open Bose-Hubbard dimer Hiller M, Kottos T, Ossipov A Physical Review A 73 (6) 063625 2006 2006 None
Numerical investigations of oscillons in 2 dimensions Hindmarsh M, Salmi P Physical Review D 74 (10) 105005 2006 2006 None
Enlarging the parameter space of standard hybrid inflation Jeannerot R, Postma M Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (7) 012 2006 2006 None
Frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnets: Fluctuation-induced first order vs. deconfined quantum criticality Krüger F, Scheidl S Europhysics Letters 74 (5) 896-902 2006 2006 None
From sliding nucleosomes to twirling DNA motors Kulic I M, Thaokar R, Schiessel H Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 3 912-921 2006 2006 None
QPOs during magnetar flares are not driven by mechanical normal modes of the crust Levin Y Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 368 (1) L35-L38 2006 2006 None
Rayleigh-Taylor instability of pulled versus pushed fronts Lima D, van Saarloos W, de Wit A Nonlinear Phenomena 218 (2) 158-166 2006 2006 None
Voltage probe model of spin decay in a chaotic quantum dot with applications to spin-flip noise and entanglement production Michaelis B, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 73 (11) 115329 2006 2006 None
All-electronic coherent population trapping in quantum dots Michaelis B, Emary C, Beenakker CWJ Europhysics Letters 73 (5) 677-683 2006 2006 None
Controlled DNA compaction within chromatin: The tail-bridging effect Muhlbacher F, Holm C, Schiessel H Europhysics Letters 73 (1) 135-141 2006 2006 None
Tail-induced attraction between nucleosome core particles Muhlbacher F, Schiessel H, Holm C Physical Review E 74 (3) 031919 Part 1 2006 2006 None
M2-branes stretching between M5-branes Nogradi D Journal of High Energy Physics (1) 010 2006 2006 None
Shot-noise detection in a carbon nanotube quantum dot Onac E, Balestro F, Trauzettel B, Lodewijk CFJ, Kouwenhoven LP Physical Review Letters 96 (2) 026803 2006 2006 None
Scale invariance and universality of force networks in static granular matter Ostojic S, Somfai E, Nienhuis B Nature 439 (7078) 828-830 2006 2006 None
Classical correlations of defects in lattices with geometrical frustration in the motion of a particle Pollmann F, Betouras JJ, Runge E Physical Review B 73 (17) 174417 2006 2006 None
Correlated fermions on a checkerboard lattice Pollmann F, Betouras JJ, Shtengel K, Fulde P Physical Review Letters 97 (17) 170407 2006 2006 None
Mechanism of polymer drag reduction using a low-dimensional model Roy A, Morozov A, van Saarloos W, Larson RG Physical Review Letters 97 (23) 234501 2006 2006 None
Entanglement and transport through correlated quantum dot Rycerz A European Physical Journal B 52 (3) 291-296 2006 2006 None
Conductance of a double quantum dot with correlation-induced wave function renormalization Rycerz A, Spalek J Physica B-Condensed Matter 378-80 935-937 2006 2006 None
Simple and efficient approach to the optimization of correlated wave functions Scemama A, Filippi C Physical Review B 73 (24) 241101 2006 2006 None
The nucleosome: A transparent, slippery, sticky and yet stable DNA-protein complex Schiessel H European Physical Journal E 19 (3) 251-262 2006 2006 None
Comment on "Chromatin fiber functional organization: Some plausible models" by A. Lesne and J.-M. Victor Schiessel H European Physical Journal E 19 (3) 291-292 2006 2006 None
Spin-wave dispersion in orbitally ordered La_1/2Sr_3/2MnO_4 Senff D, Krüger F, Scheidl S, Benomar M, Sidis Y, Demmel F, Braden M Physical Review Letters 96 (25) 257201 2006 2006 None
Hard colloidal rods near a soft wall: Wetting, drying, and symmetry breaking Shundyak K, van Roij R Europhysics Letters 74 (6) 1039-1045 2006 2006 None
Theory of the isotropic-nematic transition in dispersions of compressible rods Shundyak K, van Roij R, van der Schoot P Physical Review E 74 (2) 021710 Part 1 2006 2006 None
Spectrum of the Andreev billiard and giant fluctuations of the Ehrenfest time Silvestrov PG Physical Review Letters 97 (6) 067004 2006 2006 None
Polarized electric current in semiclassical transport with spin-orbit interaction Silvestrov PG, Mishchenko EG Physical Review B 74 (16) 165301 2006 2006 None
Sheared force networks: Anisotropies, yielding, and geometry Snoeijer JH, Ellenbroek WG, Vlugt TJH, van Hecke M Physical Review Letters 96 (9) 098001 2006 2006 None
Strong-coupling limit of the Richardson Hamiltonian analyzed using Dyson mapping Snyman I, Geyer HB Physical Review B 73 (14) 144516 2006 2006 None
Modeling viscoelastic flow with discrete methods Somfai E, Morozov AN, van Saarloos W Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 362 (1) 93-97 2006 2006 None
Josephson effect in ballistic graphene Titov M, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review B 74 (4) 041401 2006 2006 None
Quantum tunneling detection of two-photon and two-electron processes Tobiska J, Danon J, Snyman I, Nazarov YV Physical Review Letters 96 (9) 096801 2006 2006 None
Parity meter for charge qubits: An efficient quantum entangler Trauzettel B, Jordan AN, Beenakker CWJ, Büttiker M Physical Review B 73 (23) 235331 2006 2006 None
Sub-Poissonian shot noise in graphene Tworzydlo J, Trauzettel B, Titov M, Rycerz A, Beenakker CWJ Physical Review Letters 96 (24) 246802 2006 2006 None
Travels in one dimension van den Brink J Nature Materials 5 (6) 427-428 2006 2006 None
Correlation functions measured by indirect resonant inelastic X-ray scattering van den Brink J, van Veenendaal M Europhysics Letters 73 (1) 121-127 2006 2006 None
Orbital-assisted Peierls state in NaTiSi_2O_6 van Wezel J, van den Brink J Europhysics Letters 75 (6) 957-963 2006 2006 None
Relation between decoherence and spontaneous symmetry breaking in many-particle qubits van Wezel J, Zaanen J, van den Brink J Physical Review B 74 (9) 094430 2006 2006 None
Isotropic-nematic interface in suspensions of hard rods: Mean-field properties and capillary waves Wolfsheimer S, Tanase C, Shundyak K, van Roij R, Schilling T Physical Review E 73 (6) 061703 Part 1 2006 2006 None
Superconductivity - Quantum stripe search Zaanen J Nature 440 (7088) 1118-1119 2006 2006 None
Exotic composites: The decay of deficit angles in global-local monopoles. A Achúcarro, B Hartmann, J Urrestilla, Journal of High Energy Physics 07, 006 2005 2005 None
Fourth root prescription for dynamical staggered fermions. DH Adams, Physical Review D 72, 114512 2005 2005 None
Testing universality and the fractional power prescription for the staggered fermion determinant. DH Adams, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 140, 148-154 2005 2005 None
Statics and dynamics of polymer-wrapped colloids. N Bagatellla-Flores, H Schiessel, WM Gelbart, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109, 21305-21312 2005 2005 None
Boundary layer model for vortex fingers in type-II superconductors. C Baggio, RE Goldstein, AI Pesci, W van Saarloos, Physical Review B 72, 060503 2005 2005 None
Stroboscopic model of transport through a quantum dot with spin-orbit scattering. JH Bardarson, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 72, 235305 2005 2005 None
Dynamic response of trapped ultracold bosons on optical lattices. GG Batrouni, FF Assaad, RT Scalettar, PJH Denteneer, Physical Review A 72, 031601 2005 2005 None
Stub model for dephasing in a quantum dot. CWJ Beenakker, B Michaelis, Journal of Physics A 38, 10639-10646 2005 2005 None
Optimal spin-entangled electron-hole pair pump. CWJ Beenakker, M Titov, B Trauzettel, Physical Review Letters 94, 186804 2005 2005 None
Zero of the fermion zero mode. F Bruckmann, Physical Review D 71, 101701 2005 2005 None
Laplacian modes probing gauge fields. F Bruckmann, EM Ilgenfritz, Physical Review D 72, 114502 2005 2005 None
Calorons with non-trivial holonomy on and off the lattice. F Bruckmann, EM Ilgenfritz, BV Martemyanov, M Muller-Preussker, D Nogradi, D Peschka, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 140, 635-646 2005 2005 None
Progress on calorons and their constituents. F Bruckmann, D Nogradi, P van Baal, Few-Body Systems 36, 5-12 2005 2005 None
Diffusion Monte Carlo method with lattice regularization. M Casula, C Filippi, S Sorella, Physical Review Letters 95, 100201 2005 2005 None
Generalized parton distributions in the impact parameter space with nonzero skewedness. D Chakrabarti, A Mukherjee, Physical Review D 72, 034013 2005 2005 None
Impact parameter-dependent parton distributions for a relativistic composite system. D Chakrabarti, A Mukherjee, Few-Body Systems 36, 205-208 2005 2005 None
Impact parameter dependent parton distributions for a relativistic composite system. D Chakrabarti, A Mukherjee, Physical Review D 71, 014038 2005 2005 None
The ordered limit of superconductivity. V Cvetkovic, J Zaanen, Z Nussinov, S Mukhin, Journal de Physique IV 131, 81-82 2005 2005 None
Spin-orbit-driven coherent oscillations in a few-electron quantum dot. S Debald, C Emary, Physical Review Letters 94, 226803 2005 2005 None
Monte Carlo study of the site-percolation model in two and three dimensions. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 72, 016126 2005 2005 None
Edge phase transitions of the tricritical Potts model in two dimensions. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 71, 026109 2005 2005 None
Surface critical phenomena in three-dimensional percolation. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 71, 016117 2005 2005 None
Surface and bulk transitions in three-dimensional O(N) models. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, MP Nightingale, Physical Review E 72, 016128 2005 2005 None
Percolation between vacancies in the two-dimensional blume-capel model. YJ Deng, WN Guo, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 72, 016101 2005 2005 None
Constrained tricritical phenomena in two dimensions. YJ Deng, JR Heringa, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 71, 036115 2005 2005 None
Fluctuation-dissipation relation and the edwards entropy for a glassy granular compaction model. M Depken, R Stinchcombe, Physical Review E 71, 065102 2005 2005 None
Exact probability function for bulk density and current in the asymmetric exclusion process. M Depken, R Stinchcombe, Physical Review E 71, 036120 2005 2005 None
Quantum phases in a resonantly interacting boson-fermion mixture. DBM Dickerscheid, D van Oosten, EJ Tillema, HTC Stoof, Physical Review Letters 94, 230404 2005 2005 None
Photo-CIDNP solid-state NMR on photosystems I and II: What makes P680 special? A Diller, Alia, Roy E, P Gast, HJ van Gorkom, J Zaanen, HJM de Groot, C Glaubitz, J Matysik, Photosynthesis Research 84, 303-308 2005 2005 None
Field induced orientation of reptating polymers. A Drzewinski, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment P02004 2005 2005 None
Bond centered vs. site-centered charge ordering: Ferroelectricity in oxides. DV Efremov, J van den Brink, D Khomskii, Physica B-Condensed Matter 359, 1433-1435 2005 2005 None
Entanglement in quantum catastrophes. C Emary, N Lambert, T Brandes, Physical Review A 71, 062302 2005 2005 None
Emission of polarization-entangled microwave photons from a pair of quantum dots. C Emary, B Trauzettel, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 95, 127401 2005 2005 None
Response to "Comment on 'excitations in photoactive molecules from quantum Monte Carlo' " [J. Chem. Phys. 122, 087101 (2005)]. C Filippi, F Buda, Journal of Chemical Physics 122, 087102 2005 2005 None
Quantitative phase-field modeling of two-phase growth. R Folch, M Plapp, Physical Review E 72, 011602 2005 2005 None
Role of dissipation in biasing the vacuum selection in quantum field theory at finite temperature. F Freire, ND Antunes, P Salmi, A Achúcarro, Physical Review D 72, 045017 2005 2005 None
Anisotropic diffusion limited aggregation in three dimensions: Universality and nonuniversality. NR Goold, E Somfai, RC Ball, Physical Review E 72, 031403 2005 2005 None
Quantum-to-classical crossover for Andreev billiards in a magnetic field. MC Goorden, P Jacquod, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 72, 064526 2005 2005 None
Spectroscopy of a driven solid-state qubit coupled to a structured environment. MC Goorden, M Thorwart, M Grifoni, European Physical Journal B 45, 405-417 2005 2005 None
Monte Carlo renormalization: The triangular Ising model as a test case. WN Guo, HWJ Blöte, ZM Ren, Physical Review E 71, 046126 2005 2005 None
Leptogenesis from reheating after inflation and cosmic string decay. R Jeannerot, M Postma, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2005 006 2005 2005 None
Confronting hybrid inflation in supergravity with CMB data. R Jeannerot, M Postma, Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 071 2005 2005 None
A DNA ring acting as a thermal ratchet. IM Kulic, R Thaokar, H Schiessel, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 17, S3965-S3978 2005 2005 None
Twirling DNA rings - swimming nanomotors ready for a kickstart. IM Kulic, R Thaokar, H Schiessel, Europhysics Letters 72, 527-533 2005 2005 None
Entanglement and entropy in a spin-boson quantum phase transition. N Lambert, C Emary, T Brandes, Physical Review A 71, 053804 2005 2005 None
Nodal quasiparticle in pseudogapped colossal magnetoresistive manganites. N Mannella, WL Yang, XJ Zhou, H Zheng, JF Mitchell, J Zaanen, TP Devereaux, N Nagaosa, Z Hussain, ZX Shen, Nature 438, 474-478 2005 2005 None
Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the Drell-Yan cross section in models of TeV-scale gravity. P Mathews, V Ravindran, K Sridhar, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 713, 333-377 2005 2005 None
Kinetics of nonionic surfactant adsorption at a fluid-fluid interface from a micellar solution. H Mohrbach, Journal of Chemical Physics 123, 126101 2005 2005 None
Subcritical finite-amplitude solutions for plane Couette flow of viscoelastic fluids. An Morozov, W van Saarloos, Physical Review Letters 95, 024501 2005 2005 None
Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to single-inclusive hadron production in transversely polarized pp and pp-bar collisions. A Mukherjee, M Stratmann, W Vogelsang, Physical Review D 72, 034011 2005 2005 None
Dilute Potts model in two dimensions. XF Qian, YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 72, 056132 2005 2005 None
Percolation in one of q colors near criticality. XF Qian, YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review B 71, 144303 2005 2005 None
Simulation algorithms for the random-cluster model. XF Qian, YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 71, 016709 2005 2005 None
Two-loop corrections to Higgs boson production. V Ravindran, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 704, 332-348 2005 2005 None
Investigating the properties of supported vesicular layers on titanium dioxide by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation measurements. I Reviakine, FF Rossetti, An Morozov, M Textor, Journal of Chemical Physics 122, 204711 2005 2005 None
Random walks, diffusion limited aggregation in a wedge, and average conformal maps. LM Sander, E Somfai, Chaos 15, 026109 2005 2005 None
Equilibrium and dynamical properties of the boson Hubbard model in one dimension. RT Scalettar, G Batrouni, PJH Denteneer, F Hebert, A Muramatsu, M Rigol, V Rousseau, M Troyer, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 140, 313-332 2005 2005 None
Investigating the volume maximizing the probability of finding v electrons from variational Monte Carlo data. A Scemama, Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry 4, 397-409 2005 2005 None
Phase coherence, visibility, and the superfluid-Mott-insulator transition on one-dimensional optical lattices. P Sengupta, M Rigol, GG Batrouni, PJH Denteneer, RT Scalettar, Physical Review Letters 95, 220402 2005 2005 None
An approximation for NLO single Higgs boson inclusive transverse momentum distributions in hadron-hadron collisions. J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 720, 182-202 2005 2005 None
The difference between n-dimensional regularization and n-dimensional reduction in QCD. J Smith, WL van Neerven, European Physical Journal C 40, 199-203 2005 2005 None
Elastic wave propagation in confined granular systems. E Somfai, JN Roux, JH Snoeijer, M van Hecke, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 72, 021301 2005 2005 None
Nonlinear elasticity in biological gels. C Storm, JJ Pastore, FC MacKintosh, TC Lubensky, PA Janmey, Nature 435, 191-194 2005 2005 None
Transfer of entanglement from electrons to photons by optical selection rules. M Titov, B Trauzettel, B Michaelis, CWJ Beenakker, New Journal of Physics 7, 186 2005 2005 None
Effect of interactions, disorder and magnetic field in the Hubbard model in two dimensions. N Trivedi, PJH Denteneer, D Heidarian, RT Scalettar, Pramana-Journal of Physics 64, 1051-1061 2005 2005 None
Energy and variance optimization of many-body wave functions. CJ Umrigar, C Filippi, Physical Review Letters 94, 150201 2005 2005 None
Electronic correlations in oligo-thiophene molecular crystals. J van den Brink, G Brocks, AF Morpurgo, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290, 294-297 2005 2005 None
Theory of indirect resonant inelastic X-ray scattering. J van den Brink, M van Veenendaal, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 66, 2145-2149 2005 2005 None
Boundary effects for weakly driven polymers. JMJ van Leeuwen, A Drzewinski, Molecular Physics 103, 3091-3102 2005 2005 None
Inelastic light scattering from a Mott insulator. D van Oosten, DBM Dickerscheid, B Farid, P van der Straten, HTC Stoof, Physical Review A 71, 021601 2005 2005 None
Entangling ability of a beam splitter in the presence of temporal which-path information. JL van Velsen, Physical Review A 72, 012334 2005 2005 None
Orbital-Peierls transition in the spin chains of NaTiSi_2O_6. J van Wezel, J van den Brink, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290, 318-321 2005 2005 None
An intrinsic limit to quantum coherence due to spontaneous symmetry breaking. J van Wezel, J van den Brink, J Zaanen, Physical Review Letters 94, 230401 2005 2005 None
Superconductivity: Technology meets quantum criticality. J Zaanen, Nature Materials 4, 655-656 2005 2005 None
F-term strings in the Bogomolnyi limit are also BPS states. A Achúcarro, J Urrestilla Journal of High Energy Physics 08 050 2004 2004 None
Low-energy quasiparticle excitations in dirty d-wave superconductors and the Bogoliubov-De Gennes kicked rotator. I Adagideli, P Jacquod, Physical Review B 69, 020503 2004 2004 None
Dimensionally reduced expression for the QCD fermion determinant at finite temperature and chemical potential. DH Adams, Physical Review D 70, 045002 2004 2004 None
Simplified test of universality in lattice QCD. DH Adams, Physical Review Letters 92, 162002 2004 2004 None
Improving the locality of the overlap Dirac operator via approximate solutions of the Ginsparg-Wilson relation. DH Adams, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 129, 513-515 2004 2004 None
Axial anomaly and index of the overlap hypercube operator. DH Adams, W Bietenholz, European Physical Journal C 34, 245-253 2004 2004 None
Dynamics and stability of vortex-antivortex fronts in type-II superconductors. C Baggio, M Howard, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 70, 026209 2004 2004 None
NMR evidence for a two-step phase separation in Nd_1.85Ce_0.15CuO_4-delta. ON Bakharev, IM Abu-Shiekah, HB Brom, AA Nugroho, IP McCulloch, J Zaanen, Physical Review Letters 93, 037002 2004 2004 None
Charge detection enables free-electron quantum computation. CWJ Beenakker, DP DiVincenzo, C Emary, M Kindermann, Physical Review Letters 93, 020501 2004 2004 None
Production and detection of three-qubit entanglement in the Fermi sea. CWJ Beenakker, C Emary, M Kindermann, Physical Review B 69, 115320 2004 2004 None
Quantum teleportation by particle-hole annihilation in the Fermi sea. CWJ Beenakker, M Kindermann, Physical Review Letters 92, 056801 2004 2004 None
Antibunched photons emitted by a quantum point contact out of equilibrium. CWJ Beenakker, H Schomerus, Physical Review Letters 93, 096801 2004 2004 None
Rod-climbing effect in Newtonian fluids. D Bonn, M Kobylko, S Bohn, J Meunier, A Morozov, W van Saarloos, Physical Review Letters 93, 214503 2004 2004 None
Electronic correlations in oligo-acene and -thiopene organic molecular crystals. G Brocks, J van den Brink, AF Morpurgo, Physical Review Letters 93, 146405 2004 2004 None
Probing for instanton constituents with epsilon-cooling. F Bruckmann, EM Ilgenfritz, BV Martemyanov, P van Baal, Physical Review D 70, 105013 2004 2004 None
Higher charge calorons with non-trivial holonomy. F Bruckmann, D Nogradi, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B 698, 233-254 2004 2004 None
Calorons and fermion zero-modes. F Bruckmann, M García-Pérez, D Nogradi, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 129, 727-729 2004 2004 None
Red-bond exponents of the critical and the tricritical Ising model in three dimensions. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 70, 056132 2004 2004 None
Constrained tricritical Blume-Capel model in three dimensions. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 70, 046111 2004 2004 None
Magnetic and backbone exponents of the percolation and Ising models in three dimensions. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 70, 046106 2004 2004 None
Spontaneous edge order and geometric aspects of two-dimensional Potts models. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 70, 035107 2004 2004 None
Anisotropic limit of the bond-percolation model and conformal invariance in curved geometries. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 69, 066129 2004 2004 None
Geometric properties of two-dimensional critical and tricritical Potts models. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, B Nienhuis, Physical Review E 69, 026123 2004 2004 None
Backbone exponents of the two-dimensional q-state Potts model: A Monte Carlo investigation. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, B Nienhuis, Physical Review E 69, 026114 2004 2004 None
Noisy dynamics of a vortex in a partially Bose-Einstein condensed gas. RA Duine, BWA Leurs, HTC Stoof, Physical Review A 69, 053623 2004 2004 None
Pattern forming pulled fronts: Bounds and universal convergence. U Ebert, W Spruijt, W van Saarloos, PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA 199, 13-32 2004 2004 None
Quantitative phase-field model of alloy solidification. B Echebarria, R Folch, A Karma, M Plapp, Physical Review E 70, 061604 2004 2004 None
Bond-versus site-centred ordering and possible ferroelectricity in manganites. DV Efremov, J Van den Brink, DI Khomskii, NATURE MATERIALS 3, 853-856 2004 2004 None
A bipartite dass of entanglement monotones for n-qubit pure states. C Emary, Journal of Physics A 37, 8293-8302 2004 2004 None
Relation between entanglement measures and Bell inequalities for three qubits. C Emary, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review A 69, 032317 2004 2004 None
Phase transitions in generalized spin-boson (Dicke) models. C Emary, T Brandes, Physical Review A 69, 053804 2004 2004 None
Renormalisability of gauge invariant extensions of the squared gauge potential. M Esole, F Freire, Physics Letters B 593, 287-295 2004 2004 None
Unphysical nature of the SL(2,R) symmetry and its associated condensates in Yang-Mills theories. M Esole, F Freire, Physical Review D 69, 041701 2004 2004 None
Fractionally charged instantons. C Ford, Fortschritte der Physik-Progress of Physics 52, 509-513 2004 2004 None
Doubly periodic instantons and their constituents. C Ford, JM Pawlowski, Physical Review D 69, 065006 2004 2004 None
Entanglement spectroscopy of a driven solid-state qubit and its detector. MC Goorden, M Thorwart, M Grifoni, Physical Review Letters 93, 267005 2004 2004 None
Phase transitions of a dilute O(N) model. WA Guo, HWJ Blöte, YY Liu Communications in Theoretical Physics 41, 911-916 2004 2004 None
Stability of Dirac sheet configurations. EM Ilgenfritz, M Muller-Preussker, BV Martemyanov, P van Baal, Physical Review D 69, 097901 2004 2004 None
Chiral cosmic strings in supergravity. R Jeannerot, M Postma, Journal of High Energy Physics 12, 043 2004 2004 None
Majorana zero modes. R Jeannerot, M Postma, Journal of High Energy Physics 12, 032 2004 2004 None
Feedback of the electromagnetic environment on current and voltage fluctuations out of equilibrium. M Kindermann, YV Nazarov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 69, 035336 2004 2004 None
Statistics of heat transfer in mesoscopic circuits. M Kindermann, S Pilgram, Physical Review B 69, 155334 2004 2004 None
Nematic world crystal model of gravity explaining absence of torsion in spacetime. H Kleinert, J Zaanen, Physics Letters A 324, 361-365 2004 2004 None
Orbital dimerization in NaTiSi_2O_6: An orbital analogue of the spin-Peierls phase transition. MJ Konstantinovic, J van den Brink, ZV Popovic, VV Moshchalkov, M Isobe, Y Ueda, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272, E657-E658 2004 2004 None
Orbital dimerization in NaTiSi_2O_6: An orbital analogue of the spin-Peierls phase transition. MJ Konstantinovic, J van den Brink, ZV Popovic, VV Moshchalkov, M Isobe, Y Ueda, Physical Review B 69, 020409 2004 2004 None
Geometry and the hidden order of Luttinger liquids: The universality of squeezed space. HV Kruis, IP McCulloch, Z Nussinov, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 70, 075109 2004 2004 None
Geometry and topological order in the Luttinger liquid state. HV Kruis, IP McCulloch, Z Nussinov, J Zaanen, Europhysics Letters 65, 512-518 2004 2004
Entanglement and the phase transition in single-mode superradiance. N Lambert, C Emary, T Brandes, Physical Review Letters 92, 073602 2004 2004 None
Entanglement in mesoscopic structures: Role of projection. AV Lebedev, G Blatter, CWJ Beenakker, GB Lesovik, Physical Review B 69, 235312 2004 2004 None
Weakly nonlinear subcritical instability of visco-elastic Poiseuille flow. B Meulenbroek, C Storm, An Morozov, W van Saarloos, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 116, 235-268 2004 2004 None
Avoided phase transitions and glassy dynamics in geometrically frustrated systems and non-Abelian theories. Z Nussinov, Physical Review B 69, 014208 2004 2004 None
Orbital order in classical models of transition-metal compounds. Z Nussinov, M Biskup, L Chayes, J van den Brink, Europhysics Letters 67, 990-996 2004 2004 None
Critical temperature for the two-dimensional attractive Hubbard model. T Paiva, RR dos Santos, RT Scalettar, PJH Denteneer, Physical Review B 69, 184501 2004 2004 None
Ultracold atoms in one-dimensional optical lattices approaching the Tonks-Girardeau regime. L Pollet, SMA Rombouts, PJH Denteneer, Physical Review Letters 93, 210401 2004 2004 None
Triangular Ising model with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor couplings in a field. XF Qian, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 70, 036112 2004 2004 None
Critical frontier of the triangular Ising antiferromagnet in a field. XF Qian, M Wegewijs, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 69, 036127 2004 2004 None
NNLO corrections to the polarized Drell-Yan coefficient function. V Ravindran, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 135, 14-18 2004 2004 None
NNLO corrections to the Higgs production cross section. V Ravindran, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 135, 35-40 2004 2004 None
NNLO corrections to massive lepton-pair production in longitudinally polarized proton-proton collisions. V Ravindran, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 682, 421-456 2004 2004 None
Higgs production at next-to-next-to-leading order. V Ravindran, J Smith, WL Van Neerven, Pramana-Journal of Physics 62, 683-686 2004 2004 None
Effects of finite crystal size in the quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation measurement system: Implications for data analysis. I Reviakine, An Morozov, FF Rossetti, Journal of Applied Physics 95, 7712-7716 2004 2004 None
Excitations in photoactive molecules from quantum Monte Carlo. F Schautz, F Buda, C Filippi, Journal of Chemical Physics 121, 5836-5844 2004 2004 None
Optimized Jastrow-Slater wave functions for ground and excited states: Application to the lowest states of ethene. F Schautz, C Filippi, Journal of Chemical Physics 120, 10931-10941 2004 2004 None
Quantum-to-classical crossover of quasibound states in open quantum systems. H Schomerus, J Tworzydlo, Physical Review Letters 93, 154102 2004 2004 None
