Method to preserve the chiral-symmetry protection of the zeroth Landau level on a two-dimensional lattice,
- A. Donís Vela, G. Lemut, J. Tworzydlo, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Annals of Physics 456, 169208 (2023).
Pair correlation function of the one-dimensional Riesz gas,
- C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review Research 5, 013152 (2023).
Tangent fermions: Dirac or Majorana fermions on a lattice without fermion doubling,
- C.W.J. Beenakker, A. Donís Vela, G. Lemut, M.J. Pacholski, and J. Tworzydlo, Annalen der Physik 535, 2300081 (2023).
Magnus effect on a Majorana zero-mode,
- G. Lemut, M.J. Pacholski, S. Plugge, C.W.J. Beenakker, and I. Adagideli, Physical Review B 107, 205420 (2023).
Phase-shifted Andreev levels in an altermagnet Josephson junction,
- C.W.J. Beenakker and T. Vakhtel, Physical Review B 108, 075425 (2023).
Casimir-Josephson force on a point contact between two superconductors,
- C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 108, 195422 (2023).
Dynamical simulation of the injection of vortices into a Majorana edge mode,
- I.M. Flór, A. Donís-Vela, C.W.J. Beenakker, and G. Lemut, Physical Review B 108, 195422 (2023).
Ultrafast dynamics of cold Fermi gas after a local quench,
- N.V. Gnezdilov, A.I. Pavlov, V. Ohanesjan, Y. Cheipesh, and K. Schalm, Physical Review A 107, L031301 (2023).
Measurement-driven navigation in many-body Hilbert space: Active-decision steering,
- Y. Herasymenko, I. Gornyi, and Y. Gefen, Physical Review X Quantum 4, 020347 (2023).
Can we use heavy nuclei to detect relic neutrinos?,
- O. Mikulenko, Y. Cheipesh, V. Cheianov, and A. Boyarsky, European Physical Journal A 59, 216 (2023).
Energy dynamics, information and heat flow in quenched cooling and the crossover from quantum to classical thermodynamics,
- V. Ohanesjan, Y. Cheipesh, N.V. Gnezdilov, A.I. Pavlov, and K. Schalm, Journal of High Energy Physics 5, 237 (2023).
Optical conductivity of bilayer dice lattices,
- P.O. Sukhachov, D.O. Oriekhov, and E.V. Gorbar, Physical Review B 108, 075167 (2023).
Stackings and effective models of bilayer dice lattices,
- P.O. Sukhachov, D.O. Oriekhov, and E.V. Gorbar, Physical Review B 108, 075166 (2023).
Kondo effect in twisted bilayer graphene,
- A.S. Shankar, D.O. Oriekhov, A.K. Mitchell, and L. Fritz, Physical Review B 107, 245102 (2023).
Lyapunov exponents in a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev-type model with population imbalance in the conformal limit and beyond,
- A.S. Shankar, M. Fremling, S. Plugge, and L. Fritz, Physical Review D 108, 094039 (2023).
Purification-based quantum error mitigation of pair-correlated electron simulations,
- T.E. O'Brien, G. Anselmetti, F. Gkritsis, V.E. Elfving, S. Polla, et al., Nature Physics (2023).
Optimizing the information extracted by a single qubit measurement
- S. Polla, G.L.R. Anselmetti, and T.E. O'Brien, Physical Review A 108, 0121403 (2023).
Performance comparison of optimization methods on variational quantum algorithms,
- X. Bonet-Monroig, H. Wang, D. Vermetten, B. Senjean, C. Moussa, T. Bäck, V. Dunjko, and T.E. O'Brien, Physical Review A 107, 032407 (2023).
Quantum phase slips in a resonant Josephson junction,
- T. Vakhtel and B. van Heck, Physical Review B 107, 195405 (2023).
On topological properties of massless fermions in a magnetic field,
- G. Lemut, Ph.D. Thesis (Universiteit Leiden, 2023).
On quantum transport in flat-band materials,
- D.O. Oriekhov, Ph.D. Thesis (Universiteit Leiden, 2023).