Publications from the Instituut-Lorentz in the year 1988
* P Attard, MT Batchelor,
A mechanism for the hydration force demonstrated in a model system.
Chemical Physics Letters 149, 206-211 (1988).* MT Batchelor, HWJ Blöte,
Conformal anomaly and scaling dimensions of the O(N) model from an exact solution on the honeycomb lattice.
Physical Review Letters 61, 138-140 (1988).* W Beenakker, W Hollik,
The width of the Z-boson.
Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 40, 141-148 (1988).* FA Berends, G Burgers, W Hollik, WL van Neerven,
The standard Z-peak.
Physics Letters B 203, 177-182 (1988).* FA Berends, WT Giele,
Recursive calculations for processes with n gluons.
Nuclear Physics B 306, 759-808 (1988).* FA Berends, WT Giele, H Kuijf,
On relations between multi-gluon and multi-graviton scattering.
Physics Letters B 211, 91-94 (1988).* FA Berends, R Kleiss, W Hollik,
Radiative-corrections to Bhabha scattering at high-energies.2. Hard photon corrections and Monte-Carlo treatment.
Nuclear Physics B 304, 712-748 (1988).* FA Berends, WL van Neerven, GJH Burgers,
Higher-order radiative-corrections at LEP energies.
Nuclear Physics B 297, 429-478 (1988).* PA Bobbert, J Vlieger, R Greef,
Theory of light-reflection from a substrate sparsely seeded with spheres - comparison with an ellipsometric experiment.
Thin Solid Films 164, 63-67 (1988).* M Bohm, A Denner, T Sack, W Beenakker, F Berends, H Kuijf,
Electroweak radiative-corrections to e+e- -->W+W-.
Nuclear Physics B 304, 463-499 (1988).* MJAM Brummelhuis, HJ Hilhorst,
Single-vacancy induced motion of a tracer particle in a two-dimensional lattice gas.
Journal of Statistical Physics 53, 249-278 (1988).* U Geigenmüller, P Mazur,
Sedimentation of homogeneous suspensions in finite vessels.
Journal of Statistical Physics 53, 137-173 (1988).* CJ Hamer, MT Batchelor, MN Barber,
Logarithmic corrections to finite-size scaling in the four-state Potts-model.
Journal of Statistical Physics 52, 679-710 (1988).* R Kleiss, WJ Stirling,
Top quark production at hadron colliders - some useful formulas.
Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 40, 419-423 (1988).* GJM Koper, HJ Hilhorst,
A domain theory for linear and nonlinear aging effects in spin-glasses.
Journal de Physique 49, 429-443 (1988).* T Matsuura, SC van der Marck, WL van Neerven,
The order-alpha_s^2 contribution to the K-factor of the Drell-Yan process.
Physics Letters B 211, 171-178 (1988).* T Matsuura, WL van Neerven,
Second order logarithmic corrections to the Drell-Yan cross-section.
Zeitschrift für Physik C-Particles and Fields 38, 623-642 (1988).* P Mazur, J Keizer,
Anomalous light-scattering at the surface of growing-crystals - a theoretical-analysis based on irreversible thermodynamics.
Physical Review A 38, 5267-5274 (1988).* MJP Nijmeijer, AF Bakker, C Bruin, JH Sikkenk,
A molecular-dynamics simulation of the Lennard-Jones liquid vapor interface.
Journal of Chemical Physics 89, 3789-3792 (1988).* JH Sikkenk, JO Indekeu, JMJ van Leeuwen, EO Vossnack,
Molecular-dynamics simulation of wetting and drying at solid-fluid interfaces - reply.
Physical Review Letters 60, 240-240 (1988).* JH Sikkenk, JO Indekeu, JMJ van Leeuwen, EO Vossnack, AF Bakker,
Simulation of wetting and drying at solid fluid interfaces on the Delft molecular-dynamics processor.
Journal of Statistical Physics 52, 23-44 (1988).* MM Wind, PA Bobbert, J Vlieger, D Bedeaux,
The polarizability of truncated spheres and oblate spheroids on a substrate - comparison with experimental results.
Thin Solid Films 164, 57-62 (1988).
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