Packing geometry and statistics of force networks in granular media. JH Snoeijer, M van Hecke, E Somfai, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 70, 011301 2004 2004 None
Ensemble theory for force networks in hyperstatic granular matter. JH Snoeijer, TJH Vlugt, WG Ellenbroek, M van Hecke, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review E 70, 061306 2004 2004 None
Force network ensemble: A new approach to static granular matter. JH Snoeijer, TJH Vlugt, M van Hecke, W van Saarloos, Physical Review Letters 92, 054302 2004 2004 None
Growth by random walker sampling and scaling of the dielectric breakdown model. E Somfai, NR Goold, RC Ball, JP DeVita, LM Sander, Physical Review E 70, 051403 2004 2004 None
Silica tubes in chemical gardens: Radius selection and its hydrodynamic origin. S Thouvenel-Romans, W van Saarloos, O Steinbock, Europhysics Letters 67, 42-48 2004 2004 None
Effect of interactions on the noise of chiral Luttinger liquid systems. B Trauzettel, P Roche, DC Glattli, H Saleur, Physical Review B 70, 233301 2004 2004 None
Weak localization of the open kicked rotator. J Tworzydlo, A Tajic, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 70, 205324 2004 2004 None
Quantum-to-classical crossover of mesoscopic conductance fluctuations. J Tworzydlo, A Tajic, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 69, 165318 2004 2004 None
Exponential sensitivity to dephasing of electrical conduction through a quantum dot. J Tworzydlo, A Tajic, H Schomerus, PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 93, 186806 2004 2004 None
D-term inflation without cosmic strings. J Urrestilla, A Achúcarro, AC Davis, Physical Review Letters 92, 251302 2004 2004 None
Orbital-only models: Ordering and excitations. J van den Brink, New Journal of Physics 6, 201 2004 2004 None
Erratum: The O(alpha_s^2) corrected Drell-Yan K-factor in the DIS and MS schemes (Nucl.Phys. B382, 11, 1992). WL van Neerven, EB Zijlstra, Nuclear Physics B 680, 513-514 2004 2004 None
Transition from pure-state to mixed-state entanglement by random scattering. JL van Velsen, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review A 70, 032325 2004 2004 None
Superconductivity - why the temperature is high. J Zaanen, Nature 430, 512-513 2004 2004 None
Thermodynamics and quantum criticality in cuprate superconductors. J Zaanen, B Hosseinkhani, Physical Review B 70, 060509 2004 2004 None
Duality in 2+1d quantum elasticity: Superconductivity and quantum nematic order. J Zaanen, Z Nussinov, SI Mukhin, Annals of Physics 310, 181-260 2004 2004 None
Fermionic topological charge of families of lattice gauge fields. DH Adams, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 119, 775-777 2003 2003 None
Chiral limit of strongly coupled lattice gauge theories. DH Adams, S Chandrasekharan, Nuclear Physics B 662, 220-246 2003 2003 None
Quantum shot noise. C Beenakker, C Schonenberger, Physics Today 56, 37-42 2003 2003 None
Proposal for production and detection of entangled electron-hole pairs in a degenerate electron gas. CWJ Beenakker, C Emary, M Kindermann, JL van Velsen, Physical Review Letters 91, 147901 2003 2003 None
Temperature-dependent third cumulant of tunneling noise. CWJ Beenakker, M Kindermann, YV Nazarov, Physical Review Letters 90, 176802 2003 2003 None
Experimental evidence for an intrinsic route to polymer melt fracture phenomena: A nonlinear instability of viscoelastic poiseuille flow. V Bertola, B Meulenbroek, C Wagner, C Storm, A Morozov, W van Saarloos, D Bonn, Physical Review Letters 90, 114502 2003 2003 None
Conformal invariance and simulations in curved geometries. HWJ Blöte, YJ Deng, Physica A 321, 59-70 2003 2003 None
Twist-2 heavy flavor contributions to the structure function g_2(x,Q^2). J Blümlein, V Ravindran, WL van Neerven, Physical Review D 68, 114004 2003 2003 None
Writhe of center vortices and topological charge: An explicit example. F Bruckmann, M Engelhardt, Physical Review D 68, 105011 2003 2003 None
A ring of instantons inducing a monopole loop. F Bruckmann, D Hansen, Annals of Physics 308, 201-210 2003 2003 None
Instantons and constituent monopoles. F Bruckmann, D Nogradi, P van Baal Acta Physica Polonica B 34, 5717-5750 2003 2003 None
Constituent monopoles through the eyes of fermion zero-modes. F Bruckmann, D Nogradi, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B 666, 197-229 2003 2003 None
Crossover from weak localization to weak antilocalization in a disordered microbridge. MGA Crawford, PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 67, 115313 2003 2003 None
Simultaneous analysis of several models in the three-dimensional Ising universality class. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 68, 036125 2003 2003 None
Bulk and surface critical behavior of the three-dimensional Ising model and conformal invariance. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 67, 066116 2003 2003 None
Conformal invariance and the Ising model on a spheroid. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 67, 036107 2003 2003 None
Interacting electrons in a two-dimensional disordered environment: Effect of a Zeeman magnetic field. PJH Denteneer, RT Scalettar, Physical Review Letters 90, 246401 2003 2003 None
Ultracold atoms in optical lattices. DBM Dickerscheid, D van Oosten, PJH Denteneer, HTC Stoof, Physical Review A 68, 043623 2003 2003 None
Pulling reptating polymers by one end: Magnetophoresis in the Rubinstein-Duke model. A Drzewinski, E Carlon, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review E 68, 061801 2003 2003 None
Structural polymorphism of DNA-dendrimer complexes. HM Evans, A Ahmad, K Ewert, T Pfohl, A Martin-Herranz, RF Bruinsma, CR Safinya, Physical Review Letters 91, 075501 2003 2003 None
NLO corrections to differential cross sections for pseudo-scalar Higgs boson production. B Field, J Smith, ME Tejeda-Yeomans, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 551, 137-145 2003 2003 None
Quasiclassical fluctuations of the superconductor proximity gap in a chaotic system. MC Goorden, P Jacquod, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 68, 220501 2003 2003 None
Theoretical analysis of continuously driven dissipative solid-state qubits. MC Goorden, FK Wilhelm, Physical Review B 68, 012508 2003 2003 None
Pattern formation inside bacteria: Fluctuations due to the low copy number of proteins. M Howard, AD Rutenberg, Physical Review Letters 90, 128102 2003 2003 None
Anomalous power law of quantum reversibility for classically regular dynamics. P Jacquod, I Adagideli, CWJ Beenakker, Europhysics Letters 61, 729-735 2003 2003 None
Quantum Andreev map: A paradigm of quantum chaos in superconductivity. P Jacquod, H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 90, 207004 2003 2003 None
Interaction effects on counting statistics and the transmission distribution. M Kindermann, YV Nazarov, Physical Review Letters 91, 136802 2003 2003 None
Distribution of voltage fluctuations in a current-biased conductor. M Kindermann, YV Nazarov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 90, 246805 2003 2003 None
Evidence for slow velocity relaxation in front propagation in Rayleigh-Benard convection. J Kockelkoren, C Storm, W van Saarloos, Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 174, 168-175 2003 2003 None
Comment on "Equivalence of the variational matrix product method and the density matrix renormalization group applied to spin chains" by J. Dukelsky et al. IP McCulloch, M Gulacsi, Europhysics Letters 61, 138-139 2003 2003 None
Intrinsic route to melt fracture in polymer extrusion: A weakly nonlinear subcritical instability of viscoelastic poiseuille flow. B Meulenbroek, C Storm, V Bertola, C Wagner, D Bonn, W van Saarloos, Physical Review Letters 90, 024502 2003 2003 None
Full counting statistics of a general quantum mechanical variable. YV Nazarov, M Kindermann, European Physical Journal B 35, 413-420 2003 2003 None
Front propagation and diffusion in the AA+A hard-core reaction on a chain. D Panja, G Tripathy, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 67, 046206 2003 2003 None
Sources and holes in a one-dimensional traveling-wave convection experiment. L Pastur, MT Westra, D Snouck, W van de Water, M van Hecke, C Storm, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 67, 036305 2003 2003 None
Decay rate distributions of disordered slabs and application to random lasers. M Patra, Physical Review E 67, 016603 2003 2003 None
Differential cross-sections for Higgs production. V Ravindran, J Smith, WL Van Neerven, Modern Physics Letters A 18, 1721-1733 2003 2003 None
NNLO corrections to the total cross section for Higgs boson production in hadron-hadron collisions. V Ravindran, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 665, 325-366 2003 2003 None
Shape selectivity through entropy. M Schenk, S Calero, TLM Maesen, TJH Vlugt, LL van Benthem, MG Verbeek, B Schnell, B Smit, Journal of Catalysis 214, 88-99 2003 2003 None
Reply to "comment on 'Ehrenfest times for classically chaotic systems' ". PG Silvestrov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review E 68, 038202 2003 2003 None
Noiseless scattering states in a chaotic cavity. PG Silvestrov, MC Goorden, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 67, 241301 2003 2003 None
Adiabatic quantization of Andreev quantum billiard levels. PG Silvestrov, MC Goorden, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 90, 116801 2003 2003 None
Enhanced sensitivity of the transmission phase of a quantum dot to Kondo correlations. PG Silvestrov, Y Imry, Physical Review Letters 90, 106602 2003 2003 None
Hypersensitivity to perturbations of quantum-chaotic wave-packet dynamics. PG Silvestrov, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review E 67, 025204 2003 2003 None
Force and weight distributions in granular media: Effects of contact geometry. JH Snoeijer, M van Hecke, E Somfai, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 67, 030302 2003 2003 None
Defining ; in the finite volume Hamiltonian formalism. L Stodolsky, P van Baal, VI Zakharov, Physics Letters B 552, 214-222 2003 2003 None
Dynamical model for the quantum-to-classical crossover of shot noise. J Tworzydlo, A Tajic, H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 68, 115313 2003 2003 None
NLO corrections to the polarized Drell-Yan cross section in proton-proton collisions. WL van Neervan, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 116, 198-201 2003 2003 None
Front propagation into unstable states. W van Saarloos, Physics Reports 386, 29-222 2003 2003 None
Scattering theory of plasmon-assisted entanglement transfer and distillation. JL van Velsen, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review A 68, 043807 2003 2003 None
Superconductivity: Pebbles in the nodal pond. J Zaanen, Nature 422, 569-570 2003 2003 None
Stripe fractionalization: The quantum spin nematic and the Abrikosov lattice. J Zaanen, Z Nussinov, Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research 236, 332-339 2003 2003 None
Fermion zero modes in n=2 supervortices. A Achúcarro, AC Davis, M Pickles, J Urrestilla, Physical Review D 68, 065006 2003 2003 None
Comment on "Gravitating magnetic monopole in the global monopole spacetime". A Achúcarro, J Urrestilla, Physical Review D 68, 088701 2003 2003 None
Ehrenfest-time-dependent suppression of weak localization. I Adagideli, Physical Review B 68, 233308 2003 2003 None
General bounds on the Wilson -Dirac operator. DH Adams, Physical Review D 68, 065009 2003 2003 None
Vortices in theories with flat directions. A Achúcarro, AC Davis, M Pickles, J Urrestilla, Physical Review D 66, 105013 2002 2002 None
Ehrenfest-time-dependent excitation gap in a chaotic Andreev billiard. I Adagideli, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 89, 237002 2002 2002 None
Density of states in d-wave superconductors disordered by extended impurities. I Adagideli, DE Sheehy, PM Goldbart, Physical Review B 66, 140512 2002 2002 None
Spontaneous branching of anode-directed streamers between planar electrodes. M Arrayas, U Ebert, W Hundsdorfer, Physical Review Letters 88, 174502 2002 2002 None
Off-lattice noise reduction and the ultimate scaling of diffusion-limited aggregation in two dimensions. RC Ball, NE Bowler, LM Sander, E Somfai, Physical Review E 66, 026109 2002 2002 None
Mott domains of bosons confined on optical lattices. GG Batrouni, V Rousseau, RT Scalettar, M Rigol, A Muramatsu, PJH Denteneer, M Troyer, Physical Review Letters 89, 117203 2002 2002 None
GaGaRes: A Monte Carlo generator for resonance production in two-photon physics. FA Berends, R van Gulik, Computer Physics Communications 144, 82-103 2002 2002 None
Two-photon mediated resonance production in e+e- collisions: Cross sections and density matrices. FA Berends, R van Gulik, Nuclear Physics B 623, 220-246 2002 2002 None
The nuclear pore complex mystery and anomalous diffusion in reversible gels. T Bickel, R Bruinsma, Biophysical Journal 83, 3079-3087 2002 2002 None
Cluster Monte Carlo simulation of the transverse Ising model. HWJ Blöte, YJ Deng, Physical Review E 66, 066110 2002 2002 None
Phase transitions in the two-dimensional O(3) model. HWJ Blöte, WN Guo, International Journal of Modern Physics B 16, 1891-1897 2002 2002 None
Phase transition in a two-dimensional Heisenberg model. HWJ Blöte, WN Guo, HJ Hilhorst, Physical Review Letters 88, 047203 2002 2002 None
Cluster Monte Carlo: Extending the range. HWJ Blöte, JR Heringa, E Luijten, Computer Physics Communications 147, 58-63 2002 2002 None
Multi-caloron solutions. F Bruckmann, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B 645, 105-133 2002 2002 None
Physics of protein-DNA interaction. RF Bruinsma, Physica A 313, 211-237 2002 2002 None
Reptation in the Rubinstein-Duke model: The influence of end-reptons dynamics. E Carlon, A Drzewinski, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Chemical Physics 117, 2425-2434 2002 2002 None
Spin nematics revisited. V Cvetkovic, J Zaanen, Z Nussinov, Journal de Physique IV 12, 265-265 2002 2002 None
Conformal invariance of the Ising model in three dimensions. YJ Deng, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review Letters 88, 190602 2002 2002 None
Universal algebraic convergence in time of pulled fronts: The common mechanism for difference-differential and partial differential equations. U Ebert, W Van Saarloos, B Peletier, European Journal of Applied Mathematics 13, 53-66 2002 2002 None
Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of H_2 dissociation on Si(001). C Filippi, SB Healy, P Kratzer, E Pehlke, M Scheffler, Physical Review Letters 89, 166102 2002 2002 None
Constituents of doubly periodic instantons. C Ford, JM Pawlowski, Physics Letters B 540, 153-158 2002 2002 None
Diffusion in a surface: The atomic slide puzzle. JWM Frenken, R van Gastel, SB van Albada, E Somfai, W van Saarloos, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 75, 11-15 2002 2002 None
Finite-size analysis of the hard-square lattice gas. WN Guo, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 66, 046140 2002 2002 None
Dislocations and morphological instabilities: Continuum modeling of misfitting heteroepitaxial films. M Haataja, J Muller, AD Rutenberg, M Grant, Physical Review B 65, 165414 2002 2002 None
Dynamics of dislocations and surface instabilities in misfitting heteroepitaxial films. M Haataja, J Muller, AD Rutenberg, M Grant, Physical Review B 65, 035401 2002 2002 None
Erratum: A complete calculation of the order alpha_s^2 correction to the Drell-Yan K-factor (Nucl. Phys. B359, 343, 1991). R Hamberg, WL van Neerven, T Matsuura, Nuclear Physics B 644, 403-404 2002 2002 None
How do sinking phytoplankton species manage to persist? J Huisman, M Arrayas, U Ebert, B Sommeijer, American Naturalist 159, 245-254 2002 2002 None
Decay of the Loschmidt echo for quantum states with sub-Planck-scale structures. P Jacquod, I Adagideli, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 89, 154103 2002 2002 None
Duality between the weak and strong interaction limits for randomly interacting fermions. P Jacquod, I Varga, Physical Review Letters 89, 134101 2002 2002 None
Cavitation of Langmuir monolayers. Z Khattari, E Hatta, P Heinig, P Steffen, TM Fischer, R Bruinsma, Physical Review E 65, 041603 2002 2002 None
Quantum theory of electromechanical noise and momentum transfer statistics. M Kindermann, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 66, 224106 2002 2002 None
Manipulation of photon statistics of highly degenerate incoherent radiation. M Kindermann, YV Nazarov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 88, 063601 2002 2002 None
Mechanical force generation by G proteins. I Kosztin, R Bruinsma, P O'Lague, K Schulten, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99, 3575-3580 2002 2002 None
Folding Langmuir monolayers. WX Lu, CM Knobler, RF Bruinsma, M Twardos, M Dennin, Physical Review Letters 89, 146107 2002 2002 None
Boundary between long-range and short-range critical behavior in systems with algebraic interactions. E Luijten, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review Letters 89, 025703 2002 2002 None
Helfrich repulsion and dynamical phase separation of multicomponent lipid bilayers. S Marx, J Schilling, E Sackmann, R Bruinsma, Physical Review Letters 88, 138102 2002 2002 None
Morphological instability at the early stages of heteroepitaxial growth on vicinal surfaces. D Montiel, J Muller, EC Poire, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 14, L49-L55 2002 2002 None
Orientations of the lamellar phase of block copolymer melts under oscillatory shear flow. An Morozov, JGEM Fraaije, Physical Review E 65, 031803 2002 2002 None
Mesoscopic fluctuations of Coulomb drag between quasiballistic one-dimensional wires. NA Mortensen, K Flensberg, AP Jauho, Physical Review B 65, 085317 2002 2002 None
Morphological instability and dynamics of fronts in bacterial growth models with nonlinear diffusion. J Muller, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 65, 061111 2002 2002 None
Stripe fractionalization 1: The generation of Ising local symmetry. Z Nussinov, J Zaanen, Journal de Physique IV 12, 245-250 2002 2002 None
An elementary proof of Lyapunov exponent pairing for hard-sphere systems at constant kinetic energy. D Panja, Journal of Statistical Physics 109, 705-727 2002 2002 None
Fluctuating pulled fronts: The origin and the effects of a finite particle cutoff. D Panja, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 66, 036206 2002 2002 None
Fronts with a growth cutoff but with speed higher than the linear spreading speed. D Panja, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 66, 015206 2002 2002 None
Weakly pushed nature of "pulled" fronts with a cutoff. D Panja, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 65, 057202 2002 2002 None
Pairing of Lyapunov exponents for a hard-sphere gas under shear in the thermodynamic limit. D Panja, R van Zon, Physical Review E 66, 021101 2002 2002 None
Lyapunov exponent pairing for a thermostatted hard-sphere gas under shear in the thermodynamic limit. D Panja, R van Zon, Physical Review E 65, 060102 2002 2002 None
Theory for photon statistics of random lasers. M Patra, Physical Review A 65, 043809 2002 2002 None
Charge and low-frequency response of normal-superconducting heterostructures. S Pilgram, H Schomerus, AM Martin, M Büttiker, Physical Review B 65, 045321 2002 2002 None
Large-scale finite-wavelength modulation within turbulent shear flows. A Prigent, G Gregoire, H Chate, O Dauchot, W van Saarloos, Physical Review Letters 89, 014501 2002 2002 None
NLO differential distributions of massive lepton-pair production in longitudinally polarized proton-proton collisions. V Ravindran, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 647, 275-318 2002 2002 None
Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to differential distributions of Higgs boson production in hadron-hadron collisions. V Ravindran, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 634, 247-290 2002 2002 None
Diffusion coefficient of propagating fronts with multiplicative noise. A Rocco, J Casademunt, U Ebert, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 65, 012102 2002 2002 None
Effects of torsional strain on thermal denaturation of DNA. J Rudnick, R Bruinsma, Physical Review E 65, 030902 2002 2002 None
Cell adhesion as wetting transition? E Sackmann, RF Bruinsma, ChemPhysChem 3, 262-269 2002 2002 None
Ground state properties of many-body systems in the two-body random ensemble and random matrix theory. LF Santos, D Kusnezov, P Jacquod, Physics Letters B 537, 62-68 2002 2002 None
Multiple-path interferometer with a single quantum obstacle. H Schomerus, Y Noat, J Dalibard, CWJ Beenakker, Europhysics Letters 57, 651-657 2002 2002 None
Microscopic versus mesoscopic local density of states in one-dimensional localization. H Schomerus, M Titov, PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 65, 121101 2002 2002 None
Electromechanical noise in a diffusive conductor. AV Shytov, LS Levitov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 88, 228303 2002 2002 None
Ehrenfest times for classically chaotic systems. PG Silvestrov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review E 65, 035208 2002 2002 None
Spin effects and transport in quantum dots with overlapping resonances. PG Silvestrov, Y Imry, Physical Review B 65, 035309 2002 2002 None
Force relaxation in the q-model for granular media. JH Snoeijer, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Statistical Physics 109, 449-469 2002 2002 None
Force correlations in the q model for general q distributions. JH Snoeijer, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review E 65, 051306 2002 2002 None
Vacancy diffusion in the Cu(001) surface II: Random walk theory. E Somfai, R van Gastel, SB van Albada, W van Saarloos, JWM Frenken, Surface Science 521, 26-33 2002 2002 None
Momentum noise in a quantum point contact. A Tajic, M Kindermann, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 66, 241301 2002 2002 None
Negative superfluid density: Mesoscopic fluctuations and reverse of the supercurrent through a disordered Josephson junction. M Titov, P Jacquod, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 65, 012504 2002 2002 None
Quantum optical communication rates through an amplifying random medium. J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 89, 043902 2002 2002 None
The evolution and persistence of dumbbells. J Urrestilla, A Achúcarro, J Borrill, AR Liddle, Journal of High Energy Physics 08, 033 2002 2002 None
Viewpoints on Abelian projections. P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 109, 109-115 2002 2002 None
Reflections on topology - viewpoints on Abelian projections. P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 108, 3-11 2002 2002 None
Abelian projected monopoles - to be or not to be. P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 106, 586-588 2002 2002 None
Dynamic effect of phase conjugation on wave localization. KJH van Bemmel, M Titov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 65, 174203 2002 2002 None
Vacancy diffusion in the Cu(001) surface I: An STM study. R van Gastel, E Somfai, SB van Albada, W van Saarloos, JWM Frenken, Surface Science 521, 10-25 2002 2002 None
Parton densities and structure functions at next-to-next-to-leading order and beyond. WL van Neerven, A Vogt, Journal of Physics G-Nuclear and Particle Physics 28, 727-735 2002 2002 None
Singular or non-Fermi liquids. CM Varma, Z Nussinov, W van Saarloos, Physics Reports 361, 267-417 2002 2002 None
Measurement of chemical potentials of systems with strong excluded volume interactions by computing the density of states. TJH Vlugt, Molecular Physics 100, 2763-2771 2002 2002 None
Influence of framework flexibility on the adsorption properties of hydrocarbons in the zeolite silicalite. TJH Vlugt, M Schenk, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106, 12757-12763 2002 2002 None
High-temperature superconductivity - quantum salad dressing. J Zaanen, Nature 415, 379 2002 2002 None
First time determination of the microscopic structure of a stripe phase: Low temperature NMR in La_2NiO_4.17. IM Abu-Shiekah, O Bakharev, HB Brom, J Zaanen, Physical Review Letters 87, 237201 2001 2001 None
Geometry of W-algebras from the affine Lie algebra point of view. Z Bajnok, D Nogradi, Journal of Physics A 34, 4811-4829 2001 2001 None
Mesoscopic non-equilibrium thermodynamics for quantum systems. D Bedeaux, P Mazur, Physica A 298, 81-100 2001 2001 None
Distribution of the reflection eigenvalues of a weakly absorbing chaotic cavity. CWJ Beenakker, PW Brouwer, Physica E 9, 463-466 2001 2001 None
Counting statistics of photons produced by electronic shot noise. CWJ Beenakker, H Schomerus, Physical Review Letters 86, 700-703 2001 2001 None
Effect of inelastic scattering on the average Coulomb-blockade peak height in quantum dots. CWJ Beenakker, H Schomerus, PG Silvestrov, Physical Review B 64, 033307 2001 2001 None
NEXTCALIBUR - a four-fermion generator for electron-positron collisions. FA Berends, CG Papadopoulos, R Pittau, Computer Physics Communications 136, 148-172 2001 2001 None
Theory of unstable laser modes: Edge waves and fractality. M Berry, C Storm, W van Saarloos, Optics Communications 197, 393-402 2001 2001 None
Effect of dephasing on charge-counting statistics in chaotic cavities. YM Blanter, H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker, Physica E 11, 1-7 2001 2001 None
Raft instability of biopolymer gels. I Borukhov, RF Bruinsma, Physical Review Letters 87, 158101 2001 2001 None
Elastically driven linker aggregation between two semiflexible polyelectrolytes. I Borukhov, RF Bruinsma, WM Gelbart, AJ Liu, Physical Review Letters 86, 2182-2185 2001 2001 None
Shifting Bragg peaks of cuprate stripes as possible indications for fractionally charged kinks. M Bosch, W van Saarloos, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 63, 092501 2001 2001 None
Flow-controlled growth in Langmuir monolayers. R Bruinsma, F Rondelez, A Levine, European Physical Journal E 6, 191-200 2001 2001 None
Bioadhesion and the dewetting transition. R Bruinsma, E Sackmann, Comptes Rendus de l' Academie des Sciences Serie IV Physique Astrophysique 2, 803-815 2001 2001 None
Crossover behavior for long reptating polymers. E Carlon, A Drzewinski, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review E 64, 010801 2001 2001 None
Field-dependent collision frequency of the two-dimensional driven random lorentz gas. C Dellago, H von Beijeren, D Panja, JR Dorfman, Physical Review E 64, 036217 2001 2001 None
Particle-hole symmetry and the effect of disorder on the Mott-Hubbard insulator. PJH Denteneer, RT Scalettar, N Trivedi, Physical Review Letters 87, 146401 2001 2001 None
Dynamic compartmentalization of bacteria: Accurate division in e-coli. M Howard, AD Rutenberg, S de Vet, Physical Review Letters 87, 278102 2001 2001 None
Golden rule decay versus Lyapunov decay of the quantum Loschmidt echo. P Jacquod, PG Silvestrov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review E 64, art. no.-055203 2001 2001 None
Ground-state magnetization for interacting fermions in a disordered potential: Kinetic energy, exchange interaction, and off-diagonal fluctuations. P Jacquod, AD Stone, Physical Review B 64, art. no.-214416 2001 2001 None
Phase-field approach to crystal growth in the presence of strain. K Kassner, C Misbah, J Muller, J Kappey, P Kohlert, Journal of Crystal Growth 225, 289-293 2001 2001 None
Phase-field modeling of stress-induced instabilities. K Kassner, C Misbah, J Muller, J Kappey, P Kohlert, Physical Review E 63, 036117 2001 2001 None
Vortex structure of the vacuum and confinement. TG Kovacs, ET Tomboulis, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 94, 518-521 2001 2001 None
Impurity-induced resonant state in a pseudogap, state of a high-Tc superconductor. HV Kruis, I Martin, AV Balatsky, Physical Review B 64, 054501 2001 2001 None
Semiclassical singularities from bifurcating orbits. C Manderfeld, H Schomerus, Physical Review E 63, 066208 2001 2001 None
Frequency dependence of the photonic noise spectrum in an absorbing or amplifying diffusive medium. EG Mishchenko, M Patra, CWJ Beenakker, European Physical Journal D 13, 289-297 2001 2001 None
Gas of elastic quantum strings in 2+1 dimensions: Finite temperatures. SI Mukhin, W van Saarloos, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 64, 115105 2001 2001 None
Analysis of the melting process of magnetized solid He-3. ER Plomp, R van Rooijen, H Akimoto, G Frossati, R Jochemsen, W van Saarloos, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 124, 169-188 2001 2001 None
QCD and power corrections to sum rules in deep-inelastic lepton-nucleon scattering. V Ravindran, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 605, 517-557 2001 2001 None
Large sample-to-sample fluctuations of the nonequilibrium critical current through mesoscopic Josephson junctions. P Samuelsson, H Schomerus, Physical Review B 63, 054512 2001 2001 None
Electrostatic complexation of spheres and chains under elastic stress. H Schiessel, RF Bruinsma, WM Gelbart, Journal of Chemical Physics 115, 7245-7252 2001 2001 None
Transmission delay times of localized waves. H Schomerus, Physical Review E 64, 026606 2001 2001 None
Localization-induced coherent backscattering effect in wave dynamics. H Schomerus, KJH van Bemmel, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review E 63, 026605 2001 2001 None
Stretched exponential decay of a quasiparticle in a quantum dot. PG Silvestrov, Physical Review B 64, 113309 2001 2001 None
Extended tail states in an imaginary random potential. PG Silvestrov, Physical Review B 64, 075114 2001 2001 None
Limits to error correction in quantum chaos. PG Silvestrov, H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 86, 5192-5195 2001 2001 None
Noise-induced escape on time scales preceding quasistationarity: New developments in the kramers problem. SM Soskin, VI Sheka, TL Linnik, M Arrayas, IK Kaufman, DG Luchinsky, PVE McClintock, R Mannella, Chaos 11, 595-604 2001 2001 None
Spin dynamics and ordering of a cuprate stripe antiferromagnet. GB Teitel'baum, IM Abu-Shiekah, O Bakharev, HB Brom, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 63, 020507 2001 2001 None
Fokker-Planck equations and density of states in disordered quantum wires. M Titov, PW Brouwer, A Furusaki, C Mudry, Physical Review B 63, 235318 2001 2001 None
Andreev levels in a single-channel conductor. M Titov, NA Mortensen, H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 64, 134206 2001 2001 None
Universality class of fluctuating pulled fronts. G Tripathy, A Rocco, J Casademunt, W van Saarloos, Physical Review Letters 86, 5215-5218 2001 2001 None
Classical gauge vacua as knots. P van Baal, A Wipf, Physics Letters B 515, 181-184 2001 2001 None
Single-mode delay time statistics for scattering by a chaotic cavity. KJH van Bemmel, H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker, Physica Scripta T90 278-282 2001 2001 None
Nothing moves a surface: Vacancy mediated surface diffusion. R van Gastel, E Somfai, SB van Albada, W van Saarloos, JWM Frenken, Physical Review Letters 86, 1562-1565 2001 2001 None
Non-singlet structure functions beyond the next-to-next-to-leading order. WL van Neerven, A Vogt, Nuclear Physics B 603, 42-68 2001 2001 None
Universal gap fluctuations in the superconductor proximity effect. MG Vavilov, PW Brouwer, V Ambegaokar, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 86, 874-877 2001 2001 None
Computing phase equilibria by parallel excluded volume tempering. TJH Vlugt, B Dunweg, Journal of Chemical Physics 115, 8731-8741 2001 2001 None
Next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic threshold resummation for deep-inelastic scattering and the Drell-Yan process. A Vogt, Physics Letters B 497, 228-234 2001 2001 None
Fluctuation effects in an epidemic model. CP Warren, G Mikus, E Somfai, LM Sander, Physical Review E 63, 056103 2001 2001 None
The geometric order of stripes and Luttinger liquids. J Zaanen, OY Osman, HV Kruis, Z Nussinov, J Tworzydlo, Philosophical Magazine B-Physics of Condensed Matter Statistical Mechanics Electronic Optical and Magnetic Properties 81, 1485-1531 2001 2001 None
Quantum coherent dynamics of molecules: A simple scenario for ultrafast photoisomerization. DP Aalberts, MSL du Croo de Jongh, BF Gerke, W van Saarloos, Physical Review A 61, 040701 2000 2000 None
Melting process and interface instability of highly magnetized solid He-3: Role of the magnetization gradient. H Akimoto, R van Rooijen, R Jochemsen, G Frossati, W van Saarloos, Physical Review Letters 85, 1894-1897 2000 2000 None
Kramers problem for a multiwell potential. M Arrayas, IK Kaufman, DG Luchinsky, PVE McClintock, SM Soskin, Physical Review Letters 84, 2556-2559 2000 2000 None
Origin of band and localized electron states in photoemission of NiO. J Bala, AM Oles, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 61, 13573-13587 2000 2000 None
Photonic excess noise and wave localization. CWJ Beenakker, M Patra, PW Brouwer, Physical Review A 61, art. no.-051801 2000 2000 None
An effective Lagrangian approach for unstable particles. W Beenakker, FA Berends, AP Chapovsky, Nuclear Physics B 573, 503-535 2000 2000 None
Universal twinkling exponents for spectral fluctuations associated with mixed chaology. MV Berry, JP Keating, H Schomerus, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A 456, 1659-1668 2000 2000 None
On the Drell-Levy-Yan relation to O(alpha_s^2). J Blümlein, V Ravindran, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 586, 349-381 2000 2000 None
Stripe and spin dynamics in hole doped La_2NiO_4, La_2CuO_4, Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 and electron doped Nd_1.85Ce_0.15CuO_4 seen by nuclear resonance. HB Brom, IM Abu-Siekah, O Bakharev, OO Bernal, PH Kes, Ming-Li, Nikolaev EG, GB Teitel'baum, AA Nugroho, AA Menovsky, … International Journal of Modern Physics B 14, 3368-3373 2000 2000 None
Exact fermion zero-mode for the new calorons. MN Chernodub, TC Kraan, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 83-4, 556-558 2000 2000 None
Bottom quark electroproduction in variable flavor number schemes. A Chuvakin, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Physical Review D 62, 036004 2000 2000 None
Comparison between variable flavor number schemes for charm quark electroproduction. A Chuvakin, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Physical Review D 61, 096004 2000 2000 None
String theory on AdS backgrounds. J de Boer, Classical and Quantum Gravity 17, 1027-1034 2000 2000 None
New duality transformations in orbifold theory. J De Boer, J Evslin, MB Halpern, JE Wang, International Journal of Modern Physics A 15, 1297-1344 2000 2000 None
On the holographic renormalization group. J de Boer, E Verlinde, H Verlinde, Journal of High Energy Physics 08, 003 2000 2000 None
Incorporation of density-matrix wave functions in Monte Carlo simulations: Application to the frustrated Heisenberg model. MSL du Croo de Jongh, JMJ van Leeuwen, W van Saarloos, Physical Review B 62, 14844-14854 2000 2000 None
Front propagation into unstable states: Universal algebraic convergence towards uniformly translating pulled fronts. U Ebert, W van Saarloos, Physica D 146, 1-99 2000 2000 None
Breakdown of the standard perturbation theory and moving boundary approximation for "pulled" fronts. U Ebert, W van Saarloos, Physics Reports 337, 139-156 2000 2000 None
Large Petermann factor in chaotic cavities with many scattering channels. KM Frahm, H Schomerus, M Patra, CWJ Beenakker, Europhysics Letters 49, 48-54 2000 2000 None
Echoes of the superconducting gap in proximity tri-layer junctions. AG Goicochea, MJ Holcomb, WA Little, Physica C-Superconductivity 341, 1593-1594 2000 2000 None
Phase transition in the n > 2 honeycomb O(N) model. WN Guo, HWJ Blöte, FY Wu, Physical Review Letters 85, 3874-3877 2000 2000 None
High-dimensional lattice gases. JR Heringa, HWJ Blöte, E Luijten, Journal of Physics A 33, 2929-2941 2000 2000 None
Orientifolds and twisted boundary conditions. A Keurentjes, Nuclear Physics B 589, 440-460 2000 2000 None
Instantons and chiral symmetry on the lattice. TC Kovacs, Physical Review D 62, 034502 2000 2000 None
Instanton effects in hadron spectroscopy revisited. TG Kovacs, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 83-4, 500-502 2000 2000 None
Computation of the vortex free energy in SU(2) gauge theory. TG Kovacs, ET Tomboulis, Physical Review Letters 85, 704-707 2000 2000 None
Bound on the string tension by the excitation probability for a vortex. TG Kovacs, ET Tomboulis, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 83-4, 553-555 2000 2000 None
Instantons, monopoles and toric hyper-Kähler manifolds. TC Kraan, Communications in Mathematical Physics 212, 503-533 2000 2000 None
Erratum: QCD corrections to charm quark production in deep-inelastic neutrino scattering (Z. Phys. C 54, 139-146, 1992). G Kramer, B Lampe, European Physical Journal C 17, 371-371 2000 2000 None
Scaling at the chaos threshold for interacting electrons in a quantum dot. X Leyronas, PG Silvestrov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 84, 3414-3417 2000 2000 None
Nonlinear voltage dependence of the shot noise in mesoscopic degenerate conductors with strong electron-electron scattering. EG Mishchenko, Physical Review Letters 85, 4144-4147 2000 2000 None
Stripe-phase ordering as a quantum interference phenomenon. SI Mukhin, Physical Review B 62, 4332-4335 2000 2000 None
Monte Carlo computation of correlation times of independent relaxation modes at criticality. MP Nightingale, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review B 62, 1089-1101 2000 2000 None
Quantum melting of magnetic long-range order near orbital degeneracy: Classical phases and gaussian fluctuations. AM Oles, LF Feiner, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 61, 6257-6287 2000 2000 None
Propagation of squeezed radiation through amplifying or absorbing random media. M Patra, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review A 61, 063805 2000 2000 None
Quantum-limited linewidth of a chaotic laser cavity. M Patra, H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review A 61, 023810 2000 2000 None
Nahm dualities on the torus - a synthesis. M García-Pérez, A Gonzalez-Arroyo, P Carlos, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B 564, 159-181 2000 2000 None
Recent results on self-dual configurations on the torus. M García-Pérez, A Gonzalez-Arroyo, A Montero, C Pena, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 83-4, 464-466 2000 2000 None
Instanton size distribution. M García-Pérez, TG Kovacs, P van Baal, Physics Letters B 472, 295-301 2000 2000 None
QCD corrections up to order alpha_s^2 to polarized quark production in e+e- -annihilation. V Ravindran, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 589, 507-544 2000 2000 None
Vortices freeze like window glass: The vortex molasses scenario. C Reichhardt, A van Otterlo, GT Zimanyi, Physical Review Letters 84, 1994-1997 2000 2000 None
Subdiffusive fluctuations of "pulled" fronts with multiplicative noise. A Rocco, U Ebert, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 62, R13-R16 2000 2000 None
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and hydrodynamic fluctuations. JM Rubi, P Mazur, Physica A 276, 477-488 2000 2000 None
Twofold-broken rational tori and the uniform semiclassical approximation. H Schomerus, European Physical Journal D 10, 5-8 2000 2000 None
Search for two-scale localization in disordered wires in a magnetic field. H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 84, 3927-3929 2000 2000 None
Quantum limit of the laser line width in chaotic cavities and statistics of residues of scattering matrix poles. H Schomerus, KM Frahm, M Patra, CWJ Beenakker, Physica A 278, 469-496 2000 2000 None
Coherent backscattering effect on wave dynamics in a random medium. H Schomerus, KJH van Bemmel, CWJ Beenakker, Europhysics Letters 52, 518-524 2000 2000 None
Universal algebraic relaxation of velocity and phase in pulled fronts generating periodic or chaotic states. C Storm, W Spruijt, U Ebert, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 61, R6063-R6066 2000 2000 None
Signature of wave localization in the time dependence of a reflected pulse. M Titov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 85, 3388-3391 2000 2000 None
Fluctuation and relaxation properties of pulled fronts: A scenario for nonstandard Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling. G Tripathy, W van Saarloos, Physical Review Letters 85, 3556-3559 2000 2000 None
Probability distribution of the order parameter for the three-dimensional Ising-model universality class: A high-precision Monte Carlo study. MM Tsypin, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 62, 73-76 2000 2000 None
Hierarchical model for the scale-dependent velocity of waves in random media. J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 85, 674-676 2000 2000 None
Interplay of superconductivity and magnetism in strong coupling. CNA van Duin, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 61, 3676-3690 2000 2000 None
A giant atomic slide-puzzle - atoms crammed tightly together in metal crystal surfaces are surprisingly mobile. R van Gastel, E Somfai, W van Saarloos, JWM Frenken, Nature 408, 665-665 2000 2000 None
GaGaRes: A Monte Carlo generator for resonance production in two-photon physics. R van Gulik, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 82, 311-315 2000 2000 None
Higher order corrections in perturbative quantum chromodynamics. WL Van Neerven, Pramana-Journal of Physics 55, 101-111 2000 2000 None
NNLO evolution of deep-inelastic structure functions: The singlet case. WL van Neerven, A Vogt, Nuclear Physics B 588, 345-373 2000 2000 None
Parton densities and structure functions beyond the next-to-leading order. WL van Neerven, A Vogt, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 89, 143-148 2000 2000 None
Improved approximations for the three-loop splitting functions in QCD. WL van Neerven, A Vogt, Physics Letters B 490, 111-118 2000 2000 None
NNLO evolution of deep-inelastic structure functions: The non-singlet case. WL van Neerven, A Vogt, Nuclear Physics B 568, 263-286 2000 2000 None
Dynamic phases and the peak effect in dirty type II superconductors. A van Otterlo, RT Scalettar, GT Zimanyi, R Olsson, A Petrean, W Kwok, V Vinokur, Physical Review Letters 84, 2493-2496 2000 2000 None
Lattice models and Landau theory for type-II incommensurate crystals. GHF van Raaij, KJH van Bemmel, T Janssen, Physical Review B 62, 3751-3765 2000 2000 None
Real photon structure at an e+e- linear collider. A Vogt, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 82, 394-399 2000 2000 None
High-temperature superconductivity - stripes defeat the Fermi liquid. J Zaanen, Nature 404, 714-715 2000 2000 None
Order out of disorder in a gas of elastic quantum strings in 2+1 dimensions. J Zaanen, Physical Review Letters 84, 753-756 2000 2000 None
Similarity of slow stripe fluctuations between Sr-doped cuprates and oxygen-doped nickelates. IM Abu-Shiekah, OO Bernal, AA Menovsky, HB Brom, J Zaanen, Physical Review Letters 83, 3309-3312 1999 1999 None
Sub-Poissonian shot noise in nondegenerate diffusive conductors. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 82, 2761-2763 1999 1999 None
Photon shot noise. CWJ Beenakker, M Patra, Modern Physics Letters B 13, 337-347 1999 1999 None
High-frequency dynamics of wave localization. CWJ Beenakker, KJH van Bemmel, PW Brouwer, Physical Review E 60, R6313-R6315 1999 1999 None
Radiative corrections to pair production of unstable particles: Results for e+e- -> 4 fermions. W Beenakker, FA Berends, AP Chapovsky, Nuclear Physics B 548, 3-59 1999 1999 None
One-loop QCD interconnection effects in pair production of top quarks. W Beenakker, FA Berends, AP Chapovsky, Physics Letters B 454, 129-136 1999 1999 None
The cluster processor: New results. HWJ Blöte, LN Shchur, AL Talapov, International Journal of Modern Physics C 10, 1137-1148 1999 1999 None
Relations among higher order QCD corrections. J Blümlein, V Ravindran, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 79, 169-172 1999 1999 None
Möbius transformations in noncommutative conformal geometry. PJM Bongaarts, J Brodzki, Communications in Mathematical Physics 201, 35-60 1999 1999 None
Screened-Coulomb Ansatz for the nonfactorizable radiative corrections to off-shell W+W- production. AP Chapovsky, VA Khoze, European Physical Journal C 9, 449-457 1999 1999 None
Two-dimensional conformal field theories on AdS(2d+1) backgrounds. J de Boer, SL Shatashvili, Journal of High Energy Physics 06, 013 1999 1999 None
Density matrix technique for ground state calculations. MSL du Croo de Jongh, JM Doumen, JMJ van Leeuwen Computer Physics Communications 121, 483-488 1999 1999 None
Conducting phase in the two-dimensional disordered Hubbard model. PJH Denteneer, RT Scalettar, N Trivedi, Physical Review Letters 83, 4610-4613 1999 1999 None
Thermopower of a chaotic quantum dot. SF Godijn, S Moller, H Buhmann, LW Molenkamp, SA van Langen, Physical Review Letters 82, 2927-2930 1999 1999 None
First and second order transitions in dilute O(N) models. WN Guo, HWJ Blöte, B Nienhuis, International Journal of Modern Physics C 10, 291-300 1999 1999 None
Phase diagram of a loop on the square lattice. WN Guo, HWJ Blöte, B Nienhuis, International Journal of Modern Physics C 10, 301-308 1999 1999 None
Bound states and metastability near a scatterer in crossed electromagnetic fields. EH Hauge, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica A 268, 525-552 1999 1999 None
Non-trivial flat connections on the 3-torus I: G_2 and the orthogonal groups. A Keurentjes, Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 001 1999 1999 None
Non-trivial flat connections on the 3-torus II. The exceptional groups F_4 and E-6,E_7,E_8. A Keurentjes, Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 014 1999 1999 None
P-vortices and the Gribov problem. TG Kovacs, ET Tomboulis, Physics Letters B 463, 104-108 1999 1999 None
Constituent monopoles without gauge fixing. TC Kraan, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 73, 554-556 1999 1999 None
Non-Cayley-tree model for quasiparticle decay in a quantum dot. X Leyronas, J Tworzydlo, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 82, 4894-4897 1999 1999 None
Mesoscopic nonequilibrium thermodynamics; irreversible processes and fluctuations. P Mazur, Physica A 274, 491-504 1999 1999 None
Radiative transfer theory for vacuum fluctuations. EG Mishchenko, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 83, 5475-5478 1999 1999 None
Conductance enhancement in quantum-point-contact semiconductor-superconductor devices. NA Mortensen, AP Jauho, K Flensberg, H Schomerus, Physical Review B 60, 13762-13769 1999 1999 None
Theory of site-disordered magnets. TM Nieuwenhuizen, CNA van Duin, European Physical Journal B 7, 191-209 1999 1999 None
Excess noise for coherent radiation propagating through amplifying random media. M Patra, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review A 60, 4059-4066 1999 1999 None
Long-range correlation of thermal radiation. M Patra, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review A 59, R43-R46 1999 1999 None
Calorons on the lattice - a new perspective. M García-Pérez, A Gonzalez-Arroyo, A Montero, P van Baal, Journal of High Energy Physics 06, 001 1999 1999 None
Weyl-Dirac zero mode for calorons. M García-Pérez, A Gonzalez-Arroyo, C Pena, P van Baal, Physical Review D 60, 031901 1999 1999 None
Excitation spectrum of Andreev billiards with a mixed phase space. H Schomerus, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 82, 2951-2954 1999 1999 None
Kinetic theory of shot noise in nondegenerate diffusive conductors. H Schomerus, EG Mishchenko, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 60, 5839-5850 1999 1999 None
Lateral instabilities of cubic autocatalytic reaction fronts in a constant electric field. A Toth, D Horvath, W van Saarloos, Journal of Chemical Physics 111, 10964-10968 1999 1999 None
Quantum magnetism in the stripe phase: Bond versus site order. J Tworzydlo, OY Osman, CNA van Duin, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 59, 115-118 1999 1999 None
Nahm gauge fields for the torus. P van Baal, Physics Letters B 448, 26-32 1999 1999 None
Sources, sinks and wavenumber selection in coupled CGL equations and experimental implications for counter-propagating wave systems. M van Hecke, C Storm, W van Saarloos, Physica D 134, 1-47 1999 1999 None
Berry phase and adiabaticity of a spin diffusing in a nonuniform magnetic field. SA van Langen, HPA Knops, JCJ Paasschens, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 59, 2102-2110 1999 1999 None
Deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering as a test of perturbative QCD. WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 79, 36-50 1999 1999 None
Dynamics and effective actions of BCS superconductors. A van Otterlo, DS Golubev, AD Zaikin, G Blatter, European Physical Journal B 10, 131-143 1999 1999 None
Transient hole transport in poly(-p-phenylene vinylene) LEDs. MCJM Vissenberg, PWM Blom, Synthetic Metals 102, 1053-1054 1999 1999 None
Soft gluon effects in deep-inelastic structure functions. A Vogt, Physics Letters B 471, 97-102 1999 1999 None
Structure function evolution at next-to-leading order and beyond. A Vogt, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 79, 102-104 1999 1999 None
Superconductivity - self-organized one dimensionality. J Zaanen, Science 286, 251-252 1999 1999 None
Quantum phase transitions in cuprates: Stripes and antiferromagnetic supersolids. J Zaanen, Physica C-Superconductivity 317, 217-229 1999 1999 None
Classical frustration and quantum disorder in spin-orbital models. J Zaanen, LF Feiner, AM Oles, Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology 63, 140-146 1999 1999 None
Comment on "direction of optical energy flow in a transverse magnetic field". GW 't Hooft, G Nienhuis, JCJ Paasschens, Physical Review Letters 80, 1114-1114 1998 1998 None
Physics with e+e- linear colliders. E Accomando, A Andreazza, H Anlauf, A Ballestrero, T Barklow, J Bartels, A Bartl, M Battaglia, W Beenakker, G Belanger… Physics Reports 299, 1-78 1998 1998 None
Segment motion in the reptation model of polymer dynamics. II. Simulations. A Baumgartner, U Ebert, L Schafer, Journal of Statistical Physics 90, 1375-1400 1998 1998 None
Thermal radiation and amplified spontaneous emission from a random medium. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 81, 1829-1832 1998 1998 None
Final-state radiation and line-shape distortion in resonance pair production. W Beenakker, FA Berends, AP Chapovsky, Physics Letters B 435, 233-239 1998 1998 None
Radiative corrections to off-shell gauge-boson pair production. W Beenakker, A Denner, Acta Physica Polonica B 29, 2821-2838 1998 1998 None
Stop production at hadron colliders. W Beenakker, M Kramer, T Plehn, M Spira, PM Zerwas, Nuclear Physics B 515, 3-14 1998 1998 None
Large-angle Bhabha scattering at LEP. W Beenakker, G Passarino, Physics Letters B 425, 199-207 1998 1998 None
Report of the working group on the measurement of triple gauge boson couplings. F Berends, T Bowcock, D Charlton, P Clarke, J Conboy, C Hartmann, P Kyberd, CG Papadopoulos, HT Phillips, R Sekulin, A… Journal of Physics G-Nuclear and Particle Physics 24, 405-419 1998 1998 None
Threshold and pseudothreshold values of the sunset diagram. FA Berends, AI Davydychev, NI Ussyukina, Physics Letters B 426, 95-104 1998 1998 None
WEXTER and ERAFITTER: Two programs to fit M_W at LEP2 using the best measurable kinematical variables. FA Berends, CG Papadopoulos, R Pittau, Computer Physics Communications 115, 32-44 1998 1998 None
On the determination of M_W and TGCs in W-pair production using the best measured kinematical variables. FA Berends, CG Papadopoulos, R Pittau, Physics Letters B 417, 385-389 1998 1998 None
Exchange effects on shot noise in multi-terminal devices. YM Blanter, SA van Langen, M Büttiker, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk 168, 159-162 1998 1998 None
Dispersive hole transport in poly(p-phenylene vinylene). PWM Blom, MCJM Vissenberg, Physical Review Letters 80, 3819-3822 1998 1998 None
Transmission through a many-channel random waveguide with absorption. PW Brouwer, Physical Review B 57, 10526-10536 1998 1998 None
Charm electroproduction viewed in the variable-flavour number scheme versus fixed-order perturbation theory. M Buza, Y Matiounine, J Smith, WL van Neerven, European Physical Journal C 1, 301-320 1998 1998 None
Theory of luminescence quenching and photobleaching in conjugated polymers. MJM De Jong, MCJM Vissenberg, Philips Journal of Research 51, 495-510 1998 1998 None
Critical behavior of the two-dimensional Ising model in a transverse field: A density-matrix renormalization calculation. MSL du Croo de Jongh, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review B 57, 8494-8500 1998 1998 None
Ordered states in the disordered Hubbard model. PJH Denteneer, M Ulmke, RT Scalettar, GT Zimanyi, Physica A 251, 162-178 1998 1998 None
Segment motion in the reptation model of polymer dynamics. I. Analytical investigation. U Ebert, L Schafer, A Baumgartner, Journal of Statistical Physics 90, 1325-1373 1998 1998 None
Universal algebraic relaxation of fronts propagating into an unstable state and implications for moving boundary approximations. U Ebert, W van Saarloos, Physical Review Letters 80, 1650-1653 1998 1998 None
Charged domain walls as quantum strings on a lattice. H Eskes, OY Osman, R Grimberg, W van Saarloos, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 58, 6963-6981 1998 1998 None
Quantum disorder versus order-out-of-disorder in the Kugel-Khomskii model. LF Feiner, AM Oles, J Zaanen, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 10, L555-L561 1998 1998 None
Geometric cluster Monte Carlo simulation. JR Heringa, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review E 57, 4976-4978 1998 1998 None
Total-energy and entropy considerations as a probe of chemical order in amorphous silicon carbide. PC Kelires, PJH Denteneer, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 231, 200-204 1998 1998 None
Isolated vacua in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. A Keurentjes, A Rosly, AV Smilga, Physical Review D 58, 081701 1998 1998 None
Periodic instantons with non-trivial holonomy. TC Kraan, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B 533, 627-659 1998 1998 None
New instanton solutions at finite temperature. TC Kraan, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics A 642, 299C-304C 1998 1998 None
Monopole constituents inside su(n) calorons. TC Kraan, P van Baal, Physics Letters B 435, 389-395 1998 1998 None
Exact T-duality between calorons and Taub-NUT spaces. TC Kraan, P van Baal, Physics Letters B 428, 268-276 1998 1998 None
Two-loop operator matrix elements calculated up to finite terms for polarized deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering. Y Matiounine, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Physical Review D 58, 076002 1998 1998 None
Two-loop operator matrix elements calculated up to finite terms. Y Matiounine, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Physical Review D 57, 6701-6722 1998 1998 None
Fluctuations and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. P Mazur, Physica A 261, 451-457 1998 1998 None
Lasing threshold and mode competition in chaotic cavities. TS Misirpashaev, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review A 57, 2041-2045 1998 1998 None
Self-matching property of correlated electrons: Charge-density wave enhances spin ordering. SI Mukhin, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 59, 1846-1848 1998 1998 None
Universal dynamics of independent critical relaxation modes. MP Nightingale, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review Letters 80, 1007-1010 1998 1998 None
Influence of boundaries on the imaging of objects in turbid media. JCJ Paasschens, GW 't Hooft, Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision 15, 1797-1812 1998 1998 None
Charge fluctuations in quantum point contacts and chaotic cavities in the presence of transport. MH Pedersen, SA van Langen, M Büttiker, Physical Review B 57, 1838-1846 1998 1998 None
O(alpha_s^2) contributions to the fragmentation function g_1(x,Q^2) in polarized e+e- annihilation. PJ Rijken, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 523, 245-264 1998 1998 None
Simultaneous Brownian motion of N particles in a temperature gradient. JM Rubi, P Mazur, Physica A 250, 253-264 1998 1998 None
Reptation in linear systems. G Sartoni, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review E 57, 3088-3100 1998 1998 None
Meson-photon transition form factors and resonance cross-sections in e+e- collisions. GA Schuler, FA Berends, R van Gulik, Nuclear Physics B 523, 423-438 1998 1998 None
First-order wetting of rough substrates and quantum unbinding. AL Stella, G Sartoni, Physical Review E 58, 2979-2982 1998 1998 None
Enhancement of long-range antiferromagnetic order by nonmagnetic impurities in the Hubbard model. M Ulmke, PJH Denteneer, RT Scalettar, GT Zimanyi, Europhysics Letters 42, 655-660 1998 1998 None
The QCD vacuum. P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 63, 126-137 1998 1998 None
Fixed-node Monte Carlo calculations for the 1d Kondo lattice model. HJM van Bemmel, W van Saarloos, DFB ten Haaf, Physica A 251, 143-161 1998 1998 None
Charge- versus spin-driven stripe order: Role of transversal spin fluctuations. CNA van Duin, J Zaanen, Physical Review Letters 80, 1513-1516 1998 1998 None
Thermopower of single-channel disordered and chaotic conductors. SA van Langen, PG Silvestrov, CWJ Beenakker, Superlattices and Microstructures 23, 691-698 1998 1998 None
Phase diagram of disordered vortices from London Langevin simulations. A van Otterlo, RT Scalettar, GT Zimanyi, Physical Review Letters 81, 1497-1500 1998 1998 None
Three basic issues concerning interface dynamics in nonequilibrium pattern formation. W van Saarloos, Physics Reports 301, 9-43 1998 1998 None
Dynamically driven renormalization group applied to self-organized critical systems. A Vespignani, S Zapperi, V Loreto, International Journal of Modern Physics B 12, 1407-1417 1998 1998 None
Theory of electric-field-induced photoluminescence quenching in disordered molecular solids. MCJM Vissenberg, MJM de Jong, Physical Review B 57, 2667-2670 1998 1998 None
Electric field induced luminescence quenching in conjugated polymers and in molecularly doped polymers. MCJM Vissenberg, MJM de Jong, Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research 205, 347-350 1998 1998 None
Theory of the field-effect mobility in amorphous organic transistors. MCJM Vissenberg, M Matters, Physical Review B 57, 12964-12967 1998 1998 None
From notes to chords in QCD. F Wilczek, Nuclear Physics A 642, 1C-13C 1998 1998 None
Current ideas on the origin of stripes. J Zaanen, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 59, 1769-1773 1998 1998 None
Metallic stripes: Separation of spin, charge, and string fluctuation. J Zaanen, OY Osman, W van Saarloos, Physical Review B 58, R11868-R11871 1998 1998 None
Reptation in a weak driving field. DP Aalberts, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica A 236, 220-242 1997 1997 None
Towards understanding the ultra-fast dynamics of rhodopsin. DP Aalberts, FLJ Vos, W van Saarloos, Pure and Applied Chemistry 69, 2099-2104 1997 1997 None
Sources and sinks separating domains of left-and right-traveling waves: Experiment versus amplitude equations. R Alvarez, M van Hecke, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 56, R1306-R1309 1997 1997 None
Random-matrix theory of quantum transport. CWJ Beenakker, Reviews of Modern Physics 69, 731-808 1997 1997 None
Physics of the W boson at future linear colliders. W Beenakker, Acta Physica Polonica B 28, 1461-1482 1997 1997 None
Restoring gauge invariance in gauge-boson production processes. W Beenakker, Acta Physica Polonica B 28, 679-682 1997 1997 None
Non-factorizable corrections to W-pair production: Methods and analytic results. W Beenakker, AP Chapovsky, FA Berends, Nuclear Physics B 508, 17-63 1997 1997 None
Non-factorizable corrections to W-pair production. W Beenakker, AP Chapovsky, FA Berends, Physics Letters B 411, 203-210 1997 1997 None
Stop decays in SUSY-QCD. W Beenakker, R Höpker, T Plehn, PM Zerwas, Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 75, 349-356 1997 1997 None
Squark and gluino production at hadron colliders. W Beenakker, R Höpker, M Spira, PM Zerwas, Nuclear Physics B 492, 51-103 1997 1997 None
The fermion-loop scheme for finite-width effects in e+e- annihilation into four fermions. W Beenakker, GJ van Oldenborgh, A Denner, S Dittmaier, J Hoogland, R Kleiss, CG Papadopoulos, G Passarino, Nuclear Physics B 500, 255-298 1997 1997 None
On the construction of scattering amplitudes for spinning massless particles. FA Berends, WT Giele, Nuclear Physics B 507, 157-174 1997 1997 None
Anomalous temperature dependence of the supercurrent through a chaotic Josephson junction. PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Chaos Solitons & Fractals 8, 1249-1260 1997 1997 None
Voltage-probe and imaginary-potential models for dephasing in a chaotic quantum dot. PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 55, 4695-4702 1997 1997 None
Charge-relaxation and dwell time in the fluctuating admittance of a chaotic cavity. PW Brouwer, M Büttiker, Europhysics Letters 37, 441-446 1997 1997 None
Quantum mechanical time-delay matrix in chaotic scattering. PW Brouwer, KM Frahm, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 78, 4737-4740 1997 1997 None
Theory of directed localization in one dimension. PW Brouwer, PG Silvestrov, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 56, R4333-R4335 1997 1997 None
Distribution of parametric conductance derivatives of a quantum dot. PW Brouwer, SA van Langen, KM Frahm, M Büttiker, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 79, 913-916 1997 1997 None
Comparison between the various descriptions for charm electroproduction and the Hera-data. M Buza, Y Matiounine, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 411, 211-217 1997 1997 None
O(alpha_s^2) corrections to polarized heavy flavour production at Q^2>>m^2. M Buza, Y Matiounine, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 485, 420-456 1997 1997 None
O(alpha_s^2) contributions to charm production in charged-current deep-inelastic lepton-hadron scattering. M Buza, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 500, 301-324 1997 1997 None
Topology by improved cooling: Susceptibility and size distributions. P de Forcrand, M García-Pérez, IO Stamatescu, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 53, 557-559 1997 1997 None
Spin stiffness in the frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet. MSL du Croo de Jongh, PJH Denteneer, Physical Review B 55, 2713-2716 1997 1997 None
Short time behavior in De Gennes' reptation model. U Ebert, A Baumgartner, L Schafer, Physical Review Letters 78, 1592-1595 1997 1997 None
Propagation and structure of planar streamer fronts. U Ebert, W van Saarloos, C Caroli, Physical Review E 55, 1530-1549 1997 1997 None
Sum rules in optical spectra of the attractive Hubbard model. H Eskes, AM Oles, Physica B-Condensed Matter 230, 828-831 1997 1997 None
Spectral properties of the large-negative-U Hubbard model. H Eskes, AM Oles, Physical Review B 55, 2032-2047 1997 1997 None
High order corrections to the renormalon. SV Faleev, PG Silvestrov, Nuclear Physics B 507, 379-395 1997 1997 None
Quantum melting of magnetic order due to orbital fluctuations. LF Feiner, AM Oles, J Zaanen, Physical Review Letters 78, 2799-2802 1997 1997 None
Two interacting particles in a random potential: Mapping onto one parameter localization theories without interaction. K Frahm, A Müller-Groeling, JL Pichard, Zeitschrift für Physik B-Condensed Matter 102, 261-275 1997 1997 None
Finite temperature gauge theory on anisotropic lattices. M Fujisaki, M Okuda, Y Tago, T Hashimoto, S Hioki, H Matsufuru, O Miyamura, A Nakamura, P de Forcrand, T Takaishi, M G… Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 53, 426-428 1997 1997 None
Light fermion mass effects in e+e-->4 fermions. J Hoogland, GJ van Oldenborgh, Physics Letters B 402, 379-383 1997 1997 None
''Wetting'' phase transitions in type-I superconductors. JO Indekeu, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica A 236, 114-122 1997 1997 None
Renormalization group approach to the critical behavior of the forest-fire model - reply. V Loreto, L Pietronero, A Vespignani, S Zapperi, Physical Review Letters 78, 1393-1393 1997 1997 None
Superconductor-proximity effect in chaotic and integrable billiards. JA Melsen, PW Brouwer, KM Frahm, CWJ Beenakker, Physica Scripta T69 223-225 1997 1997 None
Coulomb blockade threshold in inhomogeneous one-dimensional arrays of tunnel junctions. JA Melsen, U Hanke, HO Muller, KA Chao, Physical Review B 55, 10638-10642 1997 1997 None
Spontaneous emission in chaotic cavities. TS Misirpashaev, PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 79, 1841-1844 1997 1997 None
Localization in a disordered multi-mode waveguide with absorption or amplification. TS Misirpashaev, JCJ Paasschens, CWJ Beenakker, Physica A 236, 189-201 1997 1997 None
Thermometry by parallel arrays of ultrasmall double tunnel junctions. HO Muller, U Hanke, KA Chao, JA Melsen, Nanotechnology 8, 29-31 1997 1997 None
Ginzburg-Landau theory of the cluster glass phase. TM Nieuwenhuizen, CNA van Duin, Journal of Physics A 30, L55-L61 1997 1997 None
Phase diagram of spin-orbital model. AM Oles, LF Feiner, J Zaanen, Acta Physica Polonica A 92, 367-370 1997 1997 None
Quadrupling of unit cell in half-filled domain walls in the cuprates. AM Oles, J Zaanen, Physica B-Condensed Matter 230, 925-928 1997 1997 None
Solution of the time-dependent Boltzmann equation. JCJ Paasschens, Physical Review E 56, 1135-1141 1997 1997 None
Brightness of a phase-conjugating mirror behind a random medium. JCJ Paasschens, PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Europhysics Letters 38, 651-656 1997 1997 None
Reflection of light from a disordered medium backed by a phase-conjugating mirror. JCJ Paasschens, MJM de Jong, PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review A 56, 4216-4228 1997 1997 None
Transport mechanisms in doped LaMnO_3: Evidence for polaron formation. TTM Palstra, AP Ramirez, SW Cheong, BR Zegarski, P Schiffer, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 56, 5104-5107 1997 1997 None
Improved action and Hamiltonian in finite volumes. M García-Pérez, J Snippe, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 53, 890-895 1997 1997 None
One-loop anisotropy for improved actions. M García-Pérez, P van Baal Physics Letters B 392, 163-171 1997 1997 None
Monte Carlo fixed scale transformation for nonlocal fractal growth models. M Piccioni, R Cafiero, A Vespignani, Physical Review E 55, 1170-1173 1997 1997 None
Higher order QCD corrections to the transverse and longitudinal fragmentation functions in electron-positron annihilation. PJ Rijken, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 487, 233-282 1997 1997 None
O(alpha_s^2) contributions to the asymmetric fragmentation function in e+e- annihilation. PJ Rijken, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 392, 207-215 1997 1997 None
Computation of the one-loop Symanzik coefficients for the square action. J Snippe, Nuclear Physics B 498, 347-396 1997 1997 None
The Casimir effect. JMJ van Leeuwen, Proceedings Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen 100, 57-60 1997 1997 None
Charm production in deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering. WL van Neerven Acta Physica Polonica B 28, 2715-2749 1997 1997 None
Glueballs on the three-sphere. B van den Heuvel, Nuclear Physics B 488, 282-334 1997 1997 None
Glueballs on S^3. B van den Heuvel, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 53, 808-810 1997 1997 None
Origin of the quantum-critical transition in the bilayer Heisenberg model. CNA van Duin, J Zaanen, Physical Review Letters 78, 3019-3022 1997 1997 None
A domain wall between single-mode and bimodal states and its transition to dynamical behavior in inhomogeneous systems. M van Hecke, BA Malomed, Physica D 101, 131-156 1997 1997 None
Convection in rotating annuli: Ginzburg-Landau equations with tunable coefficients. M van Hecke, W van Saarloos, Physical Review E 55, R1259-R1262 1997 1997 None
Fluctuating phase rigidity for a quantum chaotic system with partially broken time-reversal symmetry. SA van Langen, PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review E 55, R1-R4 1997 1997 None
Quantum-statistical current correlations in multilead chaotic cavities. SA van Langen, M Büttiker, Physical Review B 56, R1680-R1683 1997 1997 None
The effective interface potential for a superconducting layer. JMJ van Leeuwen, EH Hauge, Journal of Statistical Physics 87, 1335-1351 1997 1997 None
Interface potential for nucleation of a superconducting layer. JMJ van Leeuwen, J Indekeu, Physica A 244, 426-439 1997 1997 None
Order parameter and scaling fields in self-organized criticality. A Vespignani, S Zapperi, Physical Review Letters 78, 4793-4796 1997 1997 None
Dynamically driven renormalization group. A Vespignani, S Zapperi, V Loreto, Journal of Statistical Physics 88, 47-79 1997 1997 None
Photobleaching and spectral diffusion in disordered media. MCJM Vissenberg, MJM de Jong, Physical Review B 56, 6681-6688 1997 1997 None
Theory of exciton migration and field-induced dissociation in conjugated polymers - reply. MCJM Vissenberg, MJM de Jong, Physical Review Letters 78, 4302-4302 1997 1997 None
Dynamical stripe correlations and the spin fluctuations in cuprate superconductors. J Zaanen, W van Saarloos, Physica C-Superconductivity 282, 178-181 1997 1997 None
First-order transition in the breakdown of disordered media. S Zapperi, P Ray, HE Stanley, A Vespignani, Physical Review Letters 78, 1408-1411 1997 1997 None
Plasticity and avalanche behaviour in microfracturing phenomena. S Zapperi, A Vespignani, HE Stanley, Nature 388, 658-660 1997 1997 None
Monte Carlo study of polyelectrolyte gels. DP Aalberts, Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 34, 1127-1131 1996 1996 None
Dynamic symmetry breaking in a model of polymer reptation. DP Aalberts, JMJ van Leeuwen, Electrophoresis 17, 1003-1010 1996 1996 None
Quasiparticles in the spin-fermion model for CuO_2 planes. J Bala, AM Oles, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 54, 10161-10174 1996 1996 None
Probability of reflection by a random laser. CWJ Beenakker, JCJ Paasschens, PW Brouwer, Physical Review Letters 76, 1368-1371 1996 1996 None
SUSY-QCD corrections in the squark-gluino sector. W Beenakker, R Höpker, Nuclear Physics B 51 (3) 261-266 1996 1996 None
SUSY-QCD decays of squarks and gluinos. W Beenakker, R Höpker, PM Zerwas, Physics Letters B 378, 159-166 1996 1996 None
The effect of the Higgs boson on the threshold cross-section in W-pair production. W Beenakker, GJ van Oldenborgh, Physics Letters B 381, 248-254 1996 1996 None
Definitions and upper bounds for unstable boson masses. W Beenakker, GJ van Oldenborgh, J Hoogland, R Kleiss, Physics Letters B 376, 136-141 1996 1996 None
Small-threshold behaviour of two-loop self-energy diagrams: Some special cases. FA Berends, AI Davydychev, VA Smirnov, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 51, 301-306 1996 1996 None
Small-threshold behaviour of two-loop self-energy diagrams: Two-particle thresholds. FA Berends, AI Davydychev, VA Smirnov, Nuclear Physics B 478, 59-89 1996 1996 None
Theoretical uncertainties in the QCD evolution of structure functions and their impact on alpha_s(M_Z^2). J Blümlein, S Riemersma, WL van Neerven, A Vogt, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 51, 97-105 1996 1996 None
Phase-dependent magnetoconductance fluctuations in a chaotic Josephson junction. PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker Physical Review B 54, 12705-12708 1996 1996 None
Diagrammatic method of integration over the unitary group, with applications to quantum transport in mesoscopic systems. PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Journal of Mathematical Physics 37, 4904-4934 1996 1996 None
Quantum transport in disordered wires: Equivalence of the one-dimensional sigma model and the Dorokhov-Mello-Pereyra-Kumar equation. PW Brouwer, K Frahm, Physical Review B 53, 1490-1501 1996 1996 None
Heavy quark coefficient functions at asymptotic values Q^2 >> m^2. M Buza, Y Matiounine, J Smith, R Migneron, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 472, 611-658 1996 1996 None
Improved cooling algorithm for gauge theories. P de Forcrand, M García-Pérez, IO Stamatescu, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 47, 777-780 1996 1996 None
Semiclassical theory of shot noise in mesoscopic conductors. MJM de Jong, CWJ Beenakker, Physica A 230, 219-248 1996 1996 None
Strong-coupling expansion for the Hubbard model in arbitrary dimension using slave bosons. PJH Denteneer, Physical Review B 53, 9764-9769 1996 1996 None
Universal short-time motion of a polymer in a random environment: Analytical calculations, a blob picture, and Monte Carlo results. U Ebert, A Baumgartner, L Schafer, Physical Review E 53, 950-965 1996 1996 None
Streamer propagation as a pattern formation problem: Planar fronts. U Ebert, W van Saarloos, C Caroli, Physical Review Letters 77, 4178-4181 1996 1996 None
Hubbard model versus t-J model: The one-particle spectrum. H Eskes, R Eder Physical Review B 54, 14226-14229 1996 1996 None
Quantizing charged magnetic domain walls: Strings on a lattice. H Eskes, R Grimberg, W van Saarloos, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 54, R724-R727 1996 1996 None
Effect of the coupling to a superconductor on the level statistics of a metal grain in a magnetic field. KM Frahm, PW Brouwer, JA Melsen, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 76, 2981-2984 1996 1996 None
Donor-hydrogen complexes in crystalline silicon. ZN Liang, L Niesen, C Haas, PJH Denteneer, Nuovo Cimento D 18, 181-198 1996 1996 None
Renormalization scheme for forest-fire models. V Loreto, A Vespignani, S Zapperi, Journal of Physics A 29, 2981-3004 1996 1996 None
Induced superconductivity distinguishes chaotic from integrable billiards. JA Melsen, PW Brouwer, KM Frahm, CWJ Beenakker, Europhysics Letters 35, 7-12 1996 1996 None
The calculation of the two-loop spin splitting functions P_ij^1(x). R Mertig, WL van Neerven, Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 70, 637-653 1996 1996 None
Reflectance fluctuations in an absorbing random waveguide. TS Misirpashaev, CWJ Beenakker, JETP Letters 64, 319-324 1996 1996 None
Localization of light: Dual symmetry between absorption and amplification. JCJ Paasschens, TS Misirpashaev, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 54, 11887-11890 1996 1996 None
O 1s near-edge X-ray absorption of La_{2-x}Sr_xNiO_{4+delta}: Holes, polarons, and excitons. E Pellegrin, J Zaanen, HJ Lin, G Meigs, CT Chen, GH Ho, H Eisaki, S Uchida, Physical Review B 53, 10667-10679 1996 1996 None
A Monte Carlo study of old, new and tadpole improved actions. M García-Pérez, J Snippe, P van Baal Physics Letters B 389, 112-118 1996 1996 None
The electroweak sphaleron on the lattice. M García-Pérez, P van Baal Nuclear Physics B 468, 277-292 1996 1996 None
Equivalence of the transmission-eigenvalue density in supersymmetric and scaling theories of disordered wires without time-reversal symmetry. B Rejaei Physical Review B 53, 13235-13238 1996 1996 None
O(alpha_s^2) contributions to the longitudinal fragmentation function in e+e- annihilation. PJ Rijken, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 386, 422-428 1996 1996 None
Square Symanzik action to one-loop order. J Snippe, Physics Letters B 389, 119-120 1996 1996 None
Marginally stable solutions. P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 47, 326-329 1996 1996 None
One-loop effective action for SU(2) gauge theory on S^3. B van den Heuvel, Physics Letters B 386, 233-240 1996 1996 None
Glueball spectroscopy on S^3. B van den Heuvel, Physics Letters B 368, 124-130 1996 1996 None
Nonperturbative calculation of the probability distribution of plane-wave transmission through a disordered waveguide. SA van Langen, PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker Physical Review E 53, R1344-R1347 1996 1996 None
Spin stiffness in the Hubbard model. JMJ van Leeuwen, MSL du Croo de Jongh, PJH Denteneer Journal of Physics A 29, 41-57 1996 1996 None
Determination of the asymptotic behaviour of the heavy flavour coefficient functions in deep inelastic scattering. WL van Neerven, M Buza, Y Matiounine, J Smith, R Migneron, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 51, 183-187 1996 1996 None
Hard photons in W pair production at LEP 2. GJ van Oldenborgh Nuclear Physics B 470, 71-83 1996 1996 None
Renormalization of nonequilibrium systems with critical stationary states. A Vespignani, S Zapperi, V Loreto, Physical Review Letters 77, 4560-4563 1996 1996 None
Theory of exciton migration and field-induced dissociation in conjugated polymers. MCJM Vissenberg, MJM de Jong, Physical Review Letters 77, 4820-4823 1996 1996 None
Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model applied to chains of finite length. FLJ Vos, DP Aalberts, W van Saarloos, Physical Review B 53, 14922-14928 1996 1996 None
Simple method for calculating the speed of sound in tight-binding models: Application to the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. FLJ Vos, DP Aalberts, W van Saarloos Physical Review B 53, R5986-R5989 1996 1996 None
Charged domain-wall dynamics in doped antiferromagnets and spin fluctuations in cuprate superconductors. J Zaanen, ML Horbach, W van Saarloos, Physical Review B 53, 8671-8680 1996 1996 None
Striped phase in the cuprates as a semiclassical phenomenon. J Zaanen, AM Oles Annalen der Physik 5, 224-246 1996 1996 None
Dynamical stripe correlations in cuprate superconductors. J Zaanen, OY Osman, H Eskes, W van Saarloos, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 105, 569-579 1996 1996 None
Electrophoretic mobility of asymmetric reptating polymers. DP Aalberts, Physical Review Letters 75, 4544-4547 1995 1995 None
Stable calculations for unstable particles - restoring gauge-invariance. EN Argyres, W Beenakker, GJ van Oldenborgh, A Denner, S Dittmaier, J Hoogland, R Kleiss, CG Papadopoulos, G Passarino, Physics Letters B 358, 339-346 1995 1995 None
Spin polarons in the t-t'-J model. J Bala, AM Oles, J Zaanen, Physical Review B 52, 4597-4606 1995 1995 None
Spin polarons in the t-t'-J model. J Bala, AM Oles, J Zaanen, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 140-144, 1939-1940 1995 1995 None
Analytical and numerical-methods for massive two-loop self-energy diagrams. S Bauberger, FA Berends, M Bohm, M Buza, Nuclear Physics B 434, 383-407 1995 1995 None
Giant, backscattering peak in angle-resolved Andreev reflection. CWJ Beenakker, JA Melsen, PW Brouwer, Physical Review B 51, 13883-13886 1995 1995 None
Zero-threshold expansion of two-loop self-energy diagrams. FA Berends, AI Davydychev, VA Smirnov, JB Tausk, Nuclear Physics B 439, 536-560 1995 1995 None
Excalibur - a Monte-Carlo program to evaluate all four-fermion processes at LEP-200 and beyond. FA Berends, R Pittau, R Kleiss, Computer Physics Communications 85, 437-452 1995 1995 None
Anomalous four-fermion processes in electron-positron collisions. FA Berends, AI van Sighem, Nuclear Physics B 454, 467-484 1995 1995 None
Generalized circular ensemble of scattering matrices for a chaotic cavity with nonideal leads. PW Brouwer, Physical Review B 51, 16878-16884 1995 1995 None
Insensitivity to time-reversal symmetry breaking of universal conductance fluctuations with Andreev reflection. PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 52, 16772-16775 1995 1995 None
Weak-localization coexisting with a magnetic-field in a normal-metal-superconductor microbridge. PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 52, R3868-R3871 1995 1995 None
Effect of a voltage probe on the phase-coherent conductance of a ballistic chaotic cavity. PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 51, 7739-7743 1995 1995 None
Semiclassical theory of shot-noise suppression. MJM de Jong, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 51, 16867-16870 1995 1995 None
Andreev reflection in ferromagnet-superconductor junctions. MJM de Jong, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 74, 1657-1660 1995 1995 None
Hydrodynamic electron flow in high-mobility wires. MJM de Jong, LW Molenkamp, Physical Review B 51, 13389-13402 1995 1995 None
Helicity modulus and effective hopping in the two-dimensional Hubbard-model using slave-boson methods. PJH Denteneer, M Blaauboer, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 7, 151-173 1995 1995 None
The fixed-scale transformation approach to fractal growth. A Erzan, L Pietronero, A Vespignani, Reviews of Modern Physics 67, 545-604 1995 1995 None
Quantum fluctuations in d^9 model. LF Feiner, AM Oles, J Zaanen, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 140, 1941-1942 1995 1995 None
Open surfaces and gauge-invariant Ising-models. G Gonnella, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review E 52, 63-71 1995 1995 None
Wetting, prewetting and surface transitions in type-I superconductors. JO Indekeu, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica C-Superconductivity 251, 290-306 1995 1995 None
Interface delocalization transition in type-I superconductors. JO Indekeu, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review Letters 75, 1618-1621 1995 1995 None
Diffusion of a self-avoiding polymer. JA Leegwater, Physical Review E 52, 2801-2806 1995 1995 None
Photon-echoes in impulsive optical spectroscopy of phonons. JA Leegwater, S Mukamel, Journal of Chemical Physics 102, 2365-2371 1995 1995 None
Mobility of a reptating polymer with fast diffusion of stored length. JA Leegwater, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review E 52, 2753-2762 1995 1995 None
Microscopic structures of Sb-H, Te-H, and Sn-H complexes in silicon. ZN Liang, PJH Denteneer, L Niesen, Physical Review B 52, 8864-8876 1995 1995 None
Density-functional theory and strong-interactions - orbital ordering in Mott-Hubbard insulators. AI Liechtenstein, VI Anisimov, J Zaanen Physical Review B 52, R5467-R5470 1995 1995 None
Renormalization-group approach to the critical-behavior of the forest-fire model. V Loreto, L Pietronero, A Vespignani, S Zapperi, Physical Review Letters 75, 465-468 1995 1995 None
Conductance fluctuations in a disordered double-barrier junction. JA Melsen, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 51, 14483-14489 1995 1995 None
Order alpha_s QCD corrections to the Burkhardt-Cottingham sum-rule (vol 60, pg 489, 1993). R Mertig, WL van Neerven, Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 65, 360-360 1995 1995 None
Effective d^8 model - phase-diagram. AM Oles, LF Feiner, J Zaanen, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 140, 1269-1270 1995 1995 None
Symmetry of hole states in La_2-xSr_xCuO_4+delta and La_2-xSr_xNiO_4+delta. E Pellegrin, CT Chen, J Zaanen, J FINK, Physica B-Condensed Matter 208, 487-490 1995 1995 None
The sphaleron energy for SU(2)-Higgs from cooling. M Garcia-Perez, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B 42 575-577 1995 1995 None
Rates for inclusive deep-inelastic electroproduction of charm quarks at Hera. S Riemersma, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 347, 143-151 1995 1995 None
Heavy flavor contributions to the Drell-Yan cross-section. PJ Rijken, WL van Neerven, Physical Review D 52, 149-161 1995 1995 None
Order alpha_s^2 contributions to the Drell-Yan cross-section at fixed target energies. PJ Rijken, WL van Neerven, Physical Review D 51, 44-63 1995 1995 None
Semiclassical calculations of the anisotropic magnetoresistance of NiFe-based thin-films, wires, and multilayers. TGSM Rijks, R Coehoorn, MJM de Jong, WJM de Jonge, Physical Review B 51, 283-291 1995 1995 None
A new approach to instanton calculations in the O(3) nonlinear sigma-model. J Snippe, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B 42 779-781 1995 1995 None
Low-temperature behavior of the large-U Hubbard-model from high-temperature expansions. DFB ten Haaf, PW Brouwer, PJH Denteneer, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review B 51, 353-367 1995 1995 None
Proof for an upper bound in fixed-node Monte-Carlo for lattice fermions. DFB ten Haaf, HJM van Bemmel, JMJ van Leeuwen, W van Saarloos, DM Ceperley, Physical Review B 51, 13039-13045 1995 1995 None
Some comments on Laplacian gauge-fixing. P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 42, 843-845 1995 1995 None
Dynamics on the SU(2) fundamental domain. B van den Heuvel, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B 42 823-825 1995 1995 None
Coherent and incoherent drifting pulse dynamics in a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. M van Hecke, E de Wit, W van Saarloos, Physical Review Letters 75, 3830-3833 1995 1995 None
On the phase-diagram of the Hubbard-model. JMJ van Leeuwen, DFB ten Haaf, Physica A 220, 1-14 1995 1995 None
Drell-Yan production at collider energies. WL van Neerven, International Journal of Modern Physics A 10, 2921-2939 1995 1995 None
Next-to-leading order photon structure functions. WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 39, 38-40 1995 1995 None
Front propagation into unstable and metastable states in smectic-c* liquid-crystals - linear and nonlinear marginal-stability analysis. W van Saarloos, M van Hecke, R Holyst, Physical Review E 52 1773-1777 1995 1995 None
Faraday instability of crystallization waves at the He-4 solid-liquid interface. W van Saarloos, JD Weeks, Physical Review Letters 74, 290-293 1995 1995 None
Zhang-Rice localization and quasi-particles in CuO2 planes. J Bala, AM Oles, J Zaanen, Physica C 235, 2309-2310 1994 1994 None
Zhang-Rice localization, quasi-particle dispersions, and the photoemission of NiO. J Bala, AM Oles, J Zaanen, Physical Review Letters 72, 2600-2603 1994 1994 None
Calculation of two-loop self-energies in the electroweak standard model. S Bauberger, FA Berends, M Bohm, M Buza, G Weiglein, Nuclear Physics B 37 (2) 95-114 1994 1994 None
Random-matrix theory of quantum-size effects on nuclear-magnetic-resonance in metal particles. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 50, 15170-15173 1994 1994 None
Universality of Brézin and Zee's spectral correlator. CWJ Beenakker, Nuclear Physics B 422, 515-520 1994 1994 None
Universality of weak-localization in disordered wires. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 49, 2205-2207 1994 1994 None
Conductance fluctuations, weak-localization, and shot-noise for a ballistic constriction in a disordered wire. CWJ Beenakker, JA Melsen, Physical Review B 50, 2450-2457 1994 1994 None
Exact solution for the distribution of transmission eigenvalues in a disordered wire and comparison with random-matrix theory. CWJ Beenakker, B Rejaei, Physical Review B 49, 7499-7510 1994 1994 None
Random-matrix theory of parametric correlations in the spectra of disordered metals and chaotic billiards. CWJ Beenakker, B Rejaei, Physica A 203, 61-90 1994 1994 None
Scaling theory of conduction through a normal-superconductor microbridge. CWJ Beenakker, B Rejaei, JA Melsen, Physical Review Letters 72, 2470-2473 1994 1994 None
Electroweak one-loop contributions to top pair production in hadron colliders. W Beenakker, A Denner, W Hollik, R Mertig, T Sack, D Wackeroth, Nuclear Physics B 411, 343-380 1994 1994 None
Closed expressions for specific massive multiloop self-energy integrals. FA Berends, M Bohm, M Buza, R Scharf, Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 63, 227-234 1994 1994 None
Four-fermion production in e+e- annihilation. FA Berends, R Pittau, R Kleiss, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 37, 163-168 1994 1994 None
Initial-state QED corrections to four-fermion production in e+e- collisions at LEP200 and beyond. FA Berends, R Pittau, R Kleiss, Nuclear Physics B 426, 344-354 1994 1994 None
All electroweak four-fermion processes in electron-positron collisions. FA Berends, R Pittau, R Kleiss, Nuclear Physics B 424, 308-342 1994 1994 None
On the numerical evaluation of scalar two-loop self-energy diagrams. FA Berends, JB Tausk, Nuclear Physics B 421, 456-470 1994 1994 None
Almost commutative algebra and differential-calculus on the quantum hyperplane. PJM Bongaarts, HGJ Pijls, Journal of Mathematical Physics 35, 959-970 1994 1994 None
Conductance distribution of a quantum-dot with nonideal single-channel leads. PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 50, 11263-11266 1994 1994 None
Pressure and density of vacancies in solid He-4. DJ Bukman, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review B 49, 226-232 1994 1994 None
Doubled shot-noise in disordered normal-metal superconductor junctions. MJM de Jong, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 49, 16070-16073 1994 1994 None
Superfluid density in the two-dimensional attractive Hubbard-model - quantitative estimates. PJH Denteneer, Physical Review B 49, 6364-6367 1994 1994 None
Spin-waves in the 2D Hubbard-model beyond the RPA. PJH Denteneer, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica B-Condensed Matter 199, 319-321 1994 1994 None
Renormalization of the Ising-model in a transverse field. A Drzewinski, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review B 49, 403-408 1994 1994 None
Fluctuation conductivity and Ginzburg-Landau parameters in high-temperature superconductors above T_c - effect of strong inelastic-scattering. ML Horbach, FLJ Vos, W van Saarloos, Physical Review B 49, 3539-3543 1994 1994 None
Universal quantum signatures of chaos in ballistic transport. RA Jalabert, JL Pichard, CWJ Beenakker, Europhysics Letters 27, 255-260 1994 1994 None
Weight optimization in multichannel Monte-Carlo. R Kleiss, R Pittau, Computer Physics Communications 83, 141-146 1994 1994 None
Complete next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the photon structure functions F_2^gamma(x,q^2) and F_l^gamma(x,q^2). E Laenen, S Riemersma, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Physical Review D 49, 5753-5768 1994 1994 None
Top-quark production cross-section. E Laenen, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 321, 254-258 1994 1994 None
Canonical quantization in n.A=0 gauges. PV Landshoff, P van Nieuwenhuizen, Physical Review D 50, 4157-4161 1994 1994 None
Semiclassical Green-function calculation of four-wave-mixing in polarizable clusters and liquids. JA Leegwater, S Mukamel, Journal of Chemical Physics 101, 7388-7398 1994 1994 None
Reflectionless tunneling through a double-barrier NS junction. JA Melsen, CWJ Beenakker, Physica B-Condensed Matter 203, 219-225 1994 1994 None
Observation of Knudsen and Gurzhi transport regimes in a two-dimensional wire. LW Molenkamp, MJM de Jong, Solid-State Electronics 37, 551-553 1994 1994 None
Electron-electron-scattering-induced size effects in a two-dimensional wire. LW Molenkamp, MJM de Jong, Physical Review B 49, 5038-5041 1994 1994 None
Sawtooth-like thermopower oscillations of a quantum-dot in the Coulomb-blockade regime. LW Molenkamp, AAM Staring, BW Alphenaar, H van Houten, CWJ Beenakker, Semiconductor Science and Technology 9, 903-906 1994 1994 None
Molecular-dynamics of the surface-tension of a drop - response. MJP Nijmeijer, C Bruin, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Chemical Physics 100, 7845-7845 1994 1994 None
Magnetic phases and generalized t-J models in doped Mott-Hubbard insulators. AM Oles, J Zaanen, Acta Physica Polonica A 85, 145-163 1994 1994 None
From perturbation-theory to confinement - how the string tension is built-up. M Garcia-Perez, A Gonzalez-Arroyo, P Martinez, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 34 228-230 1994 1994 None
On the top of the energy barrier. M Garcia-Perez, A Gonzalez-Arroyo, J Snippe, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 34, 222-227 1994 1994 None
Instantons from over-improved cooling. M Garcia-Perez, A Gonzalez-Arroyo, J Snippe, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B 413, 535-552 1994 1994 None
Sphalerons and other saddles from cooling. M Garcia-Perez, P van Baal, Nuclear Physics B 429, 451-473 1994 1994 None
Brownian-motion in the presence of a temperature-gradient. A Perez-Madrid, JM Rubi, P Mazur, Physica A 212, 231-238 1994 1994 None
Four-quark processes at LEP-200. R Pittau, Physics Letters B 335, 490-493 1994 1994 None
Scalar two-loop integrals for gauge boson self-energy diagrams with a massless fermion loop. R Scharf, JB Tausk, Nuclear Physics B 412, 523-552 1994 1994 None
Tunneling through sphalerons - the O(3) sigma-model on a cylinder. J Snippe, Physics Letters B 335, 395-402 1994 1994 None
Zooming-in on the SU(2) fundamental domain. P van Baal, B van den Heuvel, Nuclear Physics B 417, 215-237 1994 1994 None
Fixed-node quantum Monte-Carlo method for lattice fermions. HJM van Bemmel, DFB ten Haaf, W van Saarloos, JMJ van Leeuwen, G An, Physical Review Letters 72, 2442-2445 1994 1994 None
Spin polarons in solid He-3 - suggestions for further experiments. HJM van Bemmel, W van Saarloos, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 94, 551-566 1994 1994 None
Freezing electronic correlations by polaronic instabilities in doped La_2NiO_4. J Zaanen, PB Littlewood, Physical Review B 50, 7222-7225 1994 1994 None
Order-alpha_s^2 corrections to the polarized structure-function G_1(x,q^2). EB Zijlstra, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 417, 61-100 1994 1994 None
Coulomb charging of a quantum-dot in the presence of adiabatically transmitted edge channels. BW Alphenaar, AAM Staring, H van Houten, IK Marmorkos, CWJ Beenakker, CT Foxon, Physica B-Condensed Matter 189, 80-87 1993 1993 None
Second-order QCD corrections to heavy-quark forward backward asymmetries. G Altarelli, B Lampe, Nuclear Physics B 391, 3-22 1993 1993 None
Brownian-motion model for parametric correlations in the spectra of disordered metals. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 70, 4126-4129 1993 1993 None
Random-matrix theory of mesoscopic fluctuations in conductors and superconductors. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 47, 15763-15775 1993 1993 None
Universality in the random-matrix theory of quantum transport. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 70, 1155-1158 1993 1993 None
Nonlogarithmic repulsion of transmission eigenvalues in a disordered wire. CWJ Beenakker, B Rejaei, Physical Review Letters 71, 3689-3692 1993 1993 None
Single-electron tunneling in the fractional quantum Hall-effect regime. CWJ Beenakker, B Rejaei, Physica B-Condensed Matter 189, 147-156 1993 1993 None
On-shell W-pair production in the TEV range. W Beenakker, A Denner, S Dittmaier, R Mertig, Physics Letters B 317, 622-630 1993 1993 None
High-energy approximation for on-shell W-pair production. W Beenakker, A Denner, S Dittmaier, R Mertig, T Sack, Nuclear Physics B 410, 245-279 1993 1993 None
Top-quark search in multijet signals. FA Berends, JB Tausk, WT Giele, Physical Review D 47, 2746-2753 1993 1993 None
Large momentum expansion of two-loop self-energy diagrams with arbitrary masses. AI Davydychev, VA Smirnov, JB Tausk, Nuclear Physics B 410, 325-342 1993 1993 None
Momentum expansion of two-loop self-energy diagrams in the standard model. AI Davydychev, JB Tausk, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 56, 1531-1536 1993 1993 None
Two-loop self-energy diagrams with different masses and the momentum expansion. AI Davydychev, JB Tausk, Nuclear Physics B 397, 123-142 1993 1993 None
Helicity modulus in the two-dimensional Hubbard-model. PJH Denteneer, GZ An, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review B 47, 6256-6272 1993 1993 None
Spin-waves in the half-filled Hubbard-model beyond the random-phase-approximation. PJH Denteneer, JMJ van Leeuwen, Europhysics Letters 22, 413-418 1993 1993 None
Pressure-dependence of Tc and the vanhove scenario of high-Tc superconductivity. ML Horbach, Physical Review B 47, 15312-15315 1993 1993 None
Dynamic nonlinear sigma-model of electron localization. ML Horbach, G Schön, Annalen der Physik 2, 51-78 1993 1993 None
Phenomenology of the superconducting state of a marginal Fermi-liquid with bcs model interaction. ML Horbach, FLJ Vos, W van Saarloos, Physical Review B 48, 4061-4066 1993 1993 None
Long-range energy-level interaction in small metallic particles. RA Jalabert, JL Pichard, CWJ Beenakker, Europhysics Letters 24, 1-6 1993 1993 None
Theory of electronic-properties of amorphous-silicon carbon alloys - effects of short-range disorder. PC Kelires, PJH Denteneer, Solid State Communications 87, 851-855 1993 1993 None
The drift velocity in reptation models for electrophoresis. A Kooiman, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Chemical Physics 99, 2247-2255 1993 1993 None
Reptation models for electrophoresis. A Kooiman, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica A 194, 163-172 1993 1993 None
Complete O(alpha_s) corrections to heavy-flavor structure functions in electroproduction. E Laenen, S Riemersma, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 392, 162-228 1993 1993 None
O(alpha_s) corrections to heavy-flavor inclusive distributions in electroproduction. E Laenen, S Riemersma, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 392, 229-250 1993 1993 None
On the longitudinal cross-section of Z -->hadrons. B Lampe, Physics Letters B 301, 435-439 1993 1993 None
Three signatures of phase-coherent Andreev reflection. IK Marmorkos, CWJ Beenakker, RA Jalabert, Physical Review B 48, 2811-2814 1993 1993 None
Order-alpha_s^2 QCD corrections to the reaction p_bar -->W+ +gamma+X in the soft-plus-virtual-gluon approximation. S Mendoza, J Smith, WI van Neerven, Physical Review D 47, 3913-3932 1993 1993 None
Order alpha_s QCD corrections to the Burkhardt-Cottingham sum-rule. R Mertig, WL van Neerven, Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 60, 489-495 1993 1993 None
Quantum effects in thermal and thermoelectric transport in semiconductor nanostructures. LW Molenkamp, H van Houten, AAM Staring, CWJ Beenakker, Physica Scripta T49B 441-445 1993 1993 None
Enhanced AC conductivity below T_c in films of YBa_2Cu_3O_7-delta. JT Moonen, LJ Adriaanse, HB Brom, NY Chen, D van der Marel, ML Horbach, W van Saarloos, Physical Review B 47, 14525-14531 1993 1993 None
Conductance and supercurrent discontinuities in atomic size point contacts. CJ Muller, JM van Ruitenbeek, CWJ Beenakker, R de Bruyn Ouboter, Physica B-Condensed Matter 189, 225-234 1993 1993 None
Spin-orbital models and d-d excitons in doped Mott-Hubbard insulators. AM Oles, J Zaanen, Acta Physica Polonica B 24, 825-843 1993 1993 None
Quasi-Landau-level structure in the fractional quantum Hall-effect. B Rejaei, Physical Review B 48, 18016-18023 1993 1993 None
Polarization charge relaxation and the Coulomb staircase in ultrasmall double-barrier tunnel-junctions. C Schönenberger, H van Houten, CWJ Beenakker, Physica B-Condensed Matter 189, 218-224 1993 1993 None
Coulomb-blockade oscillations in the thermopower of a quantum dot. AAM Staring, LW Molenkamp, BW Alphenaar, H van Houten, OJA Buyk, MAA Mabesoone, CWJ Beenakker, CT Foxon, Europhysics Letters 22, 57-62 1993 1993 None
Exact results for three-point and four-point ladder diagrams with an arbitrary number of rungs. NI Ussyukina, AI Davydychev, Physics Letters B 305, 136-143 1993 1993 None
Temperature-dependence of the X-ray photoemission line-shape and of the hopping rate in a marginal Fermi-liquid. HJM van Bemmel, W van Saarloos, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 5, 1377-1388 1993 1993 None
Absolute and convective instabilities in nonlinear-systems - comment. M van Hecke, W van Saarloos, PC Hohenberg, Physical Review Letters 71, 2162-2162 1993 1993 None
On the stability of low anisotropy dendrites. W van Saarloos, B Caroli, C Caroli, Journal de Physique I 3, 741-751 1993 1993 None
Carriers binding to excitons - crystal-field excitations in doped Mott-Hubbard insulators. J Zaanen, AM Oles, Physical Review B 48, 7197-7215 1993 1993 None
Quantum transport in semiconductor-superconductor microjunctions. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 46, 12841-12844 1992 1992 None
Suppression of shot noise in metallic diffusive conductors. CWJ Beenakker, M Büttiker, Physical Review B 46, 1889-1892 1992 1992 None
Theory of the thermopower of a quantum dot. CWJ Beenakker, AAM Staring, Physical Review B 46, 9667-9676 1992 1992 None
How a random-walk covers a finite lattice. MJAM Brummelhuis, HJ Hilhorst, Physica A 185, 35-44 1992 1992 None
Mean field renormalization-group for the spin-1/2 XXZ model. DJ Bukman, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Physics A 25, 4285-4296 1992 1992 None
Recursive algorithm for evaluating vertex-type Feynman-integrals. AI Davydychev, Journal of Physics A 25, 5587-5596 1992 1992 None
Mesoscopic fluctuations in the shot-noise power of metals. MJM de Jong, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 46, 13400-13406 1992 1992 None
The correct renormalization of the gluon operator in a covariant gauge. R Hamberg, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 379, 143-171 1992 1992 None
Thermal fluctuations in the microwave conductivity of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8. ML Horbach, W van Saarloos, Physical Review B 46, 432-436 1992 1992 None
Free fermion approximation for the Ising-model with further-neighbor interactions on a triangular lattice. A Kooiman, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Statistical Physics 69, 247-275 1992 1992 None
QCD corrections to charm quark production in deep-inelastic neutrino scattering. G Kramer, B Lampe, Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 54, 139-146 1992 1992 None
On the heavy-quark content of the nucleon. E Laenen, S Riemersma, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 291, 325-328 1992 1992 None
All-order resummation of soft gluon contributions to heavy quark production in hadron hadron-collisions. E Laenen, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 369, 543-599 1992 1992 None
Phenomenological implications of effective lagrangian approach to top quark interactions. B Lampe, Physics Letters B 291, 166-170 1992 1992 None
Activated transport through a quantum dot with extended edge channels. IK Marmorkos, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 46, 15562-15565 1992 1992 None
Properties of the random force in coupled nonlinear Langevin-equations. P Mazur, Physical Review A 45, 8957-8960 1992 1992 None
Nature of the random force in Brownian-motion. P Mazur, D Bedeaux, Langmuir 8, 2947-2951 1992 1992 None
Molecular-dynamics of the wetting and drying of a wall with a long-ranged wall-fluid interaction. MJP Nijmeijer, C Bruin, AF Bakker, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 4, 15-31 1992 1992 None
Molecular-dynamics of the surface-tension of a drop. MJP Nijmeijer, C Bruin, AB van Woerkom, AF Bakker, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Chemical Physics 96, 565-576 1992 1992 None
Vector-mean-field theory of the fractional quantum Hall-effect. B Rejaei, CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review B 46, 15566-15569 1992 1992 None
Difficulties in the determination of the gluon distribution function from electroproduction of charmed quarks. S Riemersma, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 282, 171-176 1992 1992 None
Spatiotemporal chaos in the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. BI Shraiman, A Pumir, W Van Saarloos, PC Hohenberg, H Chate, M Holen, Physica D 57, 241-248 1992 1992 None
QCD corrections to heavy flavor photoproduction and electroproduction. J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 374, 36-82 1992 1992 None
High-temperature series expansions for the Hubbard-model. DFB ten Haaf, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review B 46, 6313-6327 1992 1992 None
Solutions of the Davey-Stewartson equation with non-zero boundary condition. J van der Linden Physica A 182, 155-189 1992 1992 None
The drift velocity in the Rubinstein-Duke model for electrophoresis. JMJ van Leeuwen, A Kooiman, Physica A 184, 79-97 1992 1992 None
QCD corrections to heavy flavor production in large electron-proton colliders. WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 29, 199-203 1992 1992 None
The O(alpha_s^2) corrected Drell-Yan K-factor in the DIS and MS-bar schemes. WL van Neerven, EB Zijlstra, Nuclear Physics B 382, 11-62 1992 1992 None
Order alpha_s^2 correction to the structure-function F_3(x,q^2) in deep inelastic neutrino hadron scattering. EB Zijlstra, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 297, 377-384 1992 1992 None
Second-order QCD corrections to deep inelastic-scattering. EB Zijlstra, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 29, 131-135 1992 1992 None
Order-alpha_s^2 QCD corrections to the deep inelastic proton structure functions F_2 and F_L. EB Zijlstra, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 383, 525-574 1992 1992 None
Experimental-study of self-similarity in the coalescence growth regime. M Zinke-Allmang, LC Feldman, W van Saarloos, Physical Review Letters 68, 2358-2361 1992 1992 None
Fixed-node Monte-Carlo study of the two-dimensional Hubbard-model. GZ An, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review B 44, 9410-9417 1991 1991 None
Universal limit of critical-current fluctuations in mesoscopic Josephson-junctions. CWJ Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 67, 3836-3839 1991 1991 None
The radiative process e+e- -->W+W-gamma. W Beenakker, FA Berends, T Sack, Nuclear Physics B 367, 287-312 1991 1991 None
Small-angle Bhabha scattering. W Beenakker, FA Berends, SC van der Marck, Nuclear Physics B 355, 281-294 1991 1991 None
Large-angle Bhabha scattering. W Beenakker, FA Berends, SC van der Marck, Nuclear Physics B 349, 323-368 1991 1991 None
The total cross-section e+e- -->W+W-. W Beenakker, K Kolodziej, T Sack, Physics Letters B 258, 469-474 1991 1991 None
e+e- annihilation into heavy fermion pairs at high-energy colliders. W Beenakker, SC van der Marck, W Hollik, Nuclear Physics B 365, 24-78 1991 1991 None
QCD corrections to heavy quark production in hadron hadron-collisions. W Beenakker, WL van Neerven, R Meng, GA Schuler, J Smith, Nuclear Physics B 351, 507-560 1991 1991 None
Jets at the LHC. FA Berends, H Kuijf, Nuclear Physics B 353, 59-86 1991 1991 None
On the production of a W and jets at hadron colliders. FA Berends, H Kuijf, B Tausk, WT Giele, Nuclear Physics B 357, 32-64 1991 1991 None
Covering of a finite lattice by a random-walk. MJAM Brummelhuis, HJ Hilhorst, Physica A 176, 387-408 1991 1991 None
Enumeration of externally labeled trees. MJAM Brummelhuis, H Kuijf, Journal of Physics A 24, 929-936 1991 1991 None
Cluster-variation approach to the spin-1/2 XXZ model. DJ Bukman, GZ An, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review B 43, 13352-13364 1991 1991 None
The phase-diagram of the XXZ model for slab and layered geometries. DJ Bukman, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 3, 9995-10020 1991 1991 None
The top width. A Denner, T Sack, Nuclear Physics B 358, 46-58 1991 1991 None
Optimal superconducting critical-temperature in the two-dimensional attractive Hubbard-model. PJH Denteneer, GZ An, JMJ van Leeuwen, Europhysics Letters 16, 5-10 1991 1991 None
Defect energetics in aluminum. PJH Denteneer, JM Soler, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 3, 8777-8792 1991 1991 None
Intrinsic convection near a meniscus. U Geigenmüller, P Mazur, Physica A 171, 475-485 1991 1991 None
A complete calculation of the order-alpha_s^2 correction to the Drell-Yan K-factor. R Hamberg, WL van Neerven, T Matsuura, Nuclear Physics B 359, 343-405 1991 1991 None
Effect of weak time-dependence of disorder on localization. M Horbach, Solid State Communications 79, 897-900 1991 1991 None
Observation of the conductivity coherence peak in superconducting Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 single-crystals - comment. ML Horbach, W van Saarloos, DA Huse, Physical Review Letters 67, 3464-3464 1991 1991 None
QCD corrections to final-state photon Bremsstrahlung in e+e- annihilation. G Kramer, B Lampe, Physics Letters B 269, 401-406 1991 1991 None
Precise determination of the top mass. B Lampe, T Sack, Physics Letters B 272, 339-343 1991 1991 None
When and why is the random force in Brownian-motion a gaussian process. P Mazur, D Bedeaux, Biophysical Chemistry 41, 41-49 1991 1991 None
Causality, time-reversal invariance and the Langevin equation. P Mazur, D Bedeaux, Physica A 173, 155-174 1991 1991 None
Determination of the location and order of the drying transition with a molecular-dynamics simulation. MJP Nijmeijer, C Bruin, AF Bakker, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review B 44, 834-837 1991 1991 None
A search for prewetting in a molecular-dynamics simulation. MJP Nijmeijer, C Bruin, AF Bakker, JMJ van Leeuwen, Molecular Physics 72, 927-939 1991 1991 None
Capillary waves of fluid interfaces near a critical-point. JV Sengers, JMJ van Leeuwen, JW Schmidt, Physica A 172, 20-39 1991 1991 None
The Einstein relation in the Rubinstein-Duke reptation model. JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal de Physique I 1, 1675-1680 1991 1991 None
Recent results on higher-order QCD corrections to hadronic cross-sections. WL van Neerven, Acta Physica Polonica B 22, 83-102 1991 1991 None
Order alpha_s^2 contributions to the deep inelastic Wilson coefficient. WL van Neerven, EB Zijlstra, Physics Letters B 272, 127-133 1991 1991 None
Contribution of the second-order gluonic Wilson coefficient to the deep inelastic structure-function. EB Zijlstra, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 273, 476-482 1991 1991 None
Higher-order corrections to the forward backward asymmetry. W Beenakker, FA Berends, SC van der Marck, Physics Letters B 251, 299-304 1990 1990 None
Rules of thumb for the Z-line shape. W Beenakker, FA Berends, SC van der Marck, Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 46, 687-691 1990 1990 None
Infrared divergent scalar box integrals with applications in the electroweak standard model. W Beenakker, A Denner, Nuclear Physics B 338, 349-370 1990 1990 None
Exact and approximate expressions for multigluon scattering. FA Berends, WT Giele, H Kuijf, Nuclear Physics B 333, 120-159 1990 1990 None
The number of distinct sites visited by a tracer particle. MJAM Brummelhuis, HJ Hilhorst, Journal of Physics A 23, L827-L829 1990 1990 None
Correlations between two Ising chains subjected to a common thermal noise. MJAM Brummelhuis, HJ Hilhorst, Physica A 166, 75-98 1990 1990 None
Interfacial profiles in the rough phase. GLM Dassen, A Kooiman, JMJ van Leeuwen, N Jan, Physical Review B 41, 4593-4605 1990 1990 None
Renormalization of the quark mixing matrix. A Denner, T Sack, Nuclear Physics B 347, 203-216 1990 1990 None
Top search at Fermilab - multijet signals and backgrounds. WT Giele, WJ Stirling, Nuclear Physics B 343, 14-30 1990 1990 None
Ellipsometric and electrochemical characterization of the nucleation of mercury on glassy-carbon. R Greef, PA Bobbert, J Vlieger, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 280, 283-296 1990 1990 None
Two-photon Bremsstrahlung. R Kleiss, S van der Marck, Nuclear Physics B 342, 61-94 1990 1990 None
Finite-size effects and capillary waves in solid-on-solid models. A Kooiman, JMJ van Leeuwen, RKP Zia, Physica A 170, 124-142 1990 1990 None
Acceleration of spin-glass dynamics by temperature-variations. GJM Koper, HJ Hilhorst, Physica A 164, 35-51 1990 1990 None
Heavy quark jets in ppbar collisions. B Lampe, Modern Physics Letters A 5, 2713-2719 1990 1990 None
The contribution of the gluon gluon subprocess to the Drell-Yan K-factor. T Matsuura, R Hamberg, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 345, 331-368 1990 1990 None
Simple formulas for the order alpha_s^3 QCD corrections to the reaction p + pbar --> q + qbar + X. R Meng, GA Schuler, J Smith, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 339, 325-354 1990 1990 None
Critical and multicritical O(N) models. B Nienhuis, Physica A 163, 152-157 1990 1990 None
Wetting and drying of an inert wall by a fluid in a molecular-dynamics simulation. MJP Nijmeijer, C Bruin, AF Bakker, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review A 42, 6052-6059 1990 1990 None
Microscopic expressions for the surface and line tension. MJP Nijmeijer, JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Physics A 23, 4211-4235 1990 1990 None
Conformal-invariance and critical-behavior of the O(N) model on the honeycomb lattice. MT Batchelor, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review B 39, 2391-2402 1989 1989 None
Bethe-Ansatz results for a solvable O(N) model on the square lattice. MT Batchelor, B Nienhuis, SO Warnaar, Physical Review Letters 62, 2425-2428 1989 1989 None
Disorder solutions of lattice spin models. MT Batchelor, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica A 154, 365-383 1989 1989 None
QCD corrections to heavy-quark production in ppbar collisions. W Beenakker, H Kuijf, WL van Neerven, J Smith, Physical Review D 40, 54-82 1989 1989 None
Multiple soft gluon radiation in parton processes. FA Berends, WT Giele, Nuclear Physics B 313, 595-633 1989 1989 None
On six-jet production at hadron colliders. FA Berends, WT Giele, H Kuijf, Physics Letters B 232, 266-270 1989 1989 None
Exact expressions for processes involving a vector boson and up to five partons. FA Berends, WT Giele, H Kuijf, Nuclear Physics B 321, 39-82 1989 1989 None
Multijet production in W,Z events at ppbar colliders. FA Berends, WT Giele, H Kuijf, R Kleiss, WJ Stirling, Physics Letters B 224, 237-242 1989 1989 None
The phase-diagram of the O(N) model. HWJ Blöte, B Nienhuis, Physica A 160, 121-134 1989 1989 None
Critical-behavior and conformal anomaly of the O(N) model on the square lattice. HWJ Blöte, B Nienhuis, Journal of Physics A 22, 1415-1438 1989 1989 None
Tracer particle motion in a two-dimensional lattice gas with low vacancy density. MJAM Brummelhuis, HJ Hilhorst, Physica A 156, 575-598 1989 1989 None
Conformal-invariance and critical-behavior of the O(N) model on the honeycomb lattice. MT Batchelor, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review B 39, 2391-2402 1989 1989 None
Bethe-Ansatz results for a solvable O(N) model on the square lattice. MT Batchelor, B Nienhuis, SO Warnaar, Physical Review Letters 62, 2425-2428 1989 1989 None
Disorder solutions of lattice spin models. MT Batchelor, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica A 154, 365-383 1989 1989 None
QCD corrections to heavy-quark production in ppbar collisions. W Beenakker, H Kuijf, WL van Neerven, J Smith, Physical Review D 40, 54-82 1989 1989 None
Multiple soft gluon radiation in parton processes. FA Berends, WT Giele, Nuclear Physics B 313, 595-633 1989 1989 None
On six-jet production at hadron colliders. FA Berends, WT Giele, H Kuijf, Physics Letters B 232, 266-270 1989 1989 None
Exact expressions for processes involving a vector boson and up to five partons. FA Berends, WT Giele, H Kuijf, Nuclear Physics B 321, 39-82 1989 1989 None
Multijet production in W,Z events at ppbar colliders. FA Berends, WT Giele, H Kuijf, R Kleiss, WJ Stirling, Physics Letters B 224, 237-242 1989 1989 None
The phase-diagram of the O(N) model. HWJ Blöte, B Nienhuis, Physica A 160, 121-134 1989 1989 None
Critical-behavior and conformal anomaly of the O(N) model on the square lattice. HWJ Blöte, B Nienhuis, Journal of Physics A 22, 1415-1438 1989 1989 None
Tracer particle motion in a two-dimensional lattice gas with low vacancy density. MJAM Brummelhuis, HJ Hilhorst, Physica A 156, 575-598 1989 1989 None
Produced representations of Lie-algebras and superfields. R Brussee, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré-Physique Theorique 50, 1-15 1989 1989 None
The t-matrix for collisions of hard-spheres in a layer geometry. DJ Bukman, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica A 161, 63-88 1989 1989 None
One-dimensional interfaces. GLM Dassen, A Kooiman, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica A 159, 91-108 1989 1989 None
The Coulomb gas representation of critical RSOS models on the sphere and the torus. O Foda, B Nienhuis, Nuclear Physics B 324, 643-683 1989 1989 None
Multigluon cross-sections and five-jet production at hadron colliders. R Kleiss, H Kuijf, Nuclear Physics B 312, 616-644 1989 1989 None
Nonexponential relaxation in the random energy-model. GJM Koper, HJ Hilhorst, Physica A 160, 1-23 1989 1989 None
Nonequilibrium dynamics and aging in a one-dimensional Ising spin-glass. GJM Koper, HJ Hilhorst, Physica A 155, 431-459 1989 1989 None
The calculation of the second order soft and virtual contributions to the Drell-Yan cross-section. T Matsuura, SC van der Marck, WL van Neerven, Nuclear Physics B 319, 570-622 1989 1989 None
Anomalous light-scattering at the surface of growing ice crystals and thermodynamics of irreversible-processes. P Mazur, J Keizer, Journal of Statistical Physics 57, 497-509 1989 1989 None
A visual measurement of contact angles in a molecular-dynamics simulation. MJP Nijmeijer, C Bruin, AF Bakker, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physica A 160, 166-180 1989 1989 None
Capillary waves of a vapor-liquid interface near the critical-temperature. JV Sengers, JMJ van Leeuwen, Physical Review A 39, 6346-6355 1989 1989 None
QCD corrections to the reaction p+pbar -->W+gamma+X. J Smith, D Thomas, WL van Neerven, Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 44, 267-290 1989 1989 None
Linear integral-equations and multicomponent nonlinear integrable systems-II. J van der Linden, HW Capel, FW Nijhoff, Physica A 160, 235-273 1989 1989 None
Does the interface experience the van der Waals loop? JMJ van Leeuwen, Journal of Statistical Physics 57, 433-453 1989 1989 None
Molecular-dynamics of wetting and drying at solid-fluid interfaces. JMJ van Leeuwen, MJ Nijmeijer, C Bruin, Physica Scripta T25 256-260 1989 1989 None
Capillary waves of a vapor liquid interface in a gravitational-field very close to the critical-temperature. JMJ van Leeuwen, JV Sengers, Physica A 157, 839-856 1989 1989 None
Optical-properties of 2D-systems of small particles on a substrate MM Wind, PA Bobbert, J Vlieger, D Bedeaux, Physica A 157 269-278 1989 1989 None
A mechanism for the hydration force demonstrated in a model system. P Attard, MT Batchelor, Chemical Physics Letters 149, 206-211 1988 1988 None
Conformal anomaly and scaling dimensions of the O(N) model from an exact solution on the honeycomb lattice. MT Batchelor, HWJ Blöte, Physical Review Letters 61, 138-140 1988 1988 None
The width of the Z-boson. W Beenakker, W Hollik, Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 40, 141-148 1988 1988 None
The standard Z-peak. FA Berends, G Burgers, W Hollik, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 203, 177-182 1988 1988 None
Recursive calculations for processes with n gluons. FA Berends, WT Giele, Nuclear Physics B 306, 759-808 1988 1988 None
On relations between multi-gluon and multi-graviton scattering. FA Berends, WT Giele, H Kuijf, Physics Letters B 211, 91-94 1988 1988 None
Radiative-corrections to Bhabha scattering at high-energies.2. Hard photon corrections and Monte-Carlo treatment. FA Berends, R Kleiss, W Hollik, Nuclear Physics B 304, 712-748 1988 1988 None
Higher-order radiative-corrections at LEP energies. FA Berends, WL van Neerven, GJH Burgers, Nuclear Physics B 297, 429-478 1988 1988 None
Theory of light-reflection from a substrate sparsely seeded with spheres - comparison with an ellipsometric experiment. PA Bobbert, J Vlieger, R Greef, Thin Solid Films 164, 63-67 1988 1988 None
Electroweak radiative-corrections to e+e- -->W+W-. M Bohm, A Denner, T Sack, W Beenakker, F Berends, H Kuijf, Nuclear Physics B 304, 463-499 1988 1988 None
Single-vacancy induced motion of a tracer particle in a two-dimensional lattice gas. MJAM Brummelhuis, HJ Hilhorst, Journal of Statistical Physics 53, 249-278 1988 1988 None
Sedimentation of homogeneous suspensions in finite vessels. U Geigenmüller, P Mazur, Journal of Statistical Physics 53, 137-173 1988 1988 None
Logarithmic corrections to finite-size scaling in the four-state Potts-model. CJ Hamer, MT Batchelor, MN Barber, Journal of Statistical Physics 52, 679-710 1988 1988 None
Top quark production at hadron colliders - some useful formulas. R Kleiss, WJ Stirling, Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 40, 419-423 1988 1988 None
A domain theory for linear and nonlinear aging effects in spin-glasses. GJM Koper, HJ Hilhorst, Journal de Physique 49, 429-443 1988 1988 None
The order-alpha_s^2 contribution to the K-factor of the Drell-Yan process. T Matsuura, SC van der Marck, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 211, 171-178 1988 1988 None
Second order logarithmic corrections to the Drell-Yan cross-section. T Matsuura, WL van Neerven, Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 38, 623-642 1988 1988 None
Anomalous light-scattering at the surface of growing-crystals - a theoretical-analysis based on irreversible thermodynamics. P Mazur, J Keizer, Physical Review A 38, 5267-5274 1988 1988 None
A molecular-dynamics simulation of the Lennard-Jones liquid vapor interface. MJP Nijmeijer, AF Bakker, C Bruin, JH Sikkenk, Journal of Chemical Physics 89, 3789-3792 1988 1988 None
Molecular-dynamics simulation of wetting and drying at solid-fluid interfaces - reply. JH Sikkenk, JO Indekeu, JMJ van Leeuwen, EO Vossnack, Physical Review Letters 60, 240-240 1988 1988 None
Simulation of wetting and drying at solid fluid interfaces on the Delft molecular-dynamics processor. JH Sikkenk, JO Indekeu, JMJ van Leeuwen, EO Vossnack, AF Bakker, Journal of Statistical Physics 52, 23-44 1988 1988 None
The polarizability of truncated spheres and oblate spheroids on a substrate - comparison with experimental results. MM Wind, PA Bobbert, J Vlieger, D Bedeaux, Thin Solid Films 164, 57-62 1988 1988 None
The effective dielectric-constant of a dispersion of clustering spheres. D Bedeaux, MM Wind, MA van Dijk, Zeitschrift für Physik B-Condensed Matter 68, 343-354 1987 1987 None
On second-order QED corrections to the Z-resonance shape. FA Berends, GJH Burgers, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 185, 395-398 1987 1987 None
The six-gluon process as an example of Weyl-van der Waerden spinor calculus. FA Berends, W Giele, Nuclear Physics B 294, 700-732 1987 1987 None
The polarizability of a spheroidal particle on a substrate. PA Bobbert, J Vlieger, Physica A 147, 115-141 1987 1987 None
Diffusion to an assembly of slowly growing particles on a substrate. PA Bobbert, MM Wind, J Vlieger, Physica A 146, 69-88 1987 1987 None
Diffusion to a slowly growing truncated sphere on a substrate. PA Bobbert, MM Wind, J Vlieger, Physica A 141, 58-72 1987 1987 None
On classical action at a distance theories which contain a cutoff. GJH Burgers, H van Dam, Journal of Mathematical Physics 28, 677-684 1987 1987 None
Convergence of finite size scaling analysis - weak size dependence of renormalization transformations. MR Dudek, JMJ van Leeuwen, HWJ Blöte, Physica A 147, 344-367 1987 1987 None
Ground-state and quenched-state properties of a one-dimensional interacting lattice gas in a random potential. Y Fonk, HJ Hilhorst, Journal of Statistical Physics 49, 1235-1254 1987 1987 None
On the approach of the stationary state in kauffmans random boolean network. HJ Hilhorst, M Nijmeijer, Journal de Physique 48, 185-191 1987 1987 None
On two types of obstructed random-walks. PW Kasteleyn, Physica A 147, 315-343 1987 1987 None
Variations on a theme by Marc Kac. PW Kasteleyn, Journal of Statistical Physics 46, 811-827 1987 1987 None
Strong interaction effects in e+e- --> hadrons asymmetries. R Kleiss, FM Renard, C Verzegnassi, Nuclear Physics B 286, 669-682 1987 1987 None
Power law relaxation in the random energy-model. GJM Koper, HJ Hilhorst, Europhysics Letters 3, 1213-1217 1987 1987 None
Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions. P Mazur, Faraday Discussions 83, 33-46 1987 1987 None
A simple formula for the short-time self-diffusion coefficient in concentrated suspensions. P Mazur, U Geigenmüller, Physica A 146, 657-661 1987 1987 None
Molecular-dynamics simulation of wetting and drying at solid-fluid interfaces. JH Sikkenk, JO Indekeu, JMJ van Leeuwen, EO Vossnack, Physical Review Letters 59, 98-101 1987 1987 None
Simulation of a liquid vapor interface in an external-field. JH Sikkenk, JMJ van Leeuwen, EO Vossnack, AF Bakker, Physica A 146, 622-633 1987 1987 None
The polarizability of a truncated sphere on a substrate.1. MM Wind, J Vlieger, D Bedeaux, Physica A 141, 33-57 1987 1987 None
The polarizability of a truncated sphere on a substrate.2. MM Wind, PA Bobbert, J Vlieger, D Bedeaux, Physica A 143, 164-182 1987 1987 None
Yang-Mills duality in higher dimensions. FA Bais, P Batenburg, Nuclear Physics B 269, 363-388 1986 1986 None
Explicit construction of conserved-currents for massless fields of arbitrary spin. FA Berends, GJH Burgers, H van Dam, Nuclear Physics B 271, 429-441 1986 1986 None
QED radiative-corrections to the reaction e+e- -->Zgamma. FA Berends, GJH Burgers, WL van Neerven, Physics Letters B 177, 191-194 1986 1986 None
Effects of an excited muon on mu+mu-gamma final-states. FA Berends, PH Daverveldt, Nuclear Physics B 272, 131-144 1986 1986 None
Monte-Carlo simulation of two-photon processes.1. Radiative-corrections to multiperipheral e+e-mu+mu- production. FA Berends, PH Daverveldt, R Kleiss, Computer Physics Communications 40, 271-284 1986 1986 None
Monte-Carlo simulation of two-photon processes.2. Complete lowest order calculations for 4-lepton production processes in electron positron collisions. FA Berends, PH Daverveldt, R Kleiss, Computer Physics Communications 40, 285-307 1986 1986 None
Monte-Carlo simulation of two-photon processes.3. Complete lowest order calculations for e+e- -->e+e-mu+mu-with large-angle tagging conditions. FA Berends, PH Daverveldt, R Kleiss, Computer Physics Communications 40, 309-326 1986 1986 None
Multiple Bremsstrahlung in gauge-theories at high-energies.5. The process e + e(-) -->mu+mu(-)gamma-gamma. FA Berends, P de Causmaecker, R Gastmans, R Kleiss, W Troost, TT Wu, Nuclear Physics B 264, 243-264 1986 1986 None
Multiple Bremsstrahlung in gauge-theories at high-energies.6. The processe+e(-) -->e+e(-)-gamma-gamma. FA Berends, P de Causmaecker, R Gastmans, R Kleiss, W Troost, TT Wu, Nuclear Physics B 264, 265-276 1986 1986 None
Light-scattering by a sphere on a substrate. PA Bobbert, J Vlieger, Physica A 137, 209-242 1986 1986 None
Light-reflection from a substrate sparsely seeded with spheres - comparison with an ellipsometric experiment. PA Bobbert, J Vlieger, R Greef, Physica A 137, 243-257 1986 1986 None
Critical dimensions of the n = 1 and n = 2 spinning string derived from Fujikawa approach. P Bouwknegt, P van Nieuwenhuizen, Classical and Quantum Gravity 3, 207-219 1986 1986 None
Many-body hydrodynamic interactions between spherical drops in an emulsion. U Geigenmüller, P Mazur, Physica A 138, 269-298 1986 1986 None
The effective dielectric-constant of a dispersion of spheres. U Geigenmüller, P Mazur, Physica A 136, 316-369 1986 1986 None
Polar representation of ellipsometric data. R Greef, MM Wind, Applied Optics 25, 1627-1629 1986 1986 None
Hydrodynamic interactions and properties of suspensions. P Mazur, Helvetica Physica Acta 59, 263-277 1986 1986 None
Hydrodynamic interactions and properties of suspensions. P Mazur, Lecture Notes in Physics 253, 119-148 1986 1986 None
Approach to ideal-gas behavior in dense classical fluids. W Montfrooij, P Verkerk, I de Schepper, Physical Review A 33, 540-546 1986 1986 None
Temperature-dependence of mode-coupling effects in liquid-sodium. W Montfrooij, I de Schepper, J Bosse, W Glaser, C Morkel, Physical Review A 33, 1405-1407 1986 1986 None
On the maintenance of gynodioecy - Lewis result extended. JMM van Damme, R van Damme, Journal of Theoretical Biology 121, 339-350 1986 1986 None
Linear integral-equations and multicomponent nonlinear integrable systems.1. J van der Linden, FW Nijhoff, HW Capel, GRW Quispel, Physica A 137, 44-80 1986 1986 None
A new class of higher-dimensional Kaluza-Klein monopole and instanton solutions Bais FA, Batenburg P Nuclear Physics B 253 (1) 162-172 1985 1985 None
Correlation functions in the capillary wave model of the liquid vapor interface Bedeaux D, Weeks JD Journal of Chemical Physics 82 (2) 972-979 1985 1985 None
Structure of the liquid vapor interface using a Gaussian column model with a variable interaction range Bedeaux D, Weeks JD, Zielinska BJA Physica A 130 (1-2) 88-122 1985 1985 None
Is sedimentation container shape dependent? Beenakker CWJ, Mazur P Phys Fluids 28 (11) 3203-3206 1985 1985 None
Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions .4. Wall effects inside a spherical container Beenakker CWJ, Mazur P Physica A 131 (2) 311-328 1985 1985 None
On the Smoluchowski paradox in a sedimenting suspension Beenakker CWJ, Mazur P Phys Fluids 28 (3) 767-769 1985 1985 None
On the theoretical problems in constructing interactions involving higher spin massless particles Berends FA, Burgers GJH, van Dam H Nuclear Physics B 260 (2) 295-322 1985 1985 None
Radiative-corrections to the process e+e- --> e+e-mu+mu- Berends FA, Daverveldt PH, Kleiss R Nuclear Physics B 253 (3-4) 421-440 1985 1985 None
Complete lowest-order calculations for four-lepton final states in electron-positron collisions Berends FA, Daverveldt PH, Kleiss R Nuclear Physics B 253 (3-4) 441-463 1985 1985 None
Initial-state radiation at LEP energies and the corrections to Higgs boson production Berends FA, Kleiss R Nuclear Physics B 260 (1) 32-60 1985 1985 None
Hard photon effects in W+/- and Z0 Decay Berends FA, Kleiss R Z Phys C Part Fields 27 (3) 365-372 1985 1985 None
On the 2-loop QED vertex correction in the high energy limit Burgers GJH Phys Lett B 164 (1-3) 167-169 1985 1985 None
On the survival probability of a random walk in a finite lattice with a single trap - Comment den Hollander WTF J Stat Phys 40 (1-2) 201-204 1985 1985 None
A random walk calculation of the quantum yield of photosyntheticprocesses as a function of molecular excitation transferparameters den Hollander WTF, Duysens LNM Physiol Veg 23 (5) 523-534 1985 1985 None
Random walks on lattices with points of two colors .2. Some rigorous inequalities for symmetric random walks den Hollander WTF, Kasteleyn PW J Stat Phys 39 (1-2) 15-52 1985 1985 None
Theory for the anomalous light scattering in growing ice crystals Keizer J, Mazur P, Morita T Phys Rev A 32 (5) 2944-2962 1985 1985 None
Hydrodynamic interactions - A many-body problem in the theory of suspensions Mazur P Can J Phys 63 (1) 24-29 1985 1985 None
Spin-4 field theory for symmetric tensor fields van Reisen JCJM Nuclear Physics B 258 (2) 305-312 1985 1985 None
Drag on a sphere moving slowly in a rotating viscous fluid Weisenborn AJ J Fluid Mech 153 (Apr) 215-227 1985 1985 None
Optical properties of thin films on rough surfaces .2. Long correlation length limit - comparison with earlier work Wind MM, Vlieger J Physica A 131 (1) 1-34 1985 1985 None
Fermion dynamics in the Kaluza-Klein monopole geometry Bais FA, Batenburg P Nuclear Physics B 245 (3) 469-480 1984 1984 None
The effective viscosity of a concentrated suspension of spheres (and its relation to diffusion) Beenakker CWJ Physica A 128 (1-2) 48-81 1984 1984 None
Diffusion of spheres in a concentrated suspension .2. Beenakker CWJ, Mazur P Physica A 126 (3) 349-370 1984 1984 None
Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions .3. The influence of a plane wall Beenakker CWJ, van Saarloos W, Mazur P Physica A 127 (3) 451-472 1984 1984 None
On spin-three self-interactions Berends FA, Burgers GJH, van Dam H Z Phys C Part Fields 24 (3-4) 247-254 1984 1984 None
Total and visible cross-sections for multilepton events in e+e- collisions Berends FA, Daverveldt PH, Kleiss R Phys Lett B 148 (6) 489-492 1984 1984 None
Bremsstrahlung contribution to deep inelastic electron-photon scattering Berends FA, Daverveldt PH, Kleiss R Z Phys C Part Fields 22 (3) 239-243 1984 1984 None
Multiple Bremsstrahlung in gauge theories at high energies .3. Finite mass effects in collinear photon Bremsstrahlung Berends FA, de Causmaecker P, Gastmans R, Kleiss R, Troost W, Wu TT Nuclear Physics B 239 (2) 382-394 1984 1984 None
Multiple Bremsstrahlung in gauge theories at high energies .4. The process e+e- --> gamma gamma gamma gamma* Berends FA, de Causmaecker P, Gastmans R, Kleiss R, Troost W, Wu TT Nuclear Physics B 239 (2) 395-409 1984 1984 None
Superconformal aspects of d=11 supergravity Bergshoeff EA, de Roo M Phys Lett B 138 (1-3) 67-71 1984 1984 None
Random-walks on lattices with randomly distributed traps. 1. The average number of steps until trapping Den Hollander WTF J Statistical Physics 37 (3-4) 331-367 1984 1984 None
Comment on electrolytic friction Geigenmuller U Chem Phys Lett 110 (6) 666-667 1984 1984 None
A note on measuring the Higgs mass at LEP Kleiss R Phys Lett B 141 (3-4) 261-263 1984 1984 None
THe cross-section for e+e- --> e+e-e+e- Kleiss R Nuclear Physics B 241 (1) 61-74 1984 1984 None
General expression for the matrix of saturated field effects Mazur E, Mazur P Phys Rev A 29 (2) 991-993 1984 1984 None
The Oseen drag on a sphere and the method of induced forces Mazur P, Weisenborn AJ Physica A 123 (1) 209-226 1984 1984 None
Linearizing integral transform and partial difference-equations Nijhoff FW, Capel HW, Wiersma GL, Quispel GRW Phys Lett A 103 (6-7) 293-297 1984 1984 None
Finite temperature correlations for the Ising chain in a transverse field Perk JHH, Capel HW, Quispel GRW, Nijhoff FW Physica A 123 (1) 1-49 1984 1984 None
Linear integral equations and nonlinear difference-difference equations Quispel GRW, Nijhoff FW, Capel HW, van der Linden J Physica A 125 (2-3) 344-380 1984 1984 None
Backlund transformations and singular integral equations Quispel GRW, Nijhoff FW, Capel HW, van der Linden J Physica A 123 (2-3) 319-359 1984 1984 None
Anisotropic van der Waals model of the liquid vapor interface Weeks JD, Bedeaux D, Zielinska BJA Journal of Chemical Physics 80 (8) 3790-3800 1984 1984 None
The Oseen drag on a circular cylinder revisited Weisenborn AJ, Mazur P Physica A 123 (1) 191-208 1984 1984 None
Optical properties of thin films on rough surfaces Wind MM, Vlieger J Physica A 125 (1) 75-104 1984 1984 None
Trapping, loss and annihilation of excitations in a photosynthetic system .2. Experiments with the purple bacteria Rhodospirillum-Rubrum and Rhodopseudomonas-Capsulata Bakker JGC, van Grondelle R, den Hollander WTF Biochim Biophys Acta 725 (3) 508-518 1983 1983 None
A statistical theory for the dielectric properties of thin island films - Application and comparison with experimental results Bedeaux D, Vlieger J Thin Solid Films 102 (3) 265-281 1983 1983 None
Diffusion of spheres in a concentrated suspension - Resummation of many-body hydrodynamic interactions Beenakker CWJ, Mazur P Phys Lett A 98 (1-2) 22-24 1983 1983 None
Self-diffusion of spheres in a concentrated suspension Beenakker CWJ, Mazur P Physica A 120 (3) 388-410 1983 1983 None
General discussion on hydrodynamic interactions Beenakker CWJ Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society 76 229-260 1983 1983 None
Radiative correction to two-photon processes Berends FA, Daverveldt PH, Kleiss R Lect Notes Phys 191 409-409 1983 1983 None
Distributions in the process e+e- --> e+e-(gamma) Berends FA, Kleiss R Nuclear Physics B 228 (3) 537-551 1983 1983 None
QED radiative corrections to electron-positron annihilation into heavy fermions Berends FA, Kleiss R, Jadach S, WU Z Acta Phys Pol B 14 (6) 413-424 1983 1983 None
Monte Carlo simulation of radiative corrections to the processes e+e- --> mu+mu- and e+e- --> qbar q in the Z_0 region Berends FA, Kleiss R, JU S Comput Phys Commun 29 (2) 185-200 1983 1983 None
Conformal supergravity in ten dimensions Bergshoeff E, de Roo M, de Wit B Nuclear Physics B 217 (2) 489-530 1983 1983 None
Mathematical aspects of field quantization - Quantum electrodynamics Bongaarts PJM Acta Phys Pol B 14 (5) 347-358 1983 1983 None
Trapping, loss and annihilation of excitations in a photosynthetic system .1. Theoretical aspects den Hollander WTF, Bakker JGC, van Grondelle R Biochim Biophys Acta 725 (3) 492-507 1983 1983 None
Random walks on lattices with points of two colors .1. den Hollander WTF, Kasteleyn PW Physica A 117 (1) 179-188 1983 1983 None
Time scaling in irreversible thermodynamics Geigenmuller U, Felderhof BU, Titulaer UM Physica A 120 (3) 635-646 1983 1983 None
Specific heat, resistivity, and ac susceptibility of the cubic PrPt_2, PrRu_2, PrIr_2, PrRh_2 compounds Greidanus FJAM, Nieuwenhuys GJ, de Jongh LJ, Huiskamp WJ, Capel HW, Buschow KHJ Physica B & C 119 (3) 228-242 1983 1983 None
Some aspects of random walks on groups Kasteleyn PW Lect Notes Phys 180 499-512 1983 1983 None
Random walks on inhomogeneous lattices Kasteleyn PW, den Hollander WTF J Stat Phys 30 (2) 363-372 1983 1983 None
The Heisenberg model - Dynamical interactions including odd-boson terms Mulder CAM, Capel HW Physica B & C 115 (3) 310-338 1983 1983 None
Integrable lattice version of the massive Thirring model and its linearization Nijhoff FW, Capel HW, QuispeL GRW Phys Lett A 98 (3) 83-86 1983 1983 None
The derivative non-linear Schrödinger equation and the massive Thirring model Nijhoff FW, Capel HW, Quispel GRW, van der Linden J Phys Lett A 93 (9) 455-458 1983 1983 None
Direct linearization of non-linear difference-difference equations Nijhoff FW, Quispel GRW, Capel HW Phys Lett A 97 (4) 125-128 1983 1983 None
Linearization of non-linear differential difference equations Nijhoff FW, Quispel GRW, Capel HW Phys Lett A 95 (6) 273-276 1983 1983 None
On some linear integral equations generating solutions of non-linear partial differential equations Nijhoff FW, Quispel GRW, van der Linden J, Capel HW Physica A 119 (1-2) 101-142 1983 1983 None
The kinetic origin of the stick boundary condition Oppenheim I, van Kampen NG Physica A 122 (1-2) 277-285 1983 1983 None
The anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain and the non-linear Schrödinger equation Quispel GRW, Capel HW Physica A 117 (1) 76-102 1983 1983 None
Use of the star-triangle transformation for the application of differential real-space renormalization group theory van Saarloos W Phys Rev B 27 (9) 5678-5685 1983 1983 None
Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions .2. Mobilities at finite frequencies van Saarloos W, Mazur P Physica A 120 (1-2) 77-102 1983 1983 None
Electric and magnetic susceptibilities for a fluid-fluid interface .2. Critical behavior Zielinska BJA, Bedeaux D, Vlieger J Physica A 117 (1) 28-46 1983 1983 None
Non-linear hydrodynamic fluctuations around equilibrium - Remarks Bedeaux D, Mazur P, van Saarloos W Physica A 112 (3) 514-516 1982 1982 None
Diffusion of spheres in suspension - Three-body hydrodynamic interaction effects Beenakker CWJ, Mazur P Phys Lett A 91 (6) 290-291 1982 1982 None
Multiple Bremsstrahlung in gauge theories at high energies .2. Single Bremsstrahlung Berends FA, Kleiss R, de Causmaecker P, Gastmans R, Troost W, Wu TT Nuclear Physics B 206 (1) 61-89 1982 1982 None
Radiative corrections to muon pair and quark pair production in electron-positron collisions in the Z0 region Berends FA, Kleiss R, Jadach S Nuclear Physics B 202 (1) 63-88 1982 1982 None
The supercurrent in ten dimensions Bergshoeff E, de Roo M Phys Lett B 112 (1) 53-58 1982 1982 None
Ten-dimensional Maxwell-Einstein supergravity, its currents, and the issue of its auxiliary fields Bergshoeff E, de Roo M, de Wit P, van Nieuwenhuizen P Nuclear Physics B 195 (1) 97-136 1982 1982 None
Maxwell equations in axiomatic quantum field theory .2. Covariant and non-covariant gauges Bongaarts PJM J Math Phys 23 (10) 1881-1898 1982 1982 None
Random walks with spontaneous emission on lattices with periodically distributed imperfect traps den Hollander WTF, Kasteleyn PW Physica A 112 (3) 523-543 1982 1982 None
On the motion and Brownian motion of N spheres in a viscous fluid Mazur P Adv Colloid Interfac 17 1-19 1982 1982 None
On the motion and Brownian motion of N spheres in a viscous fluid Mazur P Physica A 110 (1-2) 128-146 1982 1982 None
Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions and mobilities in a suspension Mazur P, van Saarloos W Physica A 115 (1-2) 21-57 1982 1982 None
The Heisenberg model - Classical ground state and bilinear spin wave theory Mulder CAM, Capel HW, Perk JHH Physica B & C 112 (2) 147-187 1982 1982 None
The sub-lattice magnetization of Mn_2NCS_2 as a function of temperature - Theory and experiment Mulder CAM, Onderwaater J, Looyestijn WJ, van Duyneveldt AJ, Capel HW Phys Lett A 87 (6) 303-306 1982 1982 None
Backlund transformations and linearization of the anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain Nijhoff FW, Capel HW Phys Lett A 91 (9) 431-434 1982 1982 None
Separable interactions and liquid-He-3 .2. Extrema of Landau expansion and phase diagram in the weak-coupling limit Nijhoff FW, Capel HW Physica A 111 (3) 371-403 1982 1982 None
Linearization of the non-linear Schrödinger equation and the isotropic Heisenberg spin chain Nijhoff FW, van der Linden J, Quispel GRW, Capel HW Phys Lett A 89 (2) 106-108 1982 1982 None
Linearization of the non-linear Schrödinger equation and the isotropic Heisenberg spin chain Nijhoff FW, van der Linden J, Quispel GRW, Capel HW, Velthuizen J Physica A 116 (1-2) 1-33 1982 1982 None
The non-linear Schrödinger equation and the anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain Quispel GRW, Capel HW Phys Lett A 88 (7) 371-374 1982 1982 None
Equation of motion for the Heisenberg spin chain Quispel GRW, Capel HW Physica A 110 (1-2) 41-80 1982 1982 None
Linearization of the Boussinesq equation and the modified Boussinesq equation Quispel GRW, Nijhoff FW, Capel HW Phys Lett A 91 (4) 143-145 1982 1982 None
Non-linear hydrodynamic fluctuation theory for a charged two-component fluid in equilibrium Rubi JM, van Saarloos W Physica A 113 (1-2) 217-234 1982 1982 None
Supersymmetry and positive temperature for simple systems van Hove L Nuclear Physics B 207 (1) 15-28 1982 1982 None
Exact differential renormalization group equations for Ising models on square lattices van Saarloos W Physica A 112 (1-2) 65-100 1982 1982 None
Non-linear hydrodynamic fluctuations around equilibrium van Saarloos W, Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica A 110 (1-2) 147-170 1982 1982 None
Hydrodynamic theory for fluctuations around equilibrium of a liquid-vapor interface Zielinska BJA, Bedeaux D Physica A 112 (1-2) 265-286 1982 1982 None
Stability of inhomogeneous stationary states for the hot-spot model of a superconducting microbridge Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica A 105 (1-2) 1-30 1981 1981 None
Distributions for electron-positron annihilation into two and three photons Berends FA, Kleiss R Nuclear Physics B 186 (1) 22-34 1981 1981 None
Initial state radiation for e+e- annihilation into jets Berends FA, Kleiss R Nuclear Physics B 178 (1) 141-150 1981 1981 None
Distributions in the process e+e- --> mu+mu-(gamma) Berends FA, Kleiss R Nuclear Physics B 177 (2) 237-262 1981 1981 None
Single Bremsstrahlung processes in gauge theories Berends FA, Kleiss R, de Causmaecker P, Gastmans R, Wu TT Phys Lett B 103 (2) 124-128 1981 1981 None
Extended conformal supergravity Bergshoeff E, de Roo M, de Wit B Nuclear Physics B 182 (1-2) 173-204 1981 1981 None
Critical exponent renormalization, first-order transitions and demagnetizing effects for Schofield linear model den Ouden LWJ, Capel HW, Perk JHH Physica A 105 (1-2) 53-85 1981 1981 None
An electrothermal instability in a conducting wire - Homogeneous and inhomogeneous stationary states for an exactly solvable model Mazur P, Bedeaux D J Stat Phys 24 (1) 215-233 1981 1981 None
Separable interactions and liquid He-3 Nijhoff FW, Capel HW Physica A 106 (3) 369-397 1981 1981 None
Equation of motion for the Heisenberg spin chain Quispel GRW, Capel HW Phys Lett A 85 (4) 248-250 1981 1981 None
Light scattering from a fluid with a stationary temperature gradient van der Zwan G, Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica A 107 (3) 491-508 1981 1981 None
A canonical transformation relating the Lagrangian and Eulerian description of ideal hydrodynamics van Saarloos W Physica A 108 (2-3) 557-566 1981 1981 None
Hydrodynamics for an ideal fluid - Hamiltonian formalism and Liouville equation van Saarloos W, Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica A 107 (1) 109-125 1981 1981 None
Dilute Potts model, duality and site-bond percolation Wu FY J Phys A-Math Gen 14 (2) L39-L44 1981 1981 None
Electric and magnetic susceptibilities for a fluid-fluid interface - The ellipsometric coefficient Zielinska BJA, Bedeaux D, Vlieger J Physica A 107 (1) 91-108 1981 1981 None
On the description of interfacial electromagnetic properties using singular fields, charge density and currents at a dividing surface Albano AM, Bedeaux D, Vlieger J Physica A 102 (1) 105-119 1980 1980 None
On spin-5/2 gauge fields Berends FA, van Holten JW, de Wit B, van Nieuwenhuizen P J Phys A-Math Gen 13 (5) 1643-1649 1980 1980 None
On spin-3 field theory and the zero-mass limit of higher spin theories Berends FA, van Reisen JCJM Nuclear Physics B 164 286-304 1980 1980 None
Chiral superfields in N=2 supergravity de Roo M, van Holten JW, de Wit B, van Proeyen A Nuclear Physics B 173 (1) 175-188 1980 1980 None
Central charges and conformal supergravity de Wit B, van Holten JW, van Proeyen A Phys Lett B 95 (1) 51-55 1980 1980 None
Transformation rules of N=2 supergravity multiplets de Wit B, van Holten JW, van Proeyen A Nuclear Physics B 167 (1-2) 186-204 1980 1980 None
Time dependent and frequency dependent correlation functions for the homogeneous and alternating isotropic XY-models Perk JHH, Capel HW Physica A 100 (1) 1-23 1980 1980 None
Behavior of the dielectric constant of fluids near a critical point Sengers JV, Bedeaux D, Mazur P, Greer SC Physica A 104 (3) 573-594 1980 1980 None
Light scattering from a fluid with a stationary temperature gradient van der Zwan G, Mazur P Phys Lett A 75 (5) 370-371 1980 1980 None
A statistical theory for the dielectric properties of thin island films Vlieger J, Bedeaux D Thin Solid Films 69 (1) 107-130 1980 1980 None
Description of interfacial properties using singular densities and currents at a dividing surface Albano AM, Bedeaux D, Vlieger J Physica A 99 (1-2) 293-304 1979 1979 None
Field theory for massive and massless spin-5/2 particles Berends FA, van Holten JW, van Nieuwenhuizen P, de Wit B Nuclear Physics B 154 (2) 261-282 1979 1979 None
Spin-5/2 gauge fields Berends FA, van Holten JW, van Nieuwenhuizen P, de Wit B Phys Lett B 83 (2) 188-190 1979 1979 None
Stability of critical behavior, critical exponent renormalization and first-order transitions Capel HW, den Ouden LWJ, Perk JHH Physica A 95 (3) 371-416 1979 1979 None
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Higgs effect in supergravity without cosmological constant Cremmer E, Julia B, Scherk J, Ferrara S, Girardello L, van Nieuwenhuizen P Nuclear Physics B 147 (1-2) 105-131 1979 1979 None
Multiplets of linearized SO(2) supergravity de Wit B, van Holten JW Nuclear Physics B 155 (2) 530-542 1979 1979 None
Spin dynamics of an S = 1/2 anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain at low temperatures Groen JP, Capel HW, Perk JHH, Klaassen TO, Poulis NJ Physica B & C 97 (2-3) 126-144 1979 1979 None
Extremal lambda inequalities for Ising models with pair interactions Kasteleyn PW, Boel RJ Commun Math Phys 66 (2) 167-179 1979 1979 None
Class of inequalities and identities for spin correlation functions of general Ising models Kasteleyn PW, Boel RJ Phys Lett A 70 (3) 220-222 1979 1979 None
Time dependent correlation functions in the high temperature limit for the XY-chain and the Ising chain in a transverse magnetic field Perk JHH, Capel HW J Appl Phys 50 (3) 1771-1772 1979 1979 None
Brownian motion in a fluid near its critical point .2. Fluctuation-dissipation theorem van der Zwan G, Mazur P Physica A 98 (1-2) 169-188 1979 1979 None
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of interfaces including electromagnetic effects Wolff PA, Albano AM Physica A 98 (3) 491-508 1979 1979 None
Energy independent multipole analysis of pion-photoproduction through second resonance region Berends FA, Donnachie A Nuclear Physics B 136 (2) 317-332 1978 1978 None
Correlation unction identities for general Ising models Boel RJ, Kasteleyn PW Physica A 93 (3-4) 503-516 1978 1978 None
Correlation function identities and inequalities for Ising models with pair interactions Boel RJ, Kasteleyn PW Commun Math Phys 61 (3) 191-208 1978 1978 None
Critical exponent renormalization and first-order transitions Capel HW, Perk JHH, den Ouden LWJ Phys Lett A 66 (6) 437-439 1978 1978 None
Covariant quantization of gauge theories with open gauge algebra de Wit B, van Holten JW Phys Lett B 79 (4-5) 389-393 1978 1978 None
Brownian motion near Benard-Rayleigh instability Garisto F, Mazur P Physica A 94 (3-4) 365-384 1978 1978 None
Correlation function identities for general planar Ising systems Groeneveld J, Boel RJ, Kasteleyn PW Physica A 93 (1-2) 138-154 1978 1978 None
Brownian motion in a fluid close to its critical point Mazur P, van der Zwan G Physica A 92 (3-4) 483-500 1978 1978 None
Ballast resistor - Electro-thermal instability in a conducting wire .2. -Fluctuations around homogeneous stationary states Pasmanter RA, Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica A 90 (1) 151-163 1978 1978 None
Transverse correlations in inhomogeneous one-dimensional XY-model at infinite temperature Perk JHH, Capel HW Physica A 92 (1-2) 163-184 1978 1978 None
Chains of phase shift ambiguities in elastic spin-0-spin-1/2 scattering Berends FA, van Reisen JCJM Nuclear Physics B 118 (1-2) 53-60 1977 1977 None
Brownian motion and fluctuating hydrodynamics .2. A fluctuation-dissipation theorem for slip coefficient Bedeaux D, Albano AM, Mazur P Physica A 88 (3) 574-582 1977 1977 None
Effective shear viscosity of a uniform suspension of spheres Bedeaux D, Kapral R, Mazur P Physica A 88 (1) 88-121 1977 1977 None
Ballast resistor - Electro-thermal instability in a conducting wire .1. Nature of stationary states Bedeaux D, Mazur P, Pasmanter RA Physica A 86 (2) 355-382 1977 1977 None
Maxwell's equations in axiomatic quantum field theory .1. Field tensor and potentials Bongaarts PJM J Math Phys 18 (7) 1510-1516 1977 1977 None
Theory of multiple scattering .3. Light scattering from critical binary mixtures Boots HMJ Physica A 87 (1) 185-191 1977 1977 None
Autocorrelation function of X-component of magnetization in one-dimensional XY-model Capel HW, Perk JHH Physica A 87 (2) 211-242 1977 1977 None
Locally supersymmetric extension of quantum electrodynamics de Wit B Phys Lett B 66 (1) 77-80 1977 1977 None
Chains of phase shift ambiguities in elastic spin-0-spin-1/2 scattering Berends FA, van Reisen JCJM Nuclear Physics B 118 (1-2) 53-60 1977 1977 None
Brownian motion and fluctuating hydrodynamics .2. A fluctuation-dissipation theorem for slip coefficient Bedeaux D, Albano AM, Mazur P Physica A 88 (3) 574-582 1977 1977 None
Effective shear viscosity of a uniform suspension of spheres Bedeaux D, Kapral R, Mazur P Physica A 88 (1) 88-121 1977 1977 None
Ballast resistor - Electro-thermal instability in a conducting wire .1. Nature of stationary states Bedeaux D, Mazur P, Pasmanter RA Physica A 86 (2) 355-382 1977 1977 None
Maxwell's equations in axiomatic quantum field theory .1. Field tensor and potentials Bongaarts PJM J Math Phys 18 (7) 1510-1516 1977 1977 None
Theory of multiple scattering .3. Light scattering from critical binary mixtures Boots HMJ Physica A 87 (1) 185-191 1977 1977 None
Autocorrelation function of X-component of magnetization in one-dimensional XY-model Capel HW, Perk JHH Physica A 87 (2) 211-242 1977 1977 None
Locally supersymmetric extension of quantum electrodynamics de Wit B Phys Lett B 66 (1) 77-80 1977 1977 None
Nonconvergence of 1/N expansion for SU(N) gauge fields on a lattice de Wit B, 't Hooft G Phys Lett B 69 (1) 61-64 1977 1977 None
Induced cosmological term in quantum gravity de Wit B, Gastmans R Nuclear Physics B 128 (2) 294-312 1977 1977 None
Corrections to Goldberger-Treiman relation in a unified gauge field model de Wit B, Maciejko R, Smith J Phys Rev D 16 (6) 1840-1862 1977 1977 None
Dielectric constant for a nonpolar fluid, a comparison Hoye JS, Bedeaux D Physica A 87 (2) 288-301 1977 1977 None
Charge asymmetry in mu-pair production from electron-positron collisions at 30 GeV Komen GJ Phys Lett B 68 (3) 275-278 1977 1977 None
Brownian motion in a critical fluid - Critical long-time tail Mazur P, van der Zwan G Phys Lett A 62 (4) 201-202 1977 1977 None
Time dependent chi-chi correlation functions in one-dimensional XY-model Perk JHH, Capel HW Physica A 89 (2) 265-303 1977 1977 None
Convex envelope formulation for separable many-particle interactions Perk JHH, Capel HW, den Ouden LWJ Physica A 89 (3) 555-568 1977 1977 None
Time correlation functions and ergodic properties in alternating XY-chain Perk JHH, Capel HW, Siskens TJ Physica A 89 (2) 304-325 1977 1977 None
Charged particles in external fields .1. Classical theory Ruijsenaars SNM J Math Phys 18 (4) 720-737 1977 1977 None
Charged particles in external fields .2. Quantized Dirac and Klein-Gordon theories Ruijsenaars SNM Commun Math Phys 52 (3) 267-294 1977 1977 None
Bogoliubov transformations for systems of relativistic charged particles Ruijsenaars SNM J Math Phys 18 (3) 517-526 1977 1977 None
Scattering theory for one-dimensional step potentials Ruijsenaars SNM, Bongaarts PJM Ann I H Poincare A 26 (1) 1-17 1977 1977 None
Quantum electrodynamical corrections to graviton matter vertices Berends FA, Gastmans R Ann Phys-New York 98 (1) 225-236 1976 1976 None
Soft and hard photon corrections for mu-pair production and Bhabha scattering in presence of a resonance Berends FA, Komen GJ Nuclear Physics B 115 (1) 114-140 1976 1976 None
Radiative corrections to Bhabha scattering and mu-pair production from hadronic vacuum polarization Berends FA, Komen GJ Phys Lett B 63 (4) 432-434 1976 1976 None
Existence of phase shift ambiguities in spinless elastic scattering Berends FA, van Reisen JCJM Nuclear Physics B 115 (3) 505-508 1976 1976 None
Existence of phase shift ambiguities in elastic spin-0-spin-1/2 scattering Berends FA, van Reisen JCJM Phys Lett B 64 (2) 183-186 1976 1976 None
Klein paradox as a many-particle problem Bongaarts PJM, Ruijsenaars SNM Ann Phys-New York 101 (1) 289-318 1976 1976 None
Theory of multiple-scattering .2. Critical scattering Boots HMJ, Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica A 84 (2) 217-255 1976 1976 None
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of Slavnov symmetry - Restriction on gauge condition de Wit B, Papanicolaou N Nuclear Physics B 113 (2) 261-268 1976 1976 None
Systems with separable many-particle interactions .1. den Ouden LWJ, Capel HW, Perk JHH, Tindemans PAJ Physica A 85 (1) 51-70 1976 1976 None
Systems with separable many-particle interactions .2. den Ouden LWJ, Capel HW, Perk JHH Physica A 85 (3) 425-456 1976 1976 None
Dielectric properties of molecular crystals .3. Composite lattices Hafkenscheid LM, Vlieger J Physica A 85 (1) 129-146 1976 1976 None
Antisymmetric exchange, canting and spiral structure Perk JHH, Capel HW Physics Letters A 58 (2) 115-117 1976 1976 None
Susceptibility of one-dimensional Ising chain van Dongen EJ, Capel HW Physica A 84 (2) 285-315 1976 1976 None
Phenomenological theory of light scattering by surfaces .2. Rough surfaces Vlieger J, Bedeaux D Physica A 85 (2) 389-398 1976 1976 None
On the motion of a sphere with arbitrary slip in a viscous incompressible fluid Albano AM, Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica A 80 (1) 89-97 1975 1975 None
Boundary conditions and nonequilibrium thermodynamics Bedeaux D, Albano AM, Mazur P Physica A 82 (3) 438-462 1975 1975 None
Renormalization of the diffusion coefficient in a fluctuating fluid .3. Diffusion of a Brownian particle with finite size Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica A 80 (2) 189-202 1975 1975 None
A multipole analysis of pion-photoproduction in the first resonance region Berends FA, Donnachie A Nuclear Physics B 84 (2) 342-361 1975 1975 None
On the high energy behavior of Born cross-sections in quantum gravity Berends FA, Gastmans R Nuclear Physics B 88 (1) 99-108 1975 1975 None
Quantum gravity and the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments Berends FA, Gastmans R Phys Lett B 55 (3) 311-312 1975 1975 None
On the theory of multiple-scattering .1. Boots HMJ, Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica A 79 (4) 397-419 1975 1975 None
Calculation of the critical depolarization factor for CO_2 Boots HMJ, Bedeaux D, Mazur P Chem Phys Lett 34 (1) 197-198 1975 1975 None
Note on the difference between the a-cyclic and c-cyclic version of the XY model Capel HW, Siskens TJ Physica A 81 (2) 214-220 1975 1975 None
On the dielectric properties of molecular crystals .2. First order spatial dispersion and optical activity Hafkenscheid LM, Vlieger J Physica A 79 (5) 517-542 1975 1975 None
Renormalizability and the high energy behavior of total cross-sections in the Weinberg-Salam model Komen GJ Phys Lett B 55 (4) 389-392 1975 1975 None
Monte-Carlo calculation for the classical fcc Heisenberg-ferromagnet Paauw TTA, Compagner A, Bedeaux D Physica A 79 (1) 1-17 1975 1975 None
On a sluble model of an antiferromagnetic chain with alternating interactions and magnetic moments Perk JHH, Capel HW, Zuilhof MJ, Siskens TJ Physica A 81 (3) 319-348 1975 1975 None
On a soluble model of an antiferromagnetic chain with Dzyaloshinsky interactions .1. Siskens TJ, Capel HW, Gaemers KJF Physica A 79 (3) 259-295 1975 1975 None
On a soluble model of an antiferromagnetic chain with Dzyaloshinsky interactions .2. Siskens TJ, Capel HW Physica A 79 (3) 296-311 1975 1975 None
Antiferromagnetic chain with alternating interactions and magnetic moments Siskens TJ, Capel HW, Perk JHH Phys Lett A 53 (1) 21-22 1975 1975 None
On the free energy in systems with separable interactions .3. Tindemans PAJ, Capel HW Physica A 79 (5) 478-502 1975 1975 None
On the anisotropic Heisenberg chain van Dongen EJ, Capel HW, Siskens TJ Physica A 79 (6) 617-633 1975 1975 None
A phenomenological theory of light scattering by surfaces .1. General theory Vlieger J, Bedeaux D Physica A 82 (2) 221-246 1975 1975 None
Brownian-motion and fluctuating hydrodynamics Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica 76 (2) 247-258 1974 1974 None
Renormalization of the diffusion coefficient in a fluctuating fluid .1. Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica 73 (3) 431-458 1974 1974 None
A generalization of Faxén's theorem to nonsteady motion of a sphere through a compressible fluid in arbitrary flow Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica 78 (3) 505-515 1974 1974 None
A statistical theory of the dielectric properties of thin island films .1. The surface material coefficients Bedeaux D, Vlieger J Physica 73 (2) 287-311 1974 1974 None
Hard photon corrections for Bhabha scattering Berends FA, Gaemers KJF, Gastmans R Nuclear Physics B 68 (2) 541-550 1974 1974 None
Observables, constants of the motion and ergodicity in quantum statistical mechanics of finite systems Bongaarts PJM, Siskens TJ Physica 71 (3) 529-559 1974 1974 None
The transverse susceptibility chi_XX of the anisotropic one-dimensional XY-model in the presence of a magnetic field in the z-direction Capel HW, van Dongen EJ, Siskens TJ Physica 76 (3) 445-485 1974 1974 None
On the dielectric properties of molecular crystals .1. Formal theory and application to simple point-dipole lattices Hafkenscheid LM, Vlieger J Physica 75 (1) 57-78 1974 1974 None
On the critical behavior of the ielectric constant for a nonpolar binary liquid mixture Kim SK, Mazur P Physica 71 (3) 579-596 1974 1974 None
A generalization of Faxén's theorem to nonsteady motion of a sphere through an incompressible fluid in arbitrary flow Mazur P, Bedeaux D Physica 76 (2) 235-246 1974 1974 None
Renormalization of the diffusion coefficient in a fluctuating fluid .2. Mazur P, Bedeaux D Physica 75 (1) 79-99 1974 1974 None
The z-component of the magnetization for the a-cyclic XY-model in a nonequilibrium situation Siskens TJ Physica 72 (1) 123-130 1974 1974 None
Observables, constants of the motion and ergodicity in quantum statistical mechanics of finite systems .2. Applications Siskens TJ, Bongaarts PJM Physica 74 (2) 307-329 1974 1974 None
Antiferromagnetic chain with Dzyaloshinsky interactions Siskens TJ, Capel HW, Gaemers KJF Phys Lett A 50 (4) 261-262 1974 1974 None
Time correlation functions in the a-cyclic XY-model .2. Siskens TJ, Mazur P Physica 71 (3) 560-578 1974 1974 None
Projection operator method applied to stochastic linear differential equations Terwiel RH Physica 74 (2) 248-265 1974 1974 None
An exact calculation of the free energy in systems with separable interactions Tindemans PA, Capel HW Physica 72 (3) 433-464 1974 1974 None
An exact calculation of the free energy in systems with separable interactions .2. Tindemans PA, Capel HW Physica 75 (3) 407-453 1974 1974 None
On the relation between macroscopic and microscopic nonlinear susceptibilities Bedeaux D, Bloembergen N Physica 69 (1) 57-66 1973 1973 None
On the critical behavior of the dielectric constant for a nonpolar fluid Bedeaux D, Mazur P Physica 67 (1) 23-54 1973 1973 None
Long-time tails for the diffusion of tagged particles through a fluid Bedeaux D, Mazur P Phys Lett A 43 (5) 401-402 1973 1973 None
A phenomenological theory of the dielectric properties of thin films Bedeaux D, Vlieger J Physica 67 (1) 55-73 1973 1973 None
Results of numerical tests on the uniqueness of the pi*N phase shifts Berends FA Nuclear Physics B 64 (2) 236-243 1973 1973 None
Alpha^3 contribution to the angular asymmetry in e+e- --> mu+mu- Berends FA, Gaemers KJF, Gastmans R Nuclear Physics B 63 (Oct22) 381-397 1973 1973 None
Hard photon corrections for the process e+e- --> mu+mu- Berends FA, Gaemers KJF, Gastmans R Nuclear Physics B 57 (2) 381-400 1973 1973 None
Hard photon corrections for e+e- --> gamma-gamma Berends FA, Gastmans R Nuclear Physics B 61 (Sep24) 414-428 1973 1973 None
Examples of phase shift ambiguities for spinless elastic scattering Berends FA, Ruijsenaars SNM Nuclear Physics B 56 (2) 507-524 1973 1973 None
Different sets of phase shifts for the same differential cross-section and polarization in spin-0-spin-1/2 elastic scattering Berends FA, Ruijsenaars SNM Nuclear Physics B 56 (2) 525-535 1973 1973 None
Magnetic breakdown and energy band structure in the case of a one-dimensional potential Capel HW Physica 70 (1) 1-26 1973 1973 None
Critical behavior of Ising systems on extremely anisotropic lattices .2. The simple cubic lattice Citteur CAW Physica 64 (2) 415-426 1973 1973 None
Critical behavior of Ising systems on extremely anisotropic lattices .3. Generalization of Sykes's expression for the susceptibility and application to the ferromagnetic case Citteur CAW Physica 66 (1) 94-110 1973 1973 None
Critical behavior of Ising systems on extremely anisotropic lattices .4. Antiferromagnetic cases Citteur CAW, Kasteleyn PW Physica 68 (1) 43-63 1973 1973 None
Critical behavior of Ising systems on extremely anisotropic lattices .5. Some aspects of crossover from d to d-1 dimensions Citteur CAW, Kasteleyn PW Physica 68 (3) 491-510 1973 1973 None
On inverse extinction theorems in electrodynamics de Goede J Physica 70 (1) 125-134 1973 1973 None
Projection operators and the transverse electrical conductivity tensor of a material system de Goede J, Mazur P Physica 69 (2) 403-421 1973 1973 None
Covariant angular momentum radiation rate for a charged point dipole Emid S, Vlieger J Physica 70 (3) 627-629 1973 1973 None
Sound propagation near the critical point of a liquid-vapor system Kamensky VG Physica 66 (3) 622-625 1973 1973 None
Sound attenuation in the anisotropic ferromagnets near the transition point Kamensky VG Phys Lett A 44 (6) 401-402 1973 1973 None
Excitation spectrum and sound attenuation in anisotropic ferromagnets near the transition point Kamensky WG Physica 70 (3) 493-504 1973 1973 None
Time correlation functions in the a-cyclic XY-model .1. Mazur P, Siskens TJ Physica 69 (1) 259-272 1973 1973 None
The kinetic approach to the long-time behavior in fluids .1. A formal inequality for the time dependent collision operator Résibois P Physica 70 (3) 413-455 1973 1973 None
On the kinetic approach to the long-time behavior of the Green-Kubo integrands Résibois P, Pomeau Y Phys Lett A 44 (2) 97-98 1973 1973 None
Ergodicity of operators in finite quantum systems Siskens TJ, Bongaarts PJM Physica 68 (2) 315-341 1973 1973 None
Reflection and transmission of light by a square nonpolar lattice Vlieger J Physica 64 (1) 63-81 1973 1973 None
The crossover behavior of the susceptibility of the Ising model on anisotropic lattices Citteur CAW, Kasteleyn PW Phys Lett A 42 (2) 143 1972 1972 None
Critical behavior of Ising systems on extremely anisotropic lattices .1. Quadratic lattice (ferromagnetic case) Citteur CAW, Kasteleyn PW Physica 62 (1) 17 1972 1972 None
On the extinction theorem in electrodynamics de Goede J, Mazur P Physica 58 (4) 568 1972 1972 None
On the random cluster model .1. Introduction and relation to other models Fortuin CM, Kasteleyn PW Physica 57 (4) 536 1972 1972 None
On the random cluster model .2. Percolation model Fortuin CM Physica 58 (3) 393 1972 1972 None
On the random cluster model .3. Simple random cluster model Fortuin CM Physica 59 (4) 545 1972 1972 None
Ergodic properties of the magnetization in harmonic oscillator assemblies Siskens TJ Physica 59 (4) 639 1972 1972 None
Theory of diamagnetic relaxation in harmonic oscillator assemblies Siskens TJ, Mazur P Physica 58 (3) 329 1972 1972 None
On the broadening of Landau levels Capel HW Physica 54 (3) 361 1971 1971 None
Ergodic properties of an impurity in a harmonic oscillator chain Cukier RI, Mazur P Physica 53 (2) 157 1971 1971 None
On the relativistic dynamics of polarized systems .4. Classical equations of motion with radiation reaction and energy-momentum tensor for electric and magnetic dipole atoms and molecules Emid S, Vlieger J Physica 52 (3) 329 1971 1971 None
Correlation inequalities on some partially ordered sets Fortuin CM, Kasteleyn PW, Ginibre J Commun Math Phys 22 (2) 89 1971 1971 None
Note on the long-time behavior of velocity-correlation functions insimple stochastic models Mazur P Phys Norv 5 (3-4) 291 1971 1971 None
Derivation of the integral equation for the propagation of light indielectric crystals Vlieger J Can J Phys 49 (10) 1384 1971 1971 None
On a link between the network model and the group theoretical perturbation treatment in the theory of the De Haas - Van Alphen effect .2. Capel HW Physica 46 (2) 169 1970 1970 None
Molecular theory of Brownian motion Mazur P, Oppenheim I Physica 50 (2) 241 1970 1970 None
Harmonic oscillator assemblies in a magnetic field Mazur P, Siskens TJ Physica 47 (2) 245 1970 1970 None
On product expansions of partition functions Oppenheim I, Terwiel RH Physica 46 (3) 438 1970 1970 None
On a link between the network model and the group theoretical perturbation treatment in the theory of the De Haas - Van Alphen effect Capel HW Physica 42 (4) 491 1969 1969 None
Phase transitions in lattice systems with random local properties Kasteleyn PW, Fortuin CM J Phys Soc Jpn S 26 11 Suppl. S 1969 1969 None
Discussion of phase transitions in lattice systems with random local properties Kikuchi R, Kasteleyn PW J Phys Soc Jpn S 26 14 Suppl. S 1969 1969 None
Non-ergodicity of phase functions in certain systems Mazur P Physica 43 (4) 533 1969 1969 None
Molecular derivation of the Langevin equation Mazur P, Oppenheim I J Phys Soc Jpn S 26 35 Suppl. S 1969 1969 None
On the derivation of the range equation for energetic particles in amorphous materials Mazur P, Sanders JB Physica 44 (3) 444 1969 1969 None
On the relativistic dynamics of polarized systems .3. The case of atoms and molecules with electric and magnetic dipole moments and electric quadrupole moments Vlieger J, Emid S Physica 42 (1) 12 1969 1969 None
On the relativistic dynamics of polarized systems .2. Simplification of Møller's equations of motion and energy-momentum tensor Vlieger J, Emid S Physica 41 (2) 368 1969 1969 None
Theoretical study of K_l4 decay Berends FA, Donnachie A, Oades GC Phys Rev 171 (5) 1457 1968 1968 None
Photoproduction and electroproduction of pions .1. Dispersion relation theory Berends FA, Donnachie A, Weaver DL Nuclear Physics B 4 (1) 1 1968 1968 None
Photoproduction and electroproduction of pions .2. Photopion production below 500 MeV Berends FA, Donnachie A, Weaver DL Nuclear Physics B 4 (1) 54 1968 1968 None
Photoproduction and electroproduction of pions .3. Omega and b exchange in low energy pi0 photoproduction Berends FA, Donnachie A, Weaver DL Nuclear Physics B 4 (1) 103 1968 1968 None
On the asymptotic problem of statistical thermodynamics for a real system .3. Questions concerning chemical potential and pressure van der Linden J Physica 38 (2) 173 1968 1968 None
A comment on backward pi^0 photoproduction and E_1+^(3) multipole Berends FA, Donnachie A Phys Lett B 25 (4) 278 1967 1967 None
Analysis of K_l4 decay evidence for a vector current and its consequences Berends FA, Donnachie A, Oades GC Nuclear Physics B 3 (5) 569 1967 1967 None
A note on K_e4 and K_mu4 decay rates Berends FA, Donnachie A, Oades GC Phys Lett B 26 (2) 109 1967 1967 None
On the statistical mechanical theory of Brownian motion .2. Braun E Physica 33 (2) 528 1967 1967 None
On the possibility of first-order transitions in Ising systems of triplet ions with zero-field splitting .2. Capel HW Physica 33 (2) 295 1967 1967 None
On the possibility of first-order transitions in Ising systems of triplet ions with zero-field splitting .3. Capel HW Physica 37 (3) 423 1967 1967 None
On the theory of spin-spin relaxation .2. Mazur P, Terwiel RH Physica 36 (2) 289 1967 1967 None
Evaluation of expressions of the Debye-Waller form Terwiel RH J Math Phys 8 (4) 926 1967 1967 None
On the asymptotic problem of statistical thermodynamics for a real system .2. Equivalence of canonical and pressure ensemble van der Linden J, Mazur P Physica 36 (3) 491 1967 1967 None
On the relativistic dynamics of polarized systems Vlieger J Physica 37 (2) 165 1967 1967 None
Eta and X^0 meson production by neutrinos and possible existence of second-class currents Berends FA, Singer P Nuovo Cimento A 46 (1) 90 1966 1966 None
Phase transitions in spin-one Ising systems Capel HW Phys Lett 23 (5) 327 1966 1966 None
On the possibility of first-order phase transitions in Ising systems of triplet ions with zero-field splitting Capel HW Physica 32 (5) 966 1966 1966 None
Ferrimagnetisme dipolaire dans la structure des grenats Capel HW, Bidaux R, Carrara P, Vivet B Phys Lett 22 (4) 400 1966 1966 None
On the derivation of the Boltzmann equation Mazur P, Biel J Physica 32 (10) 1633 1966 1966 None
On the theory of spin-spin relaxation Terwiel RH, Mazur P Physica 32 (10) 1813 1966 1966 None
On the asymptotic problem of statistical thermodynamics for a real system van der Linden J Physica 32 (3) 642 1966 1966 None
T violating decay of pi^0 --> 3gamma Berends FA Phys Lett 16 (2) 178 1965 1965 None
On the lifetime of the eta-meson Berends FA, Singer P Phys Lett 19 (3) 249 1965 1965 None
Some remarks about the hole-equivalence principle Capel HW Physica 31 (11) 1617 1965 1965 None
On representation of matrix elements of magnetic moment operatorbetween states belonging to different energy levels by means ofgeneralized g factors Capel HW Proc Kon Ned Akad Wet-B 68 (2) 93 1965 1965 None
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of separation effects through membrane processes de Groot SR, Mazur P, Michels A Appl Sci Res 15 (4-5) 261 1965 1965 None
Derivation of Maxwell's equations - Statistical theory of macroscopic equations de Groot SR, Vlieger J Physica 31 (3) 254 1965 1965 None
Derivation of Maxwell's equations - Atomic field equations de Groot SR, Vlieger J Physica 31 (2) 125 1965 1965 None
Statistical mechanics of assemblies of coupled oscillators Ford GW, Kac M, Mazur P J Math Phys 6 (4) 504 1965 1965 None
The conceptual basis and use of the geometric invariance principles Houtappel RMF, van Dam H, Wigner EP Rev Mod Phys 37 (4) 595 1965 1965 None
Diffusion of electrons on the Fermi surface: .2. Longitudinal magnetoresistance of Ib metals Klemens PG, Jackson JL Physica 31 (9) 1421 1965 1965 None
Spin wave theory with interactions for a cubic antiferromagnet Szaniecki J Physica 31 (9) 1357 1965 1965 None
On the theory of d-ions in ligand fields Capel HW Proc Kon Ned Akad Wet-B 67 441 1964 1964 None
The Van Vleck relation Capel HW Proc Kon Ned Akad Wet-B 67 xxx 1964 1964 None
The hole equivalence principle Capel HW Proc Kon Ned Akad Wet-B 67 80 1964 1964 None
On the derivation of Maxwell's equations de Groot SR, Vlieger J Nuovo Cimento 33 (4) 1225 1964 1964 None
On the derivation of Maxwell's equations de Groot SR, Vlieger J Phys Lett 10 (3) 294-295 1964 1964 None
On the statistical derivation of Maxwell's equations for a system of charged point particles de Groot SR, Vlieger J Phys Lett 10 (1) 71-72 1964 1964 None
Diffusion of electrons on the Fermi surface: .1. Lorenz number of monovalent metals Klemens PG, Jackson JL Physica 30 (11) 2031 1964 1964 None
On the statistical mechanical derivation of the correlation formula for the viscosity Jackson JL, Mazur P Physica 30 (12) 2295 1964 1964 None
Statistical mechanical evaluation of phase-space integrals Lurçat F, Mazur P Nuovo Cimento 31 (1) 140 1964 1964 None
On the statistical mechanical theory of Brownian motion Mazur P, Braun E Physica 30 (11) 1973 1964 1964 None
Brownian motion in systems of finite size Oppenheim I, Mazur P Physica 30 (10) 1833 1964 1964 None
On the theory of optical activity .1. Optical rotatory power of an isotropic one component system Terwiel RH, Mazur P Physica 30 (3) 625 1964 1964 None
On the theory of optical activity .2. Optical rotatory power of an isotropic 2-component system Terwiel RH Physica 30 (5) 1027 1964 1964 None
On the theory of optical activity .3. Born's coupled oscillators model Terwiel RH Physica 30 (5) 1038 1964 1964 None
On the development of nonequilibrium thermodynamics de Groot SR J Math Phys 4 147 1963 1963 None
Asymptotic form of the structure function for real systems Mazur P, van der Linden J J Math Phys 4 (2) 271 1963 1963 None
On the assignment of strangeness zero to leptons de Groot SR Phys Lett 2 (1) 55-55 1962 1962 None
Entropie en fluctuaties bij onomkeerbare verschijnselen de Groot SR Proc Kon Ned Akad Wet 71 161 1962 1962 None
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of systems in an electromagnetic field de Groot SR J Nucl Energy C 2 188 1961 1961 None
On the thermodynamics of irreversible heat and mass transfer de Groot SR Int J Heat Mass Transfer 4 63 1961 1961 None
Some deductions from a formal statistical mechanical theory of chemical kinetics Ross J, Mazur P Journal of Chemical Physics 35 (1) 19 1961 1961 None
Spectroscopic calculation of energy levels of some tin isotopes Sanders JB Nucl Phys 23 (2) 305 1961 1961 None
On the canonical distribution in quantum statistical mechanics van der Linden J, Mazur P Physica 27 (6) 609 1961 1961 None
On the quantum statistical basis of non-equilibrium thermodynamics .1. Vlieger J, de Groot SR, Mazur P Physica 27 (4) 353 1961 1961 None
On the quantum statistical basis of non-equilibrium thermodynamics .2. Vlieger J, Mazur P, de Groot SR Physica 27 (10) 957 1961 1961 None
On the quantum statistical basis of non-equilibrium thermodynamics .3. Vlieger J, Mazur P, de Groot SR Physica 27 (10) 974 1961 1961 None
On the theory of spin-spin relaxation .1. Caspers WJ Physica 26 (10) 778-797 1960 1960 None
On the theory of spin-spin relaxation .2. Caspers WJ Physica 26 (10) 798-808 1960 1960 None
On the theory of spin-spin relaxation .3. Caspers WJ Physica 26 (10) 809-824 1960 1960 None
Poincaré cycles, ergodicity, and irreversibility in assemblies of coupled harmonic oscillators Mazur P, Montroll E J Math Phys 1 (1) 70-84 1960 1960 None
Note on the gyromagnetic ratio of Co++ and on the Jahn-teller effect in Fe++ van Vleck JH Physica 26 (7) 544-552 1960 1960 None
The isolated and adiabatic susceptibilities of large systems Caspers WJ Physica 25 (8) 645-658 1959 1959 None
The ratio of the isolated and the adiabatic susceptibility of paramagnetic crystals Caspers WJ Physica 25 (1) 43-49 1959 1959 None
Sublimation and the third law of thermodynamics Glass SJ, Klein MJ Physica 25 (4) 277-280 1959 1959 None
Ehrenfest's contributions to the development of quantumstatistics Klein MJ Proc Kon Ned Akad Wet-B 62 41 1959 1959 None
On the theory of Brownian motion Mazur P Physica 25 (2) 149-162 1959 1959 None
On the molecular theory of the Kerr effect Mazur P, Postma BJ Physica 25 (4) 251-267 1959 1959 None
Relations between path integrals and the variational principles of Hamilton Vlieger J, Mazur P, de Groot SR Physica 25 (1) 55-56 1959 1959 None
Directional distribution of alpha particles emitted by oriented nuclei Brussaard PJ, Tolhoek HA Physica 24 (4) 233-262 1958 1958 None
On the theory of emission of alpha particles as related to the structure of the nucleus Brussaard PJ, Tolhoek HA Physica 24 (4) 263-279 1958 1958 None
Cluster developments for Jastrow wave functions .1. General cluster development of the distribution functions Hartogh CD, Tolhoek HA Physica 24 (9) 721-741 1958 1958 None
Cluster developments for Jastrow wave functions .2. Introduction of irreducible cluster functions Hartogh CD, Tolhoek HA Physica 24 (11) 875-895 1958 1958 None
Cluster developments for Jastrow wave functions .3. Expressions for the distribution functions and the energy; Application to nuclear matter; expansions at low temperature Hartogh CD, Tolhoek HA Physica 24 (11) 896-909 1958 1958 None
On the molecular theory of dielectric polarization Mandel M, Mazur P Physica 24 (2) 116-128 1958 1958 None
Remarks on the vibrations of diatomic lattices Maradudin AA, Mazur P, Montroll EW, Weiss GH Rev Mod Phys 30 (1) 175-196 1958 1958 None
On statistical mechanics and electromagnetic properties of matter Mazur P Adv Chem Phys 1 309-360 1958 1958 None
Asymmetry of the positon emission from polarized Co-58 and Mn-52 nuclei Postma H, Huiskamp WJ, Miedema AR, Steenland MJ, Tolhoek HA, Gorter CJ Physica 24 (3) 157-168 1958 1958 None
Induced infra-red absorption in gases - Calculation of the binary absorption coefficients of symmetrical diatomic molecules van Kranendonk J Physica 24 (5) 347-362 1958 1958 None
Spin waves van Kranendonk J, van Vleck JH Rev Mod Phys 30 (1) 1-23 1958 1958 None
Classical limits of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, Racah coefficients and D^l_mn(φ,θ,ψ)-functions Brussaard PJ, Tolhoek HA Physica 23 (10) 955-971 1957 1957 None
Sur la théorie thermodynamique de la diffusion de Groot SR J Chim Phys 54 851 1957 1957 None
On the statistical basis of Onsager reciprocal relations de Groot SR, Mazur P Physica 23 (1) 73-81 1957 1957 None
Matter tensors in the crystallographic groups of Cartesian symmetry Fieschi R Physica 23 (10) 972-976 1957 1957 None
Density expansions of distribution functions .2. Density expansions in the grand canonical ensemble Mazur P, Oppenheim I Physica 23 (3) 216-224 1957 1957 None
Classical physics as geometry Misner CW, Wheeler JA Ann Phys-New York 2 (6) 525-603 1957 1957 None
Density expansions of distribution functions .1. Virial expansion for finite closed systems - Canonical esemble Oppenheim I, Mazur P Physica 23 (3) 197-215 1957 1957 None
Asymmetry of the positon emission by polarized Co-58 nuclei Postma H, Huiskamp WJ, Miedema AR, Steenland MJ, Tolhoek HA, Gorter CJ Physica 23 (3) 259-260 1957 1957 None
Electron polarization, theory and experiment Tolhoek HA Usp Fiz Nauk 63 (4) 761-800 1957 1957 None
A theoretical estimate of the influence of the character of the four-fermion interaction on the muon capture rate Tolhoek HA, Luyten JR Nucl Phys 3 (5) 679-688 1957 1957 None
Theory of induced infra-red absorption van Kranendonk J Physica 23 (9) 825-837 1957 1957 None
Nuclear relaxation in magnetic materials van Kranendonk J Nuovo Cimento 6 (suppl.3) 1192 1957 1957 None
Statistical theory of ferro- and antiferromagnetism van Kranendonk J Nuovo Cimento 6 (suppl.3) 1190 1957 1957 None
Reality of the cylindrical gravitational waves of Einstein and Rosen Weber J, Wheeler JA Rev Mod Phys 29 (3) 509-515 1957 1957 None
Thermodynamics of diffusion in multicomponent systems Hooyman GJ Physica 22 (8) 751-759 1956 1956 None
Thermodynamics of sedimentation in paucidisperse systems Hooyman GJ Physica 22 (8) 761-769 1956 1956 None
Measurements of the anisotropy of gamma radiation emitted by orientated Mn-52 nuclei Huiskamp WJ, Steenland MJ, Miedema AR, Tolhoek HA, Gorter CJ Physica 22 (7) 587-594 1956 1956 None
Constant coupling approximation for Ising spin systems Kasteleyn PW Physica 22 (5) 387-396 1956 1956 None
The statistics of an adsorbed monolayer with repulsive interaction between the adsorbed particles Kasteleyn PW Physica 22 (5) 397-407 1956 1956 None
Constant coupling approximation for antiferromagnetism Kasteleyn PW, van Kranendonk J Physica 22 (5) 367-385 1956 1956 None
Constant coupling approximation for Heisenberg ferromagnetism Kasteleyn PW, van Kranendonk J Physica 22 (4) 317-337 1956 1956 None
On pressure and ponderomotive force in a dielectric - Statistical mechanics of matter in an electromagnetic field .2. Mazur P, de Groot SR Physica 22 (8) 657-669 1956 1956 None
On the theory of the refractive index of non-polar gases .1. Quantum mechanical part Mazur P, Mandel M Physica 22 (4) 289-298 1956 1956 None
On the theory of the refractive index of non-polar gases .2. Statistical part Mazur P, Mandel M Physica 22 (4) 299-310 1956 1956 None
Electron polarization, theory and experiment Tolhoek HA Rev Mod Phys 28 (3) 277-298 1956 1956 None
Nuclear relaxation in antiferromagnetic crystals van Kranendonk J, Bloom M Physica 22 (6) 545-560 1956 1956 None
Fission Wheeler JA Physica 22 (6-12) 1103-1114 1956 1956 None
On the derivation of reciprocal relations between irreversible processes de Groot SR, van Kampen NG Physica 21 (1) 39-47 1955 1955 None
On angular effects in nuclear reactions induced by unpolarized particles Hartogh CD, de Groot SR, Tolhoek HA Physica 21 (4) 281-284 1955 1955 None
Phenomenological equations and Onsager relations - The case of dependent fluxes or forces Hooyman GJ, de Groot SR Physica 21 (1) 73-76 1955 1955 None
Transformation properties of the Onsager relations Hooyman GJ, de Groot SR, Mazur P Physica 21 (5) 360-366 1955 1955 None
Coefficients of viscosity for a fluid in a magnetic field or in a rotating system Hooyman GJ, Mazur P, de Groot SR Physica 21 (5) 355-359 1955 1955 None
Diffusion und Sedimentation binärer Lösungen Hooyman GJ, Mazur P, de Groot SR Kolloid Z 140 165 1955 1955 None
On the theory of transitions in molecular crystals Jansen L, de Wette FW Physica 21 (1) 83-84 1955 1955 None
On the theory of molecular polarization in gases .1. Effect of molecular interactions on the polarizability of spherical nonpolar molecules Jansen L, Mazur P Physica 21 (3) 193-207 1955 1955 None
Relativistic thermodynamics of irreversible processes .4. Systems with polarization and magnetization in an electromagnetic field Kluitenberg GA, de Groot SR Physica 21 (3) 148-168 1955 1955 None
Relativistic thermodynamics of irreversible processes .5. The energy-momentum tensor of the macroscopic electromagnetic field, the macroscopic forces acting on the matter and the first and second laws of thermodynamics Kluitenberg GA, de Groot SR Physica 21 (3) 169-192 1955 1955 None
On the theory of molecular polarization in gases .2. Effect of molecular interactions on the Clausius-Mosotti function for systems of spherical nonpolar molecules Mazur P, Jansen L Physica 21 (3) 208-218 1955 1955 None
Alignment of Co-56 nuclei .2. Spin and parity assignments Poppema OJ, Siekman JG, van WAgeningen R, Tolhoek HA Physica 21 (3) 223-232 1955 1955 None
On the foundation of the collective model of the nucleus Tolhoek HA Physica 21 (1) 1-21 1955 1955 None
On the theory of alpha-disintegration and the determination of nuclear radii Tolhoek HA, Brussaard PJ Physica 21 (6) 449-470 1955 1955 None
La distribution angulaire des rayonnements émis par des noyaux orientés - l'Influence de la précession des spins nucléaires dans les états intermédiaires, en particulier après une capture K Tolhoek HA, Hartogh CD, de Groot SR J Phys-Paris 16 (7) 615-621 1955 1955 None
Completeness of stationary scattering states .1. van Kampen NG Physica 21 (2) 127-136 1955 1955 None
Completeness of stationary scattering states .2. van Kampen NG Physica 21 (7) 579-588 1955 1955 None
Spin-deviation theory of ferromagnetism .1. General theory van Kranendonk J Physica 21 (10) 749-766 1955 1955 None
Spin-deviation theory of ferromagnetism .2. The non-ideal spin-deviation gas van Kranendonk J Physica 21 (12) 925-945 1955 1955 None
Theory of the low-temperature properties of ferromagnetic crystals van Kranendonk J Physica 21 (1) 81-82 1955 1955 None
Circular polarization of gamma radiation emitted by oriented Co-60 nuclei Wheatley JC, Huiskamp WJ, Diddens AN, Steenland MJ, Tolhoek HA Physica 21 (11) 841-859 1955 1955 None
The potential distribution on the body surface caused bya heart vector Burger HC, Tolhoek HA, Backbier FG American Heart J 48 249 1954 1954 None
Termodinamica dei processi irreversibili e generalizzazioni delle relazioni di Onsager de Groot SR Nuovo Cimento 12 (suppl. 1) 5 1954 1954 None
Extension of Onsagers theory of reciprocal relations .1. de Groot SR, Mazur P Phys Rev 94 (2) 218-223 1954 1954 None
Influence of permanent multipole interactions on vibrational deactivation in molecular collisions de Wette FW, Slawsky ZI Journal of Chemical Physics 22 (9) 1620-1620 1954 1954 None
Influence of adiabatic interactions on the energy transferin molecular collisions de Wette FW, Slawsky ZI Physica 20 (12) 1169-1180 1954 1954 None
Sur la définition locale des potentiels chimiques dans lessystèmes électrochimiques Defay R, Mazur P B Soc Chim Belg 63 (11-1) 562-579 1954 1954 None
Thermodynamical theory of galvanomagnetic and thermomagneticphenomena .1. Reciprocal relations in anisotropic metals Fieschi R, de Groot SR, Mazur P Physica 20 (1) 67-76 1954 1954 None
Thermodynamical theory of galvanomagnetic and thermomagneticphenomena .2. Reciprocal relations for moving anisotropicmixtures Fieschi R, de Groot SR, Mazur P, Vlieger J Physica 20 (4) 245-258 1954 1954 None
Thermodynamical theory of galvanomagnetic and thermomagneticphenomena .3. Explicit expressions for the measurable effects inisotropic metals Fieschi R, de Groot SR, Mazur P Physica 20 (4) 259-273 1954 1954 None
Some explicit formulae for the angular distribution andpolarization of gamma-radiation emitted by oriented nuclei Hartogh CD, Tolhoek HA, de Groot SR Physica 20 (12) 1310-1313 1954 1954 None
Thermoelectric phenomena in galvanic cells Holtan H Proc Kon Ned Akad Wet-B 57 592 1954 1954 None
Relativistic thermodynamics of irreversible processes .3. Systems without polarization and magnetization in an electromagnetic field Kluitenberg GA, de Groot SR Physics 20 (1-6) 199-209 1954 1954 None
Polarization phenomena of electrons and photons .1. General methodand application to Compton scattering Lipps FW, Tolhoek HA Physica 20 (1) 85-98 1954 1954 None
Polarization phenomena of electrons and photons .2. Results forCompton scattering Lipps FW, Tolhoek HA Physica 20 (6) 385-405 1954 1954 None
Thermopotentials in thermocells Mazur P J Phys Chem-US 58 (9) 700-702 1954 1954 None
Extension of Onsagers theory of reciprocal relations .2. Mazur P, de Groot SR Phys Rev 94 (2) 224-226 1954 1954 None
The symmetry relation of the S-matrix in the complex plane van Kampen NG Physica 20 (1) 115-123 1954 1954 None
Quantum statistics of irreversible processes van Kampen NG Physica 20 (8) 603-622 1954 1954 None
Theory of quadrupolar nuclear spin-lattice relaxation van Kranendonk J Physica 20 (10) 781-800 1954 1954 None
On the theory of reciprocal relations between irreversible processes - Statistical foundations of thermodynamical fluctuation theory in moving media Vlieger J, de Groot SR Physica 20 (6) 372-382 1954 1954 None
Angular distribution of radiation emitted by arbitrary ensemblesof nuclei Cox JAM, de Groot SR Physica 19 (7) 683-688 1953 1953 None
Numerical calculations for the angular distribution ofgamma-radiation emitted by oriented Co-58 nuclei Cox JAM, de Groot SR, Hartogh CD Physica 19 (9) 1119-1122 1953 1953 None
The angular distribution of gamma-radiation from oriented Co-60nuclei and the influence of the character of the precedingbeta-transition Cox JAM, de Groot SR, Hartogh CD Physica 19 (9) 1123-1126 1953 1953 None
Directional correlation of two successive radiations emitted byoriented nuclei Cox JAM, Tolhoek HA Physica 19 (10) 1178-1186 1953 1953 None
Gamma-radiation emitted by oriented nuclei - The influence ofpreceding radiations - The evaluation of experimental data Cox JAM, Tolhoek HA Physica 19 (7) 673-682 1953 1953 None
Thermodynamics of irreversible electrochemical phenomena de Groot SR, Mazur P, Tolhoek HA Physica 19 (6) 549-554 1953 1953 None
Thermodynamics of irreversible electrochemical phenomena de Groot SR, Mazur P, Tolhoek HA Nature 172 (4376) 497-498 1953 1953 None
Thermocells with solid and fused electrolyte Holtan H Proc Kon Ned Akad Wet-B 56 498 1953 1953 None
Thermocells containing electrolytic solutions Holtan H Proc Kon Ned Akad Wet-B 56 510 1953 1953 None
On the theory of thermocouples and thermocells Holtan H, Mazur P, de Groot SR Physica 19 (9) 1109-1118 1953 1953 None
Thermodynamics of irreversible processes in rotating systems Hooyman GJ, Holtan H, Mazur P, de Groot SR Physica 19 (9) 1095-1108 1953 1953 None
Relativistic thermodynamics of irreversible processes .1. Heatconduction, diffusion, viscous flow and chemical reactions -formal part Kluitenberg GA, de Groot SR, Mazur P Physica 19 (7) 689-704 1953 1953 None
Relativistic thermodynamics of irreversible processes .2. Heatconduction and diffusion - physical part Kluitenberg GA, de Groot SR, Mazur P Physica 19 (9) 1079-1094 1953 1953 None
On Onsagers relations in a magnetic field Mazur P, de Groot SR Physica 19 (8) 961-970 1953 1953 None
On the statistical mechanics of matter in an electromagnetic field.1. Derivation of the Maxwell equations from electron theory Mazur P, Nijboer BRA Physica 19 (8) 971-986 1953 1953 None
Angular distribution and polarization of gamma-radiation emittedby oriented nuclei Tolhoek HA, Cox JAM Physica 19 (1) 101-119 1953 1953 None
S-matrix and causality condition .1. Maxwell field van Kampen NG Phys Rev 89 (5) 1072-1079 1953 1953 None
S-matrix and causality condition .2. Nonrelativistic particles van Kampen NG Phys Rev 91 (5) 1267-1276 1953 1953 None
The connection between the R-matrix and the S-matrix van Kampen NG Rev Mexicana Fisica 2 233 1953 1953 None
The lowest energy state of a linear antiferromagnetic chain Kasteleyn PW Physica 18 (2) 104-113 1952 1952 None
Some reflections on phonons and rotons Kramers HA Physica 18 (10) 653-664 1952 1952 None
On a modification of Jaffé's theory of column-ionization Kramers HA Physica 18 (10) 665-675 1952 1952 None
On the quantum theory of antiferromagnetism Kramers HA Physica 18 (2) 101-103 1952 1952 None
The sextet ground-level in diluted iron-alum .2. Meijer PHE Physica 18 (10) 723-728 1952 1952 None
Sur l'aimantation et le pouvoir rotatoire paramagnétique du sulfatede nickel hexahydraté-α Becquerel J, van den Handel J, Kramers HA Physica 17 (7) 717-736 1951 1951 None
The sextet ground-level in diluted iron-alum Meijer PHE Physica 17 (10) 899-912 1951 1951 None
Statistics of two-dimensional hexagonal ferromagnetics with "Ising"-interaction between nearest neighbours only Houtappel RMF Physica 16 (4) 391-392 1950 1950 None
Order-disorder in hexagonal lattices Houtappel RMF Physica 16 (5) 425-455 1950 1950 None
Nuclear magnetic relaxation and resonnance line shift in metals Korringa J Physica 16 (7-8) 601-610 1950 1950 None
Interpretation of microwave spectra of diluted iron ammonium alum Meijer PHE Physica 16 (10) 812 1950 1950 None
Vibrations of a gas column Kramers HA Physica 15 (11-1) 971-984 1949 1949 None
On the behaviour of a gas near a wall Kramers HA Nuovo Cimento 6 (suppl. 2) 297-304 1949 1949 None
Non-relativistic quantum-electrodynamics and correspondence principle Kramers HA Proceedings Solvay Conference "Les Particules Elémentaires" 1948 1948 None
Remarks on the perturbation formulae of Brillouin and Wigner Kramers HA Studies and essays presented to R. Courant on his 60th birthday, New York 205-210 1948 1948 None
On the calculation of the energy of a Bloch wave in a metal Korringa J Physica 13 (6-7) 392-400 1947 1947 None
The stopping power of a metal for alpha-particles Kramers HA Physica 13 (6-7) 401-412 1947 1947 None
On the longitudinal and the transversal delta-function, with someapplications Belinfante FJ Physica 12 (1) 1-16 1946 1946 None
On the vanishing of div E - 4πρ in quantumelectrodynamics Belinfante FJ Physica 12 (1) 17-32 1946 1946 None
The behavior of macromolecules in inhomogeneous flow Kramers HA Journal of Chemical Physics 14 (7) 415-424 1946 1946 None
Condensation in interstellar space Kramers HA, ter Haar D Bull Astron Inst Netherlands 10 (371) 137-146 1946 1946 None
The energy levels of the configuration 3d^9 4s 5s of the copper atom Bijl D Physica 11 (4) 287-303 1945 1945 None
Het gedrag van macromoleculen in een stroomende vloeistof Kramers HA Physica 11 1-19 1945 1945 None
Principiële moeilijkheden van een theorie der deeltjes Kramers HA Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 11 134-140 1944 1944 None
On the commutativity of the Dirac electron wavefunction with the electromagnetical field Belinfante FJ Physica 10 720 1943 1943 None
On the transition of a sphere from the superconducting to the normal state Casimir HBG Physica 10 757 1943 1943 None
On multipole radiation Kramers HA Physica 10 261-272 1943 1943 None
On the slip of a diffusing gas mixture along a wall Kramers HA, Kistemaker J Physica 10 699-713 1943 1943 None
On the magnetic octupole moment of a nucleus Casimir HBG, Karreman G Physica 9 494-502 1942 1942 None
Sur les tensions dans la cornée Kramers HA, ter Haar D Physica 9 234-240 1942 1942 None
Sur la theorie des particules élémentaires de spin quelconque .1. Lubański JK Physica 9 310-324 1942 1942 None
Sur la theorie des particules élémentaires de spin quelconque .2. Lubański JK Physica 9 325-338 1942 1942 None
On the dipole moment of ammonia Polder D Physica 9 908-914 1942 1942 None
General theory of the rotatory power of isotropic media Hoek H Physica 8 209 1941 1941 None
Über freie Teilchen mit nichtverschwindender Masseund beliebiger Spinquantenzahl Kramers HA, Belinfante FJ, Lubański JK Physica 8 597-626 1941 1941 None
Statistics of the two-dimensional ferromagnet .1. Kramers HA, Wannier GH Phys Rev 60 252-262 1941 1941 None
Statistics of the two-dimensional ferromagnet .2. Kramers HA, Wannier GH Phys Rev 60 263-276 1941 1941 None
Sur le spin des particules élémentaires Lubański JK Physica 8 44 1941 1941 None
Sur la quantification du système composé de l'électronet du rayonnement Opechowski W Physica 8 161 1941 1941 None
On the covariant derivative of tensor-undors Belinfante FJ Physica 7 305 1940 1940 None
On the current and the density of the electric charge, the energy,the linear momentum and the angular momentum of arbitrary fields Belinfante FJ Physica 7 449 1940 1940 None
On the quantum theory of wave fields Belinfante FJ Physica 7 765 1940 1940 None
The ortho-para conversion of deuterium and the electric quadrupole moment of the deuteron Casimir HBG Physica 7 169-176 1940 1940 None
On the variation with temperature of the surface layer of superconducting mercury Casimir HBG Physica 7 887-896 1940 1940 None
Brownian motion in a field of force and the diffusionmodel of chemical reactions Kramers HA Physica 7 284 1940 1940 None
On the statistical behaviour of known and unknown elementary partides Pauli W, Belinfante FJ Physica 7 177 1940 1940 None
Pouvoir rotatoire paramagnétique et aimantation dufluosilicate de nickel hexahydrate, dans la directionde l'axe optique - Le champ cristallin Becquerel J, Opechowski W Physica 6 1039 1939 1939 None
Undor calculus and charge-conjugation Belinfante FJ Physica 6 849 1939 1939 None
The undor equation of the meson field Belinfante FJ Physica 6 870 1939 1939 None
On the spin angular momentum of mesons Belinfante FJ Physica 6 887 1939 1939 None
On the equilibrium between spin and lattice Casimir HBG Physica 6 156-160 1939 1939 None
Isotope shift in the boron spectrum Opechowski W, de Vries DA Physica 6 913 1939 1939 None
Errata in "on the exchange interaction in magnetic crystals" Opechowski W Physica 6 1112 1939 1939 None
Note on the conduction of heat in crystals Casimir HBG Physica 5 495-500 1938 1938 None
Note on the thermodynamic interpretation of paramagnetic relaxation phenomena Casimir HBG, du Pré FK Physica 5 507-511 1938 1938 None
Über das Austauschproblem eines Kristalles Hulthén L Arkiv Matematik Astronomi Fysik A 26 106 1938 1938 None
Die Wechselwirkung zwischen geladenen Teilchen und Strahlungsfeld Kramers HA Nuovo Cimento 15 108-114 1938 1938 None
Didaktisches zur Verwendung der grand Ensembles in der Statistik Kramers HA Proc Kon Akad Wet 41 10-24 1938 1938 None
Zur Theorie des lambda-Punktes des Heliums Fröhlich H Physica 4 639 1937 1937 None
Die spezifische Wärme der Elektronen kleiner Metallteilchen bei tiefen Temperaturen Fröhlich H Physica 4 406 1937 1937 None
The use of charge-conjugated wave-functions in the hole-theory of the electron Kramers HA Proc Kon Akad Wet 40 814-823 1937 1937 None
On the exchange interaction in magnetic crystals Opechowski W Physica 4 181 1937 1937 None
Über die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Magnetisierung eines Ferromagnetikums bei tiefen Temperaturen Opechowski W Physica 4 715 1937 1937 None
Zur Deutung des magnetischen Verhaltens der Alaune der Eisengruppe .2. Siegert A Physica 4 138 1937 1937 None
On the magnetic interaction in the deuteron Casimir HBG Physica 3 936-938 1936 1936 None
Zum Intensitätsverlauf in der diffusen Serie des Kaliums Coenen PA, Kramers HA Physica 3 341-345 1936 1936 None
Zur Theorie des Ferromagnetismus Kramers HA Communications from the Physical laboratory of the University of Leiden 22, Supplement 83 1–22 1936 1936 None
Zur Deutung des magnetischen Verhaltens der Alaune der Eisengruppe .1. Siegert A Physica 3 85 1936 1936 None
  • Publications per Year