topology, metamaterials, buckling

This page contains supporting movies for the paper Selective buckling via states of self-stress in topological metamaterials by Jayson Paulose, Anne S. Meeussen, and Vincenzo Vitelli at the Instituut-Lorentz for theoretical physics, Leiden University.

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Supplementary movie 1
Buckling of 3D prototype

The animation shows successive images of a structure of flexible beams, as it is being compressed into the imaging plane. A subset of the beams in the structure buckle in a coordinated manner. The region of selective buckling is picked out due to a topological characterization of the pattern of beams.

Supplementary movie 2
Buckling of 2D prototype

The animation shows successive images of a quasi-2D structure of flexible beams cut out of flexible foam as it is being compressed vertically. Along with each raw image, a reconstructed image with beams coloured by their tortuosity is also shown.