initiated by Paul Ehrenfest in 1912
currently organized by Ana Achúcarro & Luca Giomi (read about its history)

There are no CEs open for dinner registration at the moment. Come back later.


The Colloquium Ehrenfestii takes place Wednesday evenings starting at 19:30 hours in the Gorlaeus building, lecture hall CM 1.26 (first floor, near main entrance on Einsteinweg 55). Before the Colloquium, there is a common dinner in the Beta Café (far end of the first floor, see map). This dinner starts at 18:00 hours sharp and is free of charge, under the condition that one attends the colloquium and that one has made a reservation before noon on the Tuesday preceding the colloquium.

Colloquium Ehrenfestii Program 2025

30 Apr

Renato Renner (ETH Zurich)


28 May

Antonio Acin (ICREA-ICFO)


04 Jun

Albert-Laszlo Barabasi (Northwestern University)


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