Valley filter and valley valve in graphene,
- A. Rycerz, J. Tworzydlo, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Nature Physics 3, 172-175 (2007).
Ballistic transmission through a graphene bilayer,
- I. Snyman and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 75, 045322 (2007).
Excitation gap of a graphene channel with superconducting boundaries,
- M. Titov, A. Ossipov, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 75, 045417 (2007).
Pseudodiffusive conduction at the Dirac point of a normal-superconductor junction in graphene,
- A.R. Akhmerov and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 75, 045426 (2007).
Anomalously large conductance fluctuations in weakly disordered graphene,
- A. Rycerz, J. Tworzydlo, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Europhysics Letters 79, 57003 (2007).
Effect of spin-orbit coupling on the excitation spectrum of Andreev billiards,
- B. Beri, J.H. Bardarson, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 75, 165307 (2007).
Detection of valley polarization in graphene by a superconducting contact,
- A.R. Akhmerov and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 98, 157003 (2007).
Hempel's dilemma and the physics of computation,
- C.W.J. Beenakker, in: Knowledge in Ferment: Dilemmas in Science, Scholarship and Society, edited by A. in 't Groen, H.J. de Jonge, E. Klasen, H. Papma and P. van Slooten (Leiden University Press, Leiden, 2007): pp. 65-70.
Extremal transmission at the Dirac point of a photonic band structure,
- R.A. Sepkhanov, Ya.B. Bazaliy, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review A 75, 063813 (2007).
Reentrance effect in a graphene n-p-n junction coupled to a superconductor,
- A. Ossipov, M. Titov, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 75, 241401(R) (2007).
One-parameter scaling at the Dirac point in graphene,
- J. Bardarson, J. Tworzydlo, P.W. Brouwer, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 99, 106801 (2007).
Valley-isospin dependence of the quantum Hall effect in a graphene p-n junction,
- J. Tworzydlo, I. Snyman, A.R. Akhmerov, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 76, 035411 (2007).
Aharonov-Bohm effect and broken valley-degeneracy in a graphene ring,
- P. Recher, B. Trauzettel, A. Rycerz, Ya.M. Blanter, C.W.J. Beenakker, and A.F. Morpurgo, Physical Review B 76, 235404 (2007).
Aharonov-Bohm effect for a valley-polarized current in graphene,
- A. Rycerz and C.W.J. Beenakker, arXiv:0709.3397.
Chaos beyond linearized stability analysis: Folding of the phase space and distribution of Lyapunov exponents,
- P.G. Silvestrov and I.V. Ponomarev, Physics Letters A 365, 290-294 (2007).
Negativity of the excess noise in a quantum wire coupled to a gate,
- F. Dolcini, B. Trauzettel, I. Safi, and H. Grabert, Physical Review B 75, 045332 (2007).
Photon-assisted electron transport in graphene,
- B. Trauzettel, Ya.M. Blanter, and A.F. Morpurgo, Physical Review B 75, 035305 (2007); 83, 159902(E) (2011).
Mesoscopic spin Hall effect,
- J.H. Bardarson, I. Adagideli, and Ph. Jacquod, Physical Review Letters 98, 196601 (2007).
Polarization of a charge qubit strongly coupled to a voltage-driven quantum point contact,
- I. Snyman and Yu.V. Nazarov, Physical Review Letters 99, 096802 (2007).
Andreev reflection in bilayer graphene,
- T. Ludwig, Physical Review B 75, 195322 (2007).
Supersymmetry approach to almost diagonal random matrices,
- O. Yevtushenko and A. Ossipov, Journal of Physics A 40, 4691-4716 (2007).
Advancing science in Africa,
- J. van den Brink and I. Snyman, Nature Materials 6, 793 (2007).
Magnetic and structural properties of spin-reorientation transitions in orthoferrites,
- L.T. Tsymbal, Ya.B. Bazaliy, V.N. Derkachenko, V.I. Kamenev, G.N. Kakazei, F.J. Palomares, and P.E. Wigen, Journal of Applied Physics 101, 123919 (2007).
Magnetization dynamics in planar spin transfer devices and stabilization by repulsion in a spin-flip transistor,
- Ya.B. Bazaliy, Applied Physics Letters 91, 262510 (2007).