Dates & Topics
The exercise classes are the most important part of the course, and the problem sets are representative for the written exam.
One problem in each set is marked as "homework". You are requested to submit your detailed solution of this problem to the course assistants at the start of the class, who will then grade it with "pass" or "fail". Each "pass" gives you 1/7 of a bonus point for the written exam on January 13, 2025.
Text book
This book provides background and context to the material covered in the lectures and exercise classes. It also contains much additional material that goes beyond the course and will not be examinated.
QTH: [1] — [2] —
[3] — [4] —
[5] — [6] —
Homework problems (to be handed in at the start of each exercise class):
1.1a, 2.1a, 3.2a, 4.1a, 5.1b, 6.1a, 7.2a
lecture notes
[1] —
[2] —
[3] —
[4] —
[5] —
[6] —
1a ‐
1b —
2a —
2b —
3a ‐
3b —
4a ‐
4b —
5a ‐
5b —
6a ‐
6b —
7a ‐