I will give it again in the spring of 2011.
There were only two students who were interested and I will only give two lectures (Wed. 26 Jan. and Thu. 3 Feb. at 14h00 in room IL 265), so those who signed up can follow the interuniversity course "Particles and Fields" by Eric Laenen and Bernard de Wit (it contains roughly the same material) at NIKHEF, starting on wednesday 9 February 2011, 10:00-12:45.
The two students are Bob van Waarde and Bart Lisseveld and they have read chapters 1 and 2, made exercise 1 and present these things on the blackboard for the fist lecture and chapters 3 and 4 and made exercise 2, 3 and 7 for the second lecture.
Louk Rademaker will assist me (possibly correcting the exercises for the two lectures).