Quantum transport in semiconductor nanostructures,
- C.W.J. Beenakker and H. van Houten, Solid State Physics 44 1-228 (1991).
Coulomb-blockade oscillations in semiconductor nanostructures,
- H. van Houten, C.W.J. Beenakker, and A.A.M. Staring, in: Single Charge Tunneling, edited by H. Grabert and M.H. Devoret, NATO ASI Series B294 (Plenum, New York, 1992): pp. 167-216.
Universal limit of critical-current fluctuations in mesoscopic Josephson junctions,
- C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review Letters 67, 3836-3839 (1991); 68, 1442(E) (1992).
Observation of excess conductance of a constricted electron gas in the fractional quantum Hall regime,
- B.W. Alphenaar, J.G. Williamson, H. van Houten, C.W.J. Beenakker, and C.T. Foxon, Physical Review B 45, 3890-3893 (1992).
Coulomb-blockade oscillations in disordered quantum wires,
- A.A.M. Staring, H. van Houten, C.W.J. Beenakker, and C.T. Foxon, Physical Review B 45, 9222-9236 (1992).
Theory of the thermopower of a quantum dot,
- C.W.J. Beenakker and A.A.M. Staring, Physical Review B 46, 9667-9676 (1992).
Activated transport through a quantum dot with extended edge channels,
- I.K. Marmorkos and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 46, 15562-15565 (1992).
Suppression of shot noise in metallic diffusive conductors,
- C.W.J. Beenakker and M. Büttiker, Physical Review B 46, 1889-1892 (1992).
Quantum transport in semiconductor-superconductor microjunctions,
- C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 46, 12841-12844 (1992).
Vector-mean-field theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect,
- B. Rejaei and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 46, 15566-15569 (1992).
Mesoscopic fluctuations in the shot-noise power of metals,
- M.J.M. de Jong and C.W.J. Beenakker, Physical Review B 46, 13400-13406 (1992).
Coulomb-Blockade Oscillations in Quantum Dots and Wires,
- A.A.M. Staring, Ph.D. Thesis (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 1992).
Three “universal” mesoscopic Josephson effects,
- C.W.J. Beenakker, in: Transport Phenomena in Mesoscopic Systems, edited by H. Fukuyama and T. Ando (Springer, Berlin, 1992): pp. 235-253.
Resonant Josephson current through a quantum dot,
- C.W.J. Beenakker and H. van Houten, in: Single-Electron Tunneling and Mesoscopic Devices, edited by H. Koch and H. Lübbig (Springer, Berlin, 1992): pp. 175-179.
The superconducting quantum point contact,
- C.W.J. Beenakker and H. van Houten, in: Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems, edited by W.P. Kirk and M.A. Reed (Academic, New York, 1992): pp. 481-497.
Thermo-electric properties of quantum point contacts,
- H. van Houten, L.W. Molenkamp, C.W.J. Beenakker, and C.T. Foxon, Semiconductor Science and Technology 7, B215-B221 (1992).
Quantum point contacts and coherent electron focusing,
- H. van Houten and C.W.J. Beenakker, in: Analogies in Optics and Micro Electronics, edited by W. van Haeringen and D. Lenstra (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1990).