Distribution of the reflection eigenvalues of a weakly absorbing chaotic cavity,
- C.W.J. Beenakker and P.W. Brouwer, Physica E 9, 463-466 (2001).
Frequency dependence of the photonic noise spectrum in an absorbing or amplifying diffusive medium,
- E.G. Mishchenko, M. Patra, and C.W.J. Beenakker, European Physical Journal D 13, 289-297 (2001).
Universal gap fluctuations in the superconductor proximity effect,
- M.G. Vavilov, P.W. Brouwer, V. Ambegaokar, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review Letters, 86, 874-877 (2001).
Counting statistics of photons produced by electronic shot noise,
- C.W.J. Beenakker and H. Schomerus, Physical Review Letters 86, 700-703 (2001).
Localization-induced coherent backscattering effect in wave dynamics,
- H. Schomerus, K.J.H. van Bemmel, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review E 63, 026605 (2001).
Single-mode delay time statistics for scattering by a chaotic cavity,
- K.J.H. van Bemmel, H. Schomerus, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physica Scripta T90, 278-282 (2001).
Dynamics of localization in a waveguide,
- C.W.J. Beenakker, in: Photonic Crystals and Light Localization in the 21st Century, edited by C.M. Soukoulis, NATO Science Series C563 (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001): pp. 489-508.
Effect of inelastic scattering on the average Coulomb-blockade peak height in quantum dots,
- C.W.J. Beenakker, H. Schomerus, and P.G. Silvestrov, Physical Review B 64, 033307 (2001).
Limits to error correction in quantum chaos,
- P.G. Silvestrov, H. Schomerus, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 86, 5192-5195 (2001).
Effect of dephasing on charge-counting statistics in chaotic cavities,
- Ya.M. Blanter, H. Schomerus, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physica E 11, 1-7 (2001).
Semiclassical singularities from bifurcating orbits,
- C. Manderfeld and H. Schomerus, Physical Review E 63, 066208 (2001).
Fokker-Planck equations and density of states in disordered quantum wires,
- M. Titov, P. W. Brouwer, A. Furusaki, and C. Mudry, Physical Review B 63, 235318 (2001).
Transmission delay times of localized waves,
- H. Schomerus, Physical Review E 64, 026606 (2001).
Large sample-to-sample fluctuations of the nonequilibrium critical current through mesoscopic Josephson junctions,
- P. Samuelsson and H. Schomerus, Physical Review B 63, 054512 (2001).
Stretched exponential decay of a quasiparticle in a quantum dot,
- P.G. Silvestrov, Physical Review B 64, 113309 (2001).
Andreev levels in a single-channel conductor,
- M. Titov, N.A. Mortensen, H. Schomerus, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 64, 134206 (2001).
Golden rule decay versus Lyapunov decay of the quantum Loschmidt echo,
- Ph. Jacquod, P.G. Silvestrov, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review E 64, 055203(R) (2001).
Ground-state magnetization for interacting fermions in a disordered potential: Kinetic energy, exchange interaction and off-diagonal fluctuations,
- Ph. Jacquod and A.D. Stone, Physical Review B 64, 214416 (2001).
On Chaotic Wave Dynamics,
- K.J.H. van Bemmel, Ph.D. Thesis (Universiteit Leiden, 2001).