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Landauer formulas

Landauer's original 1957 formula [2],


expresses the conductance of a one-dimensional system as the ratio of transmission and reflection probabilities. As explained by Imry [3], this formula gives infinity for unit transmission because it excludes the finite contact conductance contained in [30]


Extension to higher dimensions [31] is achieved by replacing the transmission probability t by the eigenvalue tn of the transmission matrix product ${\bf t}{\bf t}^{\dagger}$, and summing over n.

Generalizations of the Landauer formula have been found for a variety of other transport properties, besides the conductance [32]. At zero temperature, these expressions are of the form:

\begin{displaymath}\mbox{transport property}=A_{0}\sum_{n}a(t_{n}),

The expressions for the thermo-electric coefficients involve an integration over energies around the Fermi energy $E_{\rm F}$, weighted by the derivative f'=df/dE of the Fermi-Dirac distribution function at temperature T:

\begin{displaymath}\mbox{transport property}=-A_{0}\int dE\,(E-E_{\rm

If the energy-dependence of the transmission eigenvalues is small on the scale of the thermal energy kT, one has approximately K=-L0TG (the Wiedemann-Franz law) and $L=eL_{0}TdG/dE_{\rm
F}$, with $L_{0}=\pi^{2}k^{2}/3e^{2}$ the Lorentz number.

Each Landauer formula predicts a specific quantum-size effect in a ballistic constriction, for which tn equals 0 or 1. The effect is a step-function dependence on the width of the constriction in the case of G, $G_{\rm NS}$, $I(\phi)$, K, and an oscillatory dependence in the case of P, L.

